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Citizens Of Usa Buying Property In Thailand


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It may be stupid of me, but this morning I was browsing TV, when I saw a thread which stated that USA citizens can legally buy land in Thailand, and now, despite a search, I cannot rediscover the post.

can anyone point me to the rightplace ?

If I remember correctly, the purchase of land is possible because of a treaty between Thailand and the USA.

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It may be stupid of me, but this morning I was browsing TV, when I saw a thread which stated that USA citizens can legally buy land in Thailand, and now, despite a search, I cannot rediscover the post.

can anyone point me to the rightplace ?

If I remember correctly, the purchase of land is possible because of a treaty between Thailand and the USA.

I believe the assertion that the Amity Treaty allows for the freehold ownership of land by Americans is incorrect. You may judge for yourself here:


Edited by lannarebirth
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It may be stupid of me, but this morning I was browsing TV, when I saw a thread which stated that USA citizens can legally buy land in Thailand, and now, despite a search, I cannot rediscover the post.

can anyone point me to the rightplace ?

If I remember correctly, the purchase of land is possible because of a treaty between Thailand and the USA.

Not stupid to ask, but I am afraid that Americans have no special rights in Thailand as it pertains to land ownership. Sometimes people get confused by the The Treaty of Amity, which allows Americans the same rights as Thai's to own and operate most businesses in Thailand, but land ownership is not included in this treaty.

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Many thanks for such quick responses....I shall now disabuse [and disappoint] my american friends .

Ps. The stupidity on my behalf lay in not being able to navigate through the forum,and having a poor short term memory!

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It may be stupid of me, but this morning I was browsing TV, when I saw a thread which stated that USA citizens can legally buy land in Thailand, and now, despite a search, I cannot rediscover the post.

can anyone point me to the rightplace ?

If I remember correctly, the purchase of land is possible because of a treaty between Thailand and the USA.

That was me - I was wrong - I should have stated that if the company was set up under BOI regulations - then the land could be owned.


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