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Today is the 7th of December

Gonzo the Face

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To those that care or do remember, please take pause for a moment of silence, if you would, as today is Pearl Harbor Day..... If you do care or had someone close involved in that infamous happening, please, just a moment.

December 7, 1941.......74 years ago


Mods... I know its not just Chiang Mai related, but CM is part of what this world has become, and should have a lot of people here that would like to be reminded......other than the VFW that is. Thanks for a little leeway

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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There was some good to come out of this, as we developed the best weapon of mass destruction ever, the nuclear bomb. Though terrifying, there is a certain beauty to it, as it is detonated, and then you see it: the mushroom cloud...

Edited by mesquite
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I was reading the bio of Ernest Lawrence, whose youngest daughter I know, personally. Oppenheimer is known as the Father of the A-Bomb, but Lawrence is known as discovering "how to take the genie out of the bottle." His bio states that he started playing with matches at age 2, and once set his clothes on fire.

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After 74 years, bones from Pearl Harbor tomb ship may be identified

OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, Neb. — Inside an old aircraft factory here, behind the glass windows of a pristine laboratory, the lost crew of the USS Oklahoma rests on special tables covered in black foam.

Their bones are brown with age after 50 years in the ground and, before that, months entombed in their sunken battleship beneath the oily waters of Pearl Harbor.

Legs, arms, ribs, vertebrae. Some have blue tags tied with string, identifying the type of bone. Some have beige tags, indicating that experts also want samples for DNA testing.

They are the unidentified remains of hundreds of sailors and Marines who perished 74 years ago Monday, when Japan launched a surprise air attack on Hawaii and plunged the United States into World War II.

Now, seven decades later, the government is trying to put names to the old salts and teenage sailors who died when their ship was sunk by enemy torpedoes Sunday morning, Dec. 7, 1941.


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The attack on Pearl Harbor that brought the yanks into what they know as the 1941 - 1945 war. For the rest of us the 1939 - 1945 war.

From 1937 for some.

I agree with 1937. japan into china....raping the people of nanking...

but it goes back to the Great Depression of 1929 and then Germany collapses, etc....

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I went there as a tourist in 89; obviously doesnt have the same poignancy for a Brit as a Yank.

However,@Gonzo I am aware that you posted this thread exactly last year, and who knows maybe in preceeding years; so can I be rude enough....to ask why this event/anniversary is personal to you.?............(and for reference; on the same date, 4 years later the microwave oven was patented;...is that someones sick bad timing?)


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