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US urges Ukraine to cut 'cancer of corruption'


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US urges Ukraine to cut 'cancer of corruption'


WASHINGTON: -- America is urging Ukraine to cut what it describes as the “cancer of corruption.”

During a visit to the country, US Vice President Joe Biden said the country still has lots of work to do on reforms. He announced 175 million euros worth of new financial aid to help.

Biden also commented on the Minsk ceasefire deal, amid continuing unrest in eastern Ukraine.

“Minsk can not succeed if Russia doesn’t fulfill its commitments, and President Putin fails to live up to the promises that he repeatedly made to my President, to you and to the international community,” said Biden.

The Minsk deal aims to end a conflict, which has left more than 8,000 people dead.

The guns have been mostly silent since early September, but Kyiv and separatists continue to report casualties.

“Unfortunately, the war continues. Today, we’ve had another 14 mortar attacks, eight Ukrainian soldiers have been wounded in the last 24 hours,” said Petro Poroshenko, Ukrainian President.

“We can’t say there is a de-escalation of the conflict in Donbas.”

Euronews reporter Maria Korenyuk said: “It’s Biden’s fourth visit to Ukraine in two years. On Tuesday, the Vice President will address the Ukrainian parliament.

“America’s position on Crimea is expected to be discussed, along with the further implementation of reforms in Ukraine.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-08

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Wait a minute! Wasn't it the State Department that conspired to install the current regime? Can't have it both ways I'm afraid.

And the previous regime was installed by the Russian government. With a loan that they are struggling to reply, of which a vast amount was lost due to corruption....by the previous regime! Terrible loan:



When Moscow gave Kyiv a $3 billion loan in 2013 as part of incentives to keep its distance from the European Union, many Ukrainians regarded it as a poisoned chalice and a further reason to get rid of then-President Viktor Yanukovych.

Now, they are seeing just how dangerous the gift was, as Russia threatens to block future International Monetary Fund (IMF) funds to Ukraine if it does not fully pay back the loan when it comes due in December.

The loan has long stayed quietly in the background of the upheaval in Ukraine, seeming to pose no particular problems for Ukraine despite its controversial origin. The $3 billion was the first tranche of a $20 billion Russian bailout intended to woo Kyiv away from signing an Association Agreement with the EU and to join Russia's own regional trade bloc instead.

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The USA needs to cut it's own corrution before telling others what to do. People who live in glass houses are best advised not to throw stones.

The USA does quite well:


Ranking 17 out of 175 countries versus Ukraine at 142. So it seems they are doing quite well cutting out corruption. Ukraine would do well to heed their advice.

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What I want to know is, what is the US doing to address the cancer of corruption within Washington, when it comes to lobbying and super pacs? The only difference between a lobbyist writing a check for $5,000,000 to a candidate for a specific cause, and a guy walking into a ministers office with a suitcase full of $5 million cash, is that one is legal, and the other is not. Practically speaking, is there any difference? Does the fact that lobbying is legal, make it any less corrupt? Could Washington possibly be any more corrupt? And they are traveling around the world lecturing everyone willing to listen on corruption? If this were not so horrible and hypocritical and pretentious, it would be funny. But, its not funny.

And what about the election cycle? 18 months, and a billion of two spend electing a president? How about 90 days, and a limit of $10 million? Then we would see who the real men and women are. The current system in the US is completely broken. Admit it, and get your house in order. And stop lecturing the world with this false morality.

I say all of this as an American, who detests the current system, and acknowledges how broke, and how morally and ethically bankrupt Washington, and virtually all who inhabit its political offices are.

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