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Trump’s comments condemned by Muslims around the world


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I have the solution : we must all convert to Muslim...

I m converted already.

Let's do it. I'd fit right in, in my neighborhood.

Except for the no pork and booze and all the prayer, I'm down with the multiple wives though.

Multiple wives mean multiple mothers in law.

Thats a huge downside to it. Also, not all muslims have multiple wives, it really is only for those that can afford it. You must also have a willing first wife, she gets the final say.

I have a friend who took a second wife and after a year the first wife had had enough so divorced him. Also with many club memberships etc the family membership is only for the first wife, the others dont get the membership benefits.

How many husbands can a wife have?

The same amount as your wife has.

Not many muslims have multiple wives. The first wife has to agree and the husband has to afford it. But not many men or women in the younger generation would consider it. I know my gf will not allow it.

It was considered normal centuries ago when were killed in war. The brothers or friends of the man would then ask to marry her to ensure she was looked after. Many did not have sex. The younger generation of muslims are more liberal in the interpretation of islam and do not accept other wives.

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How many husbands can a wife have? Says Linky "The same amount as your wife has.

Not many muslims have multiple wives. The first wife has to agree and the husband has to afford it. But not many men or women in the younger generation would consider it. I know my gf will not allow it.

It was considered normal centuries ago when were killed in war. The brothers or friends of the man would then ask to marry her to ensure she was looked after. Many did not have sex. The younger generation of muslims are more liberal in the interpretation of islam and do not accept other wives."


In other words, there is a discriminatory double standard built into the very basis of Islam and society's most basic institution.

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And as an aside. The koran does explicitly state you can only have one wife. It is the only religious text that states one wife.

Solomon had hundreds of wives and Abraham had more than one. The bible even states you can have 3 wives.

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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....


Between 2000 and 2010 about 680 applied and about 135 were successful in changing religion from islam.


Sharia legal system

Parallel to the civil courts, there are Sharia courts which conduct legal matters related to Muslim family sphere. Legal issues like Muslim divorce and Muslim apostasy are conducted in the Syariah Courts. However, there are cases whereby apostasy cases are tried in the Federal Courts. Non-Muslims are not bound by Shariah.

From wikipedia

here something more to read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion_in_Malaysia#Apostasy_under_state_law

That 550 were denied the change means something...and it is only allowed in one state.


Well done, you just proved your own quote as wrong. You can change from islam in malaysia.

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How many husbands can a wife have? Says Linky "The same amount as your wife has.

Not many muslims have multiple wives. The first wife has to agree and the husband has to afford it. But not many men or women in the younger generation would consider it. I know my gf will not allow it.

It was considered normal centuries ago when were killed in war. The brothers or friends of the man would then ask to marry her to ensure she was looked after. Many did not have sex. The younger generation of muslims are more liberal in the interpretation of islam and do not accept other wives."


In other words, there is a discriminatory double standard built into the very basis of Islam and society's most basic institution.

No it isnt. The koran explicitly states only one wife.

The bible is what you should be calling discriminatory, it states you can have 3.

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How many husbands can a wife have? Says Linky "The same amount as your wife has.

Not many muslims have multiple wives. The first wife has to agree and the husband has to afford it. But not many men or women in the younger generation would consider it. I know my gf will not allow it.

It was considered normal centuries ago when were killed in war. The brothers or friends of the man would then ask to marry her to ensure she was looked after. Many did not have sex. The younger generation of muslims are more liberal in the interpretation of islam and do not accept other wives."


In other words, there is a discriminatory double standard built into the very basis of Islam and society's most basic institution.

No it isnt. The koran explicitly states only one wife.

The bible is what you should be calling discriminatory, it states you can have 3.

I've had 4.......sad.png

Hahaha, that made me laugh.

I havent had the pleasure yet. But can you imagine 4 wives at the wrong time of the month? It would not be worth the trouble.

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Of course the Muslims around the world would be against Trump,,,they are in cahoots with the rest of them,,,,Just think He's got the biggest Balls and if you would put it to a vote over the whole world in silence ( the Muslims would lose) I wish there were more people like him to speak the truth to stop them from taking over the world.

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I have a problem with Trumps position. What of the secular, the gays, women desiring a western lifestyle, what of minority sects that reject violence? There is a huge operational problem though, how to sort out those compatible with the U.S and those who are not?

Don't let facts get in the way of a nice, bigotted, hateful rant!

Trump will speak first and others will have to whipe up behind him later...when the actual thinking begins!

Well...I hope...

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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....


Between 2000 and 2010 about 680 applied and about 135 were successful in changing religion from islam.


Sharia legal system

Parallel to the civil courts, there are Sharia courts which conduct legal matters related to Muslim family sphere. Legal issues like Muslim divorce and Muslim apostasy are conducted in the Syariah Courts. However, there are cases whereby apostasy cases are tried in the Federal Courts. Non-Muslims are not bound by Shariah.

From wikipedia

here something more to read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion_in_Malaysia#Apostasy_under_state_law

That 550 were denied the change means something...and it is only allowed in one state.


Well done, you just proved your own quote as wrong. You can change from islam in malaysia.

that may be so but it IS against the law in Malaysia for anyone who is not Muslim to refer to God as Allah. go figure.

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How many husbands can a wife have? Says Linky "The same amount as your wife has.

Not many muslims have multiple wives. The first wife has to agree and the husband has to afford it. But not many men or women in the younger generation would consider it. I know my gf will not allow it.

It was considered normal centuries ago when were killed in war. The brothers or friends of the man would then ask to marry her to ensure she was looked after. Many did not have sex. The younger generation of muslims are more liberal in the interpretation of islam and do not accept other wives."


In other words, there is a discriminatory double standard built into the very basis of Islam and society's most basic institution.

No it isnt. The koran explicitly states only one wife.

The bible is what you should be calling discriminatory, it states you can have 3.

Why should I allude to the Bible. This topic is about Donald Trump's advocacy of tightening US immigration law and moslem reaction to it. Harems have never been part of the American legal or civil system of laws. Where the Mormons tried, they were required to abandon it. Islamic countries, which by your own words allow men multiple wives but hold women to only one, have at their core a perspective on women and marriage antithetical to American law and tradition. Bringing in even more of them would undermine those traditions even more. Your moslem countries can continue to practice all the dehumanizing, medieval practices you desire. But keep them out of the West, where they do not belong.

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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....


Between 2000 and 2010 about 680 applied and about 135 were successful in changing religion from islam.


Sharia legal system

Parallel to the civil courts, there are Sharia courts which conduct legal matters related to Muslim family sphere. Legal issues like Muslim divorce and Muslim apostasy are conducted in the Syariah Courts. However, there are cases whereby apostasy cases are tried in the Federal Courts. Non-Muslims are not bound by Shariah.

From wikipedia

here something more to read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion_in_Malaysia#Apostasy_under_state_law

That 550 were denied the change means something...and it is only allowed in one state.


Well done, you just proved your own quote as wrong. You can change from islam in malaysia.

that may be so but it IS against the law in Malaysia for anyone who is not Muslim to refer to God as Allah. go figure.

Not quite.

It is against non islamic publications to refer to God as Allah. That term is considered only for muslim use. They can still refer to it as God. Basically it is because the bible translated into malay used Allah. They consider only the koran can use that term.

In any event, the malay word for God is Tuhan, not Allah, that is arabic.

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Thats a huge downside to it. Also, not all muslims have multiple wives, it really is only for those that can afford it. You must also have a willing first wife, she gets the final say.

I have a friend who took a second wife and after a year the first wife had had enough so divorced him. Also with many club memberships etc the family membership is only for the first wife, the others dont get the membership benefits.

Not strictly true, I know men that have married women without even telling their first wives (or the new ones!). It's not like they need permission.

The downside of the multiple wives thing is that you are supposed to treat them equally. Although I know one wealthy Emirati that built a mansion at each corner of his own roundabout, one for each wife, so he had a night in each one.

However, that left him three nights off a week for the girlfriends!


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ChrisY1, on 09 Dec 2015 - 15:16, said:
vogie, on 09 Dec 2015 - 07:43, said:

Trumps remarks are about as rediculous as the hair on his head.

Well......Japan bans them.....no-one comments on that!

Hairpieces !! I never knew Japan had banned them tongue.pngtongue.png

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Trump is using the same scaremongering lies that Fox were spouting a few months ago. Why not state a genuine case without the ignorance and lies? Or does he actually believe this? Do people who support Trump think this is true?

London's Metropolitan Police weighed in, rejecting the suggestion that there were areas in the city that officers were too scared to patrol.

"We would not normally dignify such comments with a response, however on this occasion we think it’s important to state to Londoners that Mr. Trump could not be more wrong," a spokeswoman for the police said in a statement. She offered Trump a tutorial: "Any candidate for the presidential election in the United States of America is welcome to receive a briefing from the Met Police on the reality of policing London."


Yes it true there are places in Birmingham where you dont go and the cops dont wanna go their either

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Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of Egypt. Is the only Muslim leader I know of who is condemning Islamic Jihad. Yet he is tantamount to an enemy by EU and U.S. leadership ... Obama even criticized el-Sisi for bombing ISIS in retaliation for killing Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya ...

This is very telling ... The EU leaders in my opinion are afraid of the radical Islamic terrorists / ISIS... and Obama seems to be very reluctant to engage ISIS ...

And Trump is criticized .... Totally upside down ...

Trump has the support of a huge number of American voters ... and limiting Muslim Immigration and removing Illegal Aliens will become standard operating procedures when Trump becomes President in the 2016 Election under the Trump / Cruz Ticket.

Liberals and Leftist are totally blind to the Conservative and (real) moderate uprising going on in American ... After this incident Trump's popularity will only increase ...

Allowing anymore Muslims to immigrate into the U.S. in light of recent events is shear insanity ...

I completely agree with your comments. Egypt's second revolution was the Egyptian people rising up against Mosi, Muslim Brother Hood, which they had voted into power but realized that was a big mistake. Sisi sided on the people and sent Mosi back to prison where he escaped from in the first Revolution 2011.

Obama has how many Muslim Brother Hoods' in his cabinet?? It does not take a rocket scientist to see where Obamas' allegiance lays.

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Trump is using the same scaremongering lies that Fox were spouting a few months ago. Why not state a genuine case without the ignorance and lies? Or does he actually believe this? Do people who support Trump think this is true?

London's Metropolitan Police weighed in, rejecting the suggestion that there were areas in the city that officers were too scared to patrol.

"We would not normally dignify such comments with a response, however on this occasion we think its important to state to Londoners that Mr. Trump could not be more wrong," a spokeswoman for the police said in a statement. She offered Trump a tutorial: "Any candidate for the presidential election in the United States of America is welcome to receive a briefing from the Met Police on the reality of policing London."https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/12/08/london-police-offer-donald-trump-a-reality-check/

Yes it true there are places in Birmingham where you dont go and the cops dont wanna go their either

I dont believe birmingham is in london.

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Let me get this straight... Attack after attack, nobody can hear a peep from the "moderate muslims" condemning terror attacks.

But when a western presidential candidate says some words, all of a sudden, we can hear the "moderates" laud and clear

This should be broadcast from the roof tops. This is the story, not the contrived narrative the media offer.

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I have a problem with Trumps position. What of the secular, the gays, women desiring a western lifestyle, what of minority sects that reject violence? There is a huge operational problem though, how to sort out those compatible with the U.S and those who are not?

the secular can be Atheists. The gays can behead themself or if smarter become Atheists, etc No one is forced outside Muslim countries to be Muslim....They can change their religion.

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Let me get this straight... Attack after attack, nobody can hear a peep from the "moderate muslims" condemning terror attacks.

But when a western presidential candidate says some words, all of a sudden, we can hear the "moderates" laud and clear

This should be broadcast from the roof tops. This is the story, not the contrived narrative the media offer.

If you did not hear a peep perhaps you arent looking. There has been quite a lot of condemnation from muslims but you cannot blame them if mainstream media refuse to broadcast it.

A simple google search will find it. Most harsh was from mala pm najib.

Yet again harsh jones proved to be wrong.

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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....


Between 2000 and 2010 about 680 applied and about 135 were successful in changing religion from islam.


Sharia legal system

Parallel to the civil courts, there are Sharia courts which conduct legal matters related to Muslim family sphere. Legal issues like Muslim divorce and Muslim apostasy are conducted in the Syariah Courts. However, there are cases whereby apostasy cases are tried in the Federal Courts. Non-Muslims are not bound by Shariah.

From wikipedia

here something more to read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion_in_Malaysia#Apostasy_under_state_law

That 550 were denied the change means something...and it is only allowed in one state.


Well done, you just proved your own quote as wrong. You can change from islam in malaysia.

You didn't bother to read the links?

From all states in Malaysia it is only possible in 1 single state (in the others not) and there it need to be approved by a Sharia court and you have to go thru many steps....including 1 year counseling by an Iman.

So defacto it is not possible.

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Let me get this straight... Attack after attack, nobody can hear a peep from the "moderate muslims" condemning terror attacks.

But when a western presidential candidate says some words, all of a sudden, we can hear the "moderates" laud and clear

This should be broadcast from the roof tops. This is the story, not the contrived narrative the media offer.

Not seen the soccer game in Turkey......Where all shouted Allah Akbar in the minute of silence.....

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Trump is using the same scaremongering lies that Fox were spouting a few months ago. Why not state a genuine case without the ignorance and lies? Or does he actually believe this? Do people who support Trump think this is true?

London's Metropolitan Police weighed in, rejecting the suggestion that there were areas in the city that officers were too scared to patrol.

"We would not normally dignify such comments with a response, however on this occasion we think it’s important to state to Londoners that Mr. Trump could not be more wrong," a spokeswoman for the police said in a statement. She offered Trump a tutorial: "Any candidate for the presidential election in the United States of America is welcome to receive a briefing from the Met Police on the reality of policing London."


Yes it true there are places in Birmingham where you dont go and the cops dont wanna go their either

Oh dear have you been watching Fox News again?

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I have a problem with Trumps position. What of the secular, the gays, women desiring a western lifestyle, what of minority sects that reject violence? There is a huge operational problem though, how to sort out those compatible with the U.S and those who are not?

the secular can be Atheists. The gays can behead themself or if smarter become Atheists, etc No one is forced outside Muslim countries to be Muslim....They can change their religion.

You dont have to be muslim in most muslim countries either.

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I don't hear to many muslims alienating the ISIL group or other terrorist affiliates.

If the religion didn't preach such crap and utter rubbish and have such a bunch of moronic misfits who murder and kill whenever they can then there wouldn't be a reason for Trump to say this.

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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....


Between 2000 and 2010 about 680 applied and about 135 were successful in changing religion from islam.


Sharia legal system

Parallel to the civil courts, there are Sharia courts which conduct legal matters related to Muslim family sphere. Legal issues like Muslim divorce and Muslim apostasy are conducted in the Syariah Courts. However, there are cases whereby apostasy cases are tried in the Federal Courts. Non-Muslims are not bound by Shariah.

From wikipedia

here something more to read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion_in_Malaysia#Apostasy_under_state_law

That 550 were denied the change means something...and it is only allowed in one state.


Well done, you just proved your own quote as wrong. You can change from islam in malaysia.

You didn't bother to read the links?

From all states in Malaysia it is only possible in 1 single state (in the others not) and there it need to be approved by a Sharia court and you have to go thru many steps....including 1 year counseling by an Iman.

So defacto it is not possible.

No need for defacto. The facts are that 135 have done so.

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Condemn Trump if you like, but also strongly condemn redial Muslim jihadist that are give Muslims and

Islam all over the world a bad name, very bad name, has any Muslim head of state or country did that? NO,

why? they're afraid that if they will say anything they will either be assassinated or don't last another day

in their position...

But why would any of those people will do that when the president of the supposedly most powerful nation

on earth is saying nothing about the subject?

Th e why is because they ALL believe the same thing! convert or perish. A non-violent muslim wont speak out because he or she believes it. The y just dont act it out.

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Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of Egypt. Is the only Muslim leader I know of who is condemning Islamic Jihad. Yet he is tantamount to an enemy by EU and U.S. leadership ... Obama even criticized el-Sisi for bombing ISIS in retaliation for killing Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya ...

This is very telling ... The EU leaders in my opinion are afraid of the radical Islamic terrorists / ISIS... and Obama seems to be very reluctant to engage ISIS ...

And Trump is criticized .... Totally upside down ...

Trump has the support of a huge number of American voters ... and limiting Muslim Immigration and removing Illegal Aliens will become standard operating procedures when Trump becomes President in the 2016 Election under the Trump / Cruz Ticket.

Liberals and Leftist are totally blind to the Conservative and (real) moderate uprising going on in American ... After this incident Trump's popularity will only increase ...

Allowing anymore Muslims to immigrate into the U.S. in light of recent events is shear insanity ...

I completely agree with your comments. Egypt's second revolution was the Egyptian people rising up against Mosi, Muslim Brother Hood, which they had voted into power but realized that was a big mistake. Sisi sided on the people and sent Mosi back to prison where he escaped from in the first Revolution 2011.

Obama has how many Muslim Brother Hoods' in his cabinet?? It does not take a rocket scientist to see where Obamas' allegiance lays.

complete ignorance

"Obama has how many Muslim Brother Hoods' in his cabinet??"

Is that why the Obama administration supports the El-Sisi regime with billions of dollars in aid and weapons?

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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....


Between 2000 and 2010 about 680 applied and about 135 were successful in changing religion from islam.


Sharia legal system

Parallel to the civil courts, there are Sharia courts which conduct legal matters related to Muslim family sphere. Legal issues like Muslim divorce and Muslim apostasy are conducted in the Syariah Courts. However, there are cases whereby apostasy cases are tried in the Federal Courts. Non-Muslims are not bound by Shariah.

From wikipedia

here something more to read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion_in_Malaysia#Apostasy_under_state_law

That 550 were denied the change means something...and it is only allowed in one state.


Well done, you just proved your own quote as wrong. You can change from islam in malaysia.

You didn't bother to read the links?

From all states in Malaysia it is only possible in 1 single state (in the others not) and there it need to be approved by a Sharia court and you have to go thru many steps....including 1 year counseling by an Iman.

So defacto it is not possible.

No need for defacto. The facts are that 135 have done so.

So 13.5 per year out of 15 Million. Well the only state that allows it won't have 15 Million in the others it is just forbidden.

That is defacto forbidden. 13 people is nothing.

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