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I'm calling all fans of the UK TV Programme Eastenders and all those who have BBC Prime.

I moved to Thailand this year and was really pleased to know that I would still be able to see weekly episodes of Eastenders. Now, I understand that missing Eastenders really isn't the end of the world, but its been great to have it on BBC Prime.

This week, BBC Prime has been changed to BBC Entertainment and they've cut Eastenders from the scheduling. I can't possibly be the only one upset about this - again I know its only a TV programme, but its surely more popular than what they've replaced it with - such as Cutting It , Footballers Wives and My Hero!!!

If anyone else is upset - or would simply like to help me get my point across to the BBC, you can contect them here: http://www.bbcentertainment.com/ and complain.

Its not just the fact that Eastenders has gone, but they were advertising a new extra channel - when in fact all they've done is replace BBC Prime with a load of boring repeats and cheaper alternatives and given it a new name - BBC Entertainment.

I would be really interested to hear your thoughts.


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I am not an Eastenders fan but I was giving the BBC Prime option sidelong glances and wondering whether to make the leap to Platinum UBC.

It seems that BBC Prime has dumbed down, and is less attractive now. Good luck in your quest to get the decision over-ruled; but you have little chance. The BBC listens to nobody; it is an oligarchy so tightly controlled, that it makes the Freemasons look like bouncy-castle pollyanna.

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I would be really interested to hear your thoughts.


Good, thanks for the invite, so I assume I can pretty much say what I want.

I detest Eastenders, same with Coronation Street, Emmerdale Farm or that ridiculous rehash of Cross Roads that they tried to force upon the chip fat soaked UK population recently and any other marginal program that claims to be entertainment..... all UK soaps pamper to one thing, the watchers thoughts..... "my life is better than yours"

Sorry it isn't..... while people in the UK spend endless hours watching that box in the corner of the room for some sort of self satisfaction it has the same effect as morphine for the masses.

If I got a full hour of Top Gear however :o

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I would be really interested to hear your thoughts.


Good, thanks for the invite, so I assume I can pretty much say what I want.

I detest Eastenders, same with Coronation Street, Emmerdale Farm or that ridiculous rehash of Cross Roads that they tried to force upon the chip fat soaked UK population recently and any other marginal program that claims to be entertainment..... all UK soaps pamper to one thing, the watchers thoughts..... "my life is better than yours"

Sorry it isn't..... while people in the UK spend endless hours watching that box in the corner of the room for some sort of self satisfaction it has the same effect as morphine for the masses.

If I got a full hour of Top Gear however :o

^^^ So why is it that you actually detest these shows?

I get like 60 channels of UBC, but i can't seem to find this BBC prime/entertainment you speak of? To feel bad for the watchers though, especially replacing Eastenders with Footballs Wives (absolutely rubbish program)

Edited by dave111223
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I would be really interested to hear your thoughts.


Good, thanks for the invite, so I assume I can pretty much say what I want.

I detest Eastenders, same with Coronation Street, Emmerdale Farm or that ridiculous rehash of Cross Roads that they tried to force upon the chip fat soaked UK population recently and any other marginal program that claims to be entertainment..... all UK soaps pamper to one thing, the watchers thoughts..... "my life is better than yours"

Sorry it isn't..... while people in the UK spend endless hours watching that box in the corner of the room for some sort of self satisfaction it has the same effect as morphine for the masses.

If I got a full hour of Top Gear however :D

I've seen you post in other threads and, know you not to be as small minded as your post suggests.

Maybe pull the throttle cable out of you petrol soaked arse and realise, some have discovered Olive Oil, by Gods even Ground Nut Oil. Don't forget though, Northern Boys love Gravy, come on fella.... :D

I watch for pure entertaiment and, every time Corrie is on, get a laugh a minute maybe just not appreciated by one as high and mighty as you.... :o

Its TV for <deleted>**s sake, if the OP enjoys a bit of Enders, leave it be, although out of the three, Enders is bloody depressin sometimes. :D:D


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I would be really interested to hear your thoughts.


Good, thanks for the invite, so I assume I can pretty much say what I want.

I detest Eastenders, same with Coronation Street, Emmerdale Farm or that ridiculous rehash of Cross Roads that they tried to force upon the chip fat soaked UK population recently and any other marginal program that claims to be entertainment..... all UK soaps pamper to one thing, the watchers thoughts..... "my life is better than yours"

Sorry it isn't..... while people in the UK spend endless hours watching that box in the corner of the room for some sort of self satisfaction it has the same effect as morphine for the masses.

If I got a full hour of Top Gear however :o

Rather harsh, that Thaddeus,

It is easy for certain people to ridicule people who derive pleasure from watching T.V. soap operas, but I have noticed that those said people who vehemently ridicule with malice and intolerance soap-opera lovers are less than satisfied with their own entertainment-programme of life.

I am sure that we both agree that soap operas are nonsense and that we should be reading Chaucer, but the OP here is clearly distressed at losing Eastenders and I share his/her grief; just as I would share the grief with a fellow-poster who was distraught at the loss of a Radio 3 programme featuring the madrigals of Monteverdi.

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I fail to see the relevence of a crappy English tv show to Thailand!

BBC PRIME is/was a T.V. channel offered by a Thailand satellite broadcaster called UBC for subscription on their 'platinum' package.

It has now been renamed BBC entertainment and {is} sans Eastenders.

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Redrus....you are right.

And my apologies to the OP, you have every right to watch what you want to watch and you also have the right to complain when what used to be available is then denied.

And replacing Enders with Footballers Wives is a travesty...... (wasn't Footballers Wives an ITV production?)

Apologies to the Mum of Admin3 too :o

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Redrus....you are right.

And my apologies to the OP, you have every right to watch what you want to watch and you also have the right to complain when what used to be available is then denied.

And replacing Enders with Footballers Wives is a travesty...... (wasn't Footballers Wives an ITV production?) YES

Apologies to the Mum of Admin3 too :D


Its drivel, but, its our traditional drivel and I love it..... :o:D:D


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I think that these soaps actually play a useful role in society, especially when they compete for the suicide ratings in the run up to Christmas. They put the most miserable, suicidal story line on so that no one feels they are in a more miserable situation that the soaps characters.

It must actually be a worrying time for soap actors wondering if it is their time to go...like being the new face on Star Trek and being invited to go on an away mission. They have more chance of returning from the away mission than a normal Thai person has of understanding Eastenders with or without subtitles.

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Though not particularly concerned about Eastenders I do agree with the OP that the new programme format is a waste of money. I subscribe to Platinum solely for this service and will reconsider when my contract period is up.

I have sent BBC an e-mail as suggested.

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Thanks Pnustedt!!!!!

And I agree with all of you - it is drivel and who wants to waste their entire life watching drivel? I certainly don't, but its just 2 hours a week (not even as long as some of the crap films out there) and it's more of a home comfort ... a bit like PG Tips.

While Eastenders was top of my agenda, the other point I was making was about how crap BBC has got. I don't spend my entire life watching TV, but after working all day - it is quite nice to sit down and relax for a while. We're paying for this service (Like Pnustedt, BBC was one of our main reasons for paying for Platinum) and without warning, they've downgraded the service.

Is Pnustedt the only one supporting my mission???? :o

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I think that these soaps actually play a useful role in society, especially when they compete for the suicide ratings in the run up to Christmas. They put the most miserable, suicidal story line on so that no one feels they are in a more miserable situation that the soaps characters.

It must actually be a worrying time for soap actors wondering if it is their time to go...like being the new face on Star Trek and being invited to go on an away mission. They have more chance of returning from the away mission than a normal Thai person has of understanding Eastenders with or without subtitles.

I'm not too sure about the validity of a couple of those statements.

The down side.

If it's close to Christmas and you are already feeling suicidal, I would think that viewing a similar situation played out on TV probably stands just as much chance of tipping you over the edge as cheering you up.

The up side.

My wife got hooked on Coronation Street when we were in the UK, she regarded it as a 'fly on the wall' documentary.... possibly something to do with the better acting ability compared to Thai soaps.... I speak a little Thai, not enough to follow a story-line completely, but I can spot 'ham' from a mile off (please, no ham jokes)

(P.S..... in the original Star Trek, you are quite right, new face, red shirt, phaser in hand.... life expectancy about 15 minutes)

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You could always get your fix of Eastenders, Corrie, Emmerdale (and full length TopGear) from that popular file Sh@@@ing network UKN$$a, usually uploaded by next day :o

PM me if you don't know what the f##k I'm on about :D:)

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You could always get your fix of Eastenders, Corrie, Emmerdale (and full length TopGear) from that popular file Sh@@@ing network UKN$$a, usually uploaded by next day :D

PM me if you don't know what the f##k I'm on about :D:)

classic crossy,

and im really starting to like you. :D


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Redrus....you are right.

And my apologies to the OP, you have every right to watch what you want to watch and you also have the right to complain when what used to be available is then denied.

And replacing Enders with Footballers Wives is a travesty...... (wasn't Footballers Wives an ITV production?)

Apologies to the Mum of Admin3 too :D

But Eastenders is still <deleted> :o

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Redrus....you are right.

And my apologies to the OP, you have every right to watch what you want to watch and you also have the right to complain when what used to be available is then denied.

And replacing Enders with Footballers Wives is a travesty...... (wasn't Footballers Wives an ITV production?)

Apologies to the Mum of Admin3 too :D

But Eastenders is still <deleted> :o

Perhaps the OP should take comfort in the fact that they did not replace Eastenders with a Thai soap.

<deleted> is too kind a word to describe that emetically stimulating insult to a retard's intelligence... :D

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You could always get your fix of Eastenders, Corrie, Emmerdale (and full length TopGear) from that popular file Sh@@@ing network UKN$$a, usually uploaded by next day :D

PM me if you don't know what the f##k I'm on about :D:)

Beat me to it :D

Google also your friend.

Is there a UBC package that just covers BBC, Discovery and National Geo? All what I need from them nowadays :o

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Well may I suggest the following :

cancel your platinium UBC contract, and subscribe to the daily mirror.

I trully enjoy every thursday evening to read it, better than any sitcome or soap opera. Look :

a soap opera is time limitate, you can read the mirror even in the toiletts, your tube or while your bf is making love to you (Assuming you are gay, if not then while you entertain a good thai lady)

you can watch a soap opera by episode, on the other hand you can start to read any of the Mirror BS in any order. anyway it will make no difference.

Never a soap opera will give you news on the mental insanity of the Mirror journalists (gosh I hate to use that word while speaking about people working for that newspaper), but everyday the Mirror will not only tell you what is in your perferred soap opera but also tell you how crazed are the actors actress (goshh twice , I also hate to call people acting in those shitty movies actors or actresses).

LAst and not the least, if you read a newspaper, you can read it anywhere, home, in Sukkhumvit soi 4, in your preffered pool bar (that what I do) ... To watch TV you mostly have to be at home (or watch the program someone else chosed).

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Well may I suggest the following :

cancel your platinium UBC contract, and subscribe to the daily mirror.

I trully enjoy every thursday evening to read it, better than any sitcome or soap opera. Look :

a soap opera is time limitate, you can read the mirror even in the toiletts, your tube or while your bf is making love to you (Assuming you are gay, if not then while you entertain a good thai lady)

you can watch a soap opera by episode, on the other hand you can start to read any of the Mirror BS in any order. anyway it will make no difference.

Never a soap opera will give you news on the mental insanity of the Mirror journalists (gosh I hate to use that word while speaking about people working for that newspaper), but everyday the Mirror will not only tell you what is in your perferred soap opera but also tell you how crazed are the actors actress (goshh twice , I also hate to call people acting in those shitty movies actors or actresses).

LAst and not the least, if you read a newspaper, you can read it anywhere, home, in Sukkhumvit soi 4, in your preffered pool bar (that what I do) ... To watch TV you mostly have to be at home (or watch the program someone else chosed).

But you can beleive what they're saying in a soap opera :o

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I fail to see the relevence of a crappy English tv show to Thailand!

BBC PRIME is/was a T.V. channel offered by a Thailand satellite broadcaster called UBC for subscription on their 'platinum' package.

It has now been renamed BBC entertainment and {is} sans Eastenders.

To say a that a program from another country can be picked up on satelite tv in Thailand hardly makes it relevent to Thailand! :o

When I posted a thread here about the death of a famous wildlife activist and tv presenter, a man who had worked extensively in Thailand with and for, animal sancturies, it was attacked by many as non Thai related.,

I feel moderation of these issues is strongly influenced by the source of the subject.

If I was to post a thread here about an Australian soapy like Home and Away it would be closed down in 5 minutes. (and yes, it has been shown on Thai tv)

There seems to be separate rules for the British on this Thai forum. :D

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I fail to see the relevence of a crappy English tv show to Thailand!

BBC PRIME is/was a T.V. channel offered by a Thailand satellite broadcaster called UBC for subscription on their 'platinum' package.

It has now been renamed BBC entertainment and {is} sans Eastenders.

To say a that a program from another country can be picked up on satelite tv in Thailand hardly makes it relevent to Thailand! :D

When I posted a thread here about the death of a famous wildlife activist and tv presenter, a man who had worked extensively in Thailand with and for, animal sancturies, it was attacked by many as non Thai related.,

I feel moderation of these issues is strongly influenced by the source of the subject.

If I was to post a thread here about an Australian soapy like Home and Away it would be closed down in 5 minutes. (and yes, it has been shown on Thai tv)

There seems to be separate rules for the British on this Thai forum. :D


Somebody complaining about the changing content of programming offered by a Thai cable company seems a perfectly valid thing to have on a Thai forum. When you consider that its a foriegn programme and this is generally and expat forum seems to make it all the more relevant.

Some foriegner being killed in a foriegn country is hardly relevant no matter how much you liked the guy and I did very much.

Whats Oz for chip? Is that one on your shoulder?

Back to topic.......

By the way Eastenders is crap but BBCentertainment does seem to have lost lots of goodies from the old BBCprime.

Anybody tried complaining to UBC yet?

Any replies from BBC or UBC?


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