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I fail to see the relevence of a crappy English tv show to Thailand!

BBC PRIME is/was a T.V. channel offered by a Thailand satellite broadcaster called UBC for subscription on their 'platinum' package.

It has now been renamed BBC entertainment and {is} sans Eastenders.

To say a that a program from another country can be picked up on satelite tv in Thailand hardly makes it relevent to Thailand! :D

When I posted a thread here about the death of a famous wildlife activist and tv presenter, a man who had worked extensively in Thailand with and for, animal sancturies, it was attacked by many as non Thai related.,

I feel moderation of these issues is strongly influenced by the source of the subject.

If I was to post a thread here about an Australian soapy like Home and Away it would be closed down in 5 minutes. (and yes, it has been shown on Thai tv)

There seems to be separate rules for the British on this Thai forum. :D


Whats Oz for chip? Is that one on your shoulder?


A chip is a chip regardless of origin.

I'm a very balanced person, I've got a chip on both shoulders.

Another example of special treatment for escapees from The Old Blighted is the creation of a special forum just for the ramblings of devotees of their local district soccer competition! :D

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A chip is a chip regardless of origin.

I'm a very balanced person, I've got a chip on both shoulders.

Another example of special treatment for escapees from The Old Blighted is the creation of a special forum just for the ramblings of devotees of their local district soccer competition! :D

Good answer :D

I think they play soccer in Oz also :D

We better leave it at that as ADMIN is watching :o


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Another example of special treatment for escapees from The Old Blighted is the creation of a special forum just for the ramblings of devotees of their local district soccer competition! :D

It's FOOTBALL for ##@@# sake :o And they play it in Thailand as well as the rest of the world :D

As for Beastenders, nope, don't like it. I'm a northern lad, so apart from loving Gravy, it's got to be Corrie St. But good luck OPO, in your protest to the BBC :D

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Another example of special treatment for escapees from The Old Blighted is the creation of a special forum just for the ramblings of devotees of their local district soccer competition! :D

It's FOOTBALL for ##@@# sake :o And they play it in Thailand as well as the rest of the world :D

As for Beastenders, nope, don't like it. I'm a northern lad, so apart from loving Gravy, it's got to be Corrie St. But good luck OPO, in your protest to the BBC :D

Dont worry 'soapies' ... the biggest soap opera to rival all other soap operas (whether they be English, Australian or Thai) is being shown tonight at midnight Thai time ... England versus Croatia ... Let the muppet show begin ...!

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Another example of special treatment for escapees from The Old Blighted is the creation of a special forum just for the ramblings of devotees of their local district soccer competition! :D

It's FOOTBALL for ##@@# sake :o And they play it in Thailand as well as the rest of the world :D

As for Beastenders, nope, don't like it. I'm a northern lad, so apart from loving Gravy, it's got to be Corrie St. But good luck OPO, in your protest to the BBC :D

Dont worry 'soapies' ... the biggest soap opera to rival all other soap operas (whether they be English, Australian or Thai) is being shown tonight at midnight Thai time ... England versus Croatia ... Let the muppet show begin ...!

Ah yes but.... that is only 90 minutes :D

Most soaps don't get past 60 per episode and then run for ever...... apart from 'Footballers Wives"...... it probably didn't. it just felt like it did :D

edit..... calculation :D

Edited by Thaddeus
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I may be getting old and feeble, but as far as I am able to ascertain, I believe the OP may be wrong about the cancellation of East Enders.

Up to a few weeks ago it was shown weekdays, Mon- Thurs at 6 p.m. I didn’t watch to start with, but as it coincided with the completion of my late afternoon swim, and having nothing much better to do at that time of day, I became semi hooked, and watched the daily rubbish in Albert Square whilst watching the sun set, and sitting on my outdoor terrace. In fact East enders at 6, followed by Seinfield on Star World at 6.30 p.m. became a feature of Mobi's daily life.

Then Eastenders disappeared, to be replaced by various sit coms. I though East enders had gone for good, until I discovered it in the weekend schedules - an hour on Saturday and another hour on Sunday. This didn't fit the Mobi schedule so my brief love affair with East Enders was at and end.

I didn't even notice, until I read this thread that Prime has changed to "entertainment", but a fairly thorough perusal of the listings in UBC's "Extra", doesn’t seem to reveal any more ‘dumbing down’ of the programmes that were already being shown. It's still pretty much the same old stuff - sit coms (old and new), a few dramas (oft repeated), loads and loads of rubbish cookery programmes, house improvement programmes etc - nothing's much has changed as far as I can see. And there, on Saturday and Sunday they still list East Enders as being broadcast - so where’s the big problem? Just to be sure I have checked the ‘Extra’ listings against today’s transmitted programmes, and everything is as listed - so I assume you can still get your beloved East Enders on the weekend. Did anyone say you can’t?

What a waste of a thread! :o

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Another example of special treatment for escapees from The Old Blighted is the creation of a special forum just for the ramblings of devotees of their local district soccer competition! :D

It's FOOTBALL for ##@@# sake :o And they play it in Thailand as well as the rest of the world :D

As for Beastenders, nope, don't like it. I'm a northern lad, so apart from loving Gravy, it's got to be Corrie St. But good luck OPO, in your protest to the BBC :D

If it's football why do they score goals by hitting the ball with their head? :D

There is only one football code in the world where the only way to score goals is to kick the ball by foot directly between the goals. :D

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Back on topic I have to say that the Eastenders issue aside (the lack of which doesn't effect my viewing pleasure) the switch from Prime to Entertainment has certainly seen a downgrading in quality and is certainly to be deplored.

Have to agree 100%. With a young family I don't get as much these days and the TV is a life saver.

BBC Prime was great; Red Dwarf, Blackadder, Porridge, Open All Hours and some good drama progs.


This new channel is terrible; Footballers Wives, those two dippy tarts who dress ugly sorts, and virtually no comedy.

Boo, hiss!


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Another example of special treatment for escapees from The Old Blighted is the creation of a special forum just for the ramblings of devotees of their local district soccer competition! :D

It's FOOTBALL for ##@@# sake :o And they play it in Thailand as well as the rest of the world :D

As for Beastenders, nope, don't like it. I'm a northern lad, so apart from loving Gravy, it's got to be Corrie St. But good luck OPO, in your protest to the BBC :D

If it's football why do they score goals by hitting the ball with their head? :D

There is only one football code in the world where the only way to score goals is to kick the ball by foot directly between the goals. :D

then why do you call it aussie rules football and not just football, doesnt the name suggest that it is just an antipodean version. I think it is only you lot and the sceptics that call it Soccer.

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then why do you call it aussie rules football and not just football, doesnt the name suggest that it is just an antipodean version. I think it is only you lot and the sceptics that call it Soccer.

Oh dear , I'm about to stick up for the dingo. :D

Soccer is actually an old english term.


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There is only one football code in the world where the only way to score goals is to kick the ball by foot directly between the goals. :D

then why do you call it aussie rules football and not just football, doesnt the name suggest that it is just an antipodean version. I think it is only you lot and the sceptics that call it Soccer.

Glad to see you know enough about The Great Game to ascertain which code I was referring to Joe. :D

Everyone I know just calls it footy! :o

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There is only one football code in the world where the only way to score goals is to kick the ball by foot directly between the goals. :D

then why do you call it aussie rules football and not just football, doesnt the name suggest that it is just an antipodean version. I think it is only you lot and the sceptics that call it Soccer.

Glad to see you know enough about The Great Game to ascertain which code I was referring to Joe. :D

Everyone I know just calls it footy! :D

Where you pass the ball with your hand :o

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I would be really interested to hear your thoughts.


Good, thanks for the invite, so I assume I can pretty much say what I want.

I detest Eastenders, same with Coronation Street, Emmerdale Farm or that ridiculous rehash of Cross Roads that they tried to force upon the chip fat soaked UK population recently and any other marginal program that claims to be entertainment..... all UK soaps pamper to one thing, the watchers thoughts..... "my life is better than yours"

Sorry it isn't..... while people in the UK spend endless hours watching that box in the corner of the room for some sort of self satisfaction it has the same effect as morphine for the masses.

If I got a full hour of Top Gear however :o

The same for TV everywhere - mostly mindless trash.

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I'm calling all fans of the UK TV Programme Eastenders and all those who have BBC Prime.

I moved to Thailand this year and was really pleased to know that I would still be able to see weekly episodes of Eastenders. Now, I understand that missing Eastenders really isn't the end of the world, but its been great to have it on BBC Prime.

This week, BBC Prime has been changed to BBC Entertainment and they've cut Eastenders from the scheduling. I can't possibly be the only one upset about this - again I know its only a TV programme, but its surely more popular than what they've replaced it with - such as Cutting It , Footballers Wives and My Hero!!!

If anyone else is upset - or would simply like to help me get my point across to the BBC, you can contect them here: http://www.bbcentertainment.com/ and complain.

Its not just the fact that Eastenders has gone, but they were advertising a new extra channel - when in fact all they've done is replace BBC Prime with a load of boring repeats and cheaper alternatives and given it a new name - BBC Entertainment.

I would be really interested to hear your thoughts.


I've recently found a Bittorrent site caled UKnova.tv that has loads and loads of UK programes available immediately after they have been aired in th e UK.

Before anybody gives me any grief about the legality of it , this site insist that only programes and radio shows not available for purchase are alllowed.

So not only woul EE be available but also Corra and EF.

I just got episodes 1-8 of S8 Top Gear. perfect.

Time to dump UBC.

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I have to eat humble pie.

Every programme this weekend has been as per the listings except Eastenders, which has been replaced by sitcoms.

No great loss, but it did give me a weekly glimpse of of what all the folks back home are addicted to. On balance, I'd say its a pity they've removed it from the schedules - sort of nostalgic.

As for the rest - seems about the same as it always was - maybe a bit less of the gardening/cooking/decorating programmes (which was pretty reidculous and innappropriate in this part of the world), and a bit more comedy and drama. I'm sure Blackadder et al will be back.

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There seems to be separate rules for the British on this Thai forum.

and quite rightly too.

Yes , you will just have to keep a stiff upper lip old son - front foot forward .

cancel your UBC and spend that money on a fast internet connection , and learn to use bittorrent or check out recent peer to peer streaming television. ( you could also have a friend in the UK capture and stream UK television so you can watch/record it at your leisure.

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