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COP21: new draft accord raises hopes of sealing climate deal


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COP21: new draft accord raises hopes of sealing climate deal


"We want an agreement. We are close to the goal... It's time to conclude"

PARIS: -- The heat is on to seal a deal on the final day of the COP21 climate conference in Paris.

After lots of talking in the French capital, a new draft accord has been produced.

It seems governments have made progress on some issues, but there is still disagreement on others, including the monitoring of emission cuts.

“We want an agreement. We are close to the goal. We must then show responsibility in order to find, in the coming hours, a universal, common ground. In brief, it’s time to conclude,” said Laurent Fabius, French Foreign Minister.

The new draft suggests negotiators have settled on a long-term goal of keeping global warming “well below” a rise of two degrees Celsius – pursuing efforts to achieve a limit of 1.5.

“I think there is a strategy to oblige States to finally expose themselves,” said Alix Mazounie, from RAC France, which represents climate action organisations.

“If they want to be responsible for a failure in Paris, now they have to say it out loud. They are obliged to say ‘I refuse this paragraph.’

“And obviously refusing a certain paragraph should not be just words, there should be a real commitment. So it will force States to get to the heart of the negotiations.”

Speaking from the COP21 conference, Euronews reporter Grégoire Lory said: “For NGOs, this last draft agreement is almost too good to be true because it contains many key elements that have been demanded.

“But these organisations also recognise that key questions remain unanswered and political decisions ultimately lie with Heads of State.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-11

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The science and solution on Global Warming / Climate Change is pretty straight forward. The Politics as usual is an endless pit of despair. A few very wealthy / greedy powerful Corporations that want to put off the solution as long as possible. Politicians know the clock is ticking and it is only going to get worse not better until steps are taken.

It is hard enough to get two people in a room to form an agreement let alone 190 countries and 1000 people. Seems they are getting somewhere this time though.

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The only thing straight forward about the global warming scam is the hunt for money.


COP21: African campaigners demand compensation for effects of global warming
Tom Bawden Environment Editor, Paris
Thursday 10 December 2015
African campaigners are demanding compensation for the huge damage being inflicted on the continent by global warming – a problem that has been caused by the rich countries but will hit poor nations the hardest.
As the United Nations summit to tackle climate change nears its conclusion, African politicians and NGOs are calling for the developed world to provide cash to help them deal with the consequences of a warming planet.
Compensation should cover everything from storm damage and crop failure to desertification and forest degradation, the African nations say.
Compensation to cover everything would seemingly also include pocket lining for the political leaders and environmental left.coffee1.gif
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A few very wealthy / greedy powerful Corporations that want to put off the solution as long as possible.

The extreme simplicity of the Green/Left mindset has always been a source of amusement to skeptics.

Their thought processes never evolve beyond: "We are absolutely right about the science, but a few evil plutocrats, brainwashing a dim-bulb public, are stonewalling our noble and heroic efforts to save the planet."

They envision a utopian world, where the good, wise and righteous (including themselves, naturally), with organ music swelling behind them, lead a benighted public by the hand to the sunny uplands of a better future, while the plutocrats rot in the stocks, pelted with fruit by a vengeful proletariat.

They really believe that. Which is why they never get anywhere.

Actually, most of the "delegates" at COP21 couldn't care less whether they get anywhere, as long as they have the chance to do it all over next year at some agreeable location where the shopping is excellent and the dining first-class.

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A few very wealthy / greedy powerful Corporations that want to put off the solution as long as possible.

The extreme simplicity of the Green/Left mindset has always been a source of amusement to skeptics.

Their thought processes never evolve beyond: "We are absolutely right about the science, but a few evil plutocrats, brainwashing a dim-bulb public, are stonewalling our noble and heroic efforts to save the planet."

They envision a utopian world, where the good, wise and righteous (including themselves, naturally), with organ music swelling behind them, lead a benighted public by the hand to the sunny uplands of a better future, while the plutocrats rot in the stocks, pelted with fruit by a vengeful proletariat.

They really believe that. Which is why they never get anywhere.

Actually, most of the "delegates" at COP21 couldn't care less whether they get anywhere, as long as they have the chance to do it all over next year at some agreeable location where the shopping is excellent and the dining first-class.

"We are absolutely right about the science, but a few evil plutocrats, brainwashing a dim-bulb public, are stonewalling our noble and heroic efforts to save the planet."

Well said, exactly correct. Couldn't have put it better myself.

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A few very wealthy / greedy powerful Corporations that want to put off the solution as long as possible.

The extreme simplicity of the Green/Left mindset has always been a source of amusement to skeptics.

Their thought processes never evolve beyond: "We are absolutely right about the science, but a few evil plutocrats, brainwashing a dim-bulb public, are stonewalling our noble and heroic efforts to save the planet."

They envision a utopian world, where the good, wise and righteous (including themselves, naturally), with organ music swelling behind them, lead a benighted public by the hand to the sunny uplands of a better future, while the plutocrats rot in the stocks, pelted with fruit by a vengeful proletariat.

They really believe that. Which is why they never get anywhere.

Actually, most of the "delegates" at COP21 couldn't care less whether they get anywhere, as long as they have the chance to do it all over next year at some agreeable location where the shopping is excellent and the dining first-class.

"We are absolutely right about the science, but a few evil plutocrats, brainwashing a dim-bulb public, are stonewalling our noble and heroic efforts to save the planet."

Well said, exactly correct. Couldn't have put it better myself.


Don't you just love it when somebody that has no argument is resorted to quoting you out of context to try and make a point?

That's all they have.

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I ran across this EDITORIAL which helps to put a little different stance on all the global warming mania that has consumed the liberal left.

Warning...It is an EDITORIAL and can cause damage to liberal brain cells


It's Not About Warming: Here's Why The U.N. Holds Climate Summits
05:51 PM ET
Global Warming: The United Nations climate summit was billed as the meeting that would save the world. But that's not what the conference delegates want — their goal is to fundamentally transform the world.
In the days leading up to the 21st session of the Conference of Parties to the U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, hardly a living person could avoid hearing the desperate talk about the Paris summit being our last chance to save the world from global warming . It was all a pretense, however, because what the global warming alarmist community says it wants isn't what it truly hungers for.
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I ran across this EDITORIAL which helps to put a little different stance on all the global warming mania that has consumed the liberal left.

Warning...It is an EDITORIAL and can cause damage to liberal brain cells


It's Not About Warming: Here's Why The U.N. Holds Climate Summits
05:51 PM ET
Global Warming: The United Nations climate summit was billed as the meeting that would save the world. But that's not what the conference delegates want — their goal is to fundamentally transform the world.
In the days leading up to the 21st session of the Conference of Parties to the U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, hardly a living person could avoid hearing the desperate talk about the Paris summit being our last chance to save the world from global warming . It was all a pretense, however, because what the global warming alarmist community says it wants isn't what it truly hungers for.

Foolish nonsense.

I have a tip for Investors. Don't invest in Fossil Fuels. Clean Energy is where the big money is.

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I ran across this EDITORIAL which helps to put a little different stance on all the global warming mania that has consumed the liberal left.

Warning...It is an EDITORIAL and can cause damage to liberal brain cells


It's Not About Warming: Here's Why The U.N. Holds Climate Summits
05:51 PM ET
Global Warming: The United Nations climate summit was billed as the meeting that would save the world. But that's not what the conference delegates want — their goal is to fundamentally transform the world.
In the days leading up to the 21st session of the Conference of Parties to the U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, hardly a living person could avoid hearing the desperate talk about the Paris summit being our last chance to save the world from global warming . It was all a pretense, however, because what the global warming alarmist community says it wants isn't what it truly hungers for.

Foolish nonsense.

I have a tip for Investors. Don't invest in Fossil Fuels. Clean Energy is where the big money is.

I tried to warn you. You wouldn't listen

From the content of your latest post, you have lost nearly all cognitive reasoning...and all because you read a conservative EDITORIAL.

Here is one of the latest clean energy firms that represents "big money".


Rep. Pompeo Investigates Failing Obama-Backed Green Energy Company
11:49 AM 12/03/2015
Rep. Mike Pompeo is demanding information on Abengoa, a Spanish green energy firm on the brink of bankruptcy that could leave U.S. taxpayers on the hook for billions of dollars.
The Kansas Republican is worried Abengoa’s bankruptcy could stick taxpayers with the bill in light of recent news the company’s single largest creditor is the Federal Financing Bank (FFB) — a government-owned bank operated by the Department of the Treasury.
“Recent news that Abengoa, a Spanish green energy company, is entering into bankruptcy proceedings this last week has shed light on an issue of extreme concern for the American taxpayer,” Pompeo writes in a letter to Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz and Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew, demanding information from the agencies on how they plan on handling Abengoa’s potential failure.
The "big money" in this case amounts to around $2.34 BILLION. Makes Solyndra seem almost trivial.
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