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COP21: climate deal draft agreed after marathon talks


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COP21: climate deal draft agreed after marathon talks


Negotiators at the UN-sponsored climate summit in Paris have come up with a draft agreement that will be presented to ministers at 1030 GMT, a French government source said on Saturday.

“There is a draft agreement,” the source said, “it is being translated. For it to become a deal, it would have to be adopted.”

The development comes after nearly two weeks of tough negotiations at the COP21 conference.

The draft agreement will go before ministers a day later than originally planned.

Details of the text are unclear. But the negotiators in Paris, representing almost two hundred countries, have been working on a deal that would bind countries to cut rising greenhouse gas emissions.

The last stumbling blocks were over money, specifically how to structure hundreds of billions of euros in funding from rich nations to poorer ones – to help them adapt to climate change.

Despite late-in-the-game delays and a frustrating night of talks, many of those involved said the momentum towards an agreement was unlikely to be crushed at such a crucial moment.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-12

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And that's bye-bye from 40,000 people -- until they get to do the same charade all over again next year in some agreeable venue. This is one gravy train nobody wants to get off.

I believe Marrakech in Morocco was originally chosen for next year's ritual, but that's looking increasingly unlikely with the terrorist unrest, so don't be surprised if they move it to somewhere more secure, like Tahiti, or Gstaad.

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And that's bye-bye from 40,000 people -- until they get to do the same charade all over again next year in some agreeable venue. This is one gravy train nobody wants to get off.

I believe Marrakech in Morocco was originally chosen for next year's ritual, but that's looking increasingly unlikely with the terrorist unrest, so don't be surprised if they move it to somewhere more secure, like Tahiti, or Gstaad.

In truth, COP is not really about saving the planet. Rather, it’s a massive jobs fair for activists, shyster politicians, bureaucrats, corporate scamsters, and people with otherwise worthless degrees in “sustainability”, “conservation biology”, “ecology”, etc.

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great.. a deal to prevent 'global warming' apparently these idiots can't just look at the most advanced climate data that shows cooling:


or the satellite data that shows cooling and then shows no warming after its been adjusted to add warming, or the radiosonde data that shows cooling or the facts on the ground that show cooling like snow in the summer or snow in saudi arabia and vietnam and san diego..

no no.. we have to look at the adjusted data that shows global warming..the adjusted data is the most accurate.. putting a thermometer near hot asphalt at the end of a runway and near exhaust vents ..THAT'S the data you wanna look at people.. cmon, this is 'science' THE science shows that we got a runaway greenhouse effect near jet engines.. that turbofan engine is HOT, so ofcource that proves there is global warming I mean the other day i was measuring the heat coming out of my toaster oven.. that's the kind of data that we need to be looking at people, i mean its hot in the oven, the oven is on this 'globe' so there is 'global warming' thats just good science.

Edited by movieplay
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GOP 21 is all about Population Control and not Much else

This Global Warning c*ap is all part of it

Don’t let other countries evolve don’t let them use cheap energies such as Coal or Hydro to get growth and better their countries

and yes the people pushing this agenda either get Rich or more power of the people of the planet

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Yes, and as we end this ice age there will be global warming.

I have been to big company presentations on this. When they show me graphs with no scale and then tell me that certain islands are being inundated by the sea , as the sea level is rising, it is emphatically wrong, islands I mention are coral atolls which do sink as the fresh water is pumped out from below.

Even as a young science student you learn about the long term trends, ice ages and warm ages.

Trouble is here that there is too much momemtum in the whole thing, and now too many people are prospering from it.

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I watched some footage of the celebrations, non-stop applause etc etc and couldn't help but wonder how many countries supposedly on board are already looking at ways to get around the agreement or will, with some suitable excuses, just ignore the issue ?

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French president Hollande was, naturally, grandstanding. He called the final text “differentiated, fair, dynamic, durable, balanced and legally binding.”

Maybe it sounds better in French.

Anyway, the godfather of global warming, former NASA GISS boss James Hansen saw it differently. “It’s a fraud really, a fake. It’s just bullshit for them to say: ‘We’ll have a 2C warming target and then try to do a little better every five years.’ It’s just worthless words. There is no action, just promises."

And of course there will be another fraud — conference, I mean — next year, where 40,000 people can offer up more worthless words.

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I read as much as I can on CC, changed from Global Warming when it was discovered there had been no warming for years. My take is there is no warming, no increase in incidence of typhoons, droughts, natural didasters, etc.

Now, ignoring the UN's own figures that reinforce there has been no warming for 16+ years, these parasites strike an agreement to limit the rise to 2 degrees. What are these idiots smoking?

The lie won't stop now though; too many making too much out of perpetuating what will be shown to be the greatest lie of our time, if not all time.

I wonder how many tonnes of emissions resulted from politicians private jets flying across the world for this meaningless 'conference'.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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I read as much as o can on CC, changed from Global Warming when it was discovered there had been no warming for years.

Now, ignoring the UN's own figures that reinforce there has been no warming for 16+ years, these parasites strike an agreement to limit the rise to 2 degrees. What are these idiots smoking?

The lie won't stop now though; too many making too much out of perpetuating what will be shown to be the greatest lie of our time, if not all time.

"Now, ignoring the UN's own figures that reinforce there has been no warming for 16+ years," - and you appear to be ignoring that these figures don't actually exist...but don't let the truth get in your way will you.

As for your reading....well I think comprehension is an area you need to work on.

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Cumgranosalum, I read and comprehend very well thanks, and I smell a con.

You seem to have an ability to be abrasive in your comments toward other posters if they don't agree. That may be an area you could work on.

Such conduct is often a sign of personality defects......intolerance and immaturity, frequently seen in your posts.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Cumgranosalum, I read and comprehend very well thanks, and I smell a con.

You seem to have an ability to be abrasive in your comments toward other posters if they don't agree. That may be an area you could work on.

Such conduct is often a sign of a personality defect....immaturity.

Thanks - My comments arise only out of the words/reasoning others post -

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; " - Thomas Jefferson

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I read as much as o can on CC, changed from Global Warming when it was discovered there had been no warming for years.

Now, ignoring the UN's own figures that reinforce there has been no warming for 16+ years, these parasites strike an agreement to limit the rise to 2 degrees. What are these idiots smoking?

The lie won't stop now though; too many making too much out of perpetuating what will be shown to be the greatest lie of our time, if not all time.

"Now, ignoring the UN's own figures that reinforce there has been no warming for 16+ years," - and you appear to be ignoring that these figures don't actually exist...but don't let the truth get in your way will you.

As for your reading....well I think comprehension is an area you need to work on.

To be exact as of September 2015 there has been no global warming for eighteen years and eight months. The figures do exist as you can easily see in the link below.


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Aren't Republicans even a little impressed that Obama got the whole world to go along with his climate change hoax? clap2.gif

Climate change is a hoax and there is a war on Christmas.

Sing along with me: Camptown racers sing this song...du dah, du dah laugh.png

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Man, any talk of climate change really bring the nutters out in force!

Funny you mentioned that. I thought the same thing when I saw your post.

Well, I have been accused of hating god (wasn't it by you?) so I guess that's my excuse. What's yours??

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I read as much as o can on CC, changed from Global Warming when it was discovered there had been no warming for years.

Now, ignoring the UN's own figures that reinforce there has been no warming for 16+ years, these parasites strike an agreement to limit the rise to 2 degrees. What are these idiots smoking?

The lie won't stop now though; too many making too much out of perpetuating what will be shown to be the greatest lie of our time, if not all time.

"Now, ignoring the UN's own figures that reinforce there has been no warming for 16+ years," - and you appear to be ignoring that these figures don't actually exist...but don't let the truth get in your way will you.

As for your reading....well I think comprehension is an area you need to work on.

To be exact as of September 2015 there has been no global warming for eighteen years and eight months. The figures do exist as you can easily see in the link below.


No they don't - you really just don't understand the figures - they were deliberately misinterpreted by the climate deniers and this interpretation has been universally discredited....to everyone exceot you apparently. You should actually read the thread last year if you want to see the evidence for that.

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I read as much as o can on CC, changed from Global Warming when it was discovered there had been no warming for years.

Now, ignoring the UN's own figures that reinforce there has been no warming for 16+ years, these parasites strike an agreement to limit the rise to 2 degrees. What are these idiots smoking?

The lie won't stop now though; too many making too much out of perpetuating what will be shown to be the greatest lie of our time, if not all time.

"Now, ignoring the UN's own figures that reinforce there has been no warming for 16+ years," - and you appear to be ignoring that these figures don't actually exist...but don't let the truth get in your way will you.

As for your reading....well I think comprehension is an area you need to work on.

To be exact as of September 2015 there has been no global warming for eighteen years and eight months. The figures do exist as you can easily see in the link below.


No they don't - you really just don't understand the figures - they were deliberately misinterpreted by the climate deniers and this interpretation has been universally discredited....to everyone exceot you apparently. You should actually read the thread last year if you want to see the evidence for that.

I understand the figures quite well thank you. There are none so blind as those who will not see. We shall agree to disagree.

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I read as much as I can on CC, changed from Global Warming when it was discovered there had been no warming for years. My take is there is no warming, no increase in incidence of typhoons, droughts, natural didasters, etc.

Now, ignoring the UN's own figures that reinforce there has been no warming for 16+ years, these parasites strike an agreement to limit the rise to 2 degrees. What are these idiots smoking?

The lie won't stop now though; too many making too much out of perpetuating what will be shown to be the greatest lie of our time, if not all time.

I wonder how many tonnes of emissions resulted from politicians private jets flying across the world for this meaningless 'conference'.

If you had of actually read the science on Climate Change and Global Warming you would know BOTH terms have been used by scientists over 120 years so I doubt you have even a basic knowledge on CC / GW. You would also know the latest scientific research shows NO pause in GW over the past 25 years compared to the previous 25 years. What isn't stopping is boosters for the misinformation from Fossil Fuel corporations such as yourself who have little to no understanding of the issue as your comments clearly demonstrate. Also if you had a clue you would also know that all CC / GW conferences are Carbon Footprint Neutral using Carbon Offset payments.

The outcomes of COP21 have been better than expected. Well done to those involved. People who actually know what they are talking about.

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To be exact as of September 2015 there has been no global warming for eighteen years and eight months. The figures do exist as you can easily see in the link below.


Are you seriously quoting cherry picked sciencey crap from Anthony Watts website? Next you will be sighting the KKK as an authority on Civil Rights issues lmao.

How many peer reviewed scientific research papers / articles has Anthony Watts had published in prestigious Scientific Journals. I'll give you a tip.........ZERO. The man's a fool.

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The only thing that shows global warming since 1997 is adjusted data, it's a joke..



The RURAL US data, which is the most accurate surface temp data shows cooling.

and on top of that America's most advanced climate station data shows COOLING.

the satellite data shows cooling and was only adjusted to show a warming pause.

How would you explain that there is this global warming while the entire rural area's of the USA, a massive country with huge coastlines on both the atlantic and pacific shows cooling?

Oh lemme guess you actually believe that bullshit about the heat going into the ocean?

The only thing more pathetic than the NOAA's 'official line' bullshit are the people that believe it, especially when repeatedly confronted with the truth. Even NASA's and the NOAA's own data completely contradicts the global warming myth. GW doesn't exist, the trend is now cooling, numerous scientific organizations that are not tied to NOAA,IPCC,NASA Goddard RAW politics are saying that.

I'll say it again, the heat is deep in the ocean along with Iraq's WMD.

Here's a couple more.. # of days in the US over 95*F DOWN.

# of days in the US below freezing UP.

I read as much as I can on CC, changed from Global Warming when it was discovered there had been no warming for years. My take is there is no warming, no increase in incidence of typhoons, droughts, natural didasters, etc.

Now, ignoring the UN's own figures that reinforce there has been no warming for 16+ years, these parasites strike an agreement to limit the rise to 2 degrees. What are these idiots smoking?

The lie won't stop now though; too many making too much out of perpetuating what will be shown to be the greatest lie of our time, if not all time.

I wonder how many tonnes of emissions resulted from politicians private jets flying across the world for this meaningless 'conference'.

If you had of actually read the science on Climate Change and Global Warming you would know BOTH terms have been used by scientists over 120 years so I doubt you have even a basic knowledge on CC / GW. You would also know the latest scientific research shows NO pause in GW over the past 25 years compared to the previous 25 years. What isn't stopping is boosters for the misinformation from Fossil Fuel corporations such as yourself who have little to no understanding of the issue as your comments clearly demonstrate. Also if you had a clue you would also know that all CC / GW conferences are Carbon Footprint Neutral using Carbon Offset payments.

The outcomes of COP21 have been better than expected. Well done to those involved. People who actually know what they are talking about.

Edited by movieplay
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And that's bye-bye from 40,000 people -- until they get to do the same charade all over again next year in some agreeable venue. This is one gravy train nobody wants to get off.

I believe Marrakech in Morocco was originally chosen for next year's ritual, but that's looking increasingly unlikely with the terrorist unrest, so don't be surprised if they move it to somewhere more secure, like Tahiti, or Gstaad.

Upset you weren't invited? Never mind. There is always a chance for next year.

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Cumgranosalum, I read and comprehend very well thanks, and I smell a con.

You seem to have an ability to be abrasive in your comments toward other posters if they don't agree. That may be an area you could work on.

Such conduct is often a sign of personality defects......intolerance and immaturity, frequently seen in your posts.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

You don't seem to like it when someone does it to you.

Funny about that.

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The "18 yers premise is a myth...summed up in this post from another thread...


I have more respect for Dr. Jeff Masters than anyone when it comes to climate issues.


One often hears the statement in the media that global warming stopped in 1998, or that there has been no global warming for the past 16 years. Why pick 16 years? Why not some nice round number like 20 years? Or better yet, 30 years, since the climate is generally defined as the average weather experienced over a period of 30 years or longer? Temperatures at Earth's surface undergo natural, decades-long warming and cooling trends, related to the La Niña/El Niño cycle and the 11-year sunspot cycle. The reason one often hears the year 1998 used as a base year to measure global temperature trends is that this is a cherry-picked year. An extraordinarily powerful El Niño event that was the strongest on record brought about a temporary increase in surface ocean temperatures over a vast area of the tropical Pacific that year, helping boost global surface temperatures to the highest levels on record (global temperatures were warmer in both 2005 and 2010, but not by much.) But in the years from 2005 - 2012, La Niña events have been present for at least a portion of every single year, helping keep Earth's surface relatively cool. Thus, if one draws a straight-line fit of global surface temperatures from 1998 to 2012, a climate trend showing little global warming results. If one picks any year prior to 1998, or almost any year after 1998, a global warming trend does result. The choice of 1998 is a deliberate abuse of statistics in an attempt to manipulate people into drawing a false conclusion on global temperature trends. One of my favorite examples of this manipulation of statistics is shown an animated graph called "The Escalator", created by skepticalscience.com (Figure 1).

Edited by F430murci, 2013-09-21 21:57:49.

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