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Retirees Association

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:D its very obvious from these threads that there are thousands of long term retirees (with or without thai family) who have been living here for years quite legitimately, obeying all the rules and of sound financial position, also genuinely retired and not in some furtive business illegally.

since oct 1st many have now become compromised by new regulations that may prohibit them remaining in thailand, despite family and significant investments etc

Clearly the lawmakers do not understand the potential economic impact of

a) disenfranchising existing retirees

:D discouraging any future new retirees

simple figures

say income 500k pa

investment 3million

so 10,000 people affected equals loss of 5 billion baht pa and reduction of 30 billion investment

thats probably very conservative but it represents a lot of poor thai job indirectly

OK thats one point

The other point is that, as a coordinated group we have the opportunity to engage a legal expert to lobby suitbale government sources and explain our position. At the moment we have no representation at all.

If it gets really bad then we can lobby our own governments and at least get the negative position clearly broadcast to europe and the us to show the shameful treatment of long serving residents who were quite welcom for many years before

I think you can get the picture

Its all too easy to sit back and hope it all goes away, but i fear that it wont. Thailand has earned a reputaion as a safe have for peodphiles and criminals. Quite rightly the government is seeking ways to rid their country of this cancer (i am not wishing to be sanctimonious here but if the cap fits...)

If we dont help ourselves collectively, nobody else will.

If interested then post a simple msg

btw I am aware of the Expat meeting group in Pattaya which has regular dialogs with pattaya immigration and they seem to be doing a good job. :o

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I don't quite know what you are talking about.

The retirement extension has not changed except in two areas, that I am aware of.

If you continue to use the 800k deposit it must be shown to really belong to you with a 3 month track record prior to each extension of stay. The other change removed the requirement for a medical certificate.

Neither change should adversely effect thousands of

long term retirees (with or without thai family) who have been living here for years quite legitimately, obeying all the rules and of sound financial position,
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