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SURVEY: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?

SURVEY: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?  

338 members have voted

  1. 1. Survey: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?

    • Yes, I am a UK citizens and I support a ban.
    • No, I am a UK citizen but I do not support a ban.
    • Yes, I am not a UK citizen but I would support a ban.
    • No, I am not a UK citizen but I would not support a ban

This poll is closed to new votes

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So..... Are we not in Asia, discussing comments made in America, because of a petition started in the UK?

I'm not sure what your definition of "global" is, but that all seems to me to be pretty global, and as I'm Australian, that covers four of the five continents on this planet

And while most issues may well be local, they are also often influenced by global affairs.... Farming? Yep... GM foods and better farming practices through scientific breakthroughs, seeking higher yields

Do you go to the doctor, DrTurner? Who designs the drugs you take?

Obviously you use a computer, perhaps made in China? And do you follow international newsfeed on that computer?

Maybe not everybody has joined up yet, although given Facebook statistics, I don't think there's many folk left , that are not hooked into the global community

Information has gone (semi) global, that I give you. Score one for internet, minus some for local censorship. International trade has increased as well, nothing new there though, silk road was a long time ago. Some kindling of global politics could be seen in the ceremonial agreements made in f.ex. the COP21 last week. Even this language, English, which isn't my native tongue, has spread over vast areas. Globalization is without a doubt proceeding, but:

When I go outside, not using my probably in China made computer, leaving the internet discussion started by a select elite expat group in a Thai forum about American politicians scolded by some one in the UK, the real tangible world is very much that of the somtam sellers, soi dogs and karaoke bars. They, the majority around here, won't give a flying <deleted> about anything further away than 10km and wouldn't know or care who Trump is. It's presented in ample examples of Thais rejecting western influences, remember the "UN is not my father"? It's all local, not global. More examples? The rise of right wing politics in Europe due to the migrant crisis. People are afraid of their local values being threatened and are preparing to take arms to defend them. Current backlash to the PC rhetoric I also see as an example of people returning to their core, local values. Trump is cashing in on this. People want local because it's visible, manageable and familiar.

I'll define global then. It's when I can be at any place of the world, at any time, expecting the exact same environment. Obviously that requires teleportation, terraforming, etc. Even if the tech was there, humans would form local communities in no time. Information exchange, nor trade or even inter-tribe breeding won't make them global. Put simply, it's a pipe dream. Communities have a size limit.

Much as I'd like to continue this, I do have to go to sleep. The real local world requires I wake up early. But I'll dream of a global community on earth .. where the localities have moved to colonies in space. And naturally I shall rule over my own, local niche.

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So..... Are we not in Asia, discussing comments made in America, because of a petition started in the UK?

I'm not sure what your definition of "global" is, but that all seems to me to be pretty global, and as I'm Australian, that covers four of the five continents on this planet

And while most issues may well be local, they are also often influenced by global affairs.... Farming? Yep... GM foods and better farming practices through scientific breakthroughs, seeking higher yields

Do you go to the doctor, DrTurner? Who designs the drugs you take?

Obviously you use a computer, perhaps made in China? And do you follow international newsfeed on that computer?

Maybe not everybody has joined up yet, although given Facebook statistics, I don't think there's many folk left , that are not hooked into the global community

Information has gone (semi) global, that I give you. Score one for internet, minus some for local censorship. International trade has increased as well, nothing new there though, silk road was a long time ago. Some kindling of global politics could be seen in the ceremonial agreements made in f.ex. the COP21 last week. Even this language, English, which isn't my native tongue, has spread over vast areas. Globalization is without a doubt proceeding, but:

When I go outside, not using my probably in China made computer, leaving the internet discussion started by a select elite expat group in a Thai forum about American politicians scolded by some one in the UK, the real tangible world is very much that of the somtam sellers, soi dogs and karaoke bars. They, the majority around here, won't give a flying <deleted> about anything further away than 10km and wouldn't know or care who Trump is. It's presented in ample examples of Thais rejecting western influences, remember the "UN is not my father"? It's all local, not global. More examples? The rise of right wing politics in Europe due to the migrant crisis. People are afraid of their local values being threatened and are preparing to take arms to defend them. Current backlash to the PC rhetoric I also see as an example of people returning to their core, local values. Trump is cashing in on this. People want local because it's visible, manageable and familiar.

I'll define global then. It's when I can be at any place of the world, at any time, expecting the exact same environment. Obviously that requires teleportation, terraforming, etc. Even if the tech was there, humans would form local communities in no time. Information exchange, nor trade or even inter-tribe breeding won't make them global. Put simply, it's a pipe dream. Communities have a size limit.

Much as I'd like to continue this, I do have to go to sleep. The real local world requires I wake up early. But I'll dream of a global community on earth .. where the localities have moved to colonies in space. And naturally I shall rule over my own, local niche.

Great response... I gotta say like it.

All I can think to say is go to macdonalds.... I believe their motto is something like "a cheeseburger is a cheeseburger, in every shop, anywhere in the world" though I think they lie.

Sleep well bro



The visibile result of this Poll thus far, seems to indicate that the multi-cultural progressive view has a very loud microphone, but when the vast majority of people pick the bones out of the bluster, they arrive at a sensible conclusion.


If you think that "sensible conclusion" is that all those who voted 'No' support Trump or agree with his views on anything; you are very much mistaken.

Like myself, many posters have said that even though they voted 'No' it was not because they support or agree with him but because they think banning him is not the right way of countering him and his views.

IMHO, the poll options were poorly chosen; better, I think, if there had been an option of "I don't agree with Trump, but don't think he should be banned from the UK."

As I have said, one of the reasons I want him to come here is so he can see for himself how ridiculous his ignorant statements about life in my country are.

Though if he's got any sense, he wont go to Scotland; particularly Aberdeenshire! If you look at the petition map, you will see that is one of the areas with the largest number of signatories! They hate him up there; and with good cause.

Sensible conclusion, meaning sensible people don't care what Trump has to say to begin with or, at best, don't allow themselves to get carried away on the faux offense band wagon.

I don't think Trump should go to the UK and see anything. He's running for US President, not PM. It's clear he repeats nonsense he hears, he did it with the child innoculation talking point. WRT No Go muslim Zones, I think it was Pam Geller who said that several months ago during her 15 minutes after the attempted attack on her Draw Mohammed event in Texas.


It's unfortunate, because really, what American really gives a good g*dda*n what a Brit or any other chuckhole's opinion is about our country or our politics.

Good question.

But stay out of our politics.

Ah, we have an answer.

Newsflash: This ain't America, so suck it up big boy.

"Newsflash: This ain't America, so suck it up big boy."

Since posting on the US political or gun control scene is one of your major pastimes, May I quote you with this post of yours?

I promise to only change one word.


I'm a brit and I wouldn't sign it just because David Cameron thinks he will get votes from the Muslims that have signed the petion may in deed be true, that's of course if they are registered to vote!!! Or even allowed to by there families.

Let's face it with so many refugees not just Muslims dont we wish our leaders where a little bit stronger. It will all probably come to nothing and he won't get elected but I think that all parties will have to bear in mind what he said and how America responded to it.


1ST Amendment to the US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Herein lies one of the reasons that our forefathers declared their Independence.

Remember, those of you who embrace the 'Nanny-state": Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. --So 'sack up' nanny-stater whiners and get over yourselves. Nothing in the US Constitution is for you or about you. Scream, shout, stamp on the ground until ya'll are blue in the face -- it means nothing to us. Have a nice rant!

You seem to have gone off on a tangent.

Do you understand that this petition is about who we allow into the UK?

Your constitution doesn't apply, but thanks for the history lesson

Son, all I'm saying is your petition is totally irrelevant. But if it make ya'll feel better, by all means, indulge yourselves.


1ST Amendment to the US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Herein lies one of the reasons that our forefathers declared their Independence.

Remember, those of you who embrace the 'Nanny-state": Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. --So 'sack up' nanny-stater whiners and get over yourselves. Nothing in the US Constitution is for you or about you. Scream, shout, stamp on the ground until ya'll are blue in the face -- it means nothing to us. Have a nice rant!

You seem to have gone off on a tangent.

Do you understand that this petition is about who we allow into the UK?

Your constitution doesn't apply, but thanks for the history lesson

Son, all I'm saying is your petition is totally irrelevant. But if it make ya'll feel better, by all means, indulge yourselves.

Not my petition, cupcake.

Irrelevant, but here you are posting and ranting giggle.gif


1ST Amendment to the US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.Herein lies one of the reasons that our forefathers declared their Independence.

Remember, those of you who embrace the 'Nanny-state": Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. --So 'sack up' nanny-stater whiners and get over yourselves. Nothing in the US Constitution is for you or about you. Scream, shout, stamp on the ground until ya'll are blue in the face -- it means nothing to us. Have a nice rant!

You seem to have gone off on a tangent.

Do you understand that this petition is about who we allow into the UK?Your constitution doesn't apply, but thanks for the history lesson

Son, all I'm saying is your petition is totally irrelevant. But if it make ya'll feel better, by all means, indulge yourselves.

Connda... Old son... Your back.

Big brother went and sensored our last couple of posts... Most annoying after digging deeper into US foreign policy during the 1930's

( isolationism.... As in... Don't get involved, unless lending money from the private section, cause business is business, right?)

And while I wouldn't want to seem to be agreeable, your statement that the petition is irrelevant is true... But that too is irrelevant.

What is relevant is that the world knows what US politics is doing, therefore gagging trump, or his peers, by any means, is not in the worlds best interest

Vote no to the ban, let the world see what the US citizens see, and then let's try to avoid the intrigue and treachery of our forebears


We should vote him off ofthe island ( planet)!

There is no place for such racism and bigotry in today's world.

He is only making a play for the support of the passionately uneducated and uninformed in America....and there are a lot of them.

Trump is in America currently competing in the Republican party only for its nomination to represent only it exclusively in the general election next November.

HR Clinton is leading in the Democratic party for its own formal designation to lead it into the general election.

Nobody is competing for the vote of all Americans just yet. The nomination and processes leading up to it are presently occurring in each party, respectively.

Scientific survey polling of all Americans who respond to the polls presently show that if the choice is between the two, 50% of Americans would vote for HR Clinton, 40% would vote for Trump. In USA elections that is a massacre. Trump would be lucky to win ten or twelve of the 50 states.

Last time the Republican party nominated a crackpot for POTUS, Sen Barry Goldwater of Arizona, in 1964, the frankly speaking extremist won five states to include his own pathetic one. In 2008 a more centrist Arizona Republican, Sen John McCain did better than Goldwater but lost big time all the same.

Talking about "America," it does not want any more Texas crude in the person of Cruz and it certainly does not want another frank-en-stein, Donald Trump. Frankenstein was in fact a tragic creation who wanted to be accepted. Trump is simply an obnoxious abomination who is broadly and widely rejected by the vast majority of Americans.


YES many times over. He is a menace to world peace. The thought of him with his finger on the nuclear button gives me nightmares. He is like a spoilt big rich kid - oh I wonder why?

The man is getting to match Hitler in his scary meglomania.


Foreigners of all political stripes have every right to speak publicly to US politics, government, society. The Americans who most object are the rightwhingers who like to question if not challenge the foreigners whose views the American self-deported self-exiled expat right find offensive.

Foreigners who dog on the US education system are the most uninformed by any standard so they need the most to be corrected; educated. You should be aware the US expat rightwingers agree with you. Most other Americans know you don't know what you're talking about so educating you is a positive and welcome development.

This poster voted No in the survey without any expectation UK people would say only UK subjects could vote.

The other four permanent members of the UN Security Council have their vote and their literal say in respect of the USA and the General Assembly has its vote and voice. Of the other UNSC four, the most vocal in these parts are from the UK and and its Commonwealth parts down under and by the Putin Chekists from Russia where voice sounds sometimes freeze in the air if not in the ground.

No so many literal fahlang French here but they rarely sing the praises of the USA either, if ever. Very few Chinese post here but lotsa CCPs are present nonetheless. If the USA expat self-exiled rightwhingers had their way there'd have to be a new body of whack job rules of posting at TVF.


No ban for Trump,,,What idiot calls what Trump said a Hate Speech? It's NOT a Hate Speech it's a move for National Security to keep the Country safe !


It is NO BUSINESS of the UK what Donald Trump says or does . I think he might make a good president , at least better than Bush or Obama .

Heaven Help the US and the World if Hilary Clinton becomes president !!!

If Britain wants to ban someone , better one of their own . Why not David Cameron for a start , posturing on the world stage , licking US boots !!!


It is NO BUSINESS of the UK what Donald Trump says or does . I think he might make a good president , at least better than Bush or Obama .

Heaven Help the US and the World if Hilary Clinton becomes president !!!

If Britain wants to ban someone , better one of their own . Why not David Cameron for a start , posturing on the world stage , licking US boots !!!

It is the BUSINESS of every country in the world if a barmy, vindictively childish, megalomaniac becomes US President. A man that cannot even continue a conversation without insulting somebody and makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar.

By all means ban DC from the US if you think you have good grounds. In fact if you had grounds for banning him similar to those we object to for DT, I for one would be petitioning to have him arrested for a hate crime.

But fortunately he unlike DT, is not terminally stupid and so wrapped up in his self glorifying megalomania that he does not care about scarring half the population of the US with his stupid keep out Muslims rhetoric. You have to be more than a few bricks short of a hod to make such a ridiculous statement that oh so clearly indicates he has no idea of what the "rest of the world" really means.

It does not bode well for American education that people actually listen to him.

The rest of the world have no right to tell you who to elect as POTUS, but we sure are entitled to voice an opinion on something that has such far reaching effects.


It is NO BUSINESS of the UK what Donald Trump says or does . I think he might make a good president , at least better than Bush or Obama .

Heaven Help the US and the World if Hilary Clinton becomes president !!!

If Britain wants to ban someone , better one of their own . Why not David Cameron for a start , posturing on the world stage , licking US boots !!!

It is the BUSINESS of every country in the world if a barmy, vindictively childish, megalomaniac becomes US President. A man that cannot even continue a conversation without insulting somebody and makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar.

By all means ban DC from the US if you think you have good grounds. In fact if you had grounds for banning him similar to those we object to for DT, I for one would be petitioning to have him arrested for a hate crime.

But fortunately he unlike DT, is not terminally stupid and so wrapped up in his self glorifying megalomania that he does not care about scarring half the population of the US with his stupid keep out Muslims rhetoric. You have to be more than a few bricks short of a hod to make such a ridiculous statement that oh so clearly indicates he has no idea of what the "rest of the world" really means.

It does not bode well for American education that people actually listen to him.

The rest of the world have no right to tell you who to elect as POTUS, but we sure are entitled to voice an opinion on something that has such far reaching effects.

If ignorance is bliss, you must be ecstatic.


you give some low life much more respect than they deserve. why would uk even consider it. im sure trump would not visit uk


you give some low life much more respect than they deserve. why would uk even consider it. im sure trump would not visit uk

He owns a number of businesses in the UK - why wouldn't he visit them?


I never realized the hatred that UK citizens have for America until I moved to Thailand. We won the war a long time ago. Get over it, please. There is no hatred in America towards the UK, no matter what the BBC tells you.


I fully support Donald coming to the UK, even though I don't like him, or what he says that much

The problem being, the US still has freedom of speech, the UK no longer does, due to ultra "Liberals".

Back in the 90's, the Tory party gave a donation to the Bush snr campaign funds, Bush duly lostfacepalm.gif to Clinton, this poisoned relations between the UK and US for many years, until the Tories left office.

There is still a very small chance that Donald could be President, if, god-willing, the UK decides to exit the EU, we're gonna need friends in high places on the other side of the Pond!


It is NO BUSINESS of the UK what Donald Trump says or does . I think he might make a good president , at least better than Bush or Obama .

Heaven Help the US and the World if Hilary Clinton becomes president !!!

If Britain wants to ban someone , better one of their own . Why not David Cameron for a start , posturing on the world stage , licking US boots !!!

It is the BUSINESS of every country in the world if a barmy, vindictively childish, megalomaniac becomes US President. A man that cannot even continue a conversation without insulting somebody and makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar.

By all means ban DC from the US if you think you have good grounds. In fact if you had grounds for banning him similar to those we object to for DT, I for one would be petitioning to have him arrested for a hate crime.

But fortunately he unlike DT, is not terminally stupid and so wrapped up in his self glorifying megalomania that he does not care about scarring half the population of the US with his stupid keep out Muslims rhetoric. You have to be more than a few bricks short of a hod to make such a ridiculous statement that oh so clearly indicates he has no idea of what the "rest of the world" really means.

It does not bode well for American education that people actually listen to him.

The rest of the world have no right to tell you who to elect as POTUS, but we sure are entitled to voice an opinion on something that has such far reaching effects.

If ignorance is bliss, you must be ecstatic.

Absolutely Bloody Right, I am blissfully and ecstatically ignorant of what a stupid pointless comment like this means.

Do try to keep up with the big boys and post something that actually has some meaning.


It is NO BUSINESS of the UK what Donald Trump says or does . I think he might make a good president , at least better than Bush or Obama .

Heaven Help the US and the World if Hilary Clinton becomes president !!!

If Britain wants to ban someone , better one of their own . Why not David Cameron for a start , posturing on the world stage , licking US boots !!!

It is the BUSINESS of every country in the world if a barmy, vindictively childish, megalomaniac becomes US President. A man that cannot even continue a conversation without insulting somebody and makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar.

By all means ban DC from the US if you think you have good grounds. In fact if you had grounds for banning him similar to those we object to for DT, I for one would be petitioning to have him arrested for a hate crime.

But fortunately he unlike DT, is not terminally stupid and so wrapped up in his self glorifying megalomania that he does not care about scarring half the population of the US with his stupid keep out Muslims rhetoric. You have to be more than a few bricks short of a hod to make such a ridiculous statement that oh so clearly indicates he has no idea of what the "rest of the world" really means.

It does not bode well for American education that people actually listen to him.

The rest of the world have no right to tell you who to elect as POTUS, but we sure are entitled to voice an opinion on something that has such far reaching effects.


Well said.

And what anyone and everyone, who suggests that foreigners have no business commenting on what the USA does internally, should remember... Must be made to remember... Is that hitler ( who some posters are no referencing whilst talking trump) was democratically elected by his constituents... And democratically granted dictatorial powers, by his country

Of concern also, is that some posters ( assumedly US citizens) seem to prefer that foreigners not know about their internal politics and opinions... Why, prey tell, would this be so?



As I have said before, without transparent governance, the world will never truly be free, or safe.... And this holds true, wether the Americans elect Humpty Dumpty, or Donald trump.... So again... Let everyone hear what he has to say, wherever he chooses to say it, so reasonable people, the world over, know what the world is getting into


It is NO BUSINESS of the UK what Donald Trump says or does . I think he might make a good president , at least better than Bush or Obama .

Heaven Help the US and the World if Hilary Clinton becomes president !!!

If Britain wants to ban someone , better one of their own . Why not David Cameron for a start , posturing on the world stage , licking US boots !!!

It is the BUSINESS of every country in the world if a barmy, vindictively childish, megalomaniac becomes US President. A man that cannot even continue a conversation without insulting somebody and makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar.

By all means ban DC from the US if you think you have good grounds. In fact if you had grounds for banning him similar to those we object to for DT, I for one would be petitioning to have him arrested for a hate crime.

But fortunately he unlike DT, is not terminally stupid and so wrapped up in his self glorifying megalomania that he does not care about scarring half the population of the US with his stupid keep out Muslims rhetoric. You have to be more than a few bricks short of a hod to make such a ridiculous statement that oh so clearly indicates he has no idea of what the "rest of the world" really means.

It does not bode well for American education that people actually listen to him.

The rest of the world have no right to tell you who to elect as POTUS, but we sure are entitled to voice an opinion on something that has such far reaching effects.

If ignorance is bliss, you must be ecstatic.

Absolutely Bloody Right, I am blissfully and ecstatically ignorant of what a stupid pointless comment like this means.

Do try to keep up with the big boys and post something that actually has some meaning.


You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink

Xenophobia is a powerful thing... Maybe they will never ever get it because they think they already have it.

Or perhaps they have adopted more of Thai culture than they would like to admit, like the LM laws, but are being a little more liberal with their use.


So, How does 1 person prove to immigration that they are muslim or christian?

It seems pretty idiotic to ban a whole religion to begin with. If Muslims were banned, couldnt they just take the

head scarf off and say they are christian/hindu, whatever to enter the ctry.. Maybe I am wrong on this but in America, your religion is not

documented anywhere.

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