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Prayut has democracy wish for the New Year


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you guys seem to have all the answers at least you think you do

lets just reset all of this and go back to what was there before (that) very obviously didn't work lol

I said it before and I will say it again, Thailand needed change to stop the abuse, some say there is abuse now and I would agree that certain things are somewhat over the top, but if putting a muzzle on certain people and factions to achieve the end goal is what needs to be done then sobeit, it remains to be seen wether the good General will honor his goals and achieve his planned roadmap, I will give him until the end of 2018 and if we don't have an election- then call foul - and you can quote me on that

There are many thugs criminals gangsters are going to lose their income if this charter really does have its planned effect, the abusers are fighting to keep the system of corruption alive so they can "easily" continue to fleece the Thai people

"...Thailand needed change to stop the abuse..."

Yes, and Thailand still needs change but Uncle Too and his merry band of juntaists aren't delivering on their promises - that much is glaringly obvious. After 19 coups and attempts where nothing has changed it should give you a clue as to what their real intentions are, namely perpetuating their own rule.

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Less or no conflicts next year and a move towards a sustainable democracy but he didn't say when that might be !

He looks far too smug in that picture, " I know something that you don't ! "

As my Scouse mother would have said "E's gorra face like a basket full of @*$eholes"

I think he pulled that face when he got to the part about advising everyone to obey the laws of the land. Even he couldn't manage to look humble at that point.


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you guys seem to have all the answers at least you think you do

lets just reset all of this and go back to what was there before (that) very obviously didn't work lol

I said it before and I will say it again, Thailand needed change to stop the abuse, some say there is abuse now and I would agree that certain things are somewhat over the top, but if putting a muzzle on certain people and factions to achieve the end goal is what needs to be done then sobeit, it remains to be seen wether the good General will honor his goals and achieve his planned roadmap, I will give him until the end of 2018 and if we don't have an election- then call foul - and you can quote me on that

There are many thugs criminals gangsters are going to lose their income if this charter really does have its planned effect, the abusers are fighting to keep the system of corruption alive so they can "easily" continue to fleece the Thai people

"...Thailand needed change to stop the abuse..."

Yes, and Thailand still needs change but Uncle Too and his merry band of juntaists aren't delivering on their promises - that much is glaringly obvious. After 19 coups and attempts where nothing has changed it should give you a clue as to what their real intentions are, namely perpetuating their own rule.

Nothing has changed ?

Sure it has, obviously to the worse..

Economic growth collapsing, rising in the poverty, not to mention the human rights abuses , the corruption after the 2006 coup rose sharply .

When Gen. Chatichai was removed in late 80s, Thailand had just had a stunning 13%+ a year growth (that year it was the fastest in the world), but he was removed "for corruption" (the true reason is he was investing in the countryside making the Bangkok elite unhappy). After that, corruption boomed and economic growth collapsed.

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Easily done. Use powers you have granted yourself to reinstate the 1997 constitution with effect from today, lift the ban on political campaigning and freedom of assembly, call an election for 6 weeks time (17 January), . Accept and abide by the result, however much you may dislike it. Any disputes, decisions and disagreements about the election to be handled by the courts, with no interference.

Sorted, by 19 January you will have your wish - three weeks into the new year!

If he did that! Don't you think it would lead to yet another coup in a few years? As much as I dislike not having a democratic gov I disliked even more the raping of country and they corruption instilled in the daily practices of almost every Thai against their own people and foreigners alike. I do realise that P is not doing a cutup job there and their are many bad things happening with his being in power but, if! And it is a tentative if, he can do even a little of what he promises and make so that Thailand doesn't have such corruption within the gov walls then that is a beginning to reform all of Thailand into a better place. This country does need a swift hand of justice right now in dealing with the outright robbery of its own people with their use of corruption which has developed over the past 50 years or so and it will not change overnight. Without the proper laws and guides to ensure a really democratic gov getting people to run the country who truly care about thais and Thailand and not about fattening their families portfolios Thailand will never move forward even if they hold elections next year.

As the devils advocate speaks through me P is totally clueless about how people perceive the job of the RTP. The people are totally aware of the bribes and mafia like organisation and are justified not to trust or call on a policeman for help.

Put your hand on your heart, as someone brought up in a democratic country and having the privilege of being able to vote and air his views without fear of imprisonment, do you honestly believe what you've just said? Don't you think you're being just a little bit patronising towards the Thais by saying what you just did. How about if I forced my way into your house, said that I don't like the way you're running things and that for your family's benefit I'm going to be the new head of the household. You'd be outraged and kick my @r$e out of there quicker than blinking. If some of your neighbours said that you ought to give me a chance, because I might do a better job than you, you'd tell them what to do with their opinions.

Whatever govt rules in Thailand, it has to be the will of the majority of the people, even if it's rubbish, at least it's the people's rubbish and some other load of rubbish can try to replace them at the next election by getting more votes than them.

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you guys seem to have all the answers at least you think you do

lets just reset all of this and go back to what was there before (that) very obviously didn't work lol

I said it before and I will say it again, Thailand needed change to stop the abuse, some say there is abuse now and I would agree that certain things are somewhat over the top, but if putting a muzzle on certain people and factions to achieve the end goal is what needs to be done then sobeit, it remains to be seen wether the good General will honor his goals and achieve his planned roadmap, I will give him until the end of 2018 and if we don't have an election- then call foul - and you can quote me on that

There are many thugs criminals gangsters are going to lose their income if this charter really does have its planned effect, the abusers are fighting to keep the system of corruption alive so they can "easily" continue to fleece the Thai people

Well the answer was certainly not a coup!

19 coups to stamp out corrupt politicians. What a #$%^ing joke! How many times does it need to happen before people like yourself realise that it has nothing to do with corruption.

The only reason "what was there before (that) very obviously didn't work lol" was because the army conspired & supported an armed uprising against the democratically elected government. The country wasn't in any trouble before Suthep's & Prayuth's concerted efforts to create chaos. There was a lot of money being spent on the rice scheme, but the economy wasn't in trouble.

If PT's performance was so bad than they would have been voted out in the next election. The Democrat's actually had their best chance in 20 years, but they chose the shameful backdoor yet again.

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Prayut has mastered the art of western politicians , lying

I thought most Thai politicians were past-masters too, perhaps they taught the farangs, how to do it ! rolleyes.gif

And I hope that the PM will see his wished-for return to democracy actually occur, during the coming year. wai2.gif

Now that definetley is sarcasm!
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you guys seem to have all the answers at least you think you do

lets just reset all of this and go back to what was there before (that) very obviously didn't work lol

I said it before and I will say it again, Thailand needed change to stop the abuse, some say there is abuse now and I would agree that certain things are somewhat over the top, but if putting a muzzle on certain people and factions to achieve the end goal is what needs to be done then sobeit, it remains to be seen wether the good General will honor his goals and achieve his planned roadmap, I will give him until the end of 2018 and if we don't have an election- then call foul - and you can quote me on that

There are many thugs criminals gangsters are going to lose their income if this charter really does have its planned effect, the abusers are fighting to keep the system of corruption alive so they can "easily" continue to fleece the Thai people

"...Thailand needed change to stop the abuse..."

Yes, and Thailand still needs change but Uncle Too and his merry band of juntaists aren't delivering on their promises - that much is glaringly obvious. After 19 coups and attempts where nothing has changed it should give you a clue as to what their real intentions are, namely perpetuating their own rule.

Let's put it down to 19 coups and 20 constitution since 1932. Thailand has an average of 1 new constitution every 4 years and many of those adopted following military coups. Talk about the insanity of repeating and hoping to get a new result. Thailand has not any progress in her political future. Strongly feel that the military is not a solution but is a problematic thorn in the betterment of democracy for Thailand. As the top 3 political scientists in today' s Nation correctly said that "only democracy will get us out of this crisis". And to add, only having a clause in the constitution to outlaw coup will be a big step to the country woes.

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Most of the posters on this site were born and raised in democratic countries - democracy although not perfect - as described by Churchill

"it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Gov­ern­ment except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…"

All through school and into adulthood we have had the opportunity to study learn and evaluate democracy in its various forms - yet it seems some posting on this site still don't seem to understand the system.

I would suggest to reach adulthood and not understand basic processes of democracy for these people is the height of ignorance

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Easily done. Use powers you have granted yourself to reinstate the 1997 constitution with effect from today, lift the ban on political campaigning and freedom of assembly, call an election for 6 weeks time (17 January), . Accept and abide by the result, however much you may dislike it. Any disputes, decisions and disagreements about the election to be handled by the courts, with no interference.

Sorted, by 19 January you will have your wish - three weeks into the new year!

And 2017 we have the first demonstrations because the new Shinawatra government is extreme corrupt.

2018 the first shootings on the demonstrators and the first tear gas. Summer 2018 Thailand is on the brink to civil war. Autumn 2018 there is a coup as last resort to prevent civil war.

Great idea clap2.gif

There must be a real good solution to prevent that unfortunately Prayut is a kind of male version of Yingluck and won't be able to do it.

He could try to find someone smart and resign....Or he could ask the royal institutions "I have complete failed, please help repairing the country"

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Most of the posters on this site were born and raised in democratic countries - democracy although not perfect - as described by Churchill

"it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Gov­ern­ment except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…"

All through school and into adulthood we have had the opportunity to study learn and evaluate democracy in its various forms - yet it seems some posting on this site still don't seem to understand the system.

I would suggest to reach adulthood and not understand basic processes of democracy for these people is the height of ignorance


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Easily done. Use powers you have granted yourself to reinstate the 1997 constitution with effect from today, lift the ban on political campaigning and freedom of assembly, call an election for 6 weeks time (17 January), . Accept and abide by the result, however much you may dislike it. Any disputes, decisions and disagreements about the election to be handled by the courts, with no interference.

Sorted, by 19 January you will have your wish - three weeks into the new year!

And 2017 we have the first demonstrations because the new Shinawatra government is extreme corrupt.

2018 the first shootings on the demonstrators and the first tear gas. Summer 2018 Thailand is on the brink to civil war. Autumn 2018 there is a coup as last resort to prevent civil war.

Great idea clap2.gif

There must be a real good solution to prevent that unfortunately Prayut is a kind of male version of Yingluck and won't be able to do it.

He could try to find someone smart and resign....Or he could ask the royal institutions "I have complete failed, please help repairing the country"

you described the coming (hopefully not) desaster very well. I can't see a solution for the future. Shinawatra will not give up and the fight between the clans will continue with clashes and (hopefully not) cicil war. You can't change a rotten system within a few years unless PM will stay in power for a longer time?

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you guys seem to have all the answers at least you think you do

lets just reset all of this and go back to what was there before (that) very obviously didn't work lol

I said it before and I will say it again, Thailand needed change to stop the abuse, some say there is abuse now and I would agree that certain things are somewhat over the top, but if putting a muzzle on certain people and factions to achieve the end goal is what needs to be done then sobeit, it remains to be seen wether the good General will honor his goals and achieve his planned roadmap, I will give him until the end of 2018 and if we don't have an election- then call foul - and you can quote me on that

There are many thugs criminals gangsters are going to lose their income if this charter really does have its planned effect, the abusers are fighting to keep the system of corruption alive so they can "easily" continue to fleece the Thai people

"...Thailand needed change to stop the abuse..."

Yes, and Thailand still needs change but Uncle Too and his merry band of juntaists aren't delivering on their promises - that much is glaringly obvious. After 19 coups and attempts where nothing has changed it should give you a clue as to what their real intentions are, namely perpetuating their own rule.

Nothing has changed ?

Sure it has, obviously to the worse..

Economic growth collapsing, rising in the poverty, not to mention the human rights abuses , the corruption after the 2006 coup rose sharply .

When Gen. Chatichai was removed in late 80s, Thailand had just had a stunning 13%+ a year growth (that year it was the fastest in the world), but he was removed "for corruption" (the true reason is he was investing in the countryside making the Bangkok elite unhappy). After that, corruption boomed and economic growth collapsed.

Sorry, my bad.

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you guys seem to have all the answers at least you think you do

lets just reset all of this and go back to what was there before (that) very obviously didn't work lol

I said it before and I will say it again, Thailand needed change to stop the abuse, some say there is abuse now and I would agree that certain things are somewhat over the top, but if putting a muzzle on certain people and factions to achieve the end goal is what needs to be done then sobeit, it remains to be seen wether the good General will honor his goals and achieve his planned roadmap, I will give him until the end of 2018 and if we don't have an election- then call foul - and you can quote me on that

There are many thugs criminals gangsters are going to lose their income if this charter really does have its planned effect, the abusers are fighting to keep the system of corruption alive so they can "easily" continue to fleece the Thai people

"...Thailand needed change to stop the abuse..."

Yes, and Thailand still needs change but Uncle Too and his merry band of juntaists aren't delivering on their promises - that much is glaringly obvious. After 19 coups and attempts where nothing has changed it should give you a clue as to what their real intentions are, namely perpetuating their own rule.

Let's put it down to 19 coups and 20 constitution since 1932. Thailand has an average of 1 new constitution every 4 years and many of those adopted following military coups. Talk about the insanity of repeating and hoping to get a new result. Thailand has not any progress in her political future. Strongly feel that the military is not a solution but is a problematic thorn in the betterment of democracy for Thailand. As the top 3 political scientists in today' s Nation correctly said that "only democracy will get us out of this crisis". And to add, only having a clause in the constitution to outlaw coup will be a big step to the country woes.

I agree with what you say, but outlawing a coup in a new constitution will not help as the military is quite happy to tear it up and give themselves the mother of all amnesties - you know, like the amnesty the YL government tried to sneak through parliament, only ten times worse.

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Easily done. Use powers you have granted yourself to reinstate the 1997 constitution with effect from today, lift the ban on political campaigning and freedom of assembly, call an election for 6 weeks time (17 January), . Accept and abide by the result, however much you may dislike it. Any disputes, decisions and disagreements about the election to be handled by the courts, with no interference.

Sorted, by 19 January you will have your wish - three weeks into the new year!

And 2017 we have the first demonstrations because the new Shinawatra government is extreme corrupt.

2018 the first shootings on the demonstrators and the first tear gas. Summer 2018 Thailand is on the brink to civil war. Autumn 2018 there is a coup as last resort to prevent civil war.

Great idea clap2.gif

There must be a real good solution to prevent that unfortunately Prayut is a kind of male version of Yingluck and won't be able to do it.

He could try to find someone smart and resign....Or he could ask the royal institutions "I have complete failed, please help repairing the country"

you described the coming (hopefully not) desaster very well. I can't see a solution for the future. Shinawatra will not give up and the fight between the clans will continue with clashes and (hopefully not) cicil war. You can't change a rotten system within a few years unless PM will stay in power for a longer time?

And to add to your ability to perceive future events, I see the Martians landing on earth and Elvis will re-appear. As to your remark about a rotten system, we are rotting at one and people are disappearing for speaking out.

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you guys seem to have all the answers at least you think you do

lets just reset all of this and go back to what was there before (that) very obviously didn't work lol

I said it before and I will say it again, Thailand needed change to stop the abuse, some say there is abuse now and I would agree that certain things are somewhat over the top, but if putting a muzzle on certain people and factions to achieve the end goal is what needs to be done then sobeit, it remains to be seen wether the good General will honor his goals and achieve his planned roadmap, I will give him until the end of 2018 and if we don't have an election- then call foul - and you can quote me on that

There are many thugs criminals gangsters are going to lose their income if this charter really does have its planned effect, the abusers are fighting to keep the system of corruption alive so they can "easily" continue to fleece the Thai people

"...Thailand needed change to stop the abuse..."

Yes, and Thailand still needs change but Uncle Too and his merry band of juntaists aren't delivering on their promises - that much is glaringly obvious. After 19 coups and attempts where nothing has changed it should give you a clue as to what their real intentions are, namely perpetuating their own rule.

Let's put it down to 19 coups and 20 constitution since 1932. Thailand has an average of 1 new constitution every 4 years and many of those adopted following military coups. Talk about the insanity of repeating and hoping to get a new result. Thailand has not any progress in her political future. Strongly feel that the military is not a solution but is a problematic thorn in the betterment of democracy for Thailand. As the top 3 political scientists in today' s Nation correctly said that "only democracy will get us out of this crisis". And to add, only having a clause in the constitution to outlaw coup will be a big step to the country woes.
I agree with what you say, but outlawing a coup in a new constitution will not help as the military is quite happy to tear it up and give themselves the mother of all amnesties - you know, like the amnesty the YL government tried to sneak through parliament, only ten times worse.

You are right. On the anniversary of the coup, a group of activist petitioned the criminal court to charge the junta for treason but was dismissed due to the blanket amnesty. YL government foolishly tried to ram the amnesty through but meet with the appropriate oppositions on the streets as well as in the courts. That's how democracy should work. Freedom of expression and the judiciary process. PT may even be voted out in the next election.

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