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There's been enough publicity as to where and when is not safe in L.O.S.

Simply don't go to those places?

Any bets he might go back for more of the same?

Get a grip man we are all individuals not followers of your thoughts

You're creating a straw man argument because I never suggested people were followers of my thoughts. Also, be advised that I don't make the rules, I merely observe them and I have noticed throughout my life that it's a general rule that homophobics who go out of their way to deliberately antagonize homosexuals are almost always individuals who fear their own homosexuality.


Any bets he might go back for more of the same?

There is a very good chance of that. I drove a taxicab in San Francisco for a good number of years and these guys all seem to follow a pattern.


Looks like a Hi-So tourist and start to throw verbal profanities at a GROUP of actually young men who dress like women at the age 69.

facepalm.gif I would only do that if I am sure I can outrun them (if they wear hi-heels)

May be deep inside he respects women, so did not want to fight back smile.png

There were no women involved.......They are as much women as the watches they sell nearby are Rolex.....both only look like (more or less)

Yeah the working bits inside are not real Rolex parts even if the case looks real at first glance. . Similar situation with LB's

Point 1. Cross the road & avoid the encounter. At that time of night they are bound to have consumed some drug/alcohol or both!!!

Point 2 Smile politely and say no thank you.. Ditto sentence #2 above.

Point 3. If you have no street smarts stay in-doors away from temptation to share your gender opinions.

Point 4. They can take their high heels off, run very fast like any tall young man and hit you with the aforementioned high heels..


Coming to Thailand to live in areas where do you need be aware of danger all the times and walk with a pitbull, says about of what kind of people do you are...... Robbers, prostitutes, and ladyboys are in their territory...you.... are just looking for trouble. At 69...is plain stupidity.


So they own Jomtiem Beach Road too now, would that be close to the Police box?

Why are there not night Police Patrols to move on the undesirables.

It is pathetic that this still happens.

They have to sleep sometimes.


Serves him right...maybe he's learned to keep his foul-mouthed transphobia to himself!

I am sure your lovelies feel like a real men now, after all it takes a real man to beat on a 69 year old.

Don't give me that 69 year BS line! This guy is a loser. A product of the nanny state. Takes no responsibility for his actions, Acts macho, macho but as soon as something goes wrong he runs to mummy for help. This loser does not deserve your sympathy!


There is no excuse for violence but Does this guy throw a strop at random blokes in Manchester? Bet not. Last I heard shouting hateful abuse is anti-social behaviour that could get one fined, or punched in the gob.

The lowest of the low Farang scum and rubbish.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Keep your mouth shut and keep walking mate remember they are really young men. At 69 your brawling days are over.

Mr. Leslie Murphy you are vulnerable at your age and also you dealing with ladyboys that doesn't care how old you are...and can really harm you.

Keep your mouth shut and keep walking is best solutions and trow a smile and say thanks and keep moving


I have never heard of a story where a tourist said,"NO Thank You!" with a smile and moved along briskly to avoid being touched and was then chased and beaten! Just a thought about tourist safety!

Just a thought about tourist safety! ..that's the way to go


silly old coot ..... if he acted that way in Manchester or the US he may have ended up worse than that.

at his age one would think he'd have more brains ..... guess not .....coffee1.gif


So they own Jomtiem Beach Road too now, would that be close to the Police box?

Why are there not night Police Patrols to move on the undesirables.

It is pathetic that this still happens.

yes I agree ...... he should know better, it's undesirables like him that give Pattaya a bad name.


I'd rather confront a group of IS terrorist or wrestle a gorilla that to argue with those ladyboys....

You may have just come up with an idea to defeat ISIS using a uniquely Thai special ops unit ... Pink Berets? SEA-LBs?

[Apparently the ISIS fighters are terrified of being killed by a Kurdish woman fighter because it because it blocks their way to paradise... not sure what the 'rules' are concerning ladyboys :-) ]


Interesting how most posters seem to blame the farang.

Whilst he shouldn't have said what he did these low life criminals shouldn't be allowed to continue to prowl the streets late at night looking to assault and rob tourists.

If the police actually did their job it just might be a lot safer to walk around late at night without having to deal with these scum.

Why should tourists have to be nice and say sorry no thanks to a bunch of thieving criminals who are trying to rob and assault ?

Get real this is a problem that the police should be handling. Stop blaming the tourists and the victims and start looking at the source of the problems.


Serves him right...maybe he's learned to keep his foul-mouthed transphobia to himself!

I am sure your lovelies feel like a real men now, after all it takes a real man to beat on a 69 year old.

Don't give me that 69 year BS line! This guy is a loser. A product of the nanny state. Takes no responsibility for his actions, Acts macho, macho but as soon as something goes wrong he runs to mummy for help. This loser does not deserve your sympathy!

agree ... silly old fool should have more sense.


Interesting how most posters seem to blame the farang.

Whilst he shouldn't have said what he did these low life criminals shouldn't be allowed to continue to prowl the streets late at night looking to assault and rob tourists.

If the police actually did their job it just might be a lot safer to walk around late at night without having to deal with these scum.

Why should tourists have to be nice and say sorry no thanks to a bunch of thieving criminals who are trying to rob and assault ?

Get real this is a problem that the police should be handling. Stop blaming the tourists and the victims and start looking at the source of the problems.

Playing the devils advocate here and let's turn what you said completely around and have a little fun to show people why it always takes 2 to cause a frucus :)

Interesting how most posters blame the ladyboys. They were just doing what they came to Pattaya for "to make money and have a good time" Same as the farang just coming to Pattaya to drink and party.

Whilst they should not have done what they done by attacking a person, they were after all verbally assaulted. Should old, drunk farang sex tourists be allowed to run the streets late at night in shady areas and assault people also?

If the police actually did their job and closed bars at a decent hour then old drunk guys like him wouldnt be out assaulting locals

Why should ladyboys have to be nice to drunk old men who assault them?

I agree, stop blaming the ladyboys and start blaming the old drunk farts who assault thais late at night. Get rid of the source of trouble, the customer.

Isnt it ironic how a few people forget this incident took place in one of the busiest sex and sin cities of the world? This isnt Disneyland its a rough town. Quit blaming the sex workers and start blaming the tourists more. Sure would be a better place if we got rid of clowns like the Chang Man. Then respectable sex workers and tourists would feel safer


Interesting how most posters seem to blame the farang.

Whilst he shouldn't have said what he did these low life criminals shouldn't be allowed to continue to prowl the streets late at night looking to assault and rob tourists.

If the police actually did their job it just might be a lot safer to walk around late at night without having to deal with these scum.

Why should tourists have to be nice and say sorry no thanks to a bunch of thieving criminals who are trying to rob and assault ?

Get real this is a problem that the police should be handling. Stop blaming the tourists and the victims and start looking at the source of the problems.

Playing the devils advocate here and let's turn what you said completely around and have a little fun to show people why it always takes 2 to cause a frucus smile.png

Interesting how most posters blame the ladyboys. They were just doing what they came to Pattaya for "to make money and have a good time" Same as the farang just coming to Pattaya to drink and party.

Whilst they should not have done what they done by attacking a person, they were after all verbally assaulted. Should old, drunk farang sex tourists be allowed to run the streets late at night in shady areas and assault people also?

If the police actually did their job and closed bars at a decent hour then old drunk guys like him wouldnt be out assaulting locals

Why should ladyboys have to be nice to drunk old men who assault them?

I agree, stop blaming the ladyboys and start blaming the old drunk farts who assault thais late at night. Get rid of the source of trouble, the customer.

Isnt it ironic how a few people forget this incident took place in one of the busiest sex and sin cities of the world? This isnt Disneyland its a rough town. Quit blaming the sex workers and start blaming the tourists more. Sure would be a better place if we got rid of clowns like the Chang Man. Then respectable sex workers and tourists would feel safer

Not sure what you turned around there but it seems like you started your Xmas celebrations a little bit early with that riveting piece of analysis.


I agree, stop blaming the ladyboys and start blaming the old drunk farts who assault thais late at night. Get rid of the source of trouble, the customer.

Isnt it ironic how a few people forget this incident took place in one of the busiest sex and sin cities of the world? This isnt Disneyland its a rough town. Quit blaming the sex workers and start blaming the tourists more. Sure would be a better place if we got rid of clowns like the Chang Man. Then respectable sex workers and tourists would feel safer

Quick quiz. Just one question:

Given only what's been reported (choose any number of sources), which party(s) in the story did something illegal?

That's the one I blame.


I agree, stop blaming the ladyboys and start blaming the old drunk farts who assault thais late at night. Get rid of the source of trouble, the customer.

Isnt it ironic how a few people forget this incident took place in one of the busiest sex and sin cities of the world? This isnt Disneyland its a rough town. Quit blaming the sex workers and start blaming the tourists more. Sure would be a better place if we got rid of clowns like the Chang Man. Then respectable sex workers and tourists would feel safer

Quick quiz. Just one question:

Given only what's been reported (choose any number of sources), which party(s) in the story did something illegal?

That's the one I blame.

Please quote my entire thread not just something you want

Both assaulted each other. Just like I said in the part you "chose" not to include in the quote.


I agree, stop blaming the ladyboys and start blaming the old drunk farts who assault thais late at night. Get rid of the source of trouble, the customer.

Isnt it ironic how a few people forget this incident took place in one of the busiest sex and sin cities of the world? This isnt Disneyland its a rough town. Quit blaming the sex workers and start blaming the tourists more. Sure would be a better place if we got rid of clowns like the Chang Man. Then respectable sex workers and tourists would feel safer

Quick quiz. Just one question:

Given only what's been reported (choose any number of sources), which party(s) in the story did something illegal?

That's the one I blame.

Please quote my entire thread not just something you want

Both assaulted each other. Just like I said in the part you "chose" not to include in the quote.

No mention of the old man assaulting the gang of young men, other than verbally when they groped him. pretty sure that doesn't count as illegal!


Agreed. But you should be able to walk around freely without being harassed by these nut jobs. They are the source of many crimes here in Pattaya. Don't want to generalize, but those on beach road late at night need to be dealt with.

I think you're making too much of time and location. You shouldn't go around insulting ladyboys anywhere at any time. Also, you shouldn't go around verbally insulting anyone anywhere at any time.

My answer is usually "no thanks" with as little interaction as possible.

It is quite typical for insecure homophobes to react this way.


Why on earth are you wearing a gold reckless, or any neckless? You are male are you not?

What an ill-informed and bigoted comment possum. Are you inferring anyone who wears a necklace cannot be male?

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