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Historic pact to slow global warming is celebrated in Paris


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A lot more research on consensus after that earlier one. The accepted scientific consensus now is 99.9994%. So really the so called 1000 dissenting scientists are up against 166M scientists who confirm Anthropogenic Global Warming.

I think the 'ayes' have it.

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Yup, the silliness has now gone right off the scale....

I think the biggest change is Climate Denial isn't really getting any traction in the real world anymore. I think people are now more educated on the issue so it becomes difficult to fool people with pseudo science

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Well, this agreement is Obama baby and main project in life, and now that it has been put to bed,

can Mr. Obama turn to deal with the real threats on this world, namely all the terrorist groups that

thrown the world into a turmoil, if the threat will be left to fester, and the terrorist will lay their

hands on a dirty bomb, global warming will be the last thing people will have to worry about.....

At least the emerging Caliphate won't have to worry so much about greenhouse gas emissions.

Republicans can't have nice things. Yeah, we finally did something about global warming, but...there is the emerging Caliphate. Those damn "Debbi Downer" wingnut Republicans.

Hey Debbi- The "emerging Caliphate" is not a real thing. I know it is for you and the rest of wingnuttia, but it's not a "real thing" for normal people. I know only the right wing can save the world, but...let's let the adults handle that.

Let's all celebrate! A great thing has happened. The world is focused on stopping global warming.

Do you really think that the earth having been in existence supposedly for about 4 billion years, having faced meteorite bombardment, ice ages, tectonic plate shifts, earthquakes, climatic cycles, magnetic polar shifts, solar flares and winds, volcanoes etc etc, and that we having been here for about 100,000 years and of that the last 100 years only with motorcars, really have any impact at all?? It's a bit of a laugh that we can "stop global warming" if it's a natural cycle which has happened to the earth before many times. Nothing in this universe is lineal, everything is cyclical. It's seems that climate change science is very political and if it suits governments' bias in their hunt for taxes to obtain the scientific results they want, I can never trust their opinion as being objective

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Yup, the silliness has now gone right off the scale....

I think the biggest change is Climate Denial isn't really getting any traction in the real world anymore. I think people are now more educated on the issue so it becomes difficult to fool people with pseudo science

Excuse me, but your own posts indicate that people are less educated now, so it's easier to fool them with pseudo-science.

Your contention that there is an "accepted scientific consensus" of 99.9994% who "confirm" Anthropogenic Global Warming demonstrates that clearly.

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Do you really think that the earth having been in existence supposedly for about 4 billion years, having faced meteorite bombardment, ice ages, tectonic plate shifts, earthquakes, climatic cycles, magnetic polar shifts, solar flares and winds, volcanoes etc etc, and that we having been here for about 100,000 years and of that the last 100 years only with motorcars, really have any impact at all?? It's a bit of a laugh that we can "stop global warming" if it's a natural cycle which has happened to the earth before many times. Nothing in this universe is lineal, everything is cyclical. It's seems that climate change science is very political and if it suits governments' bias in their hunt for taxes to obtain the scientific results they want, I can never trust their opinion as being objective

How do you know the earth has faced: meteorite bombardment, ice ages, tectonic plate shifts, earthquakes, climatic cycles, magnetic polar shifts, solar flares and winds, volcanoes etc etc

Oh that's right THE SCIENCE!!!! the very same SCIENCE that is telling you about GW / CC and the very same SCIENCE that is telling you how GW / CC can be managed. This is exactly why Climate Deniers are simply being ignored now.

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It makes me laughing watching those that deny man-made climate change stick their heads in the sand.

It seems to be beyond their comprehension that big oil would spend billions obfuscating the science to allow them to continue trousering cash with no concern for the consequences.

They don't seem to understand that the climate change deniers in the House that they so admire are all on the Big oil payroll.

And let's not forget all the state legislators that made it a CRIME to reveal the chemicals being pumped into the ground by Frackers.

These companies do not give a toss about the environment, and it's in their interests to spread pseudoscience and lies to keep themselves in the game.

You only have to look at all the witless morons that screamed about Solyndra going under. Most of them are so dumb, they don't even know that Solyndra was one part of a much bigger program that is now not only proliferating the spread of clean energy, but making money.

I don't call them climate change deniers, I just call them ****ing idiots.

There is a lot of money involved and it is not going to go away quietly, they will use what ever tools available to them, including the tools in this forum.

In Florida where my primary residency is located, the state motto is " the Sunshine State" ,conditions are perfect for the application of solar energy technologies, yet, every attempt in legislation tom aid the application is blocked in Tallahassee , the state capital

.Any Legislator that would sponsor any legislation beneficial to Solar, would be committing political suicide,

The excuse given by FPL (Florida Power and Light ) is that if Solar was allowed to flourish, most of the rich customers will switch to it, leaving them with the poor subsidised customers, and unable to maintain the current power, infrastructure.

"The utilities insist that everyone should pay to keep the electric grid functioning."


in other words if we allow everyone to drive these godless horseless buggies (automobiles) who would take care of all the poor horses?

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It makes me laughing watching those that deny man-made climate change stick their heads in the sand.

It seems to be beyond their comprehension that big oil would spend billions obfuscating the science to allow them to continue trousering cash with no concern for the consequences.

They don't seem to understand that the climate change deniers in the House that they so admire are all on the Big oil payroll.

And let's not forget all the state legislators that made it a CRIME to reveal the chemicals being pumped into the ground by Frackers.

These companies do not give a toss about the environment, and it's in their interests to spread pseudoscience and lies to keep themselves in the game.

You only have to look at all the witless morons that screamed about Solyndra going under. Most of them are so dumb, they don't even know that Solyndra was one part of a much bigger program that is now not only proliferating the spread of clean energy, but making money.

I don't call them climate change deniers, I just call them ****ing idiots.

There is a lot of money involved and it is not going to go away quietly, they will use what ever tools available to them, including the tools in this forum.

In Florida where my primary residency is located, the state motto is " the Sunshine State" ,conditions are perfect for the application of solar energy technologies, yet, every attempt in legislation tom aid the application is blocked in Tallahassee , the state capital

.Any Legislator that would sponsor any legislation beneficial to Solar, would be committing political suicide,

The excuse given by FPL (Florida Power and Light ) is that if Solar was allowed to flourish, most of the rich customers will switch to it, leaving them with the poor subsidised customers, and unable to maintain the current power, infrastructure.

"The utilities insist that everyone should pay to keep the electric grid functioning."


in other words if we allow everyone to drive these godless horseless buggies (automobiles) who would take care of all the poor horses?

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Yup, the silliness has now gone right off the scale....

I think the biggest change is Climate Denial isn't really getting any traction in the real world anymore. I think people are now more educated on the issue so it becomes difficult to fool people with pseudo science

I don't know where the real world is for you, but I rarely meet people who don't treat the global warming shenanigans with a laugh.

The problem is, the gravy train is running and those that have access to it are not going to do anything to slow it down. They do a good job of peer approving each others work and work well from a script. But the man in the street is not convinced.

For two decades now the most influential institutions have been pushing this fear agenda in order to accomplish a variety of social engineering goals. Yet they have failed to make an indisputable case for either the cause or the threat level of global warming. But what they have accomplished was to create a wealth engine nearly rivalling the military industrial complex. In fact Big Green is very much the same sort of animal as the arms industry, except instead of weapons it produces fear and propaganda. But the result it the same. A money funnel for the ultra powerful and a new authority in which to restrict personal freedoms and eventually national sovereignties.

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Yup, the silliness has now gone right off the scale....

I think the biggest change is Climate Denial isn't really getting any traction in the real world anymore. I think people are now more educated on the issue so it becomes difficult to fool people with pseudo science

I don't know where the real world is for you, but I rarely meet people who don't treat the global warming shenanigans with a laugh.

The problem is, the gravy train is running and those that have access to it are not going to do anything to slow it down. They do a good job of peer approving each others work and work well from a script. But the man in the street is not convinced.

For two decades now the most influential institutions have been pushing this fear agenda in order to accomplish a variety of social engineering goals. Yet they have failed to make an indisputable case for either the cause or the threat level of global warming. But what they have accomplished was to create a wealth engine nearly rivalling the military industrial complex. In fact Big Green is very much the same sort of animal as the arms industry, except instead of weapons it produces fear and propaganda. But the result it the same. A money funnel for the ultra powerful and a new authority in which to restrict personal freedoms and eventually national sovereignties.

Who you gonna listen to? The scientists or the " the man in the street"laugh.png Scientists, locked in their ivory towers, doing research, where the"the man in the street" has being working the corner watching Faux News and getting all the Mews not fit to print.

Still regurgitating the same old argument spoonfed to you by an industry hell bend in squeezing every last penny from the fossil fuel tech .

They and their children will not suffer from the damage they are causing.

As far as our children are concern, I am willing to fight mor mine, can't say the same for many others, they are to busy regurgitating.

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Do you really think that the earth having been in existence supposedly for about 4 billion years, having faced meteorite bombardment, ice ages, tectonic plate shifts, earthquakes, climatic cycles, magnetic polar shifts, solar flares and winds, volcanoes etc etc, and that we having been here for about 100,000 years and of that the last 100 years only with motorcars, really have any impact at all?? It's a bit of a laugh that we can "stop global warming" if it's a natural cycle which has happened to the earth before many times. Nothing in this universe is lineal, everything is cyclical. It's seems that climate change science is very political and if it suits governments' bias in their hunt for taxes to obtain the scientific results they want, I can never trust their opinion as being objective

How do you know the earth has faced: meteorite bombardment, ice ages, tectonic plate shifts, earthquakes, climatic cycles, magnetic polar shifts, solar flares and winds, volcanoes etc etc

Oh that's right THE SCIENCE!!!! the very same SCIENCE that is telling you about GW / CC and the very same SCIENCE that is telling you how GW / CC can be managed. This is exactly why Climate Deniers are simply being ignored now.

Stuff to think about..

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: 'We are dealing with pure political propaganda that has nothing to do with science.'

Read more: http://www.climatedepot.com/2015/11/19/scientists-declare-un-climate-summit-goals-irrational-based-on-nonsense-leading-us-down-a-false-path/#ixzz3uljz3wOW


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Yup, the silliness has now gone right off the scale....

I think the biggest change is Climate Denial isn't really getting any traction in the real world anymore. I think people are now more educated on the issue so it becomes difficult to fool people with pseudo science

I don't know where the real world is for you, but I rarely meet people who don't treat the global warming shenanigans with a laugh.

The problem is, the gravy train is running and those that have access to it are not going to do anything to slow it down. They do a good job of peer approving each others work and work well from a script. But the man in the street is not convinced.

For two decades now the most influential institutions have been pushing this fear agenda in order to accomplish a variety of social engineering goals. Yet they have failed to make an indisputable case for either the cause or the threat level of global warming. But what they have accomplished was to create a wealth engine nearly rivalling the military industrial complex. In fact Big Green is very much the same sort of animal as the arms industry, except instead of weapons it produces fear and propaganda. But the result it the same. A money funnel for the ultra powerful and a new authority in which to restrict personal freedoms and eventually national sovereignties.

Who you gonna listen to? The scientists or the " the man in the street"laugh.png Scientists, locked in their ivory towers, doing research, where the"the man in the street" has being working the corner watching Faux News and getting all the Mews not fit to print.

Still regurgitating the same old argument spoonfed to you by an industry hell bend in squeezing every last penny from the fossil fuel tech .

They and their children will not suffer from the damage they are causing.

As far as our children are concern, I am willing to fight mor mine, can't say the same for many others, they are to busy regurgitating.

In the dark ages the question would have been who are you going to believe, a peasant or a priest? It turns out the priests, while being the absolute authority on everything, were abusing their position and were up to all sorts of things in direct contradiction to their ethical guideline (The Bible). The higher the authority, the greater the corruption. And why? Greed, and a lust for power. Things that 21st century man has yet to outgrow.

Science in its purest application tells no lies. But human's do. Since climate science is generally not falsifiable. It is basically a study of observation and opinion. And Big Green pays well for the right observations and opinions.

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I think the biggest change is Climate Denial isn't really getting any traction in the real world anymore. I think people are now more educated on the issue so it becomes difficult to fool people with pseudo science

I don't know where the real world is for you, but I rarely meet people who don't treat the global warming shenanigans with a laugh.

The problem is, the gravy train is running and those that have access to it are not going to do anything to slow it down. They do a good job of peer approving each others work and work well from a script. But the man in the street is not convinced.

For two decades now the most influential institutions have been pushing this fear agenda in order to accomplish a variety of social engineering goals. Yet they have failed to make an indisputable case for either the cause or the threat level of global warming. But what they have accomplished was to create a wealth engine nearly rivalling the military industrial complex. In fact Big Green is very much the same sort of animal as the arms industry, except instead of weapons it produces fear and propaganda. But the result it the same. A money funnel for the ultra powerful and a new authority in which to restrict personal freedoms and eventually national sovereignties.

Who you gonna listen to? The scientists or the " the man in the street"laugh.png Scientists, locked in their ivory towers, doing research, where the"the man in the street" has being working the corner watching Faux News and getting all the Mews not fit to print.

Still regurgitating the same old argument spoonfed to you by an industry hell bend in squeezing every last penny from the fossil fuel tech .

They and their children will not suffer from the damage they are causing.

As far as our children are concern, I am willing to fight mor mine, can't say the same for many others, they are to busy regurgitating.

In the dark ages the question would have been who are you going to believe, a peasant or a priest? It turns out the priests, while being the absolute authority on everything, were abusing their position and were up to all sorts of things in direct contradiction to their ethical guideline (The Bible). The higher the authority, the greater the corruption. And why? Greed, and a lust for power. Things that 21st century man has yet to outgrow.

Science in its purest application tells no lies. But human's do. Since climate science is generally not falsifiable. It is basically a study of observation and opinion. And Big Green pays well for the right observations and opinions.

Last I checked we were not in the dark ages,

I wish I could say the same for the Flat earth society that insists unlocking the carbon sequestered by fossil fuels is not a significant contributor to global warming

"Science in its purest application tells no lies. But humans do. "

do you then claim that Those in the focill industry and the "man in the street are not human?

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Sadly, climate science is entirely falsifiable. Even our very own NOAA is guilty of either some falsifying or very shoddy maintenance.

According to the article that follows, the NOAA has only 410 of their 1,218 weather stations that have not been encroached upon by their surroundings affecting their capabilities.


EXCLUSIVE: NOAA Relies On ‘Compromised’ Thermometers That Inflate US Warming Trend
4:31 PM 12/17/2015
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s reliance on poorly-sited weather stations to calculate surface temperatures is inflating the warming trend of the U.S. and maybe even the rest of the world, according to a landmark study looking at three decades of data.
“The majority of weather stations used by NOAA to detect climate change temperature signal have been compromised by encroachment of artificial surfaces like concrete, asphalt, and heat sources like air conditioner exhausts,” Anthony Watts, a seasoned meteorologist and lead author of the study, said in a statement Thursday.
These “compromised” weather stations run hotter than stations that are well-sited, and are used by NOAA as a benchmark to make upward adjustments for other weather stations that are part of the agency’s official temperature record.
The article goes on to add Watts found only 410 “unperturbed” weather stations out of the 1,218 stations used by NOAA to determine U.S. climate trends. Fully 66% may be issuing faulty readings.
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Last I checked we were not in the dark ages,

I wish I could say the same for the Flat earth society that insists unlocking the carbon sequestered by fossil fuels is not a significant contributor to global warming

"Science in its purest application tells no lies. But humans do. "

do you then claim that Those in the focill industry and the "man in the street are not human?

Everyone lies.

But big Green is heavily reliant on hype and propaganda. Whereas Big oil is reliant upon supply and demand.

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Last I checked we were not in the dark ages,

I wish I could say the same for the Flat earth society that insists unlocking the carbon sequestered by fossil fuels is not a significant contributor to global warming

"Science in its purest application tells no lies. But humans do. "

do you then claim that Those in the focill industry and the "man in the street are not human?

Everyone lies.

But big Green is heavily reliant on hype and propaganda. Whereas Big oil is reliant upon supply and demand.

Big oil would never lie, they simply rely on the invisible hand of the markets, cheesy.gif and of course invisible WMD's in Iraqwink.png

Personally I think that small hat of yours is cutting off circulation, but I'm no scientist just the man on the street

PS: I see your everyone lies comment and I agree. but if everyone lies I am more inclined to believe the scientists .

Remember science follows the facts, Business lies

except in Alice in wonderland where everything is UPside Down

Edited by sirineou
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The hard core rusted on Climate Deniers can cling to that little glimmer of hope that nothing will be done on GW / CC. The science has now moved on. The Climate Denial had no impact on the conference and the politics has moved on also.

What finally beat the Deniers is the people actually seeing the changes in Climates around the world and the extreme weather events beginning to occur and the Climate Denier 'echo chamber' became just plain foolish. Also politicians become aware of the cost of doing nothing when they looked at the bill for just a slight increase in extreme weather events. Another key driver is politicians now understand that there is great wealth and new tech industries and jobs in Clean Energy.

Also the majority of people are much more educated on the issue so it is becoming more difficult for Deniers to fool people. They just simply know that the Deniers pseudo science is clap trap and tend to ignore it and they know it is being generated from the Fossil Fuel industry.

A scientific consensus on GW / CC and now with a unanimous agreement a political consensus on GW / CC.

Happy days

The so called deniers are not denying anything about true climate change, they are just fed up with the exaggerations being proffered in the attempt to jusify the untruths that are being used in an attempt to scare people into being believers. Anyone who thinks rationally knows that pollution exists, that it isn't CO2 but whaat does exist should be curtailed but nothing will happen through wealth redistribution, except that more corrupt politicians and scammers will get their snouts in the trough. But according to the believers, money changing hands can control mother nature and alter tempertures. Please show me how and do not resort to the climate change bible that so many of you turn to in times of need.

Answer this please. If scientists, not associated with the believers, are unable to predict weather occurrences, with accuracy, two or three weeks in advance, how are those on the believers side able to predict what will occur in 20, 30 or 50 years time. I know,Super Scientists paid by those who need to have this scaremongering continue. I won't be around when these so called predictions allegedly come to fruition, neither will most on here. Is it because they do so as one will never know and they cannot bre called to task for their BS predictions. The many lies put out by the so called professor Tim Flanery, the Australian Climate Change Commissioner and the billions of dollars he has cost the taxpayers should be enough to see him hung, drawn and quarted but no, this liar just goes o to make millions more through out and falsehoods.

So there is the scientific consensus and an unanimous agreement, really? Another line from the book of exaggerations that is being used to justify the alarmists point of view. So the views of over 1000 dissenting sceintists have no relevance to the debate and, according to some, is only propoganda from the fossil fuel industry that is being used to justify their argument. So what is the so called evidence presented by the alarmists called, the gospel as spoken by Al Gore, his climate crediting huckstering partner, David Blood, formerly of Goldman Sachs and the Canadian Billionaire, Jeffrey Skolls. And I suppose the other billionaires are now getting involved because they too believe the hype. I'd say they have looked at this as new way of adding to their bottom line, while all the suckers pay. Remember, they didn't get rich by giving things away, not unless there was a huge return in the offering.

So it's happy days is it, I'd suggest that you and the others stop hyperventilating, just think of the amount of CO2 you contibuting in doing so. Oh but wait, if you pay your dollar to erase your carbon footprint, then everything is ok. Now, before you escalate your joy into a full state of euphoria just sit back, take a deep breath and remember that this agreement is not legally binding unless joined by a minimum of 55 countries that allegedly represent 55 percent of green house gas emissions. Such parties will need to sign the agreement in New York between 22 April 2016 and 21 April 2017, and also adopt it within their own legal systems.

Let's all wait and see, there is over 2 years before you can even imagine gloating so don't jump the gun bu thent given their past records, there will be further talkfests, a lot more hot air and for what, so a few selected will benefit while plebs like you will be short changed in order to fill their coffers. Happy days for who, not you, I can assure you of that.

"So the views of over 1000 dissenting sceintists (sic) have no relevance to the debate......"

Compared to 33,330 scientists that confirm Anthropogenic Global Warming. Correct the 1000 are not relevant. The consensus is too high. Case dismissed.

Happy days.

Those scientists (1000) related to the 2007 UN report, whilst there were only 52 scientists who authored it, please forgive me for not being more specific. I might just add that in America alone there are now over 32,000 scientists, including over 9,000 with Phd's, and those numbers are rising, who signed a petition asking their government to reject the Kyoto agreement of 1997 and any other similar proposals.

The reasoning Quote> "That there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other green house gases is or will, in the forseeable future, cause catostophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere or disrupt the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is considerable scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal enviroments of the Earth."End quote" The case has not been dismissed by anyone other than yourself

Tell me, why are you so selective, deflection is it, attempt to bolster and senationalise your response. There are numerous avenues that I have listed which give rise to a genuine debate but you chose only one aspect, never take time to address any of the arguments presented. You know why, because you can't. You can't or won't address the lies and scare tactics used by your side. You can't or won't address the scammers involved or how the redistribution of wealth will alter the Earth's temperatures. You can't or won't answer how man is able to control nature.

You can't or won't answer how scientists cannot predict the weather in a 3 week forward period yet go along with those involved with the UN IPCC who are so advanced that they are able to predict what will occur some 20, 30 0 years ahead. You dimiss legitimate debate, why, because you cannot provide any reasonable answers, just the same old same old rhetoric, served up in a differentt style. The old fall back line, they're on the payroll of the fossil fuel industry doesn't wash anymore. Who is paying the GW Scientists?

There's even on ungracious person posting on here who refers to those who have an opposing view as " ..........king idiots." We all know what this means but one has to wonder why he/she has to resort to this level. So far 99.9 percent of posters have refrained from this type of gutter language and are presenting their opposing views as most decent folk do.

Just one question for the believers. Why is it so urgent, if one was to accept your view, which we don't , that your so called needs, need to be implemented, post haste. Out of all the predictions presented by one side, noe have come to fruition and intelligent people, world wide are waking up to the scam being foisted upon them by the select few. Acouple of questions for yourself. Why are you so joyous about what occurred in Paris, what/if any immediate benefits are there for you?

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Those scientists (1000) related to the 2007 UN report, whilst there were only 52 scientists who authored it, please forgive me for not being more specific. I might just add that in America alone there are now over 32,000 scientists, including over 9,000 with Phd's, and those numbers are rising, who signed a petition asking their government to reject the Kyoto agreement of 1997 and any other similar proposals.

The reasoning Quote> "That there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other green house gases is or will, in the forseeable future, cause catostophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere or disrupt the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is considerable scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal enviroments of the Earth."End quote" The case has not been dismissed by anyone other than yourself

Tell me, why are you so selective, deflection is it, attempt to bolster and senationalise your response. There are numerous avenues that I have listed which give rise to a genuine debate but you chose only one aspect, never take time to address any of the arguments presented. You know why, because you can't. You can't or won't address the lies and scare tactics used by your side. You can't or won't address the scammers involved or how the redistribution of wealth will alter the Earth's temperatures. You can't or won't answer how man is able to control nature.

You can't or won't answer how scientists cannot predict the weather in a 3 week forward period yet go along with those involved with the UN IPCC who are so advanced that they are able to predict what will occur some 20, 30 0 years ahead. You dimiss legitimate debate, why, because you cannot provide any reasonable answers, just the same old same old rhetoric, served up in a differentt style. The old fall back line, they're on the payroll of the fossil fuel industry doesn't wash anymore. Who is paying the GW Scientists?

There's even on ungracious person posting on here who refers to those who have an opposing view as " ..........king idiots." We all know what this means but one has to wonder why he/she has to resort to this level. So far 99.9 percent of posters have refrained from this type of gutter language and are presenting their opposing views as most decent folk do.

Just one question for the believers. Why is it so urgent, if one was to accept your view, which we don't , that your so called needs, need to be implemented, post haste. Out of all the predictions presented by one side, noe have come to fruition and intelligent people, world wide are waking up to the scam being foisted upon them by the select few. Acouple of questions for yourself. Why are you so joyous about what occurred in Paris, what/if any immediate benefits are there for you?

Tired old Climate Denier clap trap. 1997? Same old, same old, propaganda from 18 years ago. You had to wait another ten years before the launch of the first iPhone. It is why the majority of people just don't engage with fossilised Climate Deniers.

Just quickly because I just couldn't be bothered. The negative effects of GW / CC far outweigh slight positive effects, an ETS is not a redistribution of wealth it is a commonly used 'price signal' within a marketplace, weather has nothing to do with Climate, yes the Fossil Fuel industry promotes Climate Deniers, shock horror, I probably wouldn't use the term 'king idiots' rather simply people who don't read the science on GW / CC, Paris marks an important turning point, that being, GW / CC is a politically accepted fact. The discussion now throughout all governments of the world is what steps need to be taken to mitigate the impact of GW / CC.

Happy Days!

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Imagine the squeals from the climate deniers when 100 million Bangladeshis come knocking on their door looking for a place to live that isn't underwater.

The last time I checked there were 156 million plus people living there. Typical alarmist, just into scare tactics and like everything else you're on about, you can never get the facts or numbers right. Just remember to keep a room vacant in your house for some but like everything that you lot are on about, it won't happen in our life time.

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Imagine the squeals from the climate deniers when 100 million Bangladeshis come knocking on their door looking for a place to live that isn't underwater.

The last time I checked there were 156 million plus people living there. Typical alarmist, just into scare tactics and like everything else you're on about, you can never get the facts or numbers right. Just remember to keep a room vacant in your house for some but like everything that you lot are on about, it won't happen in our life time.

The other 56M drowned.

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Imagine the squeals from the climate deniers when 100 million Bangladeshis come knocking on their door looking for a place to live that isn't underwater.

The last time I checked there were 156 million plus people living there. Typical alarmist, just into scare tactics and like everything else you're on about, you can never get the facts or numbers right. Just remember to keep a room vacant in your house for some but like everything that you lot are on about, it won't happen in our life time.

Unfortunately it is scary, very scary.

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Imagine the squeals from the climate deniers when 100 million Bangladeshis come knocking on their door looking for a place to live that isn't underwater.

The last time I checked there were 156 million plus people living there. Typical alarmist, just into scare tactics and like everything else you're on about, you can never get the facts or numbers right. Just remember to keep a room vacant in your house for some but like everything that you lot are on about, it won't happen in our life time.

Someone smarter than you would have worked out that I made allowance for the areas of higher ground in that country.

But you? Naah, off you go into some tiny fantasy world of your own making.

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Well, this agreement is Obama baby and main project in life, and now that it has been put to bed,

can Mr. Obama turn to deal with the real threats on this world, namely all the terrorist groups that

thrown the world into a turmoil, if the threat will be left to fester, and the terrorist will lay their

hands on a dirty bomb, global warming will be the last thing people will have to worry about.....

At least the emerging Caliphate won't have to worry so much about greenhouse gas emissions.

Oh yes they will. They rely on the illegal sale of Oil. The days of the Arab world are numbered. As the West gradually transitions to Clean Energy the economic noose will slowly tighten. That aspect of Clean Energy is one I can't wait for.

by that time they'll all be living off the taxpayers in various western countries where they are quickly gaining on the local populations.

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Those scientists (1000) related to the 2007 UN report, whilst there were only 52 scientists who authored it, please forgive me for not being more specific. I might just add that in America alone there are now over 32,000 scientists, including over 9,000 with Phd's, and those numbers are rising, who signed a petition asking their government to reject the Kyoto agreement of 1997 and any other similar proposals.

The reasoning Quote> "That there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other green house gases is or will, in the forseeable future, cause catostophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere or disrupt the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is considerable scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal enviroments of the Earth."End quote" The case has not been dismissed by anyone other than yourself

Tell me, why are you so selective, deflection is it, attempt to bolster and senationalise your response. There are numerous avenues that I have listed which give rise to a genuine debate but you chose only one aspect, never take time to address any of the arguments presented. You know why, because you can't. You can't or won't address the lies and scare tactics used by your side. You can't or won't address the scammers involved or how the redistribution of wealth will alter the Earth's temperatures. You can't or won't answer how man is able to control nature.

You can't or won't answer how scientists cannot predict the weather in a 3 week forward period yet go along with those involved with the UN IPCC who are so advanced that they are able to predict what will occur some 20, 30 0 years ahead. You dimiss legitimate debate, why, because you cannot provide any reasonable answers, just the same old same old rhetoric, served up in a differentt style. The old fall back line, they're on the payroll of the fossil fuel industry doesn't wash anymore. Who is paying the GW Scientists?

There's even on ungracious person posting on here who refers to those who have an opposing view as " ..........king idiots." We all know what this means but one has to wonder why he/she has to resort to this level. So far 99.9 percent of posters have refrained from this type of gutter language and are presenting their opposing views as most decent folk do.

Just one question for the believers. Why is it so urgent, if one was to accept your view, which we don't , that your so called needs, need to be implemented, post haste. Out of all the predictions presented by one side, noe have come to fruition and intelligent people, world wide are waking up to the scam being foisted upon them by the select few. Acouple of questions for yourself. Why are you so joyous about what occurred in Paris, what/if any immediate benefits are there for you?

Tired old Climate Denier clap trap. 1997? Same old, same old, propaganda from 18 years ago. You had to wait another ten years before the launch of the first iPhone. It is why the majority of people just don't engage with fossilised Climate Deniers.

Just quickly because I just couldn't be bothered. The negative effects of GW / CC far outweigh slight positive effects, an ETS is not a redistribution of wealth it is a commonly used 'price signal' within a marketplace, weather has nothing to do with Climate, yes the Fossil Fuel industry promotes Climate Deniers, shock horror, I probably wouldn't use the term 'king idiots' rather simply people who don't read the science on GW / CC, Paris marks an important turning point, that being, GW / CC is a politically accepted fact. The discussion now throughout all governments of the world is what steps need to be taken to mitigate the impact of GW / CC.

Happy Days!

No, it is not why alarmists don't engage, it's because they can't, and I assure you that most people are waking up to your lot for what they are, scaremongers who are governed by greed. So what majority are you referring to, those governments who want to wreck their countries economy and the 40,000 free loaders who went to Paris for their almighty but ineffectual gabfest that will come to nothing. It hasn't even been signed off on, two years to go, yet your lot are off on your happy endings. Sorry that should be happy days. Give me a break please.

Through your post you have proven my point. You have no answers to what was asked and just revert to the old adage of you couldn't be bothered. No wonder people are waking up to the rubbish being uttered. So it's not the science after all, it's because it's politically accepted that it must be right. Who said anything about an ETS being a redistribution of wealth, I certainly didn't. That's an addition on your behalf. The negative effects outway the positives, can't even express yourself here, just a total generalisation which means absolutely nothing. All the governments of the world, another falsehood. Typical of the alarmists, taking remarks out of context, adding things that were never mentioned, exaggeration, misleading statements, falsifying reports to downright lies. There's an old saying which it looks like you lot have adopted, do whatever it takes to win. You certainly have the left leaning reporters on your side.

Given what you have written only highlights that you're unable to quantify anything you say but I know why, it's because you have nothing to say. What page of your bible did you turn to for this response. So we can see now where you're coming from, it's all about making money, nothing to do with any of sciences you try to shove down our throats. What an astonishing remark, weather has nothing to do with climate. When I went to school I was taught that climate related to the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period. You are certainly getting yourslef in a kerfuffle. One last matter for you to ponder, if it's not wealth redistribution, what do you call the UN green climate fund, who wants to have 100 billion from western countries' funds to give to 3rd world developing countries by the year 2020.

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Paris marks an important turning point, that being, GW / CC is a politically accepted fact.

Global warming has been a politically accepted position since the Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1998. So far, 192 countries have signed up to do f***-all under the provisions of Kyoto.

The discussion now throughout all governments of the world is what steps need to be taken to mitigate the impact of GW / CC.

That discussion is finished; the "debate is over".

Governments put forward their CO2 emissions plans for the future in October this year. They were known as INDCs (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions). They were not up for negotiation at Paris, and never will be again, following the binding agreement at Paris not to have a binding agreement.

Every government in the world is free to do exactly what it likes in terms of CO2 emissions, and they have a legal document to prove it.

Paris indeed marks an important turning point; a point when national governments worldwide gave the finger to the UN once and for all on trying to interfere with their development plans.

Edited by RickBradford
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No, it is not why alarmists don't engage, it's because they can't, and I assure you that most people are waking up to your lot for what they are, scaremongers who are governed by greed. So what majority are you referring to, those governments who want to wreck their countries economy and the 40,000 free loaders who went to Paris for their almighty but ineffectual gabfest that will come to nothing. It hasn't even been signed off on, two years to go, yet your lot are off on your happy endings. Sorry that should be happy days. Give me a break please.

Through your post you have proven my point. You have no answers to what was asked and just revert to the old adage of you couldn't be bothered. No wonder people are waking up to the rubbish being uttered. So it's not the science after all, it's because it's politically accepted that it must be right. Who said anything about an ETS being a redistribution of wealth, I certainly didn't. That's an addition on your behalf. The negative effects outway the positives, can't even express yourself here, just a total generalisation which means absolutely nothing. All the governments of the world, another falsehood. Typical of the alarmists, taking remarks out of context, adding things that were never mentioned, exaggeration, misleading statements, falsifying reports to downright lies. There's an old saying which it looks like you lot have adopted, do whatever it takes to win. You certainly have the left leaning reporters on your side.

Given what you have written only highlights that you're unable to quantify anything you say but I know why, it's because you have nothing to say. What page of your bible did you turn to for this response. So we can see now where you're coming from, it's all about making money, nothing to do with any of sciences you try to shove down our throats. What an astonishing remark, weather has nothing to do with climate. When I went to school I was taught that climate related to the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period. You are certainly getting yourslef in a kerfuffle. One last matter for you to ponder, if it's not wealth redistribution, what do you call the UN green climate fund, who wants to have 100 billion from western countries' funds to give to 3rd world developing countries by the year 2020.

It is just way too boring for me. After you have debated the same old boring Climate Denial 200 times it just becomes mind numbingly boring. If you are interested to learn about the actual scientific facts on GW / CC there is a very good site called Skeptical Science that starts with the Basics and depending your educational background you can step up to Intermediate or Advanced. It is run by John Cook the guy who published the 97% Consensus paper Cook et al 2013. Yes 16 years AFTER the Zimmermann Paper you referred to earlier. It will explain the difference between weather and climate for you. You may want to check out Powell et al 2015 for the latest research on consensus.

Sorry but your understanding of GW / CC is very basic and dated nearly 20 years.

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No, it is not why alarmists don't engage, it's because they can't, and I assure you that most people are waking up to your lot for what they are, scaremongers who are governed by greed. So what majority are you referring to, those governments who want to wreck their countries economy and the 40,000 free loaders who went to Paris for their almighty but ineffectual gabfest that will come to nothing. It hasn't even been signed off on, two years to go, yet your lot are off on your happy endings. Sorry that should be happy days. Give me a break please.

Through your post you have proven my point. You have no answers to what was asked and just revert to the old adage of you couldn't be bothered. No wonder people are waking up to the rubbish being uttered. So it's not the science after all, it's because it's politically accepted that it must be right. Who said anything about an ETS being a redistribution of wealth, I certainly didn't. That's an addition on your behalf. The negative effects outway the positives, can't even express yourself here, just a total generalisation which means absolutely nothing. All the governments of the world, another falsehood. Typical of the alarmists, taking remarks out of context, adding things that were never mentioned, exaggeration, misleading statements, falsifying reports to downright lies. There's an old saying which it looks like you lot have adopted, do whatever it takes to win. You certainly have the left leaning reporters on your side.

Given what you have written only highlights that you're unable to quantify anything you say but I know why, it's because you have nothing to say. What page of your bible did you turn to for this response. So we can see now where you're coming from, it's all about making money, nothing to do with any of sciences you try to shove down our throats. What an astonishing remark, weather has nothing to do with climate. When I went to school I was taught that climate related to the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period. You are certainly getting yourslef in a kerfuffle. One last matter for you to ponder, if it's not wealth redistribution, what do you call the UN green climate fund, who wants to have 100 billion from western countries' funds to give to 3rd world developing countries by the year 2020.

It is just way too boring for me. After you have debated the same old boring Climate Denial 200 times it just becomes mind numbingly boring. If you are interested to learn about the actual scientific facts on GW / CC there is a very good site called Skeptical Science that starts with the Basics and depending your educational background you can step up to Intermediate or Advanced. It is run by John Cook the guy who published the 97% Consensus paper Cook et al 2013. Yes 16 years AFTER the Zimmermann Paper you referred to earlier. It will explain the difference between weather and climate for you. You may want to check out Powell et al 2015 for the latest research on consensus.

Sorry but your understanding of GW / CC is very basic and dated nearly 20 years.

I simply gave up quoting statistics, data, and research readily available to everyone, Even plain logic had no affect. The same People always regurgitating the same tired argument spoonfed to them by the petrochemical and fossil fuel industry.

Ridicule is the only way to deal with them.

Talking to them about this subject is simply wasting your breath,

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If you are interested to learn about the actual scientific facts on GW / CC there is a very good site called Skeptical Science that starts with the Basics and depending your educational background you can step up to Intermediate or Advanced.

"Skeptical Science" is to climate science what SpongeBob SquarePants is to marine biology.

But really it doesn't matter what any website says about the science, because the world's politicians have just unanimously decided to do nothing about the "problem" of "global warming".

Every country has the right to do what it wants in terms of CO2 emissions, and the UN has enshrined that in law with the Paris Declaration.

Game over.

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