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Merkel wants to 'drastically reduce' refugee arrivals in Germany

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"Merkel wants to 'drastically reduce' refugee arrivals in Germany"

I guess Merkel has wised up,and is now thinking about election time,well forget it girl,you are as good as gone! and good riddance too.

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Merkel's biggest mistake is labeling these people as refugees. They are not refugees. They are COLONISTS. Refugees and immigrants adapt to the host nation, learn its language and customs and integrate into the population. Colonists require the host nation to conform to their culture, their language, their religion and their laws. The greater the number of colonists, the greater demands on the host nation. With increased population comes increased influence. Germany will fall to the Muslims in the not too far future.


Merkel you invited them in, now you think you can divert them to (our) other European countries? Or wher are they going to go ? Send them back at your own expense. All countres should reinforce the borders, especially with Germany, and do away with the Schengen accord. Pool funds to repatriate refugees, Economic fugitives first, rest afterwards. Syrians to relocate to Turkey, Jordan wherever, so they won't have to travel far when the war ends in their country, same for Iraqis, Afghanis etc etc.. Are we going to be the new home for everyone who don't like their governments, or are looking for a job?


Wonder if she is going to let those in the middle east know about her change of heart. There are millions that have the idea all they have to do is get to Germany for a better economic life. There are millions on their way already.


I think she is a bit too late to do that now.

No worry she is not doing anything....just a speech about it.

just wait for the next speech - advising other EU countries their quotas will be increased as Germany can't cope with her open door all welcome policy. So as it didn't work in Germany, let's force it on the EU.

No wonder other member countries are getting fed up with the German leader dictating policy supported by her puppet Juncke.

When one considers Merkel's own comments a few years earlier her invitation and really, facilitation, of millions is pretty much treasonous. After all, Merkel was quite clear... brutually clear that this would not work.

And in fact multiculturalism DID fail. And Merkel intends to make things right and impose only one culture, Islam, on Germany.


I recall that Merkle ten years ago, probably read Orianna Fallaci's fact base revelations of the methodology in action by the OIC (International Islamic federation) that Fallaci called , 'the 'Policy of the Womb' and declared Europe to be "EURABIA"....BTW there are 57 member states in the Islamic Federation; something Obama referred to way back in '08 ("....I have been to all 57 states")....naturally the sheeple and media dunces thought that Obama had misspoke when he was clearly (IMO) giving a shout-out to his Muslim brothers....LOL

Merkle stated years ago that if the current demographic trends continue in Germany and Europe Germany would be a Muslim state by 2030....based on birth rate projections; trending currently at 1.6 in Germany, 1.4 in Spain and Italy, etc....it requires a birth rate of 2.2 to maintain cultural integrity; and now Merkle wallows in uncertainty as regards Muslim immigration...she was against it, before she was for it, before she was against it .

DT says it clearly, and the GOP is incensed over his blatant truth-telling re the venal nature of the media/political complex ...he states unashamed that politics is a game controlled by those sellout 'face' men who work for the elitist predator class and that he is merely eliminating the middleman, being a solidly corrupt entrepreneur himself who will return corporations to the U.S.A...but, that's a crock of demagoguery and someone should educated him as to the multi-national aspect of corporate goods and services utilization- as Apple, for ex., produces their product-line utilizing a vast array of foreign services-from Apples' assembly labor in China to the acquisition of African rare earth metals used in computer chips.....humpty dumpty, etc.

I have not voted since 1994, when then-VP Al Gore 'allocated' the oil at the Elk Hills CA Naval Oil Reserves for his family oil corp....shades of Tea Pot Dome, which brought down the Harding administration. 5555555555.

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