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My Opinion Of The New Airport


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I have just come back from Bangkok and used the new airport on the way up last week and back today.

My impression is that it is a very big airport and the teminal is an extremely impressive building from the outside. However the design and finishing on the inside is shockingly bad. :o

The first thing I noticed was how crowded it was as soon as you first walk into the terminal. The design does not leave enough space for people to walk between the various check in areas. The space between the ticket offices and the check in is far too thin and there are many obsticles which means people are channeled through gaps which are far too small causing bottle necks, particulary when someone stops with their trolley.

The same can be said for the area after you have checked as you walk to the departure area. Areas are also sign posted very poorly, I found myself heading upstairs to a restuarant thinking it was something else (maybe i'm stupid), and I wasn't the only one.

Walking through the airport to the domestic departure area I thought there were far too many concrete pillars in places they shouldn't be and concrete beams coming down from the ceiling which looked really ugly. Actually it really reminded me of being under the sky train or expressway.

One thing that really annoyed me was there was only one place to get food, some lucky connected person has a good monopoly there! The selection of food is very good, but it is outragously expensive. I understand that things will cost more in an airport as rents are high, but the prices border on ridiculous. 50 baht for a bottle of water, 180 baht for a sandwich and 150 baht for a bowl of noodles.

The area where you wait to get on the plane is far too crowded, not enough seats. The one positive that pleases me greatly is the electric walkways, this means there is hardly any walking.

Overall it is better than the last airport and it took about 10-15 mins longer to get than the old airport. I would like to see the monopolies on food and shopping gone and more choice. You can smell the corruption in the air and see it visibly in the use of cheap concrete supports which havn't even been covered. The finishing on the tiles and the roof is substandard and looks cheap.

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What a joke. We're all going to miss the old airport. Can't they do anything right? They could copy any major US or Asian airport and have a winner, but noooo

It's still better than the old airport, but a huge dissapointment none the less.

I was dissapointed to see the same taxi system as before. The system in singapore is far superior and you never have to Q.

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My Experience as Today!

Departure hall:

  • Two restaurants upstais managed by same owner just 200m apart have same manu, and they are extremly expensive
  • Checkin counters looks cheap I think. Nok Air has nicely decorated them. Nobody else did.
  • Virtually no place to sit. You will find people sitting on the floor. You better not to go there too early, because you will find yourself waiting at the super-expensive restaurant
  • A/C units are blowing super-cold air, you get easily sick I think
  • Two bookstores, and one Boots store managed by KingPower
  • Two Bentley Cars offered by KingPower when you stop at their shops with VISA
  • Only one decent store to buy a water is FamilyStore, they have normal prices.

At the departure hall I complained to the stuff and they told me it's all because former Prime Minister who wanted to open this early. So I guess it's Thaskin's fault, there is no place to sit and A/C is too cold.


What a possitive change. No lines, no delays. Nice, but maybe there were not enough people...

Duty Free zone:

  • 90% of Duty Free shops are operated by KingPower, and their prices are higher then in BKK. Well I get parfumes at Hong Kong, no change here.
  • Bars are nice, cool design. Just nobody enjoys 360 Baht Cesar Salat, why ?
  • Food Stands (Burger King, Pizza Company, Coffee Shop and Dairy Queen) are placed together, because they are operated by one company. Not too many people can sit there. Cockroaches everywhere! Disgusting.
  • No more small food businesses. All are large shops, selling overpriced items.

After XRays

Folks, be careful here. After you pass the XRay and metal detectors you enter Gate area

: There are no more shops. You will not be able to buy a water, nothing! You get into the glass cube and that's it. People waiting here hours and hours for a plane will find it very frustrating.

Seats are made from thin metal - VERY CHEAP. My GirlFriend refused to sit on them, because they were so cold and she did not want to get sick. No way, you could rest on those chairs. A/C units are blowing everywhere.

Arrival Hall

There are now total of THREE Arrivals Gates, (A,B,C). A - Domestic, B,C=International. So you better check with friends where you will meet them. Then there are those people trying to offer you a "TAXI", which is not operated by AOT Limousine. AOT Limos are at the same level and there are many people trying to sneek in and put you to this limo for 900 Baht!!!! What a rip off! Meter Taxis are no longer at the level where you arrive. You must find an escalator and get lower. Poor taxi drivers. They got moved to the area, where nobody goes. I think somebody from AOT got a nice business here! Taxis are


I am sorry guys, but I am not a fan of super-modern construction hall design. Raw concrete & pipes. They want to compare this airport to Hong Kong, but it is not even close. Outside it's nice, inside feels small, especially in Duty Free zone.

KingPower & AOT have a clear power over this place. Both companies are controling major merchandise like Liquor, Cigarets, Parfumes and Taxis. Someone should stop kick them out. I wonder if anybody will ever make this place for people, not for businesses wanting make more money!

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