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New Tourism Minister Prefers Quality To Quantity

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And what is the saying about cleaning up your own backyard? ummmm Thailand has never changed they say one thing & do another


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And what is the saying about cleaning up your own backyard? ummmm Thailand has never changed they say one thing & do another


Thats right. Its only the ignorant western press that believe this shit about farang sex tourists, and these changes are not going to weed them out as they come for a short time (no pun intended) and spend loads of cash every night. 10k plus is not unusual for a full days drinking, clubbing and "entertainment" They will not be put out in the least bit and will probably fall under the "Quality Tourist" banner due to their high daily spend. Its the ones who bus round the country on a shoe string, visiting national parks etc. and never going near the bar scene that will be weeded out.

And its mainly high paying tourists and the business community that keep the red lights on in Bangkok these days.

There are thousands of thai only brothels and bars here for every one that farangs go to. most Thai men frequent them regularly and it is a way of life here. It really is a face thing and its not going to change a bit. Maybe it will go underground a bit, but they really are taking the piss if they think that prostitution will ever go away.


Making sense of all of these adjustments may not be easy. One constant may be that the Thais feel the moral fibre of the country has been connected in some way to Farang Farming.

For example, most young Thais who are relatively poor now have no desire to pursue their education, get a good job and raise a family. They resign themselves early in the growing process to work the Farang farming industry in some way. They quite simply give up. It becomes the social standard for this element. There are many roles that need to be manned in this calamity. Start with the bars and work your way to the street vendors that work the Farang farm areas. Getting one's Farang replaces having one's ship come in.

The urban professional is fed up with this notion and have banded together to defeat it at any cost.


And what is the saying about cleaning up your own backyard? ummmm Thailand has never changed they say one thing & do another


Maybe it will go underground a bit, but they really are taking the piss if they think that prostitution will ever go away.

Nobody ever said that anyone in Thailand thinks they can eliminate prostitution. If you have read that somewhere, please let me know as I could use a good laugh.

What they are trying to do is better their image abroad. The issue is one of perception. Poverty exists all over the world and red light districts exist all over the world, but sex tourists will alway rate Thailand as one of their premier places to visit.

As Pap has said, reputations are easy to destroy and hard to fix. They may never get there, but I certainly have no problem with any attempt to clean up the country's reputation.


For good or bad Thailand has long established itself as a sex destination for tourists.

I am not sure that this is a concerted campaign to change this image.

The changes to the nightlife scene in Bangkok although harsh in some peoples eyes doesnt seem to have stopped the influx of tourists seeking carnal pleasures.

If the powers that be were really serious they could close down Patpong and Cowboy Nana etc and all the beer bars.....they can do what they like in Thailand if they really want to....but they haven't.

Thailand wants the money but doesn't want the perception that is why they came up with the idea of quarantining nightlife areas. the rationale being that if it was restricted tocertain areas then it wouldn't be so noticeable.

Even if thailand did clean up its image overnight it would take years for the new image to take hold.


It seems to me that people are over reacting to Dr. Suvit's comments. Thailand does not want to close its borders to only those that can stay at 5 star hotels. Economically, they couldn't even if they wanted to, but they don't. What they want to do is change their global reputation as the place to visit for a cheap lay. It shames them and their children when they go abroad and have to listen to the way people talk about Thailand. It is the sex tours and predators that they wish to keep out.

Why?? The sex tours and predators spend lots of money the same as everyone else. I would have thought they should attract them AND everyone else. It can be done if carefully thought out.

Since I don't know you, I don't know if you are being serious or not. If you are serious, then I don't want to know you.

As you can't be bothered to say why ..its hard to comment furthur. SEX is ONE of the main reasons many people go to Thailand. I can't see a problem with that , but you apparently , for some reason , can . Once again i say .... WHY?????????????????????


I'll start going to temples; national parks; zoological gardens; etc, when I don't get charged 400% more than the locals. If you want "quality tourists", start behaving like quality hosts for a change. :o


Sounds like they have been talking to Maldives! They have a "Quality Tourism Policy" that aims to protect the environment and stop "cultural pollution" (ie randy tourists shagging local girls)

It worked there as the resort islands are "uninhabited". Only Maldivian men can work in the resorts and strict planning laws can be enforced.

Trouble in Thailand you cant ring fence Pattaya, ban Thai women from going there and say "Quality Tourism". Men generally go to Pattaya for the cheap hookers. Its like an Isaan whore house only 1,000 times bigger. No cheap hookers = 90% drop in tourists. Its a polluted <deleted> hole especially the beaches and not much to offer really (except its near to Bangkok for Bangkokians)

There seems to be three main types of tourists in Thailand

- backpackers - they may be on a budget but its a "volume business". Most spend more than they plan and Thailand is the top "exotic" place to visit

- families - Phuket has the most of these. Plenty of package tourists and Phuket isnt that bad a place to visit. Its a bit crowded now though. Most are from lower socio-economic classes with many tatoos around (and Australians who are ALL lower class :o )

- sexpats - old beer bellied Germans in Phuket/Pattaya/Bangkok. They do spend all they have then piss off home anyway

Sexpats only shag Isaan hookers (mostly). They wont get a chance to get a leg over a ministers daughter wil they! Thais look down upon Isaan especially the low class hookers. So why they give a <deleted> they use them far worse!!!!

Thailand tourism is a "volume business". Pile it high and sell it cheap (inc the Isaan gals).

Maldives doeanst have the space for a volume market AND has fantastic beaches and clean seas that are a marvel to see. Even then they have had to fill up capacity with more budget holidays (700 pounds per person with flight and half board 7 nights) as the "premium" end is in overcapacity

Thailand has no chance in "quality tourism"

not their quantity, as there was a need to protect the natural environment.

Interesting because this is a new reason! Before the reason cited was financially motivated. Trying to protect the "natural environment" by stabilizing the number of tourists isn't going to make it come back as it is pretty ruined already. They need to study popular tourist spots *outside* of Thailand that are not ruined environmentally, learn from it, and apply it. The old "blame every environmental problem on the tourists and do nothing ourselves" attitude is really sad here.


Spot on about Pattaya. Its a festering stinking beach, oil tankers and big freighters are constantly passing, the sea front is a building site still, It floods regularly sending thousands of cockroaches into the street, the hotels are run down (bar a couple of high end ones), its festooned with agressive ladyboys... but some people love it.

How they could get quality tourists to bathe in that brown sludge when there is Phuket in the same country is beyond me.

They would have to close it down, put at least 500,000 people out of work if they were to have a serious social order clampdown.

Thats their big money spinner as well.


It seems to me that people are over reacting to Dr. Suvit's comments. Thailand does not want to close its borders to only those that can stay at 5 star hotels. Economically, they couldn't even if they wanted to, but they don't. What they want to do is change their global reputation as the place to visit for a cheap lay. It shames them and their children when they go abroad and have to listen to the way people talk about Thailand. It is the sex tours and predators that they wish to keep out.

Why?? The sex tours and predators spend lots of money the same as everyone else. I would have thought they should attract them AND everyone else. It can be done if carefully thought out.

Since I don't know you, I don't know if you are being serious or not. If you are serious, then I don't want to know you.

As you can't be bothered to say why ..its hard to comment furthur. SEX is ONE of the main reasons many people go to Thailand. I can't see a problem with that , but you apparently , for some reason , can . Once again i say .... WHY?????????????????????

Sex is a natural thing and should be fun among consenting adults. But I doubt that it is a little girls dream to grow up to be a prostitute. The Thai people are as proud as any other. They do not want their children viewed this way or their country. You are correct that it is one of the main reasons but they would prefer it not be. Having said that the women choosing this have many bad choices but they do have choices. Most but not all have chosen this path. I am not about telling others how to live their life or what to think. This is what I think. It would be nice to see people have better choices. Undoubtedly many would still choose this path because of the money and that will never be replaced and the relative ease (if you exlude what this does to a persons mind over time). I do not judge the women who have taken this path. I have not walked in their shoes so I haven't earned the right to judge them. I would guess some started out good and some never were and some still are.

Most people do not want their daughters, sisters, cousins or mothers viewed as prostitutes because of their nationality. You are not entirely wrong. Life is seldom perfect but it is a noble goal to try to do what you can to better your life and the lives of others.

Many people go to Amsterdam for exactly the same reason yet Dutch women are rarely viewed as all being prostitutes. It saddens me to see some of the best people on earth saddled with a reputation that seems undeserved when you compare it to other places. I am not sure of why or how this happened but I would not be happy with news organizations that paint only this picture. Yes Thailand has these things but it has so much more. Maybe if the other wonderful things were talked about the reputation would change. The "amazing Thailand" advertising did a lot to show the other sides of Thailand.


New immigration requirements:

Jeans & T shirts this line, suits and ties this line !

Reminds me of Singapore a loooong time ago: arriving at the airport one was confronted with a big bill-board showing a person, hippy-dressed with long hair crossed-out with a big cross and a person neatly dressed with an "accepted" sign. The long-haired people had the choice: at the airport to the hairdresser or returning home. :o

I too remember the days of travel in Southeast Asia where wearing long hair could deny one an entrance visa or even possibly a forced haircut. I always liked the billboard when entering Malaysia that warned of the illegal nature of Dada (drug) use by showing a miscreant being shot in the back.

All this talk about seeking "quality" tourists has been around for decades. It is nothing more than an expresssion of the simmering racism against Caucasians felt by the Sino-Thai elite. They really don't like Farangs and tend only to tolerate Farangs who demonstrate similar values, mainly involving the acquisition and respect for wealth.

And they will soon no longer need to have to depend upon western travelers. The long term economic trends continue in China and as the Chinese middle class grows, Thailand will be able to replace the western tourists with Chinese tourists. I can see where they are heading with a "Riviera" being built upon the coastline of Thailand catering to this emergent group over the next several decades. I think it is indeed a viable long term strategy.

Again, this is a long term, slow trend, but as things stand, it is inexorable. As the Bangkok elite comes to depend more upon Chinese tourism, the more they will attempt to restrict the tourist landscape, a landscape that will include an increasing number of traditional, conservative East Asian men on vacation who are made uncomfortable by the sight of a Caucasian man holding hands with an Asian woman.


Is it true that 4star and 5 star hotels rooms are way below occupancy rates.

well quality only amounts to 1% of the tourists.

Where are they coming from if there are only 1% of big spenders out there.????

For good or bad Thailand has long established itself as a sex destination for tourists.

I am not sure that this is a concerted campaign to change this image.

The changes to the nightlife scene in Bangkok although harsh in some peoples eyes doesnt seem to have stopped the influx of tourists seeking carnal pleasures.

If the powers that be were really serious they could close down Patpong and Cowboy Nana etc and all the beer bars.....they can do what they like in Thailand if they really want to....but they haven't.

Thailand wants the money but doesn't want the perception that is why they came up with the idea of quarantining nightlife areas. the rationale being that if it was restricted tocertain areas then it wouldn't be so noticeable.

Even if thailand did clean up its image overnight it would take years for the new image to take hold.

Its not going to be "cleaned up."

Too many powerful vested interests making too much money.

As said, its about face so clean up the image not the reality.

Quarantining sin is nothing new.

Amsterdam does it, Las Vegas is a huge quarantine area for all North America, most other North American cities quarantine their "combat zones" so frat boys can party.


New immigration requirements:

Jeans & T shirts this line, suits and ties this line !

Reminds me of Singapore a loooong time ago: arriving at the airport one was confronted with a big bill-board showing a person, hippy-dressed with long hair crossed-out with a big cross and a person neatly dressed with an "accepted" sign. The long-haired people had the choice: at the airport to the hairdresser or returning home. :o

Again, this is a long term, slow trend, but as things stand, it is inexorable. As the Bangkok elite comes to depend more upon Chinese tourism, the more they will attempt to restrict the tourist landscape, a landscape that will include an increasing number of traditional, conservative East Asian men on vacation who are made uncomfortable by the sight of a Caucasian man holding hands with an Asian woman.

You may be right but there is a deeper issue that you may be missing which some Thais recognize. This may offset your prediction about further restrictions. Thailand can not come to rely entirely on the Chinese. It is always better to have a diverse economy than one reliant on a specific country. If they come totally under China's influence they become reliant on China's continued patronage. This would force them to rely on China's mercy. They are not big on mercy. They will exploit any advantage they can. This is something to be simultaneously admired in China and feared. If you think the US has done a lousy job as a world power wait until you see what China does when they take over this roll and they will take over this roll.

If you have done any business in China or with them you will immediately recognize they are nothing if not excellent bargainers. Chinese people think long term not short term which again is something to be admired and feared. Thais want Thailand for Thais. Even though many Thai- Chinese may feel closer connections to the Chinese than farangs, do not kid yourself that they don't recognize this danger. Balance in everything is important. If more strategic thinkers prevail the Thais will keep both options open.


Sorry, but I'd rather take Pattaya over Phuket any day of the week. Pattaya may be smelly; polluted; gridlocked and tacky; but it does have some great alternative attractions; family days out; great dining; nightclubs; cultural attractions, etc. Also great competitive prices; service; and shopping.

Its a bit like a scab; unpleasant, sore, and nasty; but you have to back and have another play with it. :D

Phuket, on the other hand has a blanket 10% service charge slapped on everything. Consequently the service is dire; rude; and is the worst definition of a "tourist trap" because there isn't a great deal of competition. I won't be going back for a while. (Patong). :o


New immigration requirements:

Jeans & T shirts this line, suits and ties this line !

Reminds me of Singapore a loooong time ago: arriving at the airport one was confronted with a big bill-board showing a person, hippy-dressed with long hair crossed-out with a big cross and a person neatly dressed with an "accepted" sign. The long-haired people had the choice: at the airport to the hairdresser or returning home. :o

I too remember the days of travel in Southeast Asia where wearing long hair could deny one an entrance visa or even possibly a forced haircut. I always liked the billboard when entering Malaysia that warned of the illegal nature of Dada (drug) use by showing a miscreant being shot in the back.

All this talk about seeking "quality" tourists has been around for decades. It is nothing more than an expresssion of the simmering racism against Caucasians felt by the Sino-Thai elite. They really don't like Farangs and tend only to tolerate Farangs who demonstrate similar values, mainly involving the acquisition and respect for wealth.

And they will soon no longer need to have to depend upon western travelers. The long term economic trends continue in China and as the Chinese middle class grows, Thailand will be able to replace the western tourists with Chinese tourists. I can see where they are heading with a "Riviera" being built upon the coastline of Thailand catering to this emergent group over the next several decades. I think it is indeed a viable long term strategy.

Again, this is a long term, slow trend, but as things stand, it is inexorable. As the Bangkok elite comes to depend more upon Chinese tourism, the more they will attempt to restrict the tourist landscape, a landscape that will include an increasing number of traditional, conservative East Asian men on vacation who are made uncomfortable by the sight of a Caucasian man holding hands with an Asian woman.

"Conservative East Asian men" are uncomfortable seeing it out in the open, where they prefer to do it behind closed doors in no more than expensive brothels where the only exchange between the two is 1/2 hour or less of sex. There is no other relationship between the two participants. I am not saying that bargirl A is not in it "only for the money" nor is Barguy A paying "only for the sex," but if they guy is unhappy with the girl outside of the bedroom, or theh girl is unhappy with the guy outside of his payment, the relationship will end. In the relationship between the Conservative East Asian man and the brothel girl, there is payment and sex. There is nothing else.

Still, most of Thailand has tourists, although some areas have a lot more than others. In these many tourist areas, prostitution is not the main promotion like nearly all of Pattaya or some of Phuket and Bangkok.

It is not widespread in the country for tourists. It is widespread in the country for the Thais, but not for tourists (Western Tourists), but the Chinese just might work their way into it.

All this talk about seeking "quality" tourists has been around for decades. It is nothing more than an expresssion of the simmering racism against Caucasians felt by the Sino-Thai elite. They really don't like Farangs and tend only to tolerate Farangs who demonstrate similar values, mainly involving the acquisition and respect for wealth.

And they will soon no longer need to have to depend upon western travelers. The long term economic trends continue in China and as the Chinese middle class grows, Thailand will be able to replace the western tourists with Chinese tourists. I can see where they are heading with a "Riviera" being built upon the coastline of Thailand catering to this emergent group over the next several decades. I think it is indeed a viable long term strategy.

Again, this is a long term, slow trend, but as things stand, it is inexorable. As the Bangkok elite comes to depend more upon Chinese tourism,........

I think there is a big misconception about Chinese tourism.

First of all more than 50% of Thai tourism comes already from the East; Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea. Japan and China.

But Chinese tourism is an organized one.

99% of the Chinese tourists travel in groups and the vast majority are couples and travel abroad for the first time in their lifes.

They travel for no more than 1 week and ALWAYS travel in the companion of a tourguide.

Also: 99% does not speak 1 single word of English and they would be completely 'lost' if travelling on their own.

The fares for these 1-week holidays are very cheap (in our eyes) and these tourists are certainly not the 'Quality Tourists' the new minister is aiming for.

The rich(er) Chinese tourists (and they don't like to travel in groups...) prefer to go to other destinations than Thailand, like Hong Kong, Singapore and cities with large Chinese communities like Vancouver, San Francisco, London etc. where they can find the luxury items they are fond of.

I certainly don't see any 'landscape' in the future for the Thai elite to 'depend' on Chinese tourists who are willing to relax on a so-called Thai Riviera.

Then there is another MOST IMPORTANT item.....FOOD!

Chinese are used to eat outdoor 2 or 3 times a day (it's cheap!) and there is no way the Thai (or western) 'cuisine' can cope with their taste.

They can manage for 1 week to eat Thai food....but than...back to Chinese kitchen :o

Yes, Chinese tourism will increase dramatically in the years to come but it will be package tourists and not the 'Quality tourist'.


New tourism minister prefers quality to quantity, seeks TAT head

BANGKOK: -- Thailand's newly appointed tourism and sports minister said Wednesday he would target the quality of tourists, not their quantity, as there was a need to protect the natural environment.

Suwit Yodmanee spoke to reporters regarding his proposed work strategies, saying he welcomed suggestions from related government agencies to develop the country's tourism as well as to solve problems.

The new minister promised to continue ongoing tourism promotion programmes such as Thailand Elite, Long Stay and Thailand Riviera, which he praised as 'very good schemes'.

However, the minister dismissed speculation on dividing tourism functions from sports in separate ministries, saying there was no urgent need to do this during the interim government.

The most urgent task, he said, is to get a new governor for the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

''We must get it done as quickly as possible. The selection process shouldn't take longer than three months,'' he said, promising equal treatment for both internal and external candidates.

''I know that there are some internal candidates who are qualified,'' he said.

As for the coming fiscal year's budget, the minister said he would negotiate with the Bureau of Budget the best he could,as the bureau has criticised the ministry for proposing a figure that was too large.

''We must negotiate for the best figure to fund our task," Mr. Suwit said. "I expect the budget to be available early next year,''.

--TNA 2006-10-11

hello all TV reader's and good evening,

my day shift at my fire station is over, im at home and ive just seen this post.

i would like to comment on only one aspect of the above post, and that is quality tourists over quantity.

los has taken a beating over many years for the problems that have arisen because of the behaviour of some tourists.

many times a falang has come to grief over dispute's regarding behaviour and respect issue's.

death is not uncommon and if lucky, one may end up in the big tiger.. :D

pattaya particularly springs to mind as a popular haven for farang criminals.

i mean no disrespect to the people of pattaya but its my observation of many news articles, and articles posted on this forum.

also many other places in los spring to mind, so im not highlighting pattaya.

a panacea is difficult to achieve but i feel los should strive to attract quality tourist's over quantity.

there's a very easy way to start and im at a loss why los hasn't embraced this system.

on the immigration form there should be a box one ticks if they have a criminal history.

paedophiles, murders, rapists and serious drug offended should be refused entry amongst other crimes.

if one has lied on the form and found to have one of these offences, deportation should be immediate.

here in aussie the immigration rules are harsh and if one has one of the above crimes its near on impossible to step foot here.

they have the avenue of appeal but its a long process and this system is very effective in vetting our tourists and immigrants.

in conclusion,

i think los should get serious on this issue of quality tourists over quantity.

after all,

los has ten million tourist arriving annually so they would not miss 10% of them would they.? :D

cheers people. :o

Well, one thing's for sure- in light of events of the last couple of years, they're certainly not shooting for quantity any more. That's a job well-done, there. :o

the thing is that they dont have to hunt anymore as los rebirths it self and tourism increases every year.

hence there huge investment in the new airport. :D

thats why i say keep out the bad boys as los wont miss them.


How do you define quality???? This is what is open to debate - what they are saying - they want a certain caliber of tourist, ie who spends heaps. This is what every tourism official across the world wants. However wanting and getting are diff animals. :o


Kmart - if you limited your Phuket visit to Patong, then it's hardly surprising you have a negative view!

Next time you come to this lovely island, be daring and venture outside of the 'farang' ghetto. You might be pleasantly surprised....


New immigration requirements:

Jeans & T shirts this line, suits and ties this line !

Personaly I think they should start targeting the people who insist on wearing white socks with sandals/flip flops first

New immigration requirements:

Jeans & T shirts this line, suits and ties this line !

Personaly I think they should start targeting the people who insist on wearing white socks with sandals/flip flops first

New tourism minister prefers quality to quantity, seeks TAT head

BANGKOK: -- Thailand's newly appointed tourism and sports minister said Wednesday he would target the quality of tourists, not their quantity, as there was a need to protect the natural environment.

Suwit Yodmanee spoke to reporters regarding his proposed work strategies, saying he welcomed suggestions from related government agencies to develop the country's tourism as well as to solve problems.

The new minister promised to continue ongoing tourism promotion programmes such as Thailand Elite, Long Stay and Thailand Riviera, which he praised as 'very good schemes'.

However, the minister dismissed speculation on dividing tourism functions from sports in separate ministries, saying there was no urgent need to do this during the interim government.

The most urgent task, he said, is to get a new governor for the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

''We must get it done as quickly as possible. The selection process shouldn't take longer than three months,'' he said, promising equal treatment for both internal and external candidates.

''I know that there are some internal candidates who are qualified,'' he said.

As for the coming fiscal year's budget, the minister said he would negotiate with the Bureau of Budget the best he could,as the bureau has criticised the ministry for proposing a figure that was too large.

''We must negotiate for the best figure to fund our task," Mr. Suwit said. "I expect the budget to be available early next year,''.

--TNA 2006-10-11

Typical TV- drivel,

Singing arias about a stupid headline and a SINGLE sentence!

Sorry folks, the report is about a new minister who is not willing to share power and "funds" :o

How do you define quality???? This is what is open to debate - what they are saying - they want a certain caliber of tourist, ie who spends heaps. This is what every tourism official across the world wants. However wanting and getting are diff animals. :D

the thais have there own view of quality and i never consider my self smart enough to double guess what it might be.

but i'll have a crack,

and i say it's got lots to do with the dollars. :D

after all,

ive only had a 19 year affiliation with the thais and im still learning.

one never stops studying the thai mind and only a fool would say he is an expert in this field.

my own view of quality has nothing to do with the dollars.

im talking about attracting tourists and travellers that have a good intent.

after all,

many backpackers dont have lots of cash, but conduct them selves in a reasonable manner and also many run of the mill tourists.

its not a monetary answer,

its a character issue . :D

in conclusion ,

quality equals character and intent.

cheers :o

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