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Facebook 'sedition' suspect expresses remorse

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Facebook 'sedition' suspect expresses remorse



BANGKOK: -- A FACTORY worker in Samut Prakan who is accused of lese majeste and instigating sedition has expressed remorse in an audio clip he recorded himself while being brought to a military court.

Thanakorn Siripaiboon, 27, admitted in the six-and-a-half-minute clip that he had distributed damaging information about the Army's controversial Rajabhakti Park project, with the goal of attacking the government.

He said he regretted what he had done and asked activists campaigning against alleged corruption surrounding the Rajabhakti project to stop using him for their benefit.

Thanakorn also urged social-media users to think carefully before posting or sharing anything online. "Your information may be used wrongly without your knowledge," he said.

He also said he was making the recorded remarks voluntarily and not being forced to do so.

He recorded the audio clip on a mobile phone borrowed from a police officer.

Despite the self-recorded confession, the military court denied Thanakorn a temporary release, on the grounds that his alleged offences carried severe penalties and that granting him bail could result in allowing him to escape. The court agreed with a police request that Thanakorn be detained while their investigation was ongoing.

Thanakorn is accused of distributing on Facebook a diagram of people involved in the Rajabhakti Park project and clicking "like" on a photo deemed insulting to the monarchy.

Yesterday, he was brought by Crime Suppression Division police to the military court after he recorded the clip.

Police said yesterday that more arrest warrants would be issued for people involved in the alleged offences, in addition to Thanakorn and Thanet Anantawong, 25, who was arrested on Sunday in connection with the case.

Royal Thai Police deputy spokesman Pol Maj-General Piyapan Pingmuang said investigators were collecting evidence to determine who would face arrest warrants.

Pol Maj-General Songpol Wattanachai, another police spokesman, warned social-media users about the Computer Crime Act and that they should be more careful in sending messages on the Internet.

Deputy national police chief Pol General Sriwara Rangsibhramanakul said yesterday that police were convinced there was a mastermind behind the Rajabhakti diagram. "We believe they are people who disagree with the government."

Meanwhile, student activist Rangsiman Rome yesterday said he disagreed with the charges against Thanakorn, adding that the diagram in question came from the website of his group, the New Democracy Movement. He maintained that Thanakorn had nothing to do with the creation of the diagram.

Rangsiman and four other activists gathered near the military court yesterday to offer moral support to the two arrested men.

Thanet, the second man arrested for sharing the diagram on Facebook about the park project, was charged with violating the Computer Crime Act, according to Colonel Winthai Suvaree, spokesman for the military's ruling National Council for Peace and Order. He declined to specify where the man was being held except that he was "in the control of authorities".

Anti-junta activist Siriwat Serithiwat yesterday called for Thanet's release, saying he needed medical attention. He added that plainclothes security officers had taken Thanet from a hospital where he had been waiting for an operation.

"I would like the court to release Thanet. He needs medical attention. We are afraid for his life," he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Facebook-sedition-suspect-expresses-remorse-30274947.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-15

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Now just who whispered in his ear that it's in his best interests to be humble, express regret and remorse and plead guilty if charged ?

Were the words ' or else ' included in the free advice ?

What's next, an announcement that hundreds of FB users claim they accidentally pressed the LIKE key ?


They should release both men immediately and stop this witch hunt. one of them was apprehended whilst waiting for an operation, do the military want another prisoner in their care dying ? The crematorium is on overtime...


There is of course several alarming aspects to this story , aside from the most fundamental one of "pressing ""like"" is a criminal offence.

This means whilst in Thailand not only do you have to make sure you log out on Facebook if you pop into an Internet cafe.

Lest someone comment on your behalf on matter LM .

But now watching a few minutes of say a British comedian on You tube and pressing like , when a friend posts it on Facebook...could get you arrested.

Say if that comedian later takes a swipe at certain institutions , but you didn't even know as the one hour you tube wasn't watched by you completely.

These same people can detain you at the airport on departure and you get prison instead of returning home.

This is Orwellian and as the poster above said a witch hunt.

Fear is the weapon of choice and even repeating L!M info is an act of LM itself.

Only diplomats can get away with it now.

And even that remains to be seen.

The poor factory worker aware of those before him dying mysteriously in Jail on LM charges and those rotting their youth away on 30 year jail terms are going to cave in.

Plead guilt beg and hope they are not next.

What an insidious country it has become under military rule.

Where ultra Nationals in the guise of religious zeal applaud such barbaric acts of cruelty on fellow man.

Hatreds and vehement willingness to destroy life's who dare say boo to the elite classes.

This factory worker and those that follow him will be in the world medias eye now.

And the upcoming American official Mr Russell I hope highlights such travesties of justice.

Governments world wide now have a suitable case to issue demands on immediate release of all LM detainees in Thai prisons or face punitive sanctions., similar to South Africa when their policies warranted them.

Certainly boycotts under the conscience of not propping up this regime is now a real consideration.

I hope Donald Trump wins office and in a willy Nilly from the hip motion gives this junta a much clearer prospective of what sort of punishments it faces if it doesn't comply with international norms.

And forget this pretence of explaining away to the Thai public its a misunderstanding when we are critical of you.

It's called democratic right of free speech .

You are unelected and a military force.

If you pretend we don't understand so be it.

But you ultimately may reap what you sow.

And end up in The Hague


well, it looks like the military reprimand prison has done it's work of extracting the obligatory LM "confession".

thank the lord that we have such honest and able men running the country during this brief period of undemocratic transition through which Thailand must pass...

(can I borrow someone's sandals to puke in?)


"He also said he was making the recorded remarks voluntarily and not being forced to do so." Good for you! coffee1.gif

"He recorded the audio clip on a mobile phone borrowed from a police officer." Arai wa? bah.gif


No bail for LM and a very shaky suspicion of sedition... Yet people who have been convicted of murder are released after the verdict and allowed to lodge an appeal outside jail.

Getting incredibly oppressive now. Its just a guess but i don't think they'll be able to carry on like this for too much longer


So do these people actually think this stuff is consumed and is believed by the public? Or is it just the party line and of no real consequence if it is accepted or not?

As for clicking the "like" button, just how is that twisted and manipulated into a crime??? This is the thought police gone mad with power to the extreme...

The ONLY reason Thailand started tackling (still no wear near finished) the fishing boats slave issue was they were told on no uncertain terms FIX IT OR ELSE!!!

Money is the only thing that the elite, movers and shakers understand and is the only thing they will respond to or motivated by, not human rights.


Money is the only thing that the elite, movers and shakers understand and is the only thing they will respond to or motivated by, not human rights.

Hopefully once their regime falls apart all individual junta members will be investigated and face consequences... or the Thai people decide to do a French Revolution on them.


Was this the chap who insulted the Royal dog, (as reported elsewhere)?

I'm sorry....what?

If that is actually a charge against him then this place really has gone to...the dogs....

This is all going to explode very publicly and very soon.


No bail for LM and a very shaky suspicion of sedition... Yet people who have been convicted of murder are released after the verdict and allowed to lodge an appeal outside jail.

Getting incredibly oppressive now. Its just a guess but i don't think they'll be able to carry on like this for too much longer

"Its just a guess but i don't think they'll be able to carry on like this for too much longer"

I certainly hope you're right. The Thaitanic is heading straight for the iceberg, and it's gaining speed. To continue the analogy I have actually started thinking about jumping ship, which will be a nightmare after having lived here for more than two decades (wife, house, dogs, car etc). During that time I've seen my fair share of juntas and elected governments but none of them have been as scary as this one.


I never visited East Germany when it existed but I have read a good deal about it and have German friends with first hand knowledge. It would seem that this Country is rapidly descending to the lows that the East Germans had to suffer for all those years. Draconian laws, Stasi type police spying, arbitrary imprisonment. Happiness being brought back to the people - MY ARSE.

Over the past few days I've noticed a deafening silence from the likes of EnglishJohn, Roblock, Rubi, Halloween etc. C'mon fellers let's have a rigorous defence of your heroes.......no?......but, but, Thaksin.


I never visited East Germany when it existed but I have read a good deal about it and have German friends with first hand knowledge. It would seem that this Country is rapidly descending to the lows that the East Germans had to suffer for all those years. Draconian laws, Stasi type police spying, arbitrary imprisonment. Happiness being brought back to the people - MY ARSE.

Over the past few days I've noticed a deafening silence from the likes of EnglishJohn, Roblock, Rubi, Halloween etc. C'mon fellers let's have a rigorous defence of your heroes.......no?......but, but, Thaksin.

EnglishJohn does his broken down record player post of constantly repeating the very (one sided) story of why the coup happened. He got posts deleted in other threads because it had nothing to do with the topic (of the juntas serious misgivings).

Rubl posts his usual distraction material. Never address the issue at hand. Just a typical "But Thaksin, but USA" stuff. (but a lot less than normal)

Haven't really seen the other two.

I wonder why....

police were convinced there was a mastermind behind the Rajabhakti diagram. "We believe they are people who disagree with the government."

They may be on to something there, only that specified group grows by the hour


There is of course several alarming aspects to this story , aside from the most fundamental one of "pressing ""like"" is a criminal offence.

This means whilst in Thailand not only do you have to make sure you log out on Facebook if you pop into an Internet cafe.

Lest someone comment on your behalf on matter LM .

But now watching a few minutes of say a British comedian on You tube and pressing like , when a friend posts it on Facebook...could get you arrested.

Say if that comedian later takes a swipe at certain institutions , but you didn't even know as the one hour you tube wasn't watched by you completely.

These same people can detain you at the airport on departure and you get prison instead of returning home.

This is Orwellian and as the poster above said a witch hunt.

Fear is the weapon of choice and even repeating L!M info is an act of LM itself.

Only diplomats can get away with it now.

And even that remains to be seen.

The poor factory worker aware of those before him dying mysteriously in Jail on LM charges and those rotting their youth away on 30 year jail terms are going to cave in.

Plead guilt beg and hope they are not next.

What an insidious country it has become under military rule.

Where ultra Nationals in the guise of religious zeal applaud such barbaric acts of cruelty on fellow man.

Hatreds and vehement willingness to destroy life's who dare say boo to the elite classes.

This factory worker and those that follow him will be in the world medias eye now.

And the upcoming American official Mr Russell I hope highlights such travesties of justice.

Governments world wide now have a suitable case to issue demands on immediate release of all LM detainees in Thai prisons or face punitive sanctions., similar to South Africa when their policies warranted them.

Certainly boycotts under the conscience of not propping up this regime is now a real consideration.

I hope Donald Trump wins office and in a willy Nilly from the hip motion gives this junta a much clearer prospective of what sort of punishments it faces if it doesn't comply with international norms.

And forget this pretence of explaining away to the Thai public its a misunderstanding when we are critical of you.

It's called democratic right of free speech .

You are unelected and a military force.

If you pretend we don't understand so be it.

But you ultimately may reap what you sow.

And end up in The Hague

Its ok, everyone is happier now, apparently the situation has been explained to the foreign community, and everyone in and outside Thailand loves the junta......The only constant is change, and nothing will stop it, sometimes it appears to come slowly, but what will be will be.


Was this the chap who insulted the Royal dog, (as reported elsewhere)?

your'e barking up the wrong tree there Simonwink.png


well, it looks like the military reprimand prison has done it's work of extracting the obligatory LM "confession".

thank the lord that we have such honest and able men running the country during this brief period of undemocratic transition through which Thailand must pass...

(can I borrow someone's sandals to puke in?)

Sedition now that is a new one well on me at least. Is it a cousin of LM or computer crimes. How exotic. Is this stuff made up as they go along??


Was this the chap who insulted the Royal dog, (as reported elsewhere)?

your'e barking up the wrong tree there Simonwink.png

What was said to upset the Royal Pooch?

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