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Saudi Arabia forms coalition of 34 Islamic countries to fight terrorism

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Saudi Arabia has never lifted a finger against Sunni terrorist groups outside it's territory and concentrated its efforts against Shias in Syria, Bahrain, Yemen & within Saudi itself.

The chances of it actually fighting against groups like ISIS & Al-Qaeda that tout the Saudi Wahhabi brand of extreme fundamentalist Islam are close to nil. The US & UK are in bed with Saudi because of arms sales and, unlike Syria, never even tried to stop Bahrain inviting the Saudi military to put down an Arab Spring uprising in Bahrain where there is an US base. The parallel with the hypocrisy in Syria is striking.

Saudi is a big player in the rise in terrorism & not part of any solution.


This is great news for US President Obama...since he knows someone...who knows someone in the Saudi government...Obama will add these Islamic countries to his imaginary ME coalition to fight terrorism...he never misses a chance to fantasize about his leadership...


This is great news for US President Obama...since he knows someone...who knows someone in the Saudi government...Obama will add these Islamic countries to his imaginary ME coalition to fight terrorism...he never misses a chance to fantasize about his leadership...

His leadership? All the signals indicated that Obama was not at the top of the food chain when he bowed (nearly breaking his nose on the floor) before the Saudi King!! Makes you wonder eh??


Great idea on the surface, the only little trojan horse i read is this words "Saudi Defense Minister Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud said the alliance will not just confront the Islamic State (ISIS) group, but β€œany terrorist group in front of us.”

How long before these coalition may decide that Christian world are the terrorist group?

As pretty much every single one of its members at one point in time chanted death to US or were involved in one way or another in some attacks.


I cant help but think this dog and pony show was instigated by the US so its ally in terror, SA, could give the US cover for the argument that Islamic Country allies are doing more of the heavy lifting (this gives the appearance of progress to Obama's lead from behind strategy). This paper tiger- the SA anti terrorism alliance- is pretty much the same as the US's current fictional coalition= Eyewash to give the appearance of battling the very thing they created. Cui Bono?

Obama & Company can argue its allies are now bearing their burden; stay the course. Actually, they are maintaining the status quo because the full utility of IS and related terrorism has not yet run its coarse of benefits- destabilizing Syria, a counter hegemon to Iran, and a pretense to consolidate government powers in the West. IS is the modern Emmanuel Goldstein Orwell warned us about.

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