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British PM set for summit showdown over EU reform demands


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British PM set for summit showdown over EU reform demands


"One recipe for disaster would be a one-size fits (all) or a European super-state"

BRUSSELS: -- EU leaders meet in Brussels on Thursday and Friday for their final summit of the year – and Britain’s push for EU reform is set to be high on the agenda.

Prime Minister David Cameron has promised to renegotiate ties, ahead of a membership referendum by the end of 2017.

Cameron has had a boost, with Italy publicly throwing its support behind the drive for reform. Both countries say Europe’s future depends on a more flexible approach to membership.

Cameron says he favours the reform option, but is ruling nothing out – if he does not get what he wants.

“Some people say a more flexible Europe, some say a multi-dimensional Europe. And I think that’s the sort of vision I will prefer to see, because it shows that actually, in the modern world, you need to be flexible,”
Syed Kamall, a British Conservative MEP, told euronews.

“One recipe for disaster would be a one-size fits (all) or a European super-state.”

But one Italian centre-left MEP says London is demanding too much and the EU would be at risk of collapsing.

“We have to imagine Europe as a mosaic. It’s clear that if every country takes away a piece of the mosaic, because some think they need economic flexibility, or social flexibility, it’s clear that the mosaic won’t be an organic picture anymore,” said Antonio Panzeri.

“But we need an organic picture, if we want the salvation and the future of Europe.”

Limiting benefits that EU migrants to Britain are entitled to is the most contentious among Cameron’s demands.

One German official has said they expect this week’s summit to lay the foundations for an agreement on EU reform next February.

Euronews reporter Margherita Sforza said: “The idea of a multiple speed Europe, multidimensional, is not new. It’s applied to the Euro and to the Schengen zone.

“However, until now, it was an ‘exception’ – but now it’s becoming the solution studied by European leaders to stop the progress of the extreme right and nationalism in Europe.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-17

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Huffing and puffing will not make fundamental changes, just a cosmetic makeover.

Agree...ask for some minor, trivial concessions and then when you get some of them, jump up and down and hold a victory parade. Classic PR trick.

Sadly for Cameron, his problem is in his party. The anti-EU Tories will not be bought off with a few minor concessions and they will continue to make his life difficult. But if Britain does indeed vote overwhelmingly to stay in, it strengthens Cameron's hand; however if it is a close thing say 52% for/48% against, it will be very difficult for Cameron to say that the issue is dealt with, and anti-Eu sentiment will be strengthened not marginalised.

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"Cameron says he favours the reform option, but is ruling nothing out if he does not get what he wants."

but don't hold your breath.........

I agree. If and when there is a vote to stay or leave the propaganda will be overwhelmingly intense. I remember the original vote to join. What people voted for bears no resemblance to the EU of today, but we were promised it would be the "bee's knees".

Our Uncles, Grandfathers, Great Uncles even Fathers in some cases fought and many died or were horribly scarred to maintain a free Europe and a free World. The emergence of a European Super State was exactly what they fought against, even as far back as Napoleon, maybe even further.

Only a select elite few have profited from the EU, but they can and will control the media prior to the vote to ensure a "yes" vote. If the British people dare vote NO then it will be Ireland all over again, wait a year or so, give threats about the pound, the economy etc then kindly ask the people to think positively and vote again and VOTE YES OR ELSE !!!

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"Cameron says he favours the reform option, but is ruling nothing out if he does not get what he wants."

but don't hold your breath.........

I agree. If and when there is a vote to stay or leave the propaganda will be overwhelmingly intense. I remember the original vote to join. What people voted for bears no resemblance to the EU of today, but we were promised it would be the "bee's knees".

Our Uncles, Grandfathers, Great Uncles even Fathers in some cases fought and many died or were horribly scarred to maintain a free Europe and a free World. The emergence of a European Super State was exactly what they fought against, even as far back as Napoleon, maybe even further.

Only a select elite few have profited from the EU, but they can and will control the media prior to the vote to ensure a "yes" vote. If the British people dare vote NO then it will be Ireland all over again, wait a year or so, give threats about the pound, the economy etc then kindly ask the people to think positively and vote again and VOTE YES OR ELSE !!!

No doubt they were strengthened in their resolve to fight by the man who spoke thus:

"In his famous Zurich speech of 1946, Churchill said, ‘We must build a kind of United States of Europe.. The structure of the United States of Europe, if well and truly built, will be such as to make the material strength of a single state less important.. If at first all the States of Europe are not willing or able to join the Union, we must nevertheless proceed to assemble and combine those who will and those who can."

‘We are reunited here, in this new Assembly, not as representatives of our several countries or various political parties, but as Europeans forging ahead, hand in hand, and if necessary elbow to elbow, to restore the former glories of Europe..

‘There is no reason for us not to succeed in achieving our goal and laying the foundation of a United Europe. A Europe whose moral design will win the respect and acknowledgement of all humanity, and whose physical strength will be such that no person will dare to disturb it as it marches peacefully towards the future.’ (Council of Europe, 1949)

‘We are prepared to consider and, if convinced, to accept the abrogation of national sovereignty, provided that we are satisfied with the conditions and the safeguards… national sovereignty is not inviolable, and it may be resolutely diminished for the sake of all men in all the lands finding their way home together.’ (House of Commons, 1950)

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"Cameron says he favours the reform option, but is ruling nothing out if he does not get what he wants."

but don't hold your breath.........

I agree. If and when there is a vote to stay or leave the propaganda will be overwhelmingly intense. I remember the original vote to join. What people voted for bears no resemblance to the EU of today, but we were promised it would be the "bee's knees".

Our Uncles, Grandfathers, Great Uncles even Fathers in some cases fought and many died or were horribly scarred to maintain a free Europe and a free World. The emergence of a European Super State was exactly what they fought against, even as far back as Napoleon, maybe even further.

Only a select elite few have profited from the EU, but they can and will control the media prior to the vote to ensure a "yes" vote. If the British people dare vote NO then it will be Ireland all over again, wait a year or so, give threats about the pound, the economy etc then kindly ask the people to think positively and vote again and VOTE YES OR ELSE !!!

No doubt they were strengthened in their resolve to fight by the man who spoke thus:

"In his famous Zurich speech of 1946, Churchill said, We must build a kind of United States of Europe.. The structure of the United States of Europe, if well and truly built, will be such as to make the material strength of a single state less important.. If at first all the States of Europe are not willing or able to join the Union, we must nevertheless proceed to assemble and combine those who will and those who can."

We are reunited here, in this new Assembly, not as representatives of our several countries or various political parties, but as Europeans forging ahead, hand in hand, and if necessary elbow to elbow, to restore the former glories of Europe..

There is no reason for us not to succeed in achieving our goal and laying the foundation of a United Europe. A Europe whose moral design will win the respect and acknowledgement of all humanity, and whose physical strength will be such that no person will dare to disturb it as it marches peacefully towards the future. (Council of Europe, 1949)

We are prepared to consider and, if convinced, to accept the abrogation of national sovereignty, provided that we are satisfied with the conditions and the safeguards national sovereignty is not inviolable, and it may be resolutely diminished for the sake of all men in all the lands finding their way home together. (House of Commons, 1950)

Very good quotes, but not even Churchill could have foresaw what a mess European politicians would make of it and the enormous cost to the tax payer of such an institution.

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