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Germany introduces new counter-terrorism police unit


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Germany introduces new counter-terrorism police unit

BERLIN (AP) — Germany on Wednesday introduced a new police unit that officials said will be better armed, outfitted and trained to deal with terrorism, based on an analysis of the country's security in the wake of deadly attacks in Paris earlier this year.

Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said that, after the series of attacks in January centered on the Charlie Hebdo satirical newspaper in which 17 people were killed, security officials reassessed the situation in Germany.

Their conclusion that assailants would likely be highly aggressive, well-prepared, well-armed and capable of carrying out concurrent attacks was reinforced by the Nov. 13 attacks that left 130 dead in Paris.

"The danger in Germany from international terrorism is high, as it is across Europe," de Maiziere told reporters at a police base in Blumberg, outside Berlin. "It was high, it is high, and it will remain high for the foreseeable future."

Some 250 more officers will be added to the national police force's special arrest units, known as the BFE, and based at five locations around the country.

Unlike the country's elite GSG9 SWAT teams that are only deployed as emergency response units, the so-called BFE+ police will also be involved in day-to-day operations, filling a gap between the special unit and regular police, de Maiziere said.

The BFE+ police will be based in areas where the national police have helicopters, meaning they can be brought into situations quickly, de Maiziere said as he presented the first group of 50 new officers.

Police union spokesman Rainer Wendt says additional specially trained officers are "money well-spent" but told the dpa news agency ordinary patrol officers also must be properly equipped, saying all should have helmets and high-quality body armor.

"It would be irresponsible to do nothing for the ordinary patrolman," he said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-17

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Any reliable estimations as to how much each one of these islamic migrants is costing the new home state? My back of a fag packet guestimations including the life welfare payments x 10 for incoming extended family, healthcare, housing, new police forces to deal with the creep of islam and the terror it brings to normal citizens, PR campaigns to polish the turd, PR campaigns to keep the public naive as to the reason for islamic violence, I'm getting an estimate in the millions of Euros per each migrant.

Lucky there wereno German poor people and no German homeless people, otherwise spunking all the Geman cash on these incoming haters could cause some misunderstanding and even resentment.

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Treating the symptoms instead og the disease.

If I was in power, anybody from the religion of peace not holding German citizenship, or those with dual citizenship, would be on a flight 'home'. Reducing the number of potential terrorists would be a good start.

It may be only a minority of muslims causing the problems (and I believe supported by the masses), but there is no mimority of Presbyterians, Catholics, Hindus, etc., causing the same mayhem.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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