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I am a bit confused...

Since I returned to Thailand after 6 month I found that internet significant slowed down on my 3bb 15Mbs line using either WiFi or lan cable.

Can't watch live TV anymore...

Same applies to DTAC 4G and other internet sites I tested so I assume this is something related to global internet connectivity and not to my devices or streaming providers as it worked well before.

Anyone similar issues and workarounds? Would VPN work? Or is internet censored now?

Problem is the latency but also a stable fast connection is not really getting to work.

I stay in Pattaya Tappraya area and subscribed to 3bb but having said its the same in other sites or on my phones LTE connection with DTAC.

Drives me nuts...

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The main problem rest the with companies that refuse to buy bandwidth on the international gateway. Domestic Thai internet is always OK. BBB, TOT and all the others refuse to increase their international gateway band width. Very few Thais use international internet.


Try recycling your modem and router first.

Turn off router, then modem, then unplug from wall for 30 seconds.

Plug back in, start modem, then router.

If that doesn't help, call your ISP and tell them to reset your connection.


Yesterday and today way more slow.

The same happened a couple of weeks ago. In general the internet has been slower the last few months.


the Internet has certainly been slower since all this talk of the Single Gateway.

Just look at all the posts on Thai Visa from people all over the country all complaining the same.

This is completely untrue. The clueless assume their individual Internet woes are part of a nationwide conspiracy.

There is no 'single Internet gateway'. There will never be a 'single Internet gateway'. It is technically and fiscally infeasible.


The main problem rest the with companies that refuse to buy bandwidth on the international gateway. Domestic Thai internet is always OK. BBB, TOT and all the others refuse to increase their international gateway band width. Very few Thais use international internet.

What about Facebook 90 % of Thais use every day for hours, isn't that international internet?


the Internet has certainly been slower since all this talk of the Single Gateway.

Just look at all the posts on Thai Visa from people all over the country all complaining the same.

This is completely untrue. The clueless assume their individual Internet woes are part of a nationwide conspiracy.

There is no 'single Internet gateway'. There will never be a 'single Internet gateway'. It is technically and fiscally infeasible.

Of course there is no ,,Single Internet gateway,,They Scrapped that and give it a new name,,Maybe Hawkeye or 20/20 watch or 24/7Crow

But it's There and working thumbsup.gif


Do an online internet speed test to see if you are getting what you paid for. Call your service provider and tell them its slower if you are not getting the speed.

I've had this happen at my aunts house, she called and the service provider and the tech says sometimes they deliberately give less bandwidth if no one complains.


I have 3BB 10mbts no slow down at all have checked speed every 3 days or so and 10.3 to 11.6 average never below 10 I suspect your line or router has problems


I personally haven't noticed a slow down, except perhaps a little during peak usage times in the early evening hours. One tool to check can be found at www.speedtest.net


Hmm...I think International bandwidth should be calculated as per internet user or maybe even per user who uses internet internationally, as for example Sweden has 450 Gbps while Thailand has 2,219 Gbps, but Sweden only has 8 million people while Thailand has some 65 million people.

Very difficult to judge whether the international Bandwidth is strangled.

80Gbps of the Thai International Bandwidth apparently goes to Facebook.



The main problem rest the with companies that refuse to buy bandwidth on the international gateway. Domestic Thai internet is always OK. BBB, TOT and all the others refuse to increase their international gateway band width. Very few Thais use international internet.

Instagram & Facebook are the two most popular sites for Thai's.

Please engage brain before you post


Since I returned to Thailand after 6 month I found that internet significant slowed down

As many similar reports this sounds "local" to me.

I live in upcountry on a ToT fibre connection.

Nothing unsual here.


6 months before it was off season, now funtown is (supposedly) a bit more crowded.

More users on the - often oversold - lines and "on air".


This is a well known fact for those that have been here a while.

8 years ago, 3BB was selling a "special" internet connections for fallangs giving a higher priority on the international bandwidth (at a 3 times the price of normal), but then that sort of stopped after a couple of years.

i have been a loyal 3BB customer, since their internet have been the best among the rest overall.

but you always get the same reply if you call to complain..... even with proof from speedtest.net etc.... (www.speedtest.net)

As long as the speed you paid for is achieved from your point of connection onwards to Bangkok, meaning inside of Thailand they have actually delivered their part of the contract.

Meaning when you buy 15MB that is guaranteed inside Thailand and not to US or Europe.

But you are very right, it has slowed down a lot over the months....

Saying that i am among the ones that join the crowd that say there has been something "funny" going on with the internet connection since the announcement of a single gateway......

it could be a coincidence BUT.....



Im in the middle east right now for work. I skype with the misses everyday. There are days where the internet is so bad that we cant talk or use FB messenger. There are days where its perfect. Problem on the Thai end and I verified that when I came back for a visit a couple weeks back. I agree with the OP something IS going on with the net there.


Have just changed from True to TOT. True was so slow I sometimes coudn't connect at all. On advice from a neighbour I have now got TOT fibre. great for a week now is very slow and takes some time to load a web page. Have TOT coming Monday to do a chekup. FIngers crossed.


OK good to hear that this seems to be a common issue and i do believe now that I cannot do too much here sadly.

I will not continue to use a line anymore after this years 3bb ended as I stay only 3 months a year in Thailand and could buy the largest mobile packages and do some tethering.

Will call 3bb and let them make a checkup, whatever that means but having said in don't have any hopes now anymore.

In our days where Thais are using Facebook, Instagram and YouTube a lot its really surprising.

Not sure about this single gateway think as I don't know what it neand but probably is a bottleneck for international Internet connections?


I have zero issues surfing on international sites using AIS. Download speeds, page loading and streaming always works as it should, no matter the time of day. The only issue I've experienced was about a year ago when I was using True in Bangkok. Sent an online complaint that the speeds were slow and that pages were loading slowly. They called me up the very next day and explained that a technicias was at my building and that he had done something, and asked to check if the internet was better now, which it was.

I think the single gateway news has worked like a placebo for many, and now they're experiencing problems that aren't there or just associated with elevated use during peak hours.


I have 3BB 10mbts no slow down at all have checked speed every 3 days or so and 10.3 to 11.6 average never below 10 I suspect your line or router has problems

Are you checking international servers or just Thai?

If just Thai you will get that speed.Try international and you will be down to about 1.


When you say international servers as I'm not a tech geek I would have no idea all I know is I get 10mb down constantly I can stream and watch without any problems films I can get any Web site I want through Google Chrome or Microsoft edge. What more do I need!!!!!!


Speed test just returned from True in Pattaya,

its been running slow most of the time for weeks. TV is a very bad site to pick-up and open a thread, it keeps locking-up.

I am convinced we have the GFT

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