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UK: Immigration cap having counter-productive effect, MPs say


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Immigration cap having counter-productive effect, MPs say

LONDON: -- The government's immigration cap on skilled workers has had no effect on bringing down net migration and is not "fit for purpose", MPs say.

While it limits recruitment from outside the EU, it has "stimulated recruitment" from EU countries, the home affairs select committee said.

Net migration rose by 30% in the year to June, to 336,000 - more than three times David Cameron's intended target.

The PM has said he will not abandon his aim to reduce the figure to 100,000.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-35128149

-- BBC 2015-12-18

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When? His promises and those of his predeccessors are a joke. Cannot BELIEVE the British people just ago along with the flow. There is very little of the ONCE GREAT BRITAIN left now. Their heritage, their culture, their villages, their schools, their hospitals,their suburbs, their villages , THEIR ACCOMMODATION all over run going to foreigners, so called ASYLUM Seekers and so called Refugees,foreigners of whom are MAJORITY on the dole !! and YET there are true British people in dire straits, elderly, unemployed, children,ex servicemen, and their families that FOUGHT their wars for these Governments, etc. WHAT a DISGRACE ! to a ONCE great Nation. It has been sold and traded out under their backsides by their very own in Government. . They are GOVERNED NOW BY FRAU MERKEL and HER EU BUDDIES. We will not bother to visit again after 30 years of 3 times per year. We have close family there. THEY can visit us instead in South Africa( which they have just done for 2 months) or join when we are In Thailand in the Condo there. Very sad for us!. LOVED visiting the villages, markets, Pubs,Shows,shopping, but not the same any longer. VERY little true British flavour left.

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When? His promises and those of his predeccessors are a joke. Cannot BELIEVE the British people just ago along with the flow. There is very little of the ONCE GREAT BRITAIN left now. Their heritage, their culture, their villages, their schools, their hospitals,their suburbs, their villages , THEIR ACCOMMODATION all over run going to foreigners, so called ASYLUM Seekers and so called Refugees,foreigners of whom are MAJORITY on the dole !! and YET there are true British people in dire straits, elderly, unemployed, children,ex servicemen, and their families that FOUGHT their wars for these Governments, etc. WHAT a DISGRACE ! to a ONCE great Nation. It has been sold and traded out under their backsides by their very own in Government. . They are GOVERNED NOW BY FRAU MERKEL and HER EU BUDDIES. We will not bother to visit again after 30 years of 3 times per year. We have close family there. THEY can visit us instead in South Africa( which they have just done for 2 months) or join when we are In Thailand in the Condo there. Very sad for us!. LOVED visiting the villages, markets, Pubs,Shows,shopping, but not the same any longer. VERY little true British flavour left.

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When? His promises and those of his predeccessors are a joke. Cannot BELIEVE the British people just ago along with the flow. There is very little of the ONCE GREAT BRITAIN left now. Their heritage, their culture, their villages, their schools, their hospitals,their suburbs, their villages , THEIR ACCOMMODATION all over run going to foreigners, so called ASYLUM Seekers and so called Refugees,foreigners of whom are MAJORITY on the dole !! and YET there are true British people in dire straits, elderly, unemployed, children,ex servicemen, and their families that FOUGHT their wars for these Governments, etc. WHAT a DISGRACE ! to a ONCE great Nation. It has been sold and traded out under their backsides by their very own in Government. . They are GOVERNED NOW BY FRAU MERKEL and HER EU BUDDIES. We will not bother to visit again after 30 years of 3 times per year. We have close family there. THEY can visit us instead in South Africa( which they have just done for 2 months) or join when we are In Thailand in the Condo there. Very sad for us!. LOVED visiting the villages, markets, Pubs,Shows,shopping, but not the same any longer. VERY little true British flavour left.

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