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What Do Farangs Expect From A Thai Girl?


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I could never understand. Maybe the Donz can help out here.

Woman take a while to get to know you and see what you're about. Then they turn around and say I like you because of who you are and what you do, then when the going gets hot and heavy they try and change you. Why is that?

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I've never read the bible but I've looked at the pictures and it definately looks like and apple.

Good one! I saw it in a picture so it must have been true! Hey, any idea what brand of camera they used to take that picture with? Oh, and who was the photographer? Only Adam and Eve were supposed to be around? Maybe one of the angels? Better look carefully at that picture and you'll see they just airbrushed out the real fruit and added an apple instead. :o

Are you sure about the tree of forbidden knowlage? I always thought it was about sex and thats how Cain got begat.

If there wasn't any begatting going on, then we wouldn't be here would we? How could sex have been forbidden as it would have meant the earth would never have more than two people on it?

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Its silly how God would punish someone for eating an apple. What a load.

Just for the record, it wasn't an apple. No place in the Bible is there ever mention of Eve eating an apple. It was fruit of a tree but nobody knows for certain if that tree even exists today.

Well fruit apple who cares, its a just another fairy tale.

And Rougue girl, there are many versions of a normal relationship. One that has trust in it and are there for eachother no matter what happends. Also a relationship where both parties have no doubt in eachother.

Thank you, Donz. :o

My Guess Donz is a youngster, very much the knight in Armour etc..

What I cant understand is a woman falls madly in love with you because your you..Then trys to change you.. I have also noticed two people get a good thing happening, get married and screw it all up.. So I guess I'm doubtful I could answer your question..

Oh Rouge Girl you should give up your diet of Limes !!!!!

I love lime to apples... keeps me in shape... :D

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Hi Mr Sirburr,

Are you sure about the tree of forbidden knowlage? I always thought it was about sex and thats how Cain got begat. If you read through the bible there's a lot of begating going on, its a bit like a Barbara Cartland novel. If its about forbidden knowlage where does the tree climbing snake come into it? I always thought the snake was a metaphor for a banana(maybe I have a problem). The bible is a confusing book. :D

Anyway, what do I expect from a Thai girl? Plenty of begating :o

Those were the day they haven't got the knowledge of contraception yet. I don't recall anyone owning a condom factory or a pharmacy that manufactures contraceptive pills yet... :D

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I could never understand. Maybe the Donz can help out here.

Woman take a while to get to know you and see what you're about. Then they turn around and say I like you because of who you are and what you do, then when the going gets hot and heavy they try and change you. Why is that?

hrrrm... in my case, my boyfriend always ask me what else can he do, to be better? I said, nothing, just be yourself... still the same question pop up once in a while... :o I really don't care much as long as we don't fight and argue (thanks god, we never :D ) - and of course we have our own space to do what we like without sticking to each other 24/7 :D

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I could never understand. Maybe the Donz can help out here.

Woman take a while to get to know you and see what you're about. Then they turn around and say I like you because of who you are and what you do, then when the going gets hot and heavy they try and change you. Why is that?

Hey... I've dated a man who wanted to change me! How's that?

You think only women want to change men? In this modern era... anybody can want to change the other! :o

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I could never understand. Maybe the Donz can help out here.

Woman take a while to get to know you and see what you're about. Then they turn around and say I like you because of who you are and what you do, then when the going gets hot and heavy they try and change you. Why is that?

Because that woman is in love with you or close to you and she wants the best for you, because she cares about you! She do it unconsciously, no harm intended. She doesn't want to change your gender right :o

If you still doesn't want to change :D give her John Gray's book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" (don't know do they have it in thai). It will give her a lot of answers about nature of men and women and that she can't control and change someone but only herself, and will give insights about how to communicate and deliver her wishes in a more understandable/easy way.

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I could never understand. Maybe the Donz can help out here.

Woman take a while to get to know you and see what you're about. Then they turn around and say I like you because of who you are and what you do, then when the going gets hot and heavy they try and change you. Why is that?

Hey... I've dated a man who wanted to change me! How's that?

You think only women want to change men? In this modern era... anybody can want to change the other! :D

On the subject of change, a well known one and well, true. :o

Women marry men with the hope they will change and they don't.

Men marry women with the hope they won't change and they do.

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I've never read the bible but I've looked at the pictures and it definately looks like and apple.

Good one! I saw it in a picture so it must have been true! Hey, any idea what brand of camera they used to take that picture with? Oh, and who was the photographer? Only Adam and Eve were supposed to be around? Maybe one of the angels? Better look carefully at that picture and you'll see they just airbrushed out the real fruit and added an apple instead. :D

I reckon they might have had the same digital camera as me. It has a timer facility that allows you to set up the camera, press the button and then you can go and pose for the photo. And I think Adam was a lucky man, I’ve also been trying to get my girl to let me try the timer on my camera to get some pictures of her “trying the forbidden fruit”, but she wont let me. :o

Anyway, what do I expect from my Thai girl? To be allowed to try all the functions on my new camera, her to try forbidden fruits :D and plenty of begating. :D

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OK now I get it, were talking relationships

For me one of the most important factors in having a fantastic relationship with someone is honesty.

Which I am sad to say is sometimes a bit scarce here in LOS.

Firstly, I apologize for the flippancy shown earlier.

Secondly, I agree with your comments 100%.

I am no Tom Cruise (possibly thankfully) but I do own my own business here, which pays the bills, leaves some over for golf, and would allow me to take care of a lady comfortably; and I live in a nice area. However, I have been single for the past 9 months - out of choice!

Thai girls I meet say "Singen...mai dai!" But the truth is, I have been let down so many times (yes, some of it MY fault) that I actually chose to be 'singen' and don't intend to change.

Main reason for this? Signs of madness shown by the girls at a very early stage!

I try to explain that we are not all like Hollywood men (romantic, flowers, moonlit walks on the beach etc.) and I also have to go to great lengths to outline that NO I am NOT gay!

It is simply too difficult.

I look forward to being slaughtered by you all.

I can sympathise with your situation. I have been living in LOS for 2 years and have gone through a few local ladies in short order, because of numerous problems, lack of honesty probably being # 1. Few if any of them are capable of telling the truth and often have multi-tiered lives, of which only a portion is visable to a Farang. While many of them are physically beautiful and sexy, I find they are often prudish & old-fashoned when it comes to sexual openness & performance. I have generally had better from high school girls in my own country 40 years ago. of course, I am NOT talking about LOS sex industry workers & bar girls, which are another catagory.

it's the first time i'v heard some one else mention how prudish Thai girls really are, i thought i'd just got un lucky in that respect, my wife still insists on lights out!!

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Lack of honesty...? :D:o How did the other guys who are involve/married with/to Thai women handle it? Did they just put up with it? :D


I always recommend the book "Thailand Fever" to anyone who is involved in a relationship with a Thai woman. It helps you to understand the Thai perspective.

And Western relationships are based on 100% honesty at all time are they?

IMO it is over-rated and double edged (Does this dress make me look fat?).

Ever seen the film "Liar Liar" - a comedy sure but it make some valid points about the necessity of lying to get by in the adult western world.

To cope with the so-called Thai "lack of honesty" you need to develop an understanding of Thai logic ( and yes I am aware that is the ultimate oxymoron) and Thai culture....oh..and as my wife says, don't think too much. :D

Exactley what my wife says..."don't think too much"

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it's the first time i'v heard some one else mention how prudish Thai girls really are, i thought i'd just got un lucky in that respect, my wife still insists on lights out!!

There is absolutely no way that she would be my wife if she insisted on the lights being off!

<deleted>? :o

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  • 2 months later...

I would expect the same from any girl no mather where she is from, which is that she should be a best friend, confidant, lover aswell as being fun, attractive and intellectually engaging.

The attractive part comes into the equation because if she fulfills all the other criteria but are not beautiful then i would classify her as just a friend. :D

About if the lights are on or off - if she still thinks about lights on/off when you and her are getting hot and heavy then you are definetly doing something wrong. :o

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Just out of curiousity.... :o care to share...? :D


I just spent a lot of time reading all the reactions on your thread, this is so much fun! Of course reactions vary from macho BS to seriously talking about "Thai women" (I don't like the generalising that has been done, there is no average thai woman, women are not the same!).

Allow me some short answers:

relationship: respect, trust and understanding

asian women: willing to make happiness their main goal (most of them)

thai women: willing to make their samee happy without asking too much for themselves, except love and respect) most of them

women: need attention, support, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on (all of them :D )

Adam & Eve: having studied biology I never got an answer on this:

Adam - male

Eve - female

Cain - male

Abel - male

Where do we come from?

BF asking how to improve: men want confirmation repeatedly :D

Lights off: if it suits both, no problem at all

Thanks for starting the thread, great idea!

Roquegirl, why they call you rouge girl? Did I miss something? (Newbie)



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Adam & Eve: having studied biology I never got an answer on this:

Adam - male

Eve - female

Cain - male

Abel - male

Where do we come from?

Gen 5 iv. 'After the birth of Seth he lived eight hundred years and had other sons and daughters'. The Thai version at KJV Thai Bible: Genesis 5 is closer to the original and does not insert the word 'other'. (In at least one browser, sara am is misdisplayed as sara aa :o) As they say, a translation can be beautiful or faithful, but not both. Thus we only know the names of Adam's first three sons.

Edited by Richard W
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IMHO, people who have limited to no knowledge of the Bible should refrain from comment. If you need edification/clarification, put your hands on a copy (it is only the most published book in all history), read it, at the very least and ask some questions from a knowledgeable person. The world is full of Christians who will share with you. That being said, I don't suppose there is any way we could get back on topic, is there?

What I expect from a Thai girl is love & affection without the crap that is ingrained in American women from the day of their birth. I know, it's a generalization & YMMV. I don't want a doormat, but I do enjoy their less complicated view of life. The fact that 95% of them are easy on the eyes, does not hurt.

That's my opinion, we welcome yours.

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What Do Farangs Expect From A Thai Girl?

I think , recessive/slave behaviour ..(coz our custom / tradition in Thai 'n some countries in asia as China , Japan Korea and etc ) ...mostly asian women will treat you like king .. Guys are dominant )

It makes you guys have more ego .. you are spoiled by us

you like that ..chai mai? :o

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Simply just a little bit of appreciation for the life style you give them...

if your expectations are limited to this then they are nothing but the appreciation you have for a good meal for which you pay in a good restaurant.

i am happily married since 27 years, 1 month and 15 days to an asian lady (not thai) who grew up with amenities i could only dream of when i was young. and YES i can provide for us since many years a quite luxurious life style but it never crossed my mind to ask for appreciation in return.

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