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China accuses US of serious military provocation


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US is a military power, and China is an economic power.

Transition of main power shift will happen through conflicts provoked like in OP.

Most people are not aware that Chinese domestic banks have more USD's than the US domestic banks.

US is an economic power and it is a military power. This means USA is a superpower. CCP are not a superpower in either respect or in any respect. No disrespect intended. wink.png (China Beige Book reported yesterday it is already unmistakable the CCP economy has crashed during this 4th quarter. )

If CCP owned and operated domestic banks do in fact have more USD than the USA domestic banks, that would need to be linked as documented fact. Kindly provide links and credible mainstream sources plse thx.

The USD Chinese domestic banks do possess are almost entirely owed to USA banks btw.

There are a couple of quick reasons. One is that CCP China trading companies borrow or purchse in USD. They must deposit their USD electronic wire money received in the account that they must have in a state bank.

Another reason is because no one in the CCP is permitted by the CCP Dictators to possess USD. The green stuff must be transferred/deposited directly to a CCP owned and operated domestic bank.

Here is what happens when any individual Chinese citizen gets hold of cash USD for any reason or purpose....


(I'm having difficulty placing the oversized photo on the page, or to reduce it, so kindly make a quick visit to the link to see the photo of the People's Armed Police in action on even scenting the presence of USD on a citizen.)

CCP Dictators in Beijing cannot afford a military confrontation with or involving the United States. Their military can't handle it nor can their collapsing economy handle it. Present estimates are now that it will take 25 years for the CCP to re-establish its slapdash economy on necessary radical and sound predicates.

CCP currently stands buffaloed in the SCS by the US Navy and USAF.

It is significant however that the CCP defense ministry made the statement reported in the OP about the SCS, as the foreign ministry had always spoken officially in the matter. CCP nonetheless keeps hollering about its sovereignty yet it hasn't to this moment ever said US is violating any CCP sovereignty over the artificial islands. That's because CCP has no sovereighty over the artificial isands and CCP well knows it.

If the CCP Dictators ever claim sovereignty over Subic Reef or any other artificial islands, the US will park an aircraft carrier strike force in the middle of the claimed sovereign waters. If the CCP doesn't know or realise this, then they'd be in for a huge shock.

CCP provocations need a response and they are getting a direct response by the United States supported by almost every government in the region.

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China, pick an number and take a seat...the US will deal with you shortly when they return from lunch...

There is a long line of countries accusing the US of both economic and military provocation...

Problem is...as we have seen for the past number of years...no one in the US is listening...

Great depression....second world war.....Global financial crisis....world instability is there a similarity?

Germany on its knees builds a super army.....the US on its knees flex its muscles predominantly in the Middle east, out come so far is cheap oil and someone has made a killing out of building and bullets.

In the real world no one fully understands market economics, which is the nature of the beast. Conversely, almost everyone anywhere knows and understands Marxist economics are a failure everywhere, all the time. The CCP and its collapsing command economy with Chinese characteristics are the current poster boy of the fact.

What the world does know is that market economics, i.e., classic liberalism, have created a prosperity to the nth power, previously unknown and unimaginable by any society in history.

The CCP economy is following in the footsteps of the economy of the CCCP. Which is to take its assigned and predictable place alongside the dodo bird.

It's been said recently that the only thing to fear more than a rising China is a falling China. CCP are revanchist and irredentist which explains their bellicose attitudes toward Japan and their gross belligerence in the SCS.

US is an economic power and it is a military power. This means USA is a superpower. CCP are not a superpower in either respect or in any respect. No disrespect intended. wink.png (China Beige Book reported yesterday it is already unmistakable the CCP economy has crashed during this 4th quarter. )

If CCP owned and operated domestic banks do in fact have more USD than the USA domestic banks, that would need to be linked as documented fact. Kindly provide links and credible mainstream sources plse thx.

The USD Chinese domestic banks do possess are almost entirely owed to USA banks btw.

There are a couple of quick reasons. One is that CCP China trading companies borrow or purchse in USD. They must deposit their USD electronic wire money received in the account that they must have in a state bank.

Another reason is because no one in the CCP is permitted by the CCP Dictators to possess USD. The green stuff must be transferred/deposited directly to a CCP owned and operated domestic bank.

Here is what happens when any individual Chinese citizen gets hold of cash USD for any reason or purpose....


(I'm having difficulty placing the oversized photo on the page, or to reduce it, so kindly make a quick visit to the link to see the photo of the People's Armed Police in action on even scenting the presence of USD on a citizen.)

CCP Dictators in Beijing cannot afford a military confrontation with or involving the United States. Their military can't handle it nor can their collapsing economy handle it. Present estimates are now that it will take 25 years for the CCP to re-establish its slapdash economy on necessary radical and sound predicates.

CCP currently stands buffaloed in the SCS by the US Navy and USAF.

It is significant however that the CCP defense ministry made the statement reported in the OP about the SCS, as the foreign ministry had always spoken officially in the matter. CCP nonetheless keeps hollering about its sovereignty yet it hasn't to this moment ever said US is violating any CCP sovereignty over the artificial islands. That's because CCP has no sovereighty over the artificial isands and CCP well knows it.

If the CCP Dictators ever claim sovereignty over Subic Reef or any other artificial islands, the US will park an aircraft carrier strike force in the middle of the claimed sovereign waters. If the CCP doesn't know or realise this, then they'd be in for a huge shock.

CCP provocations need a response and they are getting a direct response by the United States supported by almost every government in the region.

You make a lot of assumptions and quite a bit of name calling, perhaps this current republican situation where the main candidate is drum banging and shooting from the hips is whipping up a storm with constituents.

this current republican situation

Republican party. It's a proper noun, whereas republicanism, as in a belief or advocacy of a form of government is not. (But then that's what you meant, isn't it wink.png ).

My posts are not assumptions. Quite the opposite. You need some work in this respect too.

One also hopes you don't for a moment think I'd support Donald Trump in any way, shape or form. gigglem.gif Anyone who might think I do would be astoundingly and astonishingly wrong. (But then you knew that, didn't you wink.png )

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The Chinese are a clear and present danger to the US and the World. They must be checked and stopped everywhere. There sole goal is to expand their influence everywhere to attain natural resources to keep their citizens happy and the Communist elite in power. They are the most predatory country in the World and they will be stopped.

Wow what a bold statement to make...i must be seeing things musten i? It was and still to some degree US troops involved in Iraq and Afghanistan right? Oh lets not forget Kerry running around the globe brokering this and that and them drones....US right....the ones they used in both Africa and the Middle East, and its the US telling the Russians too piss off in Syria and Ukraine right?

The PLA failed in repeated attempts to down a USAF Global Hawk recon drone in its numerous flights over the artificial islands the CCP are constructing illegally in the SCS. PLA Navy and PLA Air Force wanted a prize but got instead some B-52s, a Poseidon P8-A recon plane, a USN destroyer, and now an Australian Air Force P8-A recon plane. There's lots more still coming from where those came from and for a long time yet.

CCP Dictators in Beijing are klutzes. Late in 2013 they surprised established an Air Defense Identification Zone over the East Sea in their aggressions against the Japan owned Senakaku islands (Diaoyu in the CCP China). Three days later the US flew two unarmed nuclear capable B-52s through it to deny the CCP's attempt to control the particular air and sea.

The ADIZ stupidly includes some islands that are South Korean under international law. So the ADIZ has from the outset been aerial swiss cheese instead of a zone of authority, despite the PLA loud statements of the time that anyone violating it will pay a severe price and cost at the hands of the CCP's armed forces.

The South Korea air force has been flying its jet fighters through the swiss cheese ADIZ. US, Japan, Seoul have been flying jet fighter planes through it regularly since, sometimes singularly, usually jointly. Beijing said last year it would establish an ADIZ over the South China Sea. At this point that would be galactically stupid as well.

The creeping CCP caused militarisation of the SCS includes several of the countries buying new submarines to confront CCP Chinese surface ships and submarines.

Thailand is trying to buy subs from Beijing (junk) which mutual defense treaty ally Washington very strongly opposes every minute of each day. Vietnam has new subs from Russia and is getting more. Malaysia is also buying Russian subs and so is Singapore. The Kilo class of Russian subs have missiles that can hit the CCP South Fleet in Hainan island as well as into the South of China which is heavily militarised because of Taiwan, Hong Kong and the SCS disputes.

Australia is upgrading its submarine force with new orders placed with Japan. India has become a strategic ally of Vietnam, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, the United States. The new Indian PM Maharinda Modi is openly pro US. In respect of India, everyone needs to be keenly aware Beijing continues to claim the northern third of India adjacent to Tibet as Chinese territory, an area Beijing started a brief surprise war over in 1962.

CCP Dictators in Beijing know that before they could become a global power they must first become a regional power. Hence all this regional belligerence and bellicosity. It is also the reason the US, its allies and regional partners, are actively shutting down the CCP in its destructive revanchism and irredentism.

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Hey ... this is just good business ... Taiwan already bought another $1.8 billion in military equipment from the USA.

CCP Dictators in Beijing just paid out $3 billion to Russia for its best jet fighter, the current tech generation Su-35. Twenty-four of 'em.

Putin had agreed the purchase in 2011 but hadn't closed it out cause he didn't want CCP to get the advanced technology firsthand. But now with his Syria campaign and just announced increased military buildup, Putin needs cash in the same way a whore junkie needs john money.

CCP has 800+ missiles pointed across the Strait at Taiwan, 24/7.

CCP is currently working on its plan to have a complete amphibious capability to invade Taiwan by 2020.

Some people around here need 20/20 vision and thinking.

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The Chinese are getting a little full of themselves...looks like we'll have to teach them a lesson.

start another war for profit?

Iraq put the US back a trillion bucks. Afghanistan is still sucking up US bucks and poppies just don't cut it so that line of crap is crap and nothing but crap.

Beijing won the Iraq War cause it's the single largest foreign investor in Iraq due to its extensive oil drilling from Baghdad to Basra. Cheney and his pals at Halliburton, Blackwater et al got screwed.

Daesh in Iraq leaves the CCP Chinese be in their oil drilling in Iraq. Sounds very profitable on both ends of that cartel. The oil transits the South China Sea to the CCP China starting out in the Gulf and Iran.

ME oil from SA et al also transits the SCS to Taiwan, South Korea, Japan as well as to Asean countries. African energy resources lifted from exploited Africans by CCP also transit the SCS.

CCP is determined to take control of 90% of the SCS to include its natural undersea resources. Sounds very profitable and then some. Also sounds like a blackmail scheme by dictator tyrants in Beijing.

Corruption in the CCP China is mind bogglinng. Several estimates are that CCP has swindled $4 Trillion into its pockets.

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Singapore has for many years been growing itself by importing dirt from it's very close neighbour Malaysia as well as dredging the sea floor. They then dump it at the end of the main harbour and ship building yards in Jurong. So far it has probably extended it's land mass by a couple of kilometres at least, inching closer to Malaysia. The extension is claimed as Singaporean sovereign territory.

So my question is: Are all the rambo-esque warmongers going to decry Singapore for this and recommend doing a "Hiroshima" on their #ss? After all Singapore has a lot of Chinese people so they must be evil right?

Is Malaysia complaining? Are they concerned?

Obviously thinly veiled sarcasm missed its point as does the hypocrisy of certain Rambos residing in these parts wink.png

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How about if the US built an island 24 miles from one of the Chinese islands. That gives both a 12 mi border. What would the Chinese say then? We all know what they would say. Ok for them to do but not for anyone else even though they have no legit claim to doing what they did.

Anyone should be able to fly right over the top of the Chinese islands since they built them without having any sovereignty there in the first place.

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Global Times which is a PLA controlled rag said this about the Australian P8-A Poseidon recon plane that flew within 12 nm of Subic Reef December 10th....

The Chinese newspaper editorial warned that "Australian military planes better not regularly come to the South China Sea to 'get involved,' and especially don't test China's patience by flying close to China's islands.

"Everyone has always been careful, but it would be a shame if one day a plane fell from the sky and it happened to be Australian."


CCP in their statements and attitude concerning Australia consistently reveal a complete disrespect of Oz as a part of the Western alliance and the Anglophone world. CCP has the long held attitude toward Oz that it will eventually have to come around, as it were, to recognise the CCP's power and dominance over the region, and to submit. That it is only a matter of time.

Oz has no respect or regard of this arrogant and overbearing attitude so clearly and often stated by the CCP tyrant dictators. Oz has dealt with miserable dictators and their war machines successfully during the past century. Aussies know their national security is not cheap nor has it come without a great sacrifice. However, Canberra has in fact accepted the stationing of USAF B-2 stealth bombers coming to Oz.

As a poster to the thread has already noted, and to paraphrase the post, the CCP are not Erdogan. CCP blowhards are notorious for their shouting, hollering, stomping their feet. Nothing more. They do it all the time. Bottom line is that the CCP are counting on Erdogan kicking Putin in the balls to scare Australia. laugh.png

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what about if I built an island on a beach in Pattaya? do I own Pattaya in this case?

Outside 200 miles of Pattaya coastline you can do everything what you want according to international laws.

In some cases it can be labelled as 'undemocratic' and should be subjected by a foreign military law, and all this for humanitarian and peace purposes...

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Edited by Thorgal
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what about if I built an island on a beach in Pattaya? do I own Pattaya in this case?

Outside 200 miles of Pattaya coastline you can do everything what you want according to international laws.

In some cases it can be labelled as 'undemocratic' and should be subjected by a foreign military law, and all this for humanitarian and peace purposes...

Top view :

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1450592163.858420.jpg

In some cases it can be labelled as 'undemocratic' and should be subjected by a foreign military law, and all this for humanitarian and peace purposes...

The "statement" makes as much sense as Bibi did with his silly boy scouts merit badge graphic and his pompous statements to accompany it.

The poster you quoted made a well taken sarcastic comment about building an island on a beach, in Pattaya. And the absurd CCP declaring ownership of the SCS islands it is constructing there along with and everything else near it, around it, under and over it.

He didn't ask about territorial waters, contiguous waters, an exclusive economic zone or anything else out from a beach or shoreline, to include a continental shelf.

So do try to keep within the parameters of the discussion plse thx.

The graphic in your post is suspended in a nothing and nowhere vacuum. No South China Sea, no artificial islands, no natural islands. No nuthin.

It doesn't even measure up to Bibi's classic nothingness kindergarten graphic......



Edited by Publicus
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Just wait until we start closing down all their chinese food restaurants in the USA.

Fuk-Wu Noodle would be a good start. Then, in brooklyn..Phat Phuc Noodle Shop...

closely followed by Puu-Puu Hot Pot.

Seriously....they can't even spell right.

Sick and tired of those people.

vietnam , china , everything is the same to you
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