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Lets Have A Dog Breed Thread


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Lovely doggy :o he is really cute :D

anyway ..his skin around eyes ,balls and ear flaps look red in some fotos

you'd check some causes of problem such as

- yeast (Malassezia)

- atopy


PS. i dont mean your dog has a skin problem . I see some photos that you posted and they make me think about something.

mar sam car


hehe I love her ..

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To all who have added there great looking pets thanks, keep um coming

macb :o

I am far too embarrised to show pictures of my (my gf's) 2 poodles.

Friendly as they are............ there not really dogs!!!!

Does anyone know of purebred Border Collies available in LOS.

Previous dogs all Oz farm working dogs:

Border Collies x 3

Kelpie x 6

Blue Healer x 2 (incredibly stupid dogs)

Hunterway x 1

Mix breeds x couple...

Great pics everyone.. Jay

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Does your mutt eat lying down (on his belly) with his food bowl in between his front paws ?

He eats standing up...why do you ask?

Just curious as many dogo argentino owners have their dogs eating in that position (like all 3 of ours had/and do) and we were just trying to trace back to which of the 10 breeds that make up the dogo also shares and may have inherited this weird quirk from. So far we've come to the conclusion that the great dane is where they've gotten this from as our friends dane does this, as well as other peoples danes and dane crosses also do this. Just a little thing that we find interesting and trying to solve the some of the mysteries of "why are dogs do some of the weird things they do" :o

To be honest Great Dane is a guess only, every vet we went to in the states gave us a different guess on his lineage but Great Dane seemed to come up the most often. He was a pound puppy, we rescued him from the animal shelter, we actually went there to look for a rabbit because the wife didn't like dogs but he was so cute he won her over in 5 minutes. But with a mug like this how could anyone resist !


Those with white socks make me think there is a little border collie in there somewhere... maybe only a small %.. Jay

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Was taking a nap today and heard keys rattling in the front door. Opened my eyes and I could see my wife through the glass, holding this puppy in her arms, given to her at the local car wash where it has been hanging around for a week. Healthy and clean too!

No idea where it came from, most likely a mixed breed.




Edited by Tony Clifton
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ModDam then and now

now my little black ant is 2.1KG <dressed as a pig for CNY>

and back then http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?s=...st&p=948841


Not sure how I missed this first time round, it could have been because I was in Thailand, however great little Chi,

as you know I still have two, one 2kg very small and the other 3kg, the best dogs in he world.

Good Luck


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No idea where it came from, most likely a mixed breed.




Our newest family member: Female, 3months old,name: Lady

Looking at the colour patterns on your dog and looking at mine, I see there are similarities. I thought yesterday she did look like a Rot but the light hair colour doesn't match, a bit lighter. Her nose is pointier as well. Looks like a 50%Rot.

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Can someone explain to me what has happened to this poor dogs ears, has he been in a fight, it looks awful.

Please don't tell me its human intervention.


that's ear-cropping, same as the tail-cropping used to be done to some breeds like fighting or hunting dogs to prevent ears from getting torn and wounded. nowadays only for 'beauty' reasons to maker stand-up ears in breeds like boxer, doberman, great dane, etc. in germany banned as it is unnecessary and cruelty to animals, most other countries still allowed... but even in los you can find breeders who don't do it anymore, like rottis with long tails, boxers, great danes with flappy ears...

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that's ear-cropping, same as the tail-cropping used to be done to some breeds like fighting or hunting dogs to prevent ears from getting torn and wounded. nowadays only for 'beauty' reasons to maker stand-up ears in breeds like boxer, doberman, great dane, etc. in germany banned as it is unnecessary and cruelty to animals, most other countries still allowed... but even in los you can find breeders who don't do it anymore, like rottis with long tails, boxers, great danes with flappy ears...

Boxers in the UK often have their tails cropped but I've never seen one with cropped ears here.

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If this is done for cosmetic reasons, I think it is disgusting, if it is done for Dog fighting purposes, I think it is depraved.


My dogs ears are cropped neither for cosmetic reasons (to make them look mean) and especially not for dog fighting. Personally anyone who uses dogs for the so-called sport of "dog fighting" need to be thrown into a pit and see what it feels like to fight for your life.

I know many people are against the practice of ear-cropping and tail docking but many of them don't understand that if done by a qualified person, it is not painful or traumatizing for the animal. I've got photos of my dogs undergoing an ear-crop as well as photos of them waking up, and they are definitely not in any pain. As for tail-docking - read this article. Anyone who owns a rott knows how fast and hard they wag their little stumps. I hate to imagine the damage they'd inflict if our rotts had tails. A whack across the head from a dogo tail is bad enough but a rotty tail whack could be deadly :D

It is a lot more traumatizing and painful for the dog to have their ears ripped open by thorns of trees/plants while running through them or ripped apart by the teeth or tusks of the animal they hunt. (For all those people against hunting I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR your opinions or thoughts on the subject... Heard it all before and I just have the time to go into the hunting debate :o )

Dogos are used for hunting boar widely in Argentina, the usa, Korea and European countries (where hunting is not banned). They are also used for hunting of puma in Argentina.

The role of the dogo in hunting is not to kill what they are hunting but to hold it (pin) down by the neck until the hunters catches up and kills it with a knife.

Why do it at all? Two reasons being for working purposes and breed conformation in show dogs. In regards to my dogs, they are a hunting breed and I want my them to look as their breed standard requires them to look.

Having their ears cropped has also come in handy when my dogs play rough with each other, and the few occasions they've had some pretty ugly fights between each other. It's also for this reason that my dogs wear thick collars (not to make them look tough like many people assume) - but to protect their throats from rough play or fighting. Because of their natural hunting instinct when they play my dogs have a tendency to try and drag each other around by the throat. Our male will usually drag our female around by throat while she lies there with her legs up in the air like it's some big game, which I suppose it is for them. But because they have a very high pain threshold, they don't feel it when one cuts through the skin - so we now keep their thick collars on to keep their necks nice and smooth, as well as making it easier for them to grip onto each other when they decide to play like that.

Please don't turn this into a crop/dock/hunt bashing thread. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs but this is not the time nor place for it :D


Edited by MsFigure
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Our newest family member: Female, 3months old,name: Lady

Congrats on the new family member. Definitely a beauty not to mention HUGE. How many kg's is she? Definitely looks like she's going to be a big girl by the look of those paws. German bloodlines?


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Our newest family member: Female, 3months old,name: Lady

Congrats on the new family member. Definitely a beauty not to mention HUGE. How many kg's is she? Definitely looks like she's going to be a big girl by the look of those paws. German bloodlines?


She has a bit more than 10Kg right now I guess but will check next couple of days.

You are right, parents are both imported German Champions. Her paws have been one reason to choose her.

When I read all ur postings we both have the same problem:

Many people think we own these kind of dogs cause we want to impress people with their seize etc.

The y cannot imagine what kind of great family dogs they can be and how gentle they are.


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Our newest family member: Female, 3months old,name: Lady

Congrats on the new family member. Definitely a beauty not to mention HUGE. How many kg's is she? Definitely looks like she's going to be a big girl by the look of those paws. German bloodlines?


She has a bit more than 10Kg right now I guess but will check next couple of days.

You are right, parents are both imported German Champions. Her paws have been one reason to choose her.

When I read all ur postings we both have the same problem:

Many people think we own these kind of dogs cause we want to impress people with their seize etc.

The y cannot imagine what kind of great family dogs they can be and how gentle they are.


lol I stopped caring long ago what people think about the dogs I own or the fact that I like my dogs to conform to the breed standards (re: ear-cropping and tail-dock with the rotts). Anyone who owns a well bred rott (or dogo in our case), would never question why we would own such dogs. Their personality and lovable nature far outway their fierce looks or reputation, as well as their love and devotion to family, especially children.

I can just imagine your girl now as she runs about and trips over herself with those big paws. We used to laugh so much at our rotty pups when they used to do that. :o


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i like any breed, as long as the owners act responsible and are willing to work on obedience problems if there are any. any cropping is not necessary and just forms the nature of the animal into man made 'standards', also bears risks in surgery from anaesthetics and infections, for me this is cruelty to a creature which cannot stand up for itself. sorry. i could get more detailed but don't want to ruin this nice thread.

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i like any breed, as long as the owners act responsible and are willing to work on obedience problems if there are any. any cropping is not necessary and just forms the nature of the animal into man made 'standards', also bears risks in surgery from anaesthetics and infections, for me this is cruelty to a creature which cannot stand up for itself. sorry. i could get more detailed but don't want to ruin this nice thread.

That's cool - you're entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine. :o

Your feelings towards this subject sounds similar to my own feelings and concerns on male circumcision (of baby boys). They too can't stand up for themselves, and are forced to undergo this precedure for whatever reasons (religious, etc) their parents chose to do this to their own flesh and blood.

Di :D

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> any cropping is not necessary and just forms the nature of the animal into man made 'standards'

I have the feeling it's worse. (I'm not an expert, shoot me down.) Ears and tails seem highly important to me to communication between dogs. Tail position signals dominance or a submissive stance, and I've seen more emotional expressions involving ear position than I can count.

I think if you mess with that, cutting off a tail and making hears stand up all the time then it's not on par with circumcision of baby boys anymore, it's more like ripping a baby boy's tongue out.

It's interesting by the way that everyone says not to want to have this discussion, but there may be interested people reading this who would want to hear all sides of this discussion. I know I'm not going to change your mind, and I'm not really trying to.

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any disfigurement of a healthy being lacks justification, if i'm afraid my dog whacks me with his tail then i should get a smaller breed, if i worry my dogs ears get torn in fights then i have to keep him from fighting or take care of wounds if happened. i think there is no discussion as it is only for peoples egos. it is not painless, many dogs get severe problems with their ears after, not always perfect healing etc etc

for more interesting info on this look here


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> any cropping is not necessary and just forms the nature of the animal into man made 'standards'

I have the feeling it's worse. (I'm not an expert, shoot me down.) Ears and tails seem highly important to me to communication between dogs. Tail position signals dominance or a submissive stance, and I've seen more emotional expressions involving ear position than I can count.

I think if you mess with that, cutting off a tail and making hears stand up all the time then it's not on par with circumcision of baby boys anymore, it's more like ripping a baby boy's tongue out.

It's interesting by the way that everyone says not to want to have this discussion, but there may be interested people reading this who would want to hear all sides of this discussion. I know I'm not going to change your mind, and I'm not really trying to.

chanchao, you brought up a very good point here (and I'm not trying to change anyones views who are against the procedure, just merely to explain why they are done) - YES the tail and ears are extremely important for communication, and believe me they can still move both body parts to let you know what they are thinking, along with the usual communicative signals.

You need to remember that there are reasons for why these procedures are performed in the first place, and secondly, their whole ears or tails are not removed. With active & working dogs especially, injury caused to these body parts in older dogs will can result in (and usually does) amputation and unnecessary pain caused by infections due to injuries. Cropped ears and docked tails can still move up, down, stand erect or lay down flat and out to the side. If anything, with cropped ears especially - the dog shows more expression because the expressions are more noticeable. A docked tail can also lay down flat or stand up erect depending on whatever the dog is trying to communicate.

A bit off-topic here, but since we're discussing dog communication - here's a good link I found about that every dog owner (especially those with not much experience) should know How to interpret your dogs body language Link.

Not only is it useful in learning to read your own dog, but other dogs that you may come in contact with. While you may know your dog, a strange dogs reaction to you and yours may not always be positive, so it's important to assess a situation and avoiding coming into close contact (and potentially ugly encounter) with a dog that shows threatening signs even though your pooch is willing to have a play.


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any disfigurement of a healthy being lacks justification, if i'm afraid my dog whacks me with his tail then i should get a smaller breed, if i worry my dogs ears get torn in fights then i have to keep him from fighting or take care of wounds if happened. i think there is no discussion as it is only for peoples egos. it is not painless, many dogs get severe problems with their ears after, not always perfect healing etc etc

for more interesting info on this look here


I think that is a very good link - outlines the pros (as I have already mentioned) and cons.


chanchao, here are a couple of pics of my dogs and how their ears still function and they are still able to show different facial expressions. :o



Zoe: same dog - different look


Our female Zoe


Our male Kostya.

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