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Australia looms large in latest National Rifle Association manifesto


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Australia is not, nor will they ever be a model for gun control in America. Strict gun control laws in Australia, have done nothing more than make their citizens a nation of victims. The criminals still have guns and due to a vigorous black market, there is no shortage of guns in Australia.

Fortunately for Americans, we will never become a nation of victims. All the anti-gun rhetoric spewing from liberal Obama supporters is nothing more than hot air, much like the endless nonsensical anti-gun posts on this site.

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In an endeavour to stop this topic immediately descending into ill-informed commentary have a read of Australian gun laws.


I don't give a rat's turd about Australia's gun laws...if that's what they want that's fine. Americans will adopt gun laws in line with American law, cultural traditions, and historical experience.

Would that be the cultural tradition to shoot everything that goes "bump" in the night or the historical experience of 355 mass shootings in one year?


Would that be the cultural tradition to shoot everything that goes "bump" in the night

Oh deary me...

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Australia is not, nor will they ever be a model for gun control in America. Strict gun control laws in Australia, have done nothing more than make their citizens a nation of victims. The criminals still have guns and due to a vigorous black market, there is no shortage of guns in Australia.

Fortunately for Americans, we will never become a nation of victims. All the anti-gun rhetoric spewing from liberal Obama supporters is nothing more than hot air, much like the endless nonsensical anti-gun posts on this site. {/quote}

Ummm... Are you for real?

There is no "vigorous" black market for guns in Australia... Yes, you can still get them if you really really want one.... But not many people actually want them... And this does not make us " victims", in any way, shape or form

Someone mentioned that a mass shooting was two or more people killed or wounded, and this happened frequently in bar fights... In Australia, you man up and shape up to someone who give you attitude, without having to worry about the fact that the other guy might pull a weapon on you... And you fight it out like a man

Whereas, quite the reverse to your statement, Americans have become a nation of victims, with drive by shootings, bar brawls, drug deals, police shootings etc etc... Earlier in the thread someone claimed a rate of gun violence in the US to be twenty times that of Australia.... That's an unbelievable number, and it makes you twenty times more a victim than an Australian.

please note, I have not researched these stats and am simply using those of an earlier posting, that had some back and forth on the topic of stats, which appeared reasonably researched.

You all live in fear, because you don't know who has a gun... That fear drives you to buy another gun... But the fear is still there regardless.... It's exactly the same thing as an international arms race, were countries compete for bigger and better weaponry, so that don't need to fear there enemy

Australians don't live in fear..... Your post is stupid.

But, as I have said before... Run amuck... Fight for your rights to arm yourselves... That's what a democracy does. A responsible democracy will base its decisions on the pros and cons of an argument, so gun toting citizens should be OK, right?

Or just go out and find a random victim to harass or shoot, because that glock, hidden in the small of your back, has given you a swollen set of nuts... And as your invincible, with your toys, and there is any amount of victims out there for you to chose from, run amuck, shoot em up and enjoy your legal rights whilst you are entitled too

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Someone please enlighten me as to how these new gun

Aws are to be enforced. Are you suggesting incarcerating half the US population?

Are you suggesting the confiscation of 350,000,000 guns?

I have heard how everyone feels about guns but I have not heard any actual ideas on how you hope to achieve your agenda.

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Someone please enlighten me as to how these new gun

Aws are to be enforced. Are you suggesting incarcerating half the US population?

Are you suggesting the confiscation of 350,000,000 guns?

I have heard how everyone feels about guns but I have not heard any actual ideas on how you hope to achieve your agenda.

Wow... That's a really big number.

Australia had a government "buy back" and those returned firearms were crushed, I believe, but I really can't see that working in America...

Homeland and ATF and FBI will fight it out to see who gets to take the guns off of you all, but there's no way that will work either

Sensible alternatives would include " grandfather" clauses...,when you die, your guns are relinquished to the government vs your sons and daughters

In America, if it ever goes that way, which I seriously doubt, it will have to be a generational ( perhaps a couple of generations) change, coupled with education

But more so.... Your civil authorities need to lift there game as well, and convince the population that they can keep you safe... In Australia, by and large, we trust our cops.... I think your fighting uphill on that issue too

Edited by farcanell
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Someone please enlighten me as to how these new gun

Aws are to be enforced. Are you suggesting incarcerating half the US population?

Are you suggesting the confiscation of 350,000,000 guns?

I have heard how everyone feels about guns but I have not heard any actual ideas on how you hope to achieve your agenda.

Wow... That's a really big number.

Australia had a government "buy back" and those returned firearms were crushed, I believe, but I really can't see that working in America...

Homeland and ATF and FBI will fight it out to see who gets to take the guns off of you all, but there's no way that will work either

Sensible alternatives would include " grandfather" clauses...,when you die, your guns are relinquished to the government vs your sons and daughters

In America, if it ever goes that way, which I seriously doubt, it will have to be a generational ( perhaps a couple of generations) change, coupled with education

But more so.... Your civil authorities need to lift there game as well, and convince the population that they can keep you safe... In Australia, by and large, we trust our cops.... I think your fighting uphill on that issue too

Thank you.

You are the first person who actually is interested in a dialogue and in offering solutions.

And you are from the greatest nation on earth ;-)

Merry Christmas !

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In an endeavour to stop this topic immediately descending into ill-informed commentary have a read of Australian gun laws.


I don't give a rat's turd about Australia's gun laws...if that's what they want that's fine. Americans will adopt gun laws in line with American law, cultural traditions, and historical experience.
It's a custom of open slaughter of innocent men, women and children, all based around fantasy. Sad custom.

Good to see you back around the traps, old mate.

THANKYOU sir, glad to see you are still keeping the uninformed, informed !


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