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Fact! Game Is Over For Longstayers Below 51 And Single,non Working

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take a step back.

Can I go just sit an live in your country? No, I doubt your countries immigration rules would be any different to Thailand's for people to just go sit and live.

NO YOU CANT , but.........................

the point is thailand is a holiday destination with capitalinflow!!!!!!!!!! if people go to us,europe or australia they go in most cases for earningmoney, and dont bring money. regular thai come to europe ,come for have better life ( money, no better life sorry).

but if foreigenr owning property and have requierd money, the stay is more easy.but trhai not give any chance for people below 50,,,even they said before one year visa no problem,you have for everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................................

sorry for the writing, but nationality is not english,,,,,so.... but i speak4 languages,,but not perfekt in quick writing.............................

LAPAMITA - I go back to my last question: you have been here a long time with investments - why have you not legalised your status for the long term, which with those investments you could easily have done. Why not - thats what I cannot understand.


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LAPAMITA - where are you? - you dissappeared at an interesting point.

after 17 years you still have not put down sufficient roots to legalise your status one way or the other (and from what you have said, there were a dozen ways you could have legalised your long term status on those investments) - but you have not.


AGAIN AND LAST TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


until 2001 i was working for a european company ,and i stayed in thailand and korea ( maybe totaltime in thai per year 5 month +/-).

after 2001 i had ONE YEAR VISA based on 3M baht,,,,, in 2004 thaigoverment changed that you must put money to govermentbank ( for shortthinkers this was the time when goverment announced 0% policy for foreigners!!) in 2004 immigration want to put money to KTB or GHB for 0,00%%%% ( ok 3m x 5%=150,000 waht i would loose!!),,so i get on with other visa,,even they told you have forever>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

and i am not working etc, and i dont want ( when i want ,i go back to europe because of salarys)

there no legal way , without lossing money here !!!! and nothing sure even for next year


when somebody ask for buy condo, for what i answer bm when not explain where?? thailand is big,

one guy i answerd with question of telefonnumber and name for call back, no answer, or somebody think i sell one condo here,sure not...........and a 50% discount no thanks................. than i could sold already...............


please send me your emailadress or your telefonnumber

i thanks

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If things get to be too much of a pain in the ass to stay, I will be packing up my wife and getting ready to head for the USA. In fact I am going to take her to Bangkok in the near future and start her immigration process so we can move in a hurry if required. :o

Garry you are making a very wise move my friend. We did that a while ago to Canada. Took 10 months to get my wife's Canadian PR status and we have opted to stay continuously for at least 3 years, sometime next summer, so that she meets the 3 year Canadian requirement as soon as possible. That will free us up in the future if we get caught in a visa shuffle in the future. You have to plan ahead for every event something that unfortunately many have not done.

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there is so many talk about changes and rules.. even it is 100% clear until they change anything on this issue. i have condos here, money and and,and.....there is no way to saty here under this conditions legaly.

THE FACT IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you are only aloud to saty 180 days per year !!!

So you are mad that you have been living off illegal earnings and not paying tax down the years, not having a work permit or any legal business. what if your condos ceiling falls and kills a tenant?

You are exactly the kind of person that these rules are meant to sort out. Not necessarily get you out of the country, but get you paying taxes etc. Thats what you hate isn't it? At any given time you could have started a business, paid the tax and Insurance and got the visa in order. You can get legal, as can most people on the 30 day tourist visa, you just don't want to.

I run a Tour Company with my wife and I am pissed off with people like you being able to undercut our prices purely because you have no visas, TAT licence, Tax, etc. to pay out. Lots of dregs walking round town, picking up tourists in bars and taking them round the tour operators, tailors, dive shops etc. and picking up commission etc. I hope they crack down on these commison payments, tax them to the hilt and make them go through companies.

Then theres all the bragging about how much money you earn and how smart you are to avoid all these expenses. I have listened to dozens of <deleted> like you down the years, scoffing at us for paying tax, TAT licence etc. Comments of "why bother, this is Thailand, it will never change" will come back to haunt you all now. One thing... you are having to be bothered now, and how! The game is up, and everyone will be the better for it.


you are wrong and i think you are a depressed touroperator !! :D ,,maybe your BU is going down due to directbookings of airlines???? many many competitin in any soi????

you are wrong


1. i am not working , i am not a hunter for commisions and so on......................

2. i am eniting in other country i have to pay tax ??? in a country without leagl residence status??

3. in thailand,,, dividend incomming tax is 10% ( i PAY) ,,,,

4.since i am down on taxsystem in my homecountry,,,because registerd adress is thailand ( confirmed by embassy),, i not pay any incommingtax on bonds and coupons , i even could not pay when i want, because i am not in any taxsystem

5.capitalgains ae taxfree even in homecountry ( after 12m regulation on speculation)

maybe youyr problem are the illegal thaibuissenes at any corner of the city ( unlicensed) and commissionhunters.........

dont forget my parents booking tickets same to bali,sgp, and ......

please tell me your office, to avoid booking tickets at your office,,, you forget from waht you are living...

another point to taxsystem

for example my homecountry

as foreigner you are requierd before you buy condo,ban AC, you aplly for a taxnumber ( numero NIF) ,,,,, after for example , when you rent your condo,,, you just go to gov office ,and pay a small fee of 10 euros ,you are registerd, and after you pay 15% tax on incomming or a flattax per year,,than it is legal and easy

but in thailand all this not exist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Looks like lapamia is pissed for what he has not done in the past and blames the new rule.

If you are Korean you had a good life here , each entry gave you 90days , many Koreans used this way so make business , earn millions and did not paid taxes for years.

Yes , this easy life is over , but the rules allow you to extend/change your status and you don't have to leave Thailand , provided your paperwork is correct and you have 3 weeks(21days)left on your current stay you can go to Immigration and ask "politely" of what your options are.

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Looks like lapamia is pissed for what he has not done in the past and blames the new rule.

If you are Korean you had a good life here , each entry gave you 90days , many Koreans used this way so make business , earn millions and did not paid taxes for years.

Yes , this easy life is over , but the rules allow you to extend/change your status and you don't have to leave Thailand , provided your paperwork is correct and you have 3 weeks(21days)left on your current stay you can go to Immigration and ask "politely" of what your options are.

IT GETS BETTER HERE ..now i am korean and earn millions in thailand,,,hmmm :D

...aqui esta cualquier gentes locas.......normal para la tierra de sonrisas :o

ghet auch in deutsch...... hier laufen schon viele v......rum im ld des laechelns

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I have a friend who bought a condo last year under the 3 mio baht rule - no probs, he has his visa.

why not you?

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37 years old and been living here no problems for the last 5 years on a non-imm multi O. Don't see the changes bothering me. I just get off my ass every year and return home for a week or so to renew visa and visit family.

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Sorry LAPAMITA - while I acept that a of what you write comes across the wrong way because of your language skill in English (i.e. you dont really mean it the way it is written), I still feel that you have not got your business affaires in order.

But look, I have to say this: any business man who felt that his investment was no longer producing the returns he wanted, would quitely close up shop and move on - nothing to get concerned or emotional about. Thailand however you look at it is a bit of an uncertain market - we all know that and most of us do not invest anything here we can afford to loose.

Dry your eyes and add it to the list of lifes experiances.


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I have a friend who bought a condo last year under the 3 mio baht rule - no probs, he has his visa.

Will your buddy be able to renew his visa? I thought that the powers-that-be just killed off the three million baht investment visa as part of the new rules?

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I have a friend who bought a condo last year under the 3 mio baht rule - no probs, he has his visa.

Will your buddy be able to renew his visa? I thought that the powers-that-be just killed off the three million baht investment visa as part of the new rules?

I'm pretty sure it's grandfathered - already got the visa, can continue, not got the visa, can't have one as of 1/10.

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I have a friend who bought a condo last year under the 3 mio baht rule - no probs, he has his visa.

Will your buddy be able to renew his visa? I thought that the powers-that-be just killed off the three million baht investment visa as part of the new rules?

Present position is that an existing 3m Investment Visa which had been issued prior to October 1 2006 will be 'grandfathered' into scheme and therefore renewals will be permitted, subject to the applicant meeting the immigration regulations valid at the time of renewal application


/edit clarity//

Edited by A_Traveller
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I have a friend who bought a condo last year under the 3 mio baht rule - no probs, he has his visa.

Will your buddy be able to renew his visa? I thought that the powers-that-be just killed off the three million baht investment visa as part of the new rules?

Present position is that an existing 3m Investment Visa which had been issued prior to October 1 2006 will be 'grandfathered' into scheme and therefore renewals will be permitted, subject to the applicant meeting the immigration regulations valid at the time of renewal application


/edit clarity//

Translation of the above bold clause: management reserves the right to move the goalposts in some other manner if so desired. :o

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why no have visa based on 3m investment in condo

the lovely immgration office of chonburi :o ,,,quoted that it is possible ,only if you buy a new condo from construction/promotor,,,SECOND HAND CONDO YOU BOUGHT ARE NOT VALID FOR THIS TYP OF VISA.

YOU THINK FOR THIS OVERPRICED UNITS ...i would buy one just for a visa, what even not sure next itime,,,and loose directly a million at this pricelevels.


and again maizinger

I no have any buissenes !!!!!!!!!!!!! not in any case !!!!!!!!! i just have 2 condos and my mother got one,,, 1 i have in pattaya bought 1999, and becasue i fed up from pattaya, i move to another resort,and this resort is quiet,,and my mother she liked it,so she bought as well one last year.

thsi is no BU, and this condos are not bought for BU!!!

and if somebody want only BU in property there are better returns in the last 3 years in other countrys and more sure...............................

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BU? What is that?

Where are you from lapimita? Spain?


thsi is no BU, and this condos are not bought for BU!!!

and if somebody want only BU in property there are better returns in the last 3 years in other countrys and more sure...............................

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BU? What is that?

Where are you from lapimita? Spain?


thsi is no BU, and this condos are not bought for BU!!!

and if somebody want only BU in property there are better returns in the last 3 years in other countrys and more sure...............................

Read this with interest, yeah tell us where your from Lapimita ? "Not Manwell from Faulty towers " ?

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Mr Lapamita,

Apart for an urgent need for you to attend a crash course in the English language, have you ever considered selling off one of your condos and invest in a Thailand Elite membership..? That would take care of your long stay problems, at least for now.

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there is so many talk about changes and rules.. even it is 100% clear until they change anything on this issue. i have condos here, money and and,and.....there is no way to saty here under this conditions legaly.

THE FACT IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you are only aloud to saty 180 days per year !!!

1. they tell you go home to you homecountry,,,even forget this,,,if your passport indictes that you are a longstayer in thaialnd, they not issue any visa ( some nice honoraryconsulte may do,but no embassy),like my passport issued in embassy in BKK and livingdaress thailand indicated, i must not go overseseas to aply for visa


2. if any embassy issue you a visa TR,,and after you make 3 visaruns,,,,NEXT TIME THEY NOT ISSUE A VISA,,because you stay 180 days contrarian the law.

3. after 3 visaruns they not issuue a visa for 90 days anywhere

4.CLEAR !!! you can stay 180 days of 360, means you can get visas but not make VOAS, or you make 6 VOAS and you not get visa,,, choice in your hand

all dreamers here, just forget your dreams!!!!!!! wake up!!!!!!!!!there is no way

i try to sell off my assets, except one condo ,what i would use future times,,, but i settle somewhere,and i settle in any country with livincosts bellow 50% of europeancosts, because i am not working and living from fixedincome ( around 2000$),and this would not be enough for a goodlivingstyle in europe.

thailand is loosing heavy money on this issue , i am sure they chance it again, but not for the next 2,3 years.

even the new goverment already indicate that they make no uturn on taxinpolicys and remain nationalistic,,, announcments like 30 baht helathcheme for free now,, no alceholic marketing in any case ,and and ,and,,,,, indicate already the way

natnionalistic and conservativ.............................


so for me it is over

until april have TR visa ( multi) or when they extend 1 month each than by june,than 3 voas, and i am out until september 07 or juli 07.

i hope enough time to sttle

but hard time to sell any condo........................

When will these rants end ? You are an illegal immigrant - get over it.

Thailand will just have to do without your $2,000 a month.

And as for ban on alchohol advertising - all I can say is SO WHAT ?

Hi, I am curious. How do you know he is an illegal immigrant ?

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every,,but every country is dreaming of them,,,, but only 0,1% of worlds population are high spenders or even less..............spain,caribean,phillipines they are all dreamers..........

but i quote something from thailand,,,,

anual report of dusitthani plc



other hotels like manrin,shang etc saying the same in the anualreports,,,,,,,,,

is there not enough 5 star tourists for fill up alle the new 5 star hotels????????

we see.....................


THIS YEAR IN AMRCH I SOLD OFF my holdings in hotels, after i receive the reports and read outlook, after i keep this shares for more than 5 years. ( thai think ohh make money on thsi shares not pay tax,,,,sorry but in europe and us sharesales are taxfree after 12 month,even there..)

Please imporve your English and your writing style. It is hard to read. I feel like a small kid when I read your posts.

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Please imporve your English and your writing style. It is hard to read. I feel like a small kid when I read your posts.

Give the guy a break. How can you assume that he is a native English speaker?

You might want to "imporve" your English a little too.

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What a good fun whilereading that thread :o

Btw the OP who obviously share with me a nice broken english (I was supposed to be the one who use that kind of english, may I complain?), the other posters who as usual show how smart and compassionate they are (and still assuming anyone is(must) be a native (read a native english speaker). Yes lot of fun.

What the OP tried to stress out (or point out) was simply we are meat/cashcow. To answer one, yes in my country you can get a 10 years visa with income about $2000 (assuming the old exchange rate 1$ = 5 Fr ). And live in the french riviera without any problem or hassle (several exemple of early reited US men licing in Cogolin, St Tropez, St Raphael, Port Frejus). Sorry to say that also, but french riviera is certainly a hotter spot for hight end tourist than phuket , samui or patpong beach. But still, legal income of 2000 $ month and the ownership of your place (well, a foreigner can buy land and house in france too) will provide you a 10 years visa that you can renew at the closest main police station (or to the city hall that will forward it to the authorities for free).

Those claiming their own country does not allow foreigner to stay with $2000 must come from a weird country that does not allow easily immigration.

That is in defence of the OP, because many people speak as a book, claiming they say gospels, but in fact they show only how clueless they are.

On the other hand, whatthe OP forget is : we are FOREIGNERS, migrants, expat. I hate the word guess, so I will not use it. By so we are tied to the local laws , not ours. We are not born here, but willingly chooseto come here. If the locals (and it's true for any countries so I do not use the word thai) decide a kind of foreigners/migrants is not wished, the migrants concerned have to leave. A famous exemple is the Helvetian Confederation in the mid 90' who took that kind of laws. So, if thais people decide we are not welcome anymore, we have to leave, saying thanks to the coutry who used to offer a big entertainment against a so small amount of money(ironical tone here).

To link with my own country, a foreigner is not allowed to interfere or discuss the laws. He simply have the right to follow those laws or to go back. So if it's good enought for France, I do assume it must be good enought for thailand.

Sad if your assets are not movable (condo) or not easily movable (bank accounts), but on the other hand you have to be happy by thinking both condo and money will be wisely used by those who will get it, and in all case you should be thankfull for the people who will make the burden of your material life easier to carry (less material possessions) and by so teaching you the way of the spiritual enlightment (cette galere, maudite galere!!!!). Do not worry, most of those who are laugting at you right now will join you in a near future

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@ to pedro 01

Thailand will just have to do without your $2,000 a month

SORRY, ONLY 2k , and 6M investments

waht you think a real tourist is spending ????????





2.917 X 5,6 DAYS IS ?????? ABOUT 16.500 OR 500 US$

SO THE TOURISTAREAS DONT NEED LONGSTAYERS??????????????????????????????????


THIS IS NO MONEY ?????????????????????????????

OK UP TO THAI..............................

This reminds me of a Benny Hill script / and the visual comedy he was well know in the U.K. for.

I,m sorry but i cannot seem to read into the serious content due to this :o:D:D

marshbags :D:D:D


Come to think of it.

The little bald headed guy that was on the show reminds me of a lot of the farang in Thailand, including myself

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