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To All 'big Bikers'...

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Hi there,

I've been in LOS for about 3 years and had a VFR400 most of that time. I've enjoyed many trips around this lovely country, however, my friends have always been on small Honda Dreams etc. :D

Pottering along at 70-80kph can get a little boring - although you do get to see the scenary and avoid the buffalos... :o

I've noticed other TV members have arranged 'get togethers' : either for a simple drink/chat or golf and the like. So, are there folk out there interested in doing a similar thing... i.e. meeting up and spending a day or two riding to somewhere and back?

I imagine that it would be most logical to have a meeting place somewhere just outside of Bkk...?

Any suggestions on where we could visti?

If you're interested, why not say so and we can get a thread going that should hopefully gain a few supporters and get something organised. :D



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im going to Bangkok from UK in 5-6 days and will be riding to Krabi and then back up. If anyone fancies a ride during any part of my journey?

If anyone can give me any advise on a good bike hire place in BK that would be great... a recommended hotel would be great too.

in fact any advise :o

im 29M english but grew up in KL and sinagpore.

many thanks if anyone can help :D im still trying to work out how to post my own thread....

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