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Exactly. The "photo" is a computer-generated photo-realistic rendition. Too, a good plastic surgeon would refuse to perform surgery on someone with severe psychological problems, and the OP qualifies for this.

Backflip, you are possibly the most naive person on this forum.

A good plastic surgeon wouldn't but there are plenty of un-ethical butchers out there.

Now, what are your banking details, acc. number and password etc.I have 20 million dollars that I have to get out of my country in a hurry and would like to forward it to your account and give you 30%. You will also need to send me your ATM card and password.

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This is the guy in the states that would be the one but the cost would be a small fortune and if there was and equivalent to this kind of talent in bangkok the cost would be much more affordable .

One of only four cranio-facial cosmetic surgeons, Dr. Michael Yaremchuk wanted to separate himself from the image of the everyday plastic surgeon. His clientele comprised mostly of individuals seeking to repair work performed by other surgeons .

Yaremchuk MJ. Surgical repair of major defects of the scalp and skull. Revisional Cosmetic Surgery .... Dr. Yaremchuk has a special interest in treating referred patients who are displeased with the results of their prior cosmetic surgery procedure


I just spent about 3 hours on the phone with this guy, and he is for real in what he says. So please avoid any negative comments. The photo is a hi tech cat scan MRI 3d overlay so that is why it looks that way.

As I said before, I'm willing to apologize if I was wrong with my conclusions. So be it.

If you have spent 3 hours on the phone with 'Sobe' you most certainly would like to share your information...? Maybe there are others here who can help.

Earlier you suggested legal help for the OP from lawyers in the US in order to sue this Dr. Lenny (if that's the man).

What about that?

If a US-lady can sue McDonalds over a spilled hot cup of coffee and receive 100's of thousands of dollars there surely MUST be lawyers in the US who can help the OP.

Apart from that I would think that seeking help in Thailand on such a long distance is a most risky way for the OP since no Thai Dr. can guarantee he will do a better job (than a US-Dr.).

If it goes wrong (again) in LOS....than what?

He will have lost another great deal of money and the hospital will put him on the streets (like the Dr. in the US did)........................... who will take care of him?



I'm afraid I fall in the sceptic's side on this.

I just cannot accept that in the most litigious nation in the world, the OP cannot find some kind of legal recourse. Statute of limitations my arse.

There's something very strange about this thread.


I share the reservations others have mentioned re the story and the photo.

Be that as it may, Dr. Amorn Pomee at Bumrungrad is widely thought to be the best plastic surgeon in Thailand. Bumrungrad and Yanhee are the two hospitals with the most expertise in cosmetic facial surgery.

Why do you keep saying you are "fighting for your life" ? Is there a medical (as opposed to cosmetic) problem (infection, etc)? Because if so that would need to be resolved before cosmetic procedures can be considered.

Dr. Amorn Pomee at Bumrungrad is widely thought to be the best plastic surgeon in Thailand. Bumrungrad and Yanhee
thanks ... bedridden almost 24/7 from a condition known as Neuralgia a painful disorder of the cranial nerves that this guy destroyed . :o Neuralgia is considered by many to be among the most painful of conditions and has been labeled the "suicide disease,"

I need to see Dr. Amorn Pomee at Bumrungrad and the Dr.'s at Yanhee to see if they could help , I do not think they will be afraid that they will be drug into court like the dr.'s in the US that are braid to get involved and maybe testify how bad of damage there is ... if it is that bad (and it is) then it is gross negligence and is considered criminal with no statutes of limitations .. getting a Dr. to actually write that and take the time to testify in court is another thing . They pull you aside and say (off the record) they have never seen anything like this and that the guy should have his license revoked ... but getting them to actually get involved is another thing ...

I need help now and can not wait for a brave Dr. that is not worried about court and saying what he sees . Like I said I will crush this guys reputation later right now I need medical help and if the Dr. 's in the states are too afraid to get involved because of legal stuff I will go to Bangkok ASAP and deal with the animal that did this to me later (and I will ) but the priority is my head .

The Dr.'s in the US will almost let you die before they get involved in anything that another Dr. caused . Thanks for the top Dr. and hospital tip !


I just spent about 3 hours on the phone with this guy, and he is for real in what he says. So please avoid any negative comments. The photo is a hi tech cat scan MRI 3d overlay so that is why it looks that way.

As I said before, I'm willing to apologize if I was wrong with my conclusions. So be it.

If you have spent 3 hours on the phone with 'Sobe' you most certainly would like to share your information...? Maybe there are others here who can help.

Earlier you suggested legal help for the OP from lawyers in the US in order to sue this Dr. Lenny (if that's the man).

What about that?

If a US-lady can sue McDonalds over a spilled hot cup of coffee and receive 100's of thousands of dollars there surely MUST be lawyers in the US who can help the OP.

Apart from that I would think that seeking help in Thailand on such a long distance is a most risky way for the OP since no Thai Dr. can guarantee he will do a better job (than a US-Dr.).

If it goes wrong (again) in LOS....than what?

He will have lost another great deal of money and the hospital will put him on the streets (like the Dr. in the US did)........................... who will take care of him?


Essentially the OP is suffering from prolonged physical pain and without saying emotional pain. As for an observation apparently his condition and or medications have dulled his thinking some but not to the point of concern. His emotional state at the moment is depression with occasional suicidal thoughts. For anyone who has lived in the USA I should not have to explain this, but essentially doctors in the USA are reluctant to proceed in that the feel there is little they could do and would only physically aggravate the condition. There is also a concern of liability if they do go in. The OP feels that he wants the doctors to go give it a shot and he will take whatever outcome there is. It is just that no doctor in the USA wants to put their practice and livelihood at risk as that there could be legal action by others that may involve prolonged testimony and court proceeding.

The OP’s idea to go to Thailand is sound in that the doctors would not be as sensitive to legal fallout or perhaps immune. Simply he just wants them to give it a try and not to be subdued by the fear of legal action.

One thing that is constant is the original procedure could be described as vanity surgery, the added procedure that the original doctor did seems to be profit driven by the doctor according to the OP.

At the moment the OP sees an undesirable future life in a nursing facility by staying in the USA. He feels that he could setup affordable equal care in the Pattaya area. The advice that I gave him was to go and check things out if he can endure the journey. I recommended that he stay at the Omni tower on soi Nana for the time being as it is in close proximity to Bumm. hospital and English is spoken there and it also is a self contained community. From there he could weigh his surgery options. Simply take things one step at a time.

Sheryl I think the term fighting for his life has a dual meaning as in quality, and fending off the results of negative emotions associated with a prolonged painful illness.


SOBE, you are such a dear and treasured friend of mine and have been for a very long time. I just want to present to you my wholehearted genuine support and want to say, that I feel at this point, you should just embrace with a passion your new supportive friends that you should encounter here and totally disregard the doubting Thomases

absolutely no disrespect intended

for at this point, you can not squander any of your precious energy on trying to convince people to believe you, but to take any and all informative information and use that to benefit you in designing your next move

what has happened to you goes so totally beyond what the human mind can comprehend and digest ... if everything was told here, it presents itself as so made up, a scam, a fabrication in the highest degree ... whatever, forget it, time is of the essence .... take and savor and utilize the genuine morsels of knowledge, kindness and compassion and totally disregard the rest

sift out the particles of gold from the sand

I am here for you, always on your side , always in your corner ... I hope that you know that, if nothing else, I don't want you to ever forget the place in my heart that I hold and protect you in

much love,


SOBE, you are such a dear and treasured friend of mine and have been for a very long time. I just want to present to you my wholehearted genuine support and want to say, that I feel at this point, you should just embrace with a passion your new supportive friends that you should encounter here and totally disregard the doubting Thomases

absolutely no disrespect intended

for at this point, you can not squander any of your precious energy on trying to convince people to believe you, but to take any and all informative information and use that to benefit you in designing your next move

what has happened to you goes so totally beyond what the human mind can comprehend and digest ... if everything was told here, it presents itself as so made up, a scam, a fabrication in the highest degree ... whatever, forget it, time is of the essence .... take and savor and utilize the genuine morsels of knowledge, kindness and compassion and totally disregard the rest

sift out the particles of gold from the sand

I am here for you, always on your side , always in your corner ... I hope that you know that, if nothing else, I don't want you to ever forget the place in my heart that I hold and protect you in

much love,


Annie Sez:

Welcome to this forum.

You sound genuine and I hope 'sobe' and you accept my apologizes for my dis-belief but hope you can understand that, from the story AND picture, it was hard to believe.

I sincerely hope that you and other family-members and friends back in the USA can coordinate the help 'sobe' desperately needs, both mentally and financially, in order to help him 'on the plane' to Bangkok-Thailand to seek the necessary expertise at the Bumrungrak Hospital.

It seems that that is the only hope 'sobe' has - 'for the time being'.

All the best.

LaoPo :o


Hi Annie;

also welcome. You will find that there are people from every walk of life that read and make use if this forum. In a way it provides eyes on what life is like in Thailand. As for Sobe I have already made some arraignments with a trusted Thai friend who has enough time to help him with his needs he outlined to me on the phone should he decide to make the journey. He already has friends in Thailand even if he has never set foot in the Kingdom.


This thread is getting weirder and weirder.

I'd like to know a few things before I suspend my scepticism. Such as:

1) What is John K's relationship to the OP? On the basis of a three hour phone conversation with a total stranger (and who called who, by the way?) I'm curious as to how John K can diagnose him as being depressed with occasional suicide thoughts. John, are you a clinical psychologist?

2) Where did Annie come from and what were the dynamics that prompted her to suddenly become a member and make a posting? And why does she write like the OP?

3) I'm still struggling to understand why legal recourse isnt available in the US either directly or indirectly (going to the media, for example).

Is my cynicism going too far when I state that I can't help wondering when appeal for funds is going to materialise.


I come here looking for help and answer because I am fighting this alone with no one in my family really wanting to deal with looking for real help and answers (as you have seen ANN)

I come across a person like John K and it gives me a little hope ..... thank you John . :o

seems ridiculers that you must leave the country where some of the best Dr.'s in the world are just because they do not want to fix another Dr.'s mess . If this was from a bomb going off in the war in Iraq and the Dr.'s over there mutilated my head from trying to fix the injury I would have no problem finding people to open me up , but because it was done by a Dr. here they can not show you the door fast enough ... " Sorry let me give you the name of a good nursing home you can spend the rest of your life in I am not touching that "

What is John K's relationship to the OP?
a caring individual who was and is a great help to someone like me that no one really wants to deal with , it is people like him who keep people hurt like me going and a light of hope on .
This thread is getting weirder and weirder.

I'd like to know a few things before I suspend my scepticism. Such as:

1) What is John K's relationship to the OP? On the basis of a three hour phone conversation with a total stranger (and who called who, by the way?) I'm curious as to how John K can diagnose him as being depressed with occasional suicide thoughts. John, are you a clinical psychologist?

2) Where did Annie come from and what were the dynamics that prompted her to suddenly become a member and make a posting? And why does she write like the OP?

3) I'm still struggling to understand why legal recourse isnt available in the US either directly or indirectly (going to the media, for example).

Is my cynicism going too far when I state that I can't help wondering when appeal for funds is going to materialise.


I will make a simple point for you and please don’t take this the wrong way. At the moment I am in the states and will be heading back to Bangkok this coming weekend. Amongst the reasons for my trip here included a new non b visa. As far as who contacted who I sent the OP a PM with an invitation to call me if he wished. I felt that if I know more about his situation via a phone conversation, I may be able to make some connections for him as I have several in both the medical and mental health community in Thailand. Certainly someone walking into Thailand for the first time has their own set of concerns. The OP’s are compounded by his condition.

Personally when someone talks about stepping in front of a bus more than one time with a serous tone in their voice, it certainly does not take a degree in psychology to see that is suicidal thinking. I suspect you and most anyone would come to the same conclusion. People who are not depressed do not commit suicide. His remarks regarding that were far from subtle. Because he still feels he has avenues to explore, he moves on.

To date all I have done is provided him with some recommendations as where he should stay, and contacted a well educated Thai female friend who speaks very good English and at the moment has free time and does not have a problem helping him out for a while.

Annie is a friend of his and from what I gather somewhat of a celebrity who’s name and face you may recognize. She apparently wants to add some moral support. The OP did tell me what he did prior to the mishap, but I will leave it to him to disclose. I will say his job placed him in contact with celebrities regularly. Beach front condo on South Beach in Miami, you do the math. That is a FYI and actually irrelevant to this thread.

At this point he is figuring out a way to get from point M to point B and apparently this is a problem as he may need a nurse type companion in transit.

As to why I bothered to help, well actually because I could. There are still people who do that in the world.

As for your doubt that is your choice, but for now it would be nice to add some relevant positive information if you have any. I believe that is the reason this particular section of the forum exists.

:D Bendix, I am with you. I can't understand why Annie felt the need to post that vomit inducing message and how did she know where to contact him? I think that the picture is one of Christopher Reeve (ex Superman and spinal injury actor now dead) without any hair, eyebrows or lashes. Equally I can't understand how somebody without money can contemplate travelling to Thailand for more :D surgery. A trip trapping Troll I think :o:D

Annie is a dear friend that was just giving me a some support here when I told her about finding some help from members on this board in getting medical help in Bangkok . leisurely I hesitated replying to your post as you seem to have no compassion but I did not want someone as kind as Ann has been to me to get slammed and beaten down without me saying something , Few people on this earth have helped me as much as she has and when I told her about this site and all of the time John put in she was touched and wanted to chime in . Thanks Ann , John and so many others that have given me tips and names of Dr.'s in Thailand .


I'll post no more in this particular subject, but will watch with interest :o If you do decide to come to Bangkok or Thailand for treatment I would even be prepared to visit you in hospital

If the OP is close to celebrities and, indeed, has the support of a celebrity (who, LMAO, i might recognize), then the OP would be completely clued up on the power of the media and what that media might be able to achieve for him in the media-frenzy that is the USA.

If a Dr.butchered you to the point that no Dr.'s think they can fix it do you think being a celebrity would change that . I have had some of the wealthiest people in America trying to help me and if the Dr. say's they will not open you up in this country then you must close the book here in the US and look for other places .

This is why John's idea was so good

if you present yourself as a challenge, Thailand will gain a lot of face in that field if the outcome is successful.

With some of the best Dr.'s in America walking away from this with major VIP's in this county helping , it really would be a great story if in a case like this the Dr.'s in Thailand could accomplish what the Dr.'s in the US could not . If there are any of those Dr.' watching this thread please PM me ... I need a miracle .


You're being deliberately obtuse, sobe.

Do this. Harness the power of your so-called celebrity friends and bring the story to the attention of the news channels. It has high interest written all over it.

They wouldnt fix you, but they would highlight the issue and, without doubt, send you over to Bkk for a tear-jerking, Oprah style remedy.

If such a solution is so obvious to me, why is it not obvious to you and your celebrity friends?

They wouldn't fix you, but they would highlight the issue and, without doubt, send you over to Bkk for a tear-jerking, Oprah style remedy.

good entertainment but accomplishes nothing .... they do those shows for ratings not to help people most of the time ... I have written 20/20 ... 60 minutes ...Dateline ... but you need the the Dr.'s to back you up and they will not .. when the Dr.'s in this country are too afraid of saying anything bad about another Dr. you are screwed ,, that is why they will not work on me here they do not want to be involved in prolonged testimony and court proceeding by coming out and saying how bad you were hurt by another Dr. and what they had to do to try and fix it ... but maybe a Thai Dr. would .

I make my living off the evening news

Just give me something-something I can use

People love it when you lose,

They love dirty laundry

Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here

I just have to look good, I dont have to be clear

Come and whisper in my ear

Give us dirty laundry

Kick em when theyre up

Kick em when theyre down

Kick em when theyre up

Kick em when theyre down

Kick em when theyre up

Kick em when theyre down

Kick em when theyre up

Kick em all around

We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who

Comes on at five

She can tell you bout the plane crash with a gleam

In her eye

Its interesting when people die-

Give us dirty laundry

Can we film the operation?

Is the head dead yet?

You know, the boys in the newsroom got a

Running bet

Get the widow on the set!

We need dirty laundry

You dont really need to find out whats going on

You dont really want to know just how far its gone

Just leave well enough alone

Eat your dirty laundry

Kick em when theyre up

Kick em when theyre down

Kick em when theyre up

Kick em when theyre down

Kick em when theyre up

Kick em when theyre down

Kick em when theyre stiff

Kick em all around

Dirty little secrets

Dirty little lies

We got our dirty little fingers in everybodys pie

We love to cut you down to size

We love dirty laundry

We can do the innuendo

We can dance and sing

When its said and done we havent told you a thing

We all know that crap is king

Give us dirty laundry!

nice song but it accomplishes nothing

"People love it when you lose,

They love dirty laundry "

most are watching this thread for entertainment not to help like John and a FEW others ... :o 1400 views and what maybe 6 or 7 people offering support and help out of 1400 ...

People love it when you lose,

They love dirty laundry ...

You think most people want to see a happy ending .... answer that

Again to those offering sugestions and help many thanks


Is the picture provided not from a recent X-Box classic game ‘Knights of the Old Republic’?

I’d swear it was one of the Dark Jedi from that great game.


It's strange that the OP originally posted the image as a photograph, and then admitted it was an MRI scan. Even more weird...if you wanted to show a problem with a surface scar, why use an expensive MRI scan? Why not use something cheap and simply...like a real photograph. As for the profound facial disfigurement, I don't see it. Too, if the OP did not need the plastic surgery (brow lift), why did he have it performed? Finally, if this is a real problem - as compared to a hoaxy trolling - why doesn't the OP do something about it besides whining?


Too true backflip.

The thread is a farce.

Here's a challenge for the OP and the famous (you'd recognise her, you know) annie sez. Show us a picture of your face, not some dodgy MRI scan.

not some dodgy MRI scan

it is a 3dCT it provides detailed, cross-sectional views of all types of tissue, a 3DCT is one of the best tools for studying damage to the body the 3D CT allows for powerful reconstruction of body structures and volume rendering .,,,,,, dodgy ... I think not . I sent before and after shots to people who are qualified to help but I really want to kind of hang on to a certain amount of privacy on this thread and only give up that privacy to the people like John and others who seem sincere and qualified to help . I came her looking for the best Plastic surgeons in the country and to find sincere people to talk with about finding help . I can not concern myself with people who do not believe the story .

I came her looking for the best Plastic surgeons in the country and to find sincere people to talk with about finding help . I can not concern myself with people who do not believe the story .

Than: don't !

Limit yourself to the 'Thailand'-route (and how/when to get there ASAP) and keep us informed about the progress of your trip and eventual surgery in Thailand.

Stop explaining your health-situation as we cannot be of anymore help here.

You seem to have very wealthy friends in the USA and people who sincerely care for you.

If those people are that wealthy and real friends I'm sure they will be able to put you on a plane with a nurse as soon as possible.

If I were in your shoes I would have been in Thailand already.

Good luck.



I think I understand the photo technology. It is roughly the same as solid modeling on a CAD system. You can take slices any way you want and have a look inside. That way the doctors can see what thinks look like inside before they even start surgery. It would tend to eliminate exploratory surgery. I think it is a wonderful advancement in medical technology.

You seem to have very wealthy friends in the USA and people who sincerely care for you.

If those people are that wealthy and real friends I'm sure they will be able to put you on a plane with a nurse as soon as possible.

When Dr.'s here said they could not help most everyone I knew quit helping ." The Dr. say it can not be fixed so just get into assisted living and live with it " ..... people I know here think the best Dr.'s in the world are in the US and if they can not fix it they are not paying for a trip to a third world country to go to Dr.'s there .

I believe the Dr/'s in the US are afraid of liability and fixing another Dr/'s work and that is why they will not help . When you see a 24 hour operation where they separate twins at the head you have to think that what I need would be small stuff compared to that .


I have to agree with laoPo that if you personally feel that doctors in Thailand will work on you then just do what you can to get there. When someone calls a mechanic to fix their car, the mechanic wont tell them what’s wrong or how to fix it until they have a look under the hood. I doubt doctors in Thailand would render any type of decision good or bad until they have a chance to look at you. If the scan you posted is recent and they have the technology to read and understand it in Thailand, you can sent them the file and perhaps save yourself the trip. I still however think you should present yourself as a challenge as Thais do like competition.

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