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Good Girl Bad Girl?


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From a past experience I would say go with it. I met a girl in a KSR club, i'd seen here in there and thought she was very beautiful so I asked her for phone number, I was very tired at the time so returned to my seat to finish my beer after she had written her number. She kept on looking over and seemed quite puzzled and my behaviour and eventually came over to see me as the club was closing and asked if I would like to go dancing. I declined, due to my being tired, but invited her to my hotel for some drinks. We ended up going to my room and I had an amazing time. In the morning she said she had to leave, I asked her if she wanted some money she quickly declined , only accepting some after I mentioned it was for her taxi, not for the sex.

Everything fizzled out after that, I only met her only once more, this was at a very thai disco on the outskirts of Bkk, I was the only farang. When I had arrived she was there with 10 of her friends the 100 pipers and mixers soon turned up. the mixers carried on turning up and bills kept getting pushed in my face. I had taken the precaution of only taking a little money with me, so when this had finished I asked the girl to escort me to the ATM, on the way I explained to here that I didn't think it was good that I as expected to pay for everything but was willing to still pay more than my fair share. Back at the disco I saw her paying for a bill!!! I thought this was a very good gesture on her part. The thing that did really worry me was all these Thai lads watching me intently, i assumed that they were some of these girls boyfirends, but they slowly started losing interest after a while. I had been talking to one of them in the toilet, and had rejoined the girls afterwards when he had come up to me but his hands on my shoulders and said 'welcome to Thailand' the girls look terified when he had done this but noticably relaxed after asking me what he had said.

She hadn't come with me after this night and then it all slowly finished she was always to busy studying.

good girl or bad girl, I would say good. But maye it was me complaining about the bills that put her off!!

I imagine they got chummy with you out of curoisity, since maybe they never had much occasion to talk to a Farang. They probably also hoped you would pick up the tab. To busy to study means she has got a boyfriend (probably Thai). I have had similar things happen to me. Usually leads to nothing.

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As in, Thais would define A Good Thai Girl as one who wants absolutely nothing to do with farang.

I totally disagree :o

I disagree also.

Thais these days are far more open to cross-cultural relationships than they were only 10 years ago.

Edited by Unknown
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"nd mr gregchambers, how can you possibly maintainn that stickman, an aging english teacher with a very vague grasp of things thai beyond the bar scene and his own half-baked sense of morality, could be responsible for anything other than promothing body guard condoms and talking up the free buffet at any of a number ofnana gogo bars?"

The minor fact that he has lots of readers might explain why he has some influence but I agree most of what he writes is purile. His stupid comments at the end of readers contributions also make me want to puke - these guys make the site what it is and he can't even be bothered to say something serious.

What has happened really is that the repeated and undoubtedly true stories of terrible times with bar-girls has made many people so wary that when they find someone from outside the bar scene interested in them they act even more stupid than the punters who fall for bar-girls (who are at least pre-warned even to the extent of having nasty Thai girls on Coronation St in the UK let alone Stick).

The assumption being that because she does not work in the bar she is a Good Thai Girl, who seem to have just as much persuasive power as actual bar-girls and able to extract lots of dosh as in buying house and car, etc. I've known some guys blow 3 million or so on a house in less than six months for non-bargirls who then turn nasty. Percentage of not-so-good thai girls who are passed off as good-thai-girls that turn out okay, probably no more than the percentage of bar-girls who can make the leap out of the neon scene - in both cases a lot lower than one percent.

Ergo plenty of so called Good Thai Girls are actually Not-So-Bad Thai girls. And, I do maintain, that the GTG's by their very definition don't do farang other than in exceptional circumstances (lucky buggers my kids who are Thai/English and have real access to good Thai women).

I wish it were otherwise, as a near 50 year-old I AM RETIRING TO ENGLAND from LOS, so bad has the woman situation become in this country.

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