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Thai Embassy in Yangon issues alert after protest following Koh Tao ruling

Jonathan Fairfield

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The best protest possible is for the local Burmese works pack up and go home. Then the Thais will feel the pressure. giggle.gif

Considering the fact that Burma now has someone with a bit of intelligence running the country there is a fair chance that the Burmese will soon start to return home and this will cause a huge loss of face if Thais have to start doing the work now delegated to Burmese.

If they open their doors to investment and work towards a rule of law, they could over take Thailand as did China. Their topography is more interesting and their people are gracious.

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It will take Myanmar decades to catch up with Thailand regarding infrastructure, plus their own internal problems are myriad, minority ethnic groups comprise over 32% of the population and more in terms of area occupancy of the country.They don't trust the Burmans with good reason

And then the Rohingya- stripped of all civil rights.


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Some 2,000 Myanmar protesters rally at Mae Sai border checkpoint

The Nation

CHIANG RAI:-- me 2,000 Myanmar people rallied at the border checkpoint in Chiang Rai's Mae Sai district, calling for release of two convicted murderers of British tourists, who the protesters believe to be innocent.

The protesters gathered at a sports stadium in Tachikek about two kilometres from the border checkpoint at 9:30 am.

They then marched to the Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge where the checkpoint is located to submit their demand for the release of the two convicts.

The Criminal Court in Surat Thani province convicted Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun of the brutal murder and rape of Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, on the island of Koh Tao.

Although the Thai court pointed out that there were strong evidences beyond doubt, pointing that the two had committed gruesome double murders, Mynamar Facebook users had spread inaccurate information that there were no evidences and the two were scapegoats.

Among other things, the court pointed out that DNA samples extracted from semen found on the Witheridge matched samples of the two Myanmar workers, Myanmar Facebook users widely spread information on their social network that the DNA did not match.

On Friday, the Myanmar protesters gathered outside the Thai embassy to protest what they called unjust ruling.

In the latest protest on Saturday, representatives of the 2,000 protesters submitted an open letter to the Thai authorities and the protesters dispersed.

During the protest the border checkpoint was closed. It was reopened after the Myanmar protesters dispersed.

-- The Nation 2015-12-26


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The boys are shafted. I don't think they did it and unless what was released in the press was completely different to what was shown in court there was little or no evidence.

The DNA trail was weak to say the least. The murder weapon had no trace of them. They had no motive. The re-inaction was a farce. They were very probably tortured for their statements. The description of how the murders happened is unbelievable.

Flabbergasted!! How were they found guilty? How is it possible they can be sentenced to death?

Be SCARED be VERY SCARED!!! It could happen to any of us.

Meanwhile huge amounts of CCTV and evidence that leads in a different direction is simply discarded.

Just think next time you decide to have a beer somewhere and a cigarette it may place you at a murder scene. You may be tortured and placed in chains for 1 yr and then you may be told you will be killed because you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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Koh Tao Verdict Protest at Thai - Myanmar Border [PHOTOS]


By Teeranai Charuvastra

Staff Reporter

CHIANG RAI — Hundreds of Myanmar citizens marched near the Thai - Myanmar border today to protest the recent court verdict that found two Myanmar men guilty of murders in southern Thailand last year.

The protest took place on the Myanmar side of the Tachilek border crossing in Chiang Rai province. Around 2,000 people are believed to have joined the demonstration, which prompted Thai authorities to stop vehicles coming and leaving at the checkpoint for several hours.


-- Khaosod English 2015-12-26

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I don't know if they are guilty or not, but there is insufficient evidence to convict them. They should be released and the police should be shown to have botched the investigation. But then we know this would be a great loss of face.

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Thais in Myanmar warned to be cautious
The Thai embassy in Rangoon has warned Thai nationals living or travelling in Myanmar to take extraordinary cautions and to keep abreast with news developments following a protest by about 30 Burmese in front of the embassy on Thursday said Foreign Ministry’s spokesman Sek Wannamethee.
The protesters rallied in front of the embassy for about an hour to voice their opposition to the Koh Samui provincial court’s verdict condemning two Myanmar migrant workers to death after finding them guilty of the murder of two British backpackers, David Miller and Hannah Witheridge, on Koh Tao island last year.
The Myanmar government, said Mr Sek, has deployed more policemen, between 15-20, in front of the embassy as a precaution.
The protest was peaceful and lasted about an hour before the protesters dispersed, he added.
The embassy however reported that no Thais had been affected yet by the protest against the conviction verdict, said Mr Sek.

-- Thai PBS 2015-12-25

The obvious question begging to be answered is why is there no protest at the Thai embassy in London???

........perhaps because the victims' family has accepted the verdict?

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Thais in Myanmar warned to be cautious
The Thai embassy in Rangoon has warned Thai nationals living or travelling in Myanmar to take extraordinary cautions and to keep abreast with news developments following a protest by about 30 Burmese in front of the embassy on Thursday said Foreign Ministry’s spokesman Sek Wannamethee.
The protesters rallied in front of the embassy for about an hour to voice their opposition to the Koh Samui provincial court’s verdict condemning two Myanmar migrant workers to death after finding them guilty of the murder of two British backpackers, David Miller and Hannah Witheridge, on Koh Tao island last year.
The Myanmar government, said Mr Sek, has deployed more policemen, between 15-20, in front of the embassy as a precaution.
The protest was peaceful and lasted about an hour before the protesters dispersed, he added.
The embassy however reported that no Thais had been affected yet by the protest against the conviction verdict, said Mr Sek.

-- Thai PBS 2015-12-25

after some 30 people protested outside the mission following a court decision to give death sentences to two Myanmar migrants in the Koh Tao double-murder case of two Britons.

30 people ?? That's it??? And Mr Sek, has deployed more policemen, between 15-20, in front of the embassy as a precaution.Wow really looked like a very dangerous protest... and this will help the defendants... Oh god help us

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Shocking mess from start to finish. hard to conclude fact from fiction in this case but one thing certain is a lot of facts & investigation routes have been avoided & the lack of DNA evidence for secondary testing is typically thai police dodgy affair ! These 2 guys may of had some involvement but a lot more went on than been disclosed ... Thai police & thainess are to blame & I hope the people of the world take note & action as they see fit ...

I honestly think that all of us posting here on TV and disagree with the verdict should do everything they can to make it go viral ... FB, Twitter, etc... I have already posted all of it on Face Book Public... let's all doas much as we can.... I will for sure posted everywhere I can

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Thais in Myanmar warned to be cautious
The Thai embassy in Rangoon has warned Thai nationals living or travelling in Myanmar to take extraordinary cautions and to keep abreast with news developments following a protest by about 30 Burmese in front of the embassy on Thursday said Foreign Ministry’s spokesman Sek Wannamethee.
The protesters rallied in front of the embassy for about an hour to voice their opposition to the Koh Samui provincial court’s verdict condemning two Myanmar migrant workers to death after finding them guilty of the murder of two British backpackers, David Miller and Hannah Witheridge, on Koh Tao island last year.
The Myanmar government, said Mr Sek, has deployed more policemen, between 15-20, in front of the embassy as a precaution.
The protest was peaceful and lasted about an hour before the protesters dispersed, he added.
The embassy however reported that no Thais had been affected yet by the protest against the conviction verdict, said Mr Sek.

-- Thai PBS 2015-12-25

after some 30 people protested outside the mission following a court decision to give death sentences to two Myanmar migrants in the Koh Tao double-murder case of two Britons.

30 people ?? That's it??? And Mr Sek, has deployed more policemen, between 15-20, in front of the embassy as a precaution.Wow really looked like a very dangerous protest... and this will help the defendants... Oh god help us

Don't always believe what you read.


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In the beginning of this case everybody knew who did it. The son of a maffia boss. Why is there no investigation in this direction.

60 million reasons whistling.gif

Between post #87 and your post it has increased by 100 percent. Rampant inflation it appears.

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Why in the world are these guys wearing "Honda" helmuts?

It's helmet not helmut.

The protective gear is obviously because the police can't guarantee the safety of persons held in their custody.

Why in the world are these guys wearing "Honda" helmuts?

Can't imagine this is good PR for Honda. Did they pay the police for the free advertising? Disgusting either way.

It's not an advertising placement, it's a side effect of Honda branding their products and said brands' global recognition.

The police paid Honda for those helmets, and they got all the broadcast time for free.

I hope to god you're trolling, because day to day must be very confusing for you otherwise.

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The proper partial closing of this - it seems week & flowed case shall be announcement of the mistrial and the continuation of the investigation on locals, especially those who fled the island on the day of the murder with temporary - for a time being - arrests. This definitely will repair a potential damage Thailand is facing at this time.

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I've read most of the posts on the previous post but I am still confused. According to what I read the Thai chief forensic scientist stated they found NO DNA from either accused on the murder weapon (hoe).

My question is did they or did they not find any DNA from either accused on the condoms or the girl? Does anyone have the concrete "facts"?

The Thai police say they found semen inside the victim.

When challenged to produce the sample, they said it had all been "used up".

When challenged to produce the test results, they produced a one-page hand-amended document that was not credible and showed the boys DNA but not the source. It could have been the cheek swab test.

When challenged again, they declined to produce the test results.

An internationally-renowned expert has said what they provided is not evidence and the timeline was impossible.

The UK coroner found no signs of rape.

Do you believe the Thai police? I don't.

No DNA evidence on the hoe. Supposed DNA evidence found inside one of the 2 murdered. Alleged rape claimed.

Verdict: death sentence for rape

*at least in my eyes

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The best protest possible is for the local Burmese works pack up and go home. Then the Thais will feel the pressure. giggle.gif

Another article in todays BP describing how several other Burmese were tortured while interrogated.

The pot is bubbling.

The junta leader has his hands full.

... and here he is making a diplomatic visit to the USA in February. (maybe they will have a 3 piece band greet him on the tarmac)

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Why in the world are these guys wearing "Honda" helmuts?

It's helmet not helmut.

The protective gear is obviously because the police can't guarantee the safety of persons held in their custody.

Why in the world are these guys wearing "Honda" helmuts?

Can't imagine this is good PR for Honda. Did they pay the police for the free advertising? Disgusting either way.

It's not an advertising placement, it's a side effect of Honda branding their products and said brands' global recognition.

The police paid Honda for those helmets, and they got all the broadcast time for free.

I hope to god you're trolling, because day to day must be very confusing for you otherwise.


1. Thanks for the spelling correction. For someone who won many spelling bees I had to chuckle at my silly mistake. Fortunately, you were intelligent enough to understand what I was referring to; however, apparently you have no idea what advertising is all about or marketing. It is absolutely advertising placement otherwise why put their name (Honda) on the helmet? Why not just put "police" or "prisoner" like they do on clothing? And why buy from Honda? Why not a helmet manufacturer? And who says they bought them?

2. I didn't ask "why" they were wearing helmets, I asked why they were wearing helmets with "Honda" advertising their name on them.

3. And how do you know the police paid for the helmets? Maybe Honda gave them to the police for free for the free advertising. Curious how many helmets Honda has given the police in Thailand. Honda knows exactly why they promote their helmets that way. If the police buy all their helmets from Honda there is a reason. Could be financial.

5. In my view not much of a helmet for protection. Not even a face guard. One of the cheapest made. As with the verdict something smells here.

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Misinformation on the Internet about this case isn't confined to Myanmar... It's all over the place.

For example, I still don't understand what the deal was with David's phone. Who had it in their possession, exactly? Did Win actually claim he found it on the beach at 5 am? There are so many different versions of how it came into evidence, who knows.

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Why in the world are these guys wearing "Honda" helmuts?

It's helmet not helmut.

The protective gear is obviously because the police can't guarantee the safety of persons held in their custody.

Why in the world are these guys wearing "Honda" helmuts?

Can't imagine this is good PR for Honda. Did they pay the police for the free advertising? Disgusting either way.

It's not an advertising placement, it's a side effect of Honda branding their products and said brands' global recognition.

The police paid Honda for those helmets, and they got all the broadcast time for free.

I hope to god you're trolling, because day to day must be very confusing for you otherwise.


1. Thanks for the spelling correction. For someone who won many spelling bees I had to chuckle at my silly mistake. Fortunately, you were intelligent enough to understand what I was referring to; however, apparently you have no idea what advertising is all about or marketing. It is absolutely advertising placement otherwise why put their name (Honda) on the helmet? Why not just put "police" or "prisoner" like they do on clothing? And why buy from Honda? Why not a helmet manufacturer? And who says they bought them?

2. I didn't ask "why" they were wearing helmets, I asked why they were wearing helmets with "Honda" advertising their name on them.

3. And how do you know the police paid for the helmets? Maybe Honda gave them to the police for free for the free advertising. Curious how many helmets Honda has given the police in Thailand. Honda knows exactly why they promote their helmets that way. If the police buy all their helmets from Honda there is a reason. Could be financial.

5. In my view not much of a helmet for protection. Not even a face guard. One of the cheapest made. As with the verdict something smells here.

Btw, here's another correction for you. "Broadcasting refers to airwaves".

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We will never really know what the judges saw because they made it as difficult as possible to get the truth out. But I think enough of the truth came out to show these two are not guilty; at the very least they got a very biased trail.

I think the real travesty is seeing how brainwashed certain family members were in seriously believing these two young men got a fair trail.

Edited by oneday
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In the beginning of this case everybody knew who did it. The son of a maffia boss. Why is there no investigation in this direction.

I think that I can answer this somewhat.

As you know the basic Thai philosophy is to take what you want and just keep going until everyone forgets it.

They view every non-Thai as an enemy of the country and therefore irrelevant.

Now look at the big picture. If you were this guy, a military man, and you had just taken over the country then you would be looking for legitimacy.

What better way to stamp your authority than an engagement of some sort with Myanmar who has always been Thailand's natural enemy.

It would weld the people under one banner and cement your position for years to come. You would also need the backing of the local 'mafia' heads in order to control the masses. At very least you would not want them against you, as would be the case if you grabbed one of their sons.

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wasn't the DNA originally thrown out because it tainted?

seems like this whole case was so sketchy from the beginning... how did it all of sudden became firm at the end?

as they say... "sth rotten in denmark" or sth fishy here...

maybe.. this could be the "shot" that rings around the world for SEA...

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I've read most of the posts on the previous post but I am still confused. According to what I read the Thai chief forensic scientist stated they found NO DNA from either accused on the murder weapon (hoe).

My question is did they or did they not find any DNA from either accused on the condoms or the girl? Does anyone have the concrete "facts"?

The Thai police say they found semen inside the victim.

When challenged to produce the sample, they said it had all been "used up".

When challenged to produce the test results, they produced a one-page hand-amended document that was not credible and showed the boys DNA but not the source. It could have been the cheek swab test.

When challenged again, they declined to produce the test results.

An internationally-renowned expert has said what they provided is not evidence and the timeline was impossible.

The UK coroner found no signs of rape.

Do you believe the Thai police? I don't.

What you say is what I also have read on many accounts.

Thai people would not be in danger in Burma during protests at Tachilek they all get on well there and Burmese cross into Masai every day to work in the markets.

Based on what you say, and the fact that the prosecution could not produce credible DNA reports or DNA to the defense for a retest, then the case is based on Here say and should be tossed in the toilet.

Another query you may be able to answer is, why hasn't the DNA found on the murder weapon been run to find whose it is, why are they not testing certain people against the DNA on the Hoe, or is it now contaminated and degraded to the back room of the police station, maybe being used again as a garden utensil.

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