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A Warning

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I want to add a public warning to a job advert on this forum. The job advert is asking people to illegally work for them, I cannot add it to the advert so I figured adding it here will have to do. Why is it illegal? He is requesting 31 foreigners to work as sales staff for him. The same guy less than two months ago was advertising for investors for his new company, either he has come across several millionaires—traditional millionaires in the Sterling/Euro or Dollar sense i.e. not baht- and is now employing 124 Thai staff, in other words four Thai staff to every foreigner or more likely he wants to ‘employ’ people illegally. Anyone who bites on this is being very naive. Whilst I doubt that all these roles exist this is the second post I have seen looking for foreign staff from him so he definitely will require a high volume of Thai staff.

I have had the misfortune of working for companies without work permits being promised faithfully that I will get one and frankly never again. It gives you no rights if they decide to make you redundant or if, for example, a brand new company suddenly runs out of money and can’t afford to pay the wages (or had no intention of paying the wages in the first place) then you are left nowhere. The possibility of getting caught always exists and without a company to bail you out you could have serious problems. I do not think the forum should allow such adverts, it must be clear to everyone that this is not right...I appreciate you cannot individually check out each job offer but the obvious ones must raise alarms. I am sorry Profidamus if you feel that I am unfairly targeting you but frankly a scam is a scam and the more legitimate jobs on this forum the better, otherwise its purpose is being totally abused.

Possibly a naming and shaming service should be added. The forum could be called ‘scams in Thailand’.


PS I should add that this is purely my opinion and that if by some magical twist of fate the poster can offer work permits I unreservedly apologise, if that is the case then I would love to know how he intends to do this.

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My Dear Luke

We take great offense at your post.

You should have performed some due diligence on us a company before you flamed us. I respond to all PM's promptly and we operate a very ethical business.

If you had contacted us first you would have been able to get all the necessary information. It is too bad that you've been taken advantage of, but please don't try to tar us with the brush that has painted you in your past. For example, the Sales Manager positions we are advertising for that caught your attention are all based outside of Thailand in places like Japan, the United States, and Europe for instance. None of them would be working in Thailand; many would likely be independent contractors as well.

All you had to do was PM us for information, and we would have provided it,. If you didn't like our answers then you could have posted something.

You are correct that we made a posting looking for venture funds and we are happy to announce that we were successful. One of Thiavisa's members introduced us to a Venture Capital firm in London. Thank you Thaivisa for been so helpful in providing some intelligent and thoughtful readers with insight, maturity and connections.

You make a statement that we are asking people to work for us illegally. Would you please just take the time to read the ad? What ever prompted you to make such a wild and false statement with no information at all?

Secondly in the other advertisement for 5 PA's all of which if not Thai nationals will be provided with work permits. In both cases you made assumptions and posted erroneous information.

As stated you could have easily PM'ed me for information, you'd of been given all the information you needed. Our address is on Asoke road and you would also been given our website for you to explore and to verify that we have over 100 well known and respected partners in Thailand. PM’ing us would have been the best approach instead of starting up this thread and spreading rumors and making false and unverified statements

Please in future on this board find out all the information first before making accusations.

We do expect a public apology from you and to Thaivisa. Flaming is not permitted.


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Dear Profidamus,

I thought you might respond in this vein. If the job offer is outside of Thailand then what are they doing in a forum called 'jobs offers in Thailand' after all you are not asking for Thai nationals. You say that as part of the role travel within Thailand will be required as such I would reason that this will be business related and as such will require a work visa. ‘Independent contractors’ is this another way of saying the visa is your problem?

If the roles are completely based outside of Thailand then I am sure you will be completely compliant with local laws on tax and wages but that will be up to the individuals involved to check. Personally I don’t think it makes a lot of sense as the advantage of being based in Thailand are predominantly cost savings but I will take you at your word. Sadly having a business address, website etc…does not mean anything other than you the company is trading as a business.

My warning stands and if you want an apology then I am afraid you won’t get one. I don’t see any benefit in making a discussion out of this as I have made my point and justified it. I am surprised that the moderators haven’t pulled the advert if for nothing else sheer relevance. It’s up to the people on this forum to form their own opinion.


PS the other advert I referred to was not for personal assistants but ‘IT content managers’ and a business relationship manager.

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