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Acceptable Id

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I have read in a number or threads recently about forms of ID for foreigners in Thailand. One poster suggested that a laminated copy of the relevent pages of the passport would be acceptable to the police, another said a Thai driving licence was O.K. My question is, what (if any) rule is there requiring foreigners to carry a form of ID at all times and what (under this rule) is acceptable officially.

At this time of year (Song Kran) it would be very unwise to carry a passport in your pocket (unless you had some 'dodgy' stamps you would like to remove). I am sure things are different in 'The City of Angels' but up here in Isaan I have been asked for ID by the police only twice in 16 months and I just produced my UK/EU photo driving licence, they asked me where I was from (England) and they said "England - good - O.K." and that was the end of it.

If anyone knows the 'official' ruling on this subject could they please reply.

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i dont know if there is an "official" ruling or not, its probably up to the person who stops you as to what he will accept or not. officially i suppose it must be the actual passport itself. i have never been asked for any id yet in all the time ive been in thailand.

i carry a laminated photocopy and a 5 year driving licence in my wallet and if i get stopped i will show that. the thais have to carry id around with them so its not unfair that they ask foriegners to as well.

if that is not good enough for them then i will have no choice but to carry around my passport in future or put up with time wasted down the police station.

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technically it is a passport for all foreigners. Thais are required by law to carry around their ID cards, no exceptions. Technically for a Thai a drivers licence is not enough.

I always carry around my Thai driver's license. It's proof of residency, so can be used to argue against the dual pricing found in national parks and whatnot.

Have never had a problem using my driver's license as ID for flights, for bars (like last night in Thonglor) and whatnot.


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I searched for a while in here:


could not find any reference. Perhaps somewhere written in Thai.

Anyway, agree Thais have to carry an ID-card so fair enough for foreigners to have something similar.

Thai driving licence usually should do the trick. Anybody ever thought of carrying the work permit? It is smaller.

To cut a long story short. If the police "suggests" to carry the bl...dy p/port, do it or don't do it. Another alternative mentioned in the past, an official copy of the p/port, certified by immigration...

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The reason I say Thai driving license is enough is because they will take it off you and ask you to go to the station with relevant papers to pick it up, saves them hassle and you too. If a cop wants to be a ###### he will take you down to the nick, most of them can't be bothered though, plus if they are away they miss the opourtunity to nick more folk.


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