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1: What a bloody shame Lemmy had to leave us! A sad day for music, RIP.

2: Police - Went out on the motorbikes with my son on Sunday evening, we live in the sticks, rural roads that cross the odd highway. About 500 metres out from our drive we need to make a left onto a busy two lane highway, as we approached about 20 cops and Orbitor personal, mostly armed jumped out of the trees on either side of the road and pulled us over. They were questioning my son in Thai, and me a little in English mainly blathering Farang Farang...blah blah blah.

They were actually a bunch of decent guys, my lad has been riding bikes here for years, he was on an MSX and we were just checking the beam on his new projector lights, which I told the cops honestly we were just doing a 3 KM round the block run.

They asked him his age.....14, no licence, bike is legal, taxed insured etc. They basically told him that 14 was not a good age to ride a motorbike, they looked at my licence and just waved us on our way, obviously looking for bigger fish! Common sense prevailed.

3: Tesco Lotus, I just love them, they give me up to 12.5% discounts and free delivery, however, it is a bit worrying that they know you like a tipple!

Normally I order my beer from them, a couple of boxes (48 bottles) on a delivery. Well, they put out tw offers recently, one was for 10 % off if you ordered 2000 Baht, the other was 250 Baht if you orderded 2500 Baht. So as I drink a few beers I placed two orders, one included a box of wine and some junk we normally use to make the 2K Baht and the other was 24 beers and some more junk to meet the 2500 Baht. The Wine order was for today, the bee order was for tomorrow as all their delivery slots were full.

I was amazed this morning prior to the first delivery, I was downstairs and heard the phone ring, my missus picked up and it was Tesco asking if I had FORGOT TO ORDER THE 24 BOTTLES OF BEER! I love em! Great service, What more can you say, they never call about a potato, but forget the 24 bottles of Red Horse and their suspicions are aroused.

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1. Top three ugliest "rock stars" ever. Music....meh. Yeah, he made a lot of money.

2. So nothing happened. Riveting.

3. Tesco knows you're an alkie. Now we do too. Great show!


1. Top three ugliest "rock stars" ever. Music....meh. Yeah, he made a lot of money.

2. So nothing happened. Riveting.

3. Tesco knows you're an alkie. Now we do too. Great show!

You obviously have no idea of talent or charisma or reality, go to the top of the queue in the TV poster anal brigade! How can you even be allowed to breath the air that Lemmy breathed, you maggot!

I love the Australian expression that describes you people "Grubs " an "Rock Lobsters" Go and go bottom feeding!


1. Top three ugliest "rock stars" ever. Music....meh. Yeah, he made a lot of money.

2. So nothing happened. Riveting.

3. Tesco knows you're an alkie. Now we do too. Great show!

Is your name Juan Kerr?


I remember watching a daft reality TV show and this real bully had a go at an inoffensive little female. Lemmy was as nice as pie in making his threat - be nice or get a slap - but watching the plastic gangster take the big man's charity was quite funny.


Drink a few for Lemmy.......

A great sugestion, the man was a one off, a legend!

Cannot go out tonight. I'm sick.

Tomorrow though, a drink to Lemmy!!

Met him once. A great guy and some great music.

I hope he blasts those angels in heaven with some great rock music and gets them rocking!!


Drink a few for Lemmy.......

A great sugestion, the man was a one off, a legend!

Cannot go out tonight. I'm sick.

Tomorrow though, a drink to Lemmy!!

Met him once. A great guy and some great music.

I hope he blasts those angels in heaven with some great rock music and gets them rocking!!

I met him once..

back stage at Reading Rock (maybe 1986) - the hawks were on later..

I see some guy face down in the mud. I'm like touching his shoulder "Hey man you ok" , "<deleted> off" was the reply..

RIP to a wonderful man, full of rock and roll.. Fly away on your silver machine yer daft fooker..


1. Top three ugliest "rock stars" ever. Music....meh. Yeah, he made a lot of money.

2. So nothing happened. Riveting.

3. Tesco knows you're an alkie. Now we do too. Great show!

You obviously have no idea of talent or charisma or reality, go to the top of the queue in the TV poster anal brigade! How can you even be allowed to breath the air that Lemmy breathed, you maggot!

I love the Australian expression that describes you people "Grubs " an "Rock Lobsters" Go and go bottom feeding!

I agree...............Lemmy and Motorhead were CRAP, lets see how many of their songs were covered by others, see if in 50 years anyone remembers Lemmy no talent at all as far as Im concerned ,one song is all I know, Mozart's music still played daily hundreds of years later

Anyone who sticks a kid on a motorbike in THAILAND on their public roads at age 14 is a fool and not a good parent, did he even have a helmet on, protective clothing?


1. Top three ugliest "rock stars" ever. Music....meh. Yeah, he made a lot of money.

2. So nothing happened. Riveting.

3. Tesco knows you're an alkie. Now we do too. Great show!

You obviously have no idea of talent or charisma or reality, go to the top of the queue in the TV poster anal brigade! How can you even be allowed to breath the air that Lemmy breathed, you maggot!

I love the Australian expression that describes you people "Grubs " an "Rock Lobsters" Go and go bottom feeding!

The fact is that his assessment was accurate. Does anyone without low end tattoos,, cirrhosis of the liver, yellow teeth from smoking, degraded hearing, a gut and under the age of 40 know who this guy was?

Anyway, I enjoyed the Tesco story. That's excellent service.


There's something out there that was able to kill Lemmy.

Now we're all doomed.........................................................coffee1.gif


here's a fourth..

Brad from the Specials also went to play the great gig in the sky..


(hopefully BBC links are allowed.)

Oh crap. That is indeed sad. I rather enjoyed them. It was before my time sort of and I only got into them when I was in uni. They were a very open gropu that embraced diversity and welcomed all ages, sexes and ethnic groups. Very different than the cuacasian male dominated motor head collective.


1. Top three ugliest "rock stars" ever. Music....meh. Yeah, he made a lot of money.

2. So nothing happened. Riveting.

3. Tesco knows you're an alkie. Now we do too. Great show!

You obviously have no idea of talent or charisma or reality, go to the top of the queue in the TV poster anal brigade! How can you even be allowed to breath the air that Lemmy breathed, you maggot!

I love the Australian expression that describes you people "Grubs " an "Rock Lobsters" Go and go bottom feeding!

I agree...............Lemmy and Motorhead were CRAP, lets see how many of their songs were covered by others, see if in 50 years anyone remembers Lemmy no talent at all as far as Im concerned ,one song is all I know, Mozart's music still played daily hundreds of years later

Anyone who sticks a kid on a motorbike in THAILAND on their public roads at age 14 is a fool and not a good parent, did he even have a helmet on, protective clothing?

Well done for nonsense/know nothing about music post of the day.

I take it you've never heard of a small SF act called Metallica who have covered many a Motorhead tune.....

Now orf you pop....


TESCO. Lucky you, must have tipped someone.

I tried their delivery once. ordered 24 bottles of wine. They accepted my order, took credit card, and confirmed delivery date. On the morning of due delivery I received a call also. Sorry, we only have one bottle, if you want it delivered, you will have to pay delivery charge, because it is less than 2,5000 !!!!!

The local Tesco Lotus NEVER has more than 6 bottles of Red Horse on the shelf !!!!


Common sense prevailed???? I'm behind my keyboard, I'm not a keyboard warrior, and I would say what I am going to say to your face.

You are an irresponsible parent, your son is underage and as well as no licence, will not be insured, and you say common sense prevailed.

What if his inexperience killed or seriously injured someone else on the road? It is people like you who contribute to the disgraceful road fatalities in Thailand.

As for the police, they are a disgrace for allowing the both of you just to carry on.

You also say your son has been riding his bike for years. What age was he when he started riding? seven or eight? Was he riding on main roads?


1. Top three ugliest "rock stars" ever. Music....meh. Yeah, he made a lot of money.

2. So nothing happened. Riveting.

3. Tesco knows you're an alkie. Now we do too. Great show!

I wonder if the OP has the sense not to ride his bike when under the influence, somehow I doubt it when you see the amount of alcohol be bought.


I'm amazed! None of you know this man, his son, or anything else about him, but you are more then happy to bash, insult and judge him. WOW! What nasty people you are.


I'm amazed! None of you know this man, his son, or anything else about him, but you are more then happy to bash, insult and judge him. WOW! What nasty people you are.

It is not nasty to give your opinion about irresponsible behavior. You don't have to know him. After all, Juries don't know the person they have to judge, just the evidence. This man, gave his own evidence and was judged .. How would you feel if you drove your car round a corner into a young boy on a motorbike, who might not be controlling it too well ?


I stand by my statement. You weren't there. You don't know all the facts, but yet are quick to make snide, judgmental comments.


"Well, they put out tw offers recently, one was for 10 % off if you ordered 2000 Baht, the other was 250 Baht if you orderded 2500 "

Two offers?

That's 10% either way.


1. Top three ugliest "rock stars" ever. Music....meh. Yeah, he made a lot of money.

2. So nothing happened. Riveting.

3. Tesco knows you're an alkie. Now we do too. Great show!

You obviously have no idea of talent or charisma or reality, go to the top of the queue in the TV poster anal brigade! How can you even be allowed to breath the air that Lemmy breathed, you maggot!

I love the Australian expression that describes you people "Grubs " an "Rock Lobsters" Go and go bottom feeding!

I agree...............Lemmy and Motorhead were CRAP, lets see how many of their songs were covered by others, see if in 50 years anyone remembers Lemmy no talent at all as far as Im concerned ,one song is all I know, Mozart's music still played daily hundreds of years later

Anyone who sticks a kid on a motorbike in THAILAND on their public roads at age 14 is a fool and not a good parent, did he even have a helmet on, protective clothing?

It's easy to put other people's tastes in music down that you don't understand. I don't like classical music but I respect mozart's music. Lemmy was a God in his genre of music and so should be respected also. It's quite low in my opinion to criticise him when he's just died.

1. Top three ugliest "rock stars" ever. Music....meh. Yeah, he made a lot of money.

2. So nothing happened. Riveting.

3. Tesco knows you're an alkie. Now we do too. Great show!

Other than admitting he doesn't mind his son breaking the law, even supports him in that respect and also believes the police should not punish people who break the law.

I bet there are 100 posts complaining about this very behaviour by Thais between now and 2016.


1. Top three ugliest "rock stars" ever. Music....meh. Yeah, he made a lot of money.

2. So nothing happened. Riveting.

3. Tesco knows you're an alkie. Now we do too. Great show!

You obviously have no idea of talent or charisma or reality, go to the top of the queue in the TV poster anal brigade! How can you even be allowed to breath the air that Lemmy breathed, you maggot!

I love the Australian expression that describes you people "Grubs " an "Rock Lobsters" Go and go bottom feeding!

I agree...............Lemmy and Motorhead were CRAP, lets see how many of their songs were covered by others, see if in 50 years anyone remembers Lemmy no talent at all as far as Im concerned ,one song is all I know, Mozart's music still played daily hundreds of years later

Anyone who sticks a kid on a motorbike in THAILAND on their public roads at age 14 is a fool and not a good parent, did he even have a helmet on, protective clothing?

Well done for nonsense/know nothing about music post of the day.

I take it you've never heard of a small SF act called Metallica who have covered many a Motorhead tune.....

Now orf you pop....

Equally crap and same kind of crap.

Try "Yesterday" by The Beatles, most covered I believe, how many album sales for Motorhead? 15 million?? a drop in the ocean compared to many other modern artists.


1. Top three ugliest "rock stars" ever. Music....meh. Yeah, he made a lot of money.

2. So nothing happened. Riveting.

3. Tesco knows you're an alkie. Now we do too. Great show!

You obviously have no idea of talent or charisma or reality, go to the top of the queue in the TV poster anal brigade! How can you even be allowed to breath the air that Lemmy breathed, you maggot!

I love the Australian expression that describes you people "Grubs " an "Rock Lobsters" Go and go bottom feeding!

I agree...............Lemmy and Motorhead were CRAP, lets see how many of their songs were covered by others, see if in 50 years anyone remembers Lemmy no talent at all as far as Im concerned ,one song is all I know, Mozart's music still played daily hundreds of years later

Anyone who sticks a kid on a motorbike in THAILAND on their public roads at age 14 is a fool and not a good parent, did he even have a helmet on, protective clothing?

It's easy to put other people's tastes in music down that you don't understand. I don't like classical music but I respect mozart's music. Lemmy was a God in his genre of music and so should be respected also. It's quite low in my opinion to criticise him when he's just died.

A"God" is really stretching things, Im not a classical music lover 100% and as for "talent"cheesy.gif

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