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Police raid Russian Go-Go Bars in South Pattaya

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End of the year. Seems raids are happening all across Pattaya. It will be interesting to see if these continue on into next year....

Most of the punters on Walking Street seem to be low budget Indian and Chinese tourists who, if they do wander into a bar, will drink one beer over the course of an hour. I suppose that the bar revenues are dropping and they cannot afford the annual increase in the BIB invoice. Just a thought.


Nah, they just raised the tea money price for the New Year. After New Year it will be back to usual business again...(the usual tea money)

Expect the same just before Chinese New ear....and Songkran...



It is about time!! Try looking at other Russian businesses, like tour companies and restaurants. I have lived in Thailand more than 10 years and until the huge influx of Russians, .. and now Chinese, I have never seen anyone but a Thai serving in a restaurant or working as a tour guide. I have even seen Russians in kiosks on the main streets handing out brochures, ...another job that was Thai only.

They are here because it is easy to come here and take over. They do not care about Thai Culture, Customs, Religion, Food or People. Immigration made a big mistake welcoming those two nationalities over all others


Nah, they just raised the tea money price for the New Year. After New Year it will be back to usual business again...(the usual tea money)

Expect the same just before Chinese New ear....and Songkran...



Please be careful what you post regarding having to carry your passport on you. According to Thai law, you are required to prove you are in the country legally. Thai citizens have to carry their ID at all times. For us, sometimes, a driver's license is OK. Other times, a copy of your passport is fine. But if the officer on the scene decides they want to see your visa stamp, and you don't have your passport, you "could" be fined or taken to jail. As indicated in this article.

Just because you've been here a long time and never had to produce it doesn't mean it's not a requirement. And posting information like this can cause confusion.

It's up to you. Carry it or not. I don't ,but I accept the risk and can get my passport if needed very quickly. People are fined and do get hauled into jail if they don't have their passport on them. Just depends on the situation, the officer on the scene, the position of the sun, moon, stars, etc.

Several posts saying this is not a requirement have been removed from view and future ones will also be removed from view without notice. It's not fair to those new to Thailand to read comments like this and potentially get into trouble. Hope you understand. And yes, Thai officials do make confusing and contradictory statements. Welcome to Thailand.


From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

As has been pointed out many times, it is the law here with regards to having your passport on you. Thais have to carry their ID at all times. We have to prove we are in the country legally. The only way to do this is to have your passport on you with a valid visa stamp. It's up to the official on the scene as to whether they will accept other forms of ID or copies, or give you time to go retrieve your documents. In this case, they demanded the original. Not the first time this has happened.

Would anyone willingly carry their passport on night out in Pattaya? Awfully risky, I would have thought - particularly as robberies have allegedly gone up by 60 per cent since the new administration took over (according according to a recent New York Times article, disputed by the BIB, of course).

One can appreciate the problem with undesirable aliens, but there must be a better way of tackling it than this, if these raids become routine across the Kingdom,an awful lot of falangs will be reporting lost or - more likely lifted - passports at police stations not only in dear old Sodom but other renowned fleshpots such as Phuket and Koh Samui.

What beats me is how so many foreigners are able to overstay for lengthy periods. After all, their passport details are fed into a computer on arrival in Thailand and after their initial 90-day report, the local immigration office has an address and map showing where they will be staying.. I can only assume some people deliberately don't bother making the initial visit to Immigration and thereafter remain under the radar or move to another area without telling the authorities.

Of course, they could be caught if they tried to leave the country. But do Thai airport immigration police routinely check the passports of foreigners for that telltale 90-day report slip?

Issues like this one, which inevitably damage relationships between Thais and falangs, cry out for some kind of trouble-shooting joint liaison group to be set up between the Thai authorities and representatives of the resident foreign community. Many festering problems could be nipped in the bud by a frank yet friendly exchange of views..

Yes, I know - at the very idea, the words "p-ss" and "wind" spring instantly to mind!


Please shut down these bars, deport the women and imprison the Russian thugs that operate them. I was assaulted by one of these women with a stiletto heel simply for not wanting her to sit with me or pay her a tip. Thai women and thugs are perfectly capable of operating such businesses and expatriates are not needed.


It was time to collect some extra cash for the BiB's new year's party


They normally collect seamlessly without hiccups.

But Bangkok police is not in the loop.

That's why out of town police / military is the only way a raid can ever happen in the first place.

Phrayut is not taking tea money, at least not from those guys.


Good, Thailand is for Thai people to make money not a bunch of illegal russian whores and their pimps. If you want that go to Russia. Well done! RTP for sorting this stinking place out. If all countries took this approach the world would be a better place.


When I lived in China there were almost as many Russian etc.. Hoes as there were Chinese, and that is saying something.

They make a killing there because they are white and tall and know how to throw it around properly. Not just stand there and move their hips.

I would say that some high up police guy got the cold shoulder and this is revenge.

I think the reason they don't "just stand there and move their hips" and they "throw it around properly" is because most of them are so ugly that they need to work that little bit harder. :)


As has been pointed out many times, it is the law here with regards to having your passport on you. Thais have to carry their ID at all times. We have to prove we are in the country legally. The only way to do this is to have your passport on you with a valid visa stamp. It's up to the official on the scene as to whether they will accept other forms of ID or copies, or give you time to go retrieve your documents. In this case, they demanded the original. Not the first time this has happened.

You are wrong. A statement was issued a couple or so months ago by a very senior member of the police that a photocopy is acceptable. He even said he did not expect foreigners to have to carry their passport.

Of course, him declaring something and his men acting on it are two very different things. As you know, each police station. immigration office etc make up their own rules and do whatever they want. Just like in any other Banana Republic.

How some people can read what is right in front of there nose, and come out with a totally different meaning is beyond me.

Nobody ever said it was acceptable for foreigners to walk around without there passport. Nobody! What was said that if you don't have your passport on you, it doesn't mean you will be hauled off to jail right away and be deported. You will be given a chance, usually within 24 hours, to produce your original passport and to prove you are here legally.

But understand that the 2,000 Baht Fine is for not having your Original Passport on you when asked by police or immigration officers. So regardless if you can prove later you are all legal, you can still be Fined. Up-to-them!

I know of one instance when a person decided to go for a morning swim by himself in the ocean, and with only a swim suit, towel, some small cash, and shoes, he left his hotel and passport and went to the beach. As luck would have it the police were doing a police patrol for passport at this beach and he was questioned. He of course couldn't produce his passport or any other documentation.

But instead of hauling this guy down to the police station they decided to go with him to his nearby hotel, where he produced his passport, and thus they decided to let him go. But it didn't have to end this way, and this is the point I am trying to make.


I know a person who has taken a swim everyday since he moved to Phuket 15 years ago. He does not carry his passport with him. He never has been asked to produce it.


When I lived in China there were almost as many Russian etc.. Hoes as there were Chinese, and that is saying something.

They make a killing there because they are white and tall and know how to throw it around properly. Not just stand there and move their hips.

I would say that some high up police guy got the cold shoulder and this is revenge.

You really have a different opinion than I on white and tall and throwing it around.


Please be careful what you post regarding having to carry your passport on you. According to Thai law, you are required to prove you are in the country legally. Thai citizens have to carry their ID at all times. For us, sometimes, a driver's license is OK. Other times, a copy of your passport is fine. But if the officer on the scene decides they want to see your visa stamp, and you don't have your passport, you "could" be fined or taken to jail. As indicated in this article.

Just because you've been here a long time and never had to produce it doesn't mean it's not a requirement. And posting information like this can cause confusion.

It's up to you. Carry it or not. I don't ,but I accept the risk and can get my passport if needed very quickly. People are fined and do get hauled into jail if they don't have their passport on them. Just depends on the situation, the officer on the scene, the position of the sun, moon, stars, etc.

Several posts saying this is not a requirement have been removed from view and future ones will also be removed from view without notice. It's not fair to those new to Thailand to read comments like this and potentially get into trouble. Hope you understand. And yes, Thai officials do make confusing and contradictory statements. Welcome to Thailand.

This is basically good advice, but as has been pointed out the top imigration officials have said that carrying a copy of your passport is acceptable. As a frequent traveller upcountry I have beeen asked to show both dl and passport on numerous occassions and a photocopy of the passport has always been accepted. No problems with banks or hotels either.

However the young ladies in question obviously dont qualify as tourists, so hardly to be expected that they get fined. But it did not say deported, so they will be back imediately. They keep the Chinese amused so they will be around for a long time.


Anything happens for a reason, either someone forgot to grease the gear, or someone stepped on someone else's foot, perhaps one of the "girls" messed with the wrong guy, asking outrageous amounts for shoddy services... If they close all of those Russian "venues", it wouldn't make a dent on my radar as greedy "buy me a drink, you have present for me?" 70kg+ western biatches are not for me...


In my 35 years in the LoS I have never been asked by Police to show my passport; I do keep my driving licence with me; and a PP and visa copy in my car, and can remember ever having to show my licence only about twice.


From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

You need to carry your original passport on you at all times! It has always been this way! So there is nothing confusing about it!

There is just some people who don't like these rules and thus try to avoid them by playing around in the "Grey Area" and carrying Photo Copies or Mobile Phone Copies, instead of there Original Passport. Some get away with this on a Road Side Check, and some don't, as in this raid of this bar.

If you carry your Original Passport on you, and you are here legally, you will not experience any problems. I can't see anything less confusing that this.

And there are some pinheads who have no idea what they're talking about.

When you carry your original passport and it's pickpocketed, it's bad enough. Get it stolen a second time, and the questions from your embassy get harder... When Thailand can protect you from its thieves, I'll think about carrying mine again. Not before. 'Will be happy to explain that to a Thai magistrate & FB the <deleted> out of it if that ever becomes necessary...

But as for the Russians - and the whole pp thing in this case was just a matter of "pretext" for carrying out the desired arrests - 'always expected this day would come for them. When the boys from Bangkok descend, none of the standing "relationships" mean much.


Looks like it's Time for goodbye to the Russians thanks for a decade of pouring cash into the economy. Welcome to the Chinese the new best friend. Thailand "prostitutes" its self to the highest bidder in more than the obvious meaning.


From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

You need to carry your original passport on you at all times! It has always been this way! So there is nothing confusing about it!

There is just some people who don't like these rules and thus try to avoid them by playing around in the "Grey Area" and carrying Photo Copies or Mobile Phone Copies, instead of there Original Passport. Some get away with this on a Road Side Check, and some don't, as in this raid of this bar.

If you carry your Original Passport on you, and you are here legally, you will not experience any problems. I can't see anything less confusing that this.

Some months ago while the Thonglor police was giving problems to foreigners they said it was OK to have a laminated copy of the passport/visa with you.

If even the police tells contrary rules of law then who can we trust?

I hope the General comes on tv telling what the real rules/laws are for all foreigners staying in Thailand. How can wealthy beachtourists carry their passport while going to the beach? They have to leave it at their beachbed while they go swimming?

Also prostitution is illegal in Thailand, there are no ho's right? They even closed down many massage parlors around Sukhumvit when the new sheriff came to town. Are they still closed now or what?

The massage parlours in Sukhumvit were only closed for a few hours. I wouldn't be surprised if these East European places are now back open as well.


So finally someone in high place said enough is enough, time to pay a visit to the russkies Huh?

Those Russian bars were like the elephant in the room for so many years and has put to mockery

any of the immigration/labor department arguments for all foreigners to have WP and valid visas..

As I have previously stated time and again its "selective" police work. Even in the article it was stated that these operations have been going on for years. Maybe there was an imbalance of payments or the Russians just got to uppity for their own good.

From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

I suspect that a very strong message is being sent to the owners and customers of these venues. Remember that interpretation of the rules and laws can be very fluid depending on the message that is being sent to different audiences.

Yes the customers were "selected" as well if they did not have "original" passports. Looks like an all around message going out but in the end the passport issue could scare customers away from Thai bars as well. One more step to boarding them all up and returning happiness to the people.

Please be careful what you post regarding having to carry your passport on you. According to Thai law, you are required to prove you are in the country legally. Thai citizens have to carry their ID at all times. For us, sometimes, a driver's license is OK. Other times, a copy of your passport is fine. But if the officer on the scene decides they want to see your visa stamp, and you don't have your passport, you "could" be fined or taken to jail. As indicated in this article.

Just because you've been here a long time and never had to produce it doesn't mean it's not a requirement. And posting information like this can cause confusion.

It's up to you. Carry it or not. I don't ,but I accept the risk and can get my passport if needed very quickly. People are fined and do get hauled into jail if they don't have their passport on them. Just depends on the situation, the officer on the scene, the position of the sun, moon, stars, etc.

Several posts saying this is not a requirement have been removed from view and future ones will also be removed from view without notice. It's not fair to those new to Thailand to read comments like this and potentially get into trouble. Hope you understand. And yes, Thai officials do make confusing and contradictory statements. Welcome to Thailand.

People say it's not a requirement because ThaiVisa itself asked the police and got an official statement saying it wasn't a requirement to have the original on you at all times. What's the point of getting an official statement from the police if it means nothing? If that's the case, ThaiVisa should have never published the statement.

If the policy has changed, fair enough - perhaps ThaiVisa can, on behalf of its posters, get an updated statement to clarify the issue?



I have been at a loss to understand why the Thai Bar owners have permitted the Russians to openly compete ?

Surely they must have laid complaints with immigration before this ?

Russians also running bars in Samui, and I assume Phuket ?


Please be careful what you post regarding having to carry your passport on you. According to Thai law, you are required to prove you are in the country legally. Thai citizens have to carry their ID at all times. For us, sometimes, a driver's license is OK. Other times, a copy of your passport is fine. But if the officer on the scene decides they want to see your visa stamp, and you don't have your passport, you "could" be fined or taken to jail. As indicated in this article.

Just because you've been here a long time and never had to produce it doesn't mean it's not a requirement. And posting information like this can cause confusion.

It's up to you. Carry it or not. I don't ,but I accept the risk and can get my passport if needed very quickly. People are fined and do get hauled into jail if they don't have their passport on them. Just depends on the situation, the officer on the scene, the position of the sun, moon, stars, etc.

Several posts saying this is not a requirement have been removed from view and future ones will also be removed from view without notice. It's not fair to those new to Thailand to read comments like this and potentially get into trouble. Hope you understand. And yes, Thai officials do make confusing and contradictory statements. Welcome to Thailand.

People say it's not a requirement because ThaiVisa itself asked the police and got an official statement saying it wasn't a requirement to have the original on you at all times. What's the point of getting an official statement from the police if it means nothing? If that's the case, ThaiVisa should have never published the statement.

If the policy has changed, fair enough - perhaps ThaiVisa can, on behalf of its posters, get an updated statement to clarify the issue?


From that article:

However, if Immigration Police suspect an individual to be overstaying in Thailand or being involved in illegal activity, then the individual would be required to produce their original passport promptly.

Deputy Commander Voravat referred to Section 58, which reads as follows:

Any alien who has no lawful document for entering the Kingdom under section 12(1);....under this Act; and has no identification in accordance with the Law on Alien registration, is considered to have entered the Kingdom in violation of the Act.

Entering or staying in Thailand without holding a valid passport and visa/extension is subject a fine and possible prison sentence.


“But if we think a foreigner is involved in illegal activity then we will of course need to see their original passport, this is normal”, said Deputy Commander Voravat.


However, it is always a good idea to have a copy of your passport with you at all times while in Thailand.


From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

As has been pointed out many times, it is the law here with regards to having your passport on you. Thais have to carry their ID at all times. We have to prove we are in the country legally. The only way to do this is to have your passport on you with a valid visa stamp. It's up to the official on the scene as to whether they will accept other forms of ID or copies, or give you time to go retrieve your documents. In this case, they demanded the original. Not the first time this has happened.

If I recall correctly, the head of immigration has actually stated that a copy is acceptable.


From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

You need to carry your original passport on you at all times! It has always been this way! So there is nothing confusing about it!

There is just some people who don't like these rules and thus try to avoid them by playing around in the "Grey Area" and carrying Photo Copies or Mobile Phone Copies, instead of there Original Passport. Some get away with this on a Road Side Check, and some don't, as in this raid of this bar.

If you carry your Original Passport on you, and you are here legally, you will not experience any problems. I can't see anything less confusing that this.

Well I am not going to carry my original passport with me because I do not agree with that rule, I do agree that we should have some form of identity, so I will have my Thai driving licence which has my passport number on it, and if they want to check it, no problem. Oh!, and I am not wearing underpants either.

I have been at a loss to understand why the Thai Bar owners have permitted the Russians to openly compete ?

Surely they must have laid complaints with immigration before this ?

Russians also running bars in Samui, and I assume Phuket ?

I think many would tell you, ...because they were/are paying. But they can't pay off everybody everywhere. When the pros from dover suddenly show up, they trump the locals. That plus the ascendency of the Chinese, Thailand's new BFFs. Russians now past their sell by date.


From that article:

However, if Immigration Police suspect an individual to be overstaying in Thailand or being involved in illegal activity, then the individual would be required to produce their original passport promptly.

Deputy Commander Voravat referred to Section 58, which reads as follows:

Any alien who has no lawful document for entering the Kingdom under section 12(1);....under this Act; and has no identification in accordance with the Law on Alien registration, is considered to have entered the Kingdom in violation of the Act.

Entering or staying in Thailand without holding a valid passport and visa/extension is subject a fine and possible prison sentence.


“But if we think a foreigner is involved in illegal activity then we will of course need to see their original passport, this is normal”, said Deputy Commander Voravat.


However, it is always a good idea to have a copy of your passport with you at all times while in Thailand.

Agreed, a copy is a good idea to have at all times (including the departure card where applicable). It's the fact that these people were arrested for not having their *original* on them whilst out on Walking Street that is annoying everyone. If the police had requested they produce their original at the station then people would understand - that makes sense, but to have the original on you, whilst out drinking in an area that will have a high risk of pick-pockets and such, is just silly, and the official statement above acknowledges that.

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