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California to seize guns without notice from January 1st 2016


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This is a very touchy subject for those of us who have been witnessing the US slowly turning into a complete police state under the guise of more "security".

The purpose of the second amendment is for citizens to be able to protect themselves from a government gone rogue with its cancerous "mission creep" which is reaching epic proportions.

You are wrong.

The second ammendment provides for ownership of guns to be part of a militia.

A militia is not an amosexual who fanticized about saving the world with a closet full of weapons.

As Merriam-Webster defines it:

Full Definition of militia

  1. 1a : a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergencyb : a body of citizens organized for military service

  2. 2: the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service.

So many Americans slept through high school when they should have learned about the constitution and how our government functions.

Another example is all the amosexuals who swear Obama is going to take away their guns.

This can never happen.

Obama, or any other President ( the executive branch of our government) can not make any laws.

Making laws is the job of the legislative branch ( Congress and the House of Representatives).

If anyone ever takes away your guns, it will be your Congress men and women.

Next time you go to school, pay attention.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

This is the wording of the 2nd amendment and it is clearly saying that a militia is essential to the country, therefore the people need to be armed so that they may be able to join a militia. A militia is a non professional 'rag tag army' made up of ordinary members of the public as opposed to a full time standing army.

You have to look at the context when the constitution was written. The founding fathers fought against what they considered tyranny. Their own army (the regular British army) was facilitating this tyranny, so they had to form a militia from the people in order to defeat the regular army. The founding fathers knew that a government could overreach its powers in the future and become tyrannical (they had just experienced that very thing) so they put in a mechanism whereby the people have the right to bear arms and could therefore rise up and fight for their freedom if need be.

You can argue that the 2nd amendment is outdated and doesn't fit in the modern world, but that is another discussion. As it stands, the constitution clearly states that everyone has the right to have firearms.

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The topic is about California taking guns from perceived threatening people. Most states already do that. As far as taking them from everyone:

The US military comprises fewer than 2 million people. By contrast there are more than 100 million Americans who own 300 million guns and God knows how much ammunition. Gun and ammunition sales are still hitting records with gun manufacturers' profits setting records all because of Obama's talk about guns.

Obama is the best gun salesman the US has ever had.

Taking guns wouldn't be nuking the country or even carpet bombing. It wouldn't be knocking down cities with tanks. It would be a door to door exercise that wouldn't succeed. You can do that with one nut such as hinted in the OP, but not with an entire town without making all of it collateral damage.

First you have to convince the individual members of the military that they must be willing to engage in this activity. Most of them would refuse because they believe in 2A. Many would join the civilians.

Next you have to find idiots from the remaining group who are stupid enough to go into neighborhoods with the purpose of confiscating guns. Most American gun owners would know that this is the time to act - the time that the founders planned for.

Police officers would likely stay home and defend their personal guns and rights, too. Many if not most would join the civilians.

Not gunna happen.


All from someone who 'liked' a post with the comment 'Obama is building a private army with the so called "refugees". I mean seriously, why are you and so many of your countrymen so unbelievably paranoid and apparently consumed with hate.

As I would expect, you can't see what's happening in Europe, nor can you project the inevitable consequences. The people have had their power taken by an unelected EU government, the countries have given up their sovereignty, and potentially dangerous people have been let in, in astounding numbers.

That's OK, you don't need to understand why I think citizens should be able to defend themselves. I don't think we'll accomplish anything by arguing. Let's just wait and see what happens.


So far as I'm aware not one EU country has 'given up it's sovereignty'

The executive arm of the EU (the commission) is not elected by the people, not accountable to the people and cannot be voted out by the people. EU directives and laws overide any national laws.

This amounts to a serious lack of national sovereignty and democracy.

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The executive arm of the EU (the commission) is not elected by the people, not accountable to the people and cannot be voted out by the people. EU directives and laws overide any national laws.

This amounts to a serious lack of national sovereignty and democracy.

Posts removed to enable reply.

My post was in reply to NS's incorrect assertion. The fact is EU member countries retain sovereignty over border control regarding asylum seekers / refugee policy. Of course negotiated Treaties / Agreements are agreed, an example being the Dublin Agreement that has collapsed due to non compliance by member countries.

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The topic is about California taking guns from perceived threatening people. Most states already do that. As far as taking them from everyone:

The US military comprises fewer than 2 million people. By contrast there are more than 100 million Americans who own 300 million guns and God knows how much ammunition. Gun and ammunition sales are still hitting records with gun manufacturers' profits setting records all because of Obama's talk about guns.

Obama is the best gun salesman the US has ever had.

Taking guns wouldn't be nuking the country or even carpet bombing. It wouldn't be knocking down cities with tanks. It would be a door to door exercise that wouldn't succeed. You can do that with one nut such as hinted in the OP, but not with an entire town without making all of it collateral damage.

First you have to convince the individual members of the military that they must be willing to engage in this activity. Most of them would refuse because they believe in 2A. Many would join the civilians.

Next you have to find idiots from the remaining group who are stupid enough to go into neighborhoods with the purpose of confiscating guns. Most American gun owners would know that this is the time to act - the time that the founders planned for.

Police officers would likely stay home and defend their personal guns and rights, too. Many if not most would join the civilians.

Not gunna happen.


All from someone who 'liked' a post with the comment 'Obama is building a private army with the so called "refugees". I mean seriously, why are you and so many of your countrymen so unbelievably paranoid and apparently consumed with hate.

As I would expect, you can't see what's happening in Europe, nor can you project the inevitable consequences. The people have had their power taken by an unelected EU government, the countries have given up their sovereignty, and potentially dangerous people have been let in, in astounding numbers.

That's OK, you don't need to understand why I think citizens should be able to defend themselves. I don't think we'll accomplish anything by arguing. Let's just wait and see what happens.


You re right, we can't predict the future.

However if you really want to compare Europe and US gun deaths, road rage killed with guns, family dramas which ended in shooting, well anything related to gun....US has the pole position for a while now...who needs Terrorists when they already have so much citizens shooting at each others

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