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Renew Marriage or Retirement Visa lately?


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I went in mid/late november to renew extension to stay based on marriage...

Went like last year... 2 copies of every thing... every page in my passport that has a thai stamp in it, lease for the house we live in, notary statement from US consulate, documentation to prove income (copies of warrants from my pension fund), pictures, map, etc.

One new wrinkle was that we were required to prove our marriage. Never been asked for this. I mean, we always had to provide copy of our marriage certificate (from USA), and a translation of said copy, but this year, for the first time, they said we needed a paper to prove that said marriage was recognized in Thailand... as in registered at the ampuhur, the officer said.

So, off to the amphur to see if we could "register" our marriage.

Upon arrival, the amphur clerk told my wife that since she had changed her last name to my name, she had to have filed appropriate documents already. Back home, my wife dug thru her copious files and remembered that indeed, we filed some documents many years ago and they were stamped and signed in BKK and sent off to the Foreign Ministry and stamped again there and our marriage was then officially recognized here in Thailand.

So other than this speed bump on our highway of success, it went smoothly, just like last year.

Last year was the first time we were required to provide this marriage authentication form from the amphur, after 16 years of not knowing it even existed. Now that we have it we just make a copy each year. I still say it is best to get information from the source rather than second or third hand.

Sorry Nancy but you don't have the authority to ban me form your Chiang Mai forum the way you have been band from Chiang Mai Immigration.smile.png

. I've had to show that for the last 6 years .
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In my case and others I know locally there is currently a step up in the scrutinity of persons applying for renewal of extensions of stay based on retirement in some provincial districts . It would seem that a period of consideration is applied until a home visiit is carried out. The criteria is not as intensive as for a marrriage extension from what I have been told of that process. Nor do I have any idea if this will be a continuing policy. But I was under the impression that it is being carried out as way to verify the validity of statements as per application and to verify community acceptance of the applicants presence etc. Historically applications for extension based on retirement have been rubber stamped more casually.

A point to note is that information about the criteria for annual stay is possibly being disseminated to the applicants community. Thus infringements of the criteria may result in complaint.

Be nice out there. smile.png

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the retirement extension is clearly more straightforward....many married guys still use that method. You only need one set of copies for retirement....

And double the money in the bank.sad.png

Not necesarily...if you do the combination of income, and money in the bank method.,..
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Think I was pretty clear to anyone who went to immigration recently for what most of us do that is not a rentry, 90 day, tourist or Doctor cert. Even the immigration officials understand these terms. In the spirit of the holiday I'll repeat from my original post "whatever term one wants to use". You can make most of the people happy most of the time ..... It's the holidays lets all sing one of my fav songs "Mai pen rai, be happy smile.png

Didn't take them long did it? First reply, must be a record....yes, we all know what you mean, but its in some people's genes to get the 'extension of stay' remark in first, it used to be smart, but its a little tedious now....

By the way, i'm doing my 'visa extension' (or whatever they want to call it...haha) on the 20th of this month.

Big surprise or maybe NOT!


on line 6 it asks "kind of visa" (I'll leave it at that facepalm.gif)

Would I enter Non-Imm ?

I've heard people talk about "B"s and "O"s too.

I went to Imm yesterday to find out for sure where to go so I wouldn't find myself waiting at 4 a.m. at the wrong place. Told the girl what I intended to do and she asked for my passport and told me to go to Promanada for extending for a year for temporary stay in the case of supporting.

Then spoke to an Imm officer and he said do it there at airport Imm. office.

I didn't want to ask him what I needed for paperwork as last time I was renewing I was told "same as last year" after I gave same as last year and was told I didn't have the correct stuff, as I didn't want to cause any more trouble by asking again this time.

Also interesting was the photo copy girl just made 1 copy of the passport pages and when I asked her and she said only one set is required for annual paperwork.

Few last things, anyone know correct wording for

1. "reason (s) for extension?

2. "period of _________ days "

Cheers, JC

Edited by junglechef
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Think I was pretty clear to anyone who went to immigration recently for what most of us do that is not a rentry, 90 day, tourist or Doctor cert. Even the immigration officials understand these terms. In the spirit of the holiday I'll repeat from my original post "whatever term one wants to use". You can make most of the people happy most of the time ..... It's the holidays lets all sing one of my fav songs "Mai pen rai, be happy smile.png

Didn't take them long did it? First reply, must be a record....yes, we all know what you mean, but its in some people's genes to get the 'extension of stay' remark in first, it used to be smart, but its a little tedious now....

By the way, i'm doing my 'visa extension' (or whatever they want to call it...haha) on the 20th of this month.

Big surprise or maybe NOT!


on line 6 it asks "kind of visa" (I'll leave it at that facepalm.gif)

Would I enter Non-Imm ?

I've heard people talk about "B"s and "O"s too.

I went to Imm yesterday to find out for sure where to go so I wouldn't find myself waiting at 4 a.m. at the wrong place. Told the girl what I intended to do and she asked for my passport and told me to go to Promanada for extending for a year for temporary stay in the case of supporting.

Then spoke to an Imm officer and he said do it there at airport Imm. office.

I didn't want to ask him what I needed for paperwork as last time I was renewing I was told "same as last year" after I gave same as last year and was told I didn't have the correct stuff, as I didn't want to cause any more trouble by asking again this time.

Also interesting was the photo copy girl just made 1 copy of the passport pages and when I asked her and she said only one set is required for annual paperwork.

Few last things, anyone know correct wording for

1. "reason (s) for extension?

2. "period of _________ days "

Cheers, JC

I wish there were some way I could "tag" a post, Junglechef. This is classic and a great response to those who think we're just stupid here in Chiang Mai because we can't fill out a form properly and that we should stop consulting with each other here on ThaiVisa and instead should simply go directly to the Immigration office and ask them directly what additional documents and materials are needed (and in what form) to process our applications.

Maybe it works that way in other provinces, but not here.

For starters, they have college students staffing the so-called "Information" counter. She told you that your extension would be granted at the other office. Fortunately for you, a real Immigration officer was available to give correct information, but for many the college students are the only line of communication and the Immigration officers are either busy or refuse to come to the counter to directly answer questions. And when they do, it's usually as helpful as the info you received "same as last year". Well, that was very helpful, wasn't it? (NOT!)

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It would depend on if you are doing it on a marriage renewal type or just a single person. For marriage you have to go to the airport and for single Promenada.

I do the single. I need a photocopy of all my past extensions plus the passport it's self. Each one of them must be signed. I also need proof of income which I get a paper from the American consulate here in Chiang Mai. I have never been asked for them but I take a copy of my rental contract and the papers with the amount of money I am guaranteed each month. A picture is also required and lately they have been fussy about the size and color background on it. I will next time get one at the overpriced photo shop there as I have gotten to old for the one I have been using and I am sure they will have the color and size correct.

If you are using the money in the bank you need a letter from the bank and your bankbook both must be the same amount of money. Not sure I have heard no older than 3 days and another one said 7 days.

Good luck


I forgot you need the proper form I do not know the number for it. Also it must be filled out in Blue Ink. Other people may have different experiences but this is what I have always done at the Airport and the new office at the Promenada..

The marriage ones I know nothing.

the proper form as you so called it is a TM7 the one you could not fill in correctly.and had to pay out 5000bht for a agent to do,but according to you there is many in the same boat,dont no how to fill in forms,but your still giving advice on visas,???
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One Post Edited - where you live has no bearing on which Forum you can post on. I believe the two posters involved should agree to disagree and stop the Bickering. Both members are valued, and thank you for your contribution.

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It would depend on if you are doing it on a marriage renewal type or just a single person. For marriage you have to go to the airport and for single Promenada.

I do the single. I need a photocopy of all my past extensions plus the passport it's self. Each one of them must be signed. I also need proof of income which I get a paper from the American consulate here in Chiang Mai. I have never been asked for them but I take a copy of my rental contract and the papers with the amount of money I am guaranteed each month. A picture is also required and lately they have been fussy about the size and color background on it. I will next time get one at the overpriced photo shop there as I have gotten to old for the one I have been using and I am sure they will have the color and size correct.

If you are using the money in the bank you need a letter from the bank and your bankbook both must be the same amount of money. Not sure I have heard no older than 3 days and another one said 7 days.

Good luck


I forgot you need the proper form I do not know the number for it. Also it must be filled out in Blue Ink. Other people may have different experiences but this is what I have always done at the Airport and the new office at the Promenada..

The marriage ones I know nothing.

the proper form as you so called it is a TM7 the one you could not fill in correctly.and had to pay out 5000bht for a agent to do,but according to you there is many in the same boat,dont no how to fill in forms,but your still giving advice on visas,???

Get your facts straight. I never paid 5,000 baht. Also read the posts it has been reported many times that the applicants forms are not filled in correctly or the photocopies needed are not there. I filled my form in correctly I just missed one place where it said sign here. All my information was accurate and complete. Had I seen it would have been done in a second.

You are just upset because I do not continually whine like most of the posters here. It is not necessary to know the form number just ask for the permission to stay and they will hold your hand for you. Or you can go in and hold up proceedings while the officer looks over your form and informs you that it is not the right form you have filled in.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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NorthernJohn paid 3000 baht to G4T so that they'd double check his TM7 form, perhaps take his photo and jump the queue for him since they don't have to send their agents out to Prom. early to wait for queue tickets like the other (more expensive) agents do.

No one holds up the processing of retirement visas for others if they've filled in the wrong form because Immigration officials do a very thorough screening before they give someone a queue ticket. They would have caught if someone was using the wrong form. They might not have caught if one copy was lacking, or something hadn't been filled in properly on the form, but they definitely check for major errors, like no income letter or money not being in the bank long enough, trying to do a retirement extension from a tourist visa, etc.

If someone receives a queue ticket, then it's pretty much a guarantee they're going to receive a retirement extension that day. It's just a matter of waiting out the process.

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I did my marrage ext this month , got there at 4 am put my chair out and went back slept in the car. Wife came at 8 30 we were done at 11 am..

I was about to ask what the wait was like at the Airport for an extension of stay as compared to the Promenade. About the same??? Also, how many queue numbers are they handing out per day from extensions based on marriage at the Airport location. Thanks!

Edited by connda
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I went in mid/late november to renew extension to stay based on marriage...

Went like last year... 2 copies of every thing... every page in my passport that has a thai stamp in it, lease for the house we live in, notary statement from US consulate, documentation to prove income (copies of warrants from my pension fund), pictures, map, etc.

One new wrinkle was that we were required to prove our marriage. Never been asked for this. I mean, we always had to provide copy of our marriage certificate (from USA), and a translation of said copy, but this year, for the first time, they said we needed a paper to prove that said marriage was recognized in Thailand... as in registered at the ampuhur, the officer said.

So, off to the amphur to see if we could "register" our marriage.

Upon arrival, the amphur clerk told my wife that since she had changed her last name to my name, she had to have filed appropriate documents already. Back home, my wife dug thru her copious files and remembered that indeed, we filed some documents many years ago and they were stamped and signed in BKK and sent off to the Foreign Ministry and stamped again there and our marriage was then officially recognized here in Thailand.

So other than this speed bump on our highway of success, it went smoothly, just like last year.

For proof of married in Thailand, they want a copy of a Por 2 from your Amphur office. I generally get one dated within 30 days from that date that I apply for an extension.

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I went in mid/late november to renew extension to stay based on marriage...

Went like last year... 2 copies of every thing... every page in my passport that has a thai stamp in it, lease for the house we live in, notary statement from US consulate, documentation to prove income (copies of warrants from my pension fund), pictures, map, etc.

One new wrinkle was that we were required to prove our marriage. Never been asked for this. I mean, we always had to provide copy of our marriage certificate (from USA), and a translation of said copy, but this year, for the first time, they said we needed a paper to prove that said marriage was recognized in Thailand... as in registered at the ampuhur, the officer said.

So, off to the amphur to see if we could "register" our marriage.

Upon arrival, the amphur clerk told my wife that since she had changed her last name to my name, she had to have filed appropriate documents already. Back home, my wife dug thru her copious files and remembered that indeed, we filed some documents many years ago and they were stamped and signed in BKK and sent off to the Foreign Ministry and stamped again there and our marriage was then officially recognized here in Thailand.

So other than this speed bump on our highway of success, it went smoothly, just like last year.

For proof of married in Thailand, they want a copy of a Por 2 from your Amphur office. I generally get one dated within 30 days from that date that I apply for an extension.

yes, but we did not have one and there is a lot of stuff to do to get your first one... fortunately, the docs we filed when she changed the name on her thai national ID card also fulfill this function... and it does not have to be dated within any time frame

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Think I was pretty clear to anyone who went to immigration recently for what most of us do that is not a rentry, 90 day, tourist or Doctor cert. Even the immigration officials understand these terms. In the spirit of the holiday I'll repeat from my original post "whatever term one wants to use". You can make most of the people happy most of the time ..... It's the holidays lets all sing one of my fav songs "Mai pen rai, be happy smile.png

Didn't take them long did it? First reply, must be a record....yes, we all know what you mean, but its in some people's genes to get the 'extension of stay' remark in first, it used to be smart, but its a little tedious now....

By the way, i'm doing my 'visa extension' (or whatever they want to call it...haha) on the 20th of this month.

Big surprise or maybe NOT!


on line 6 it asks "kind of visa" (I'll leave it at that facepalm.gif)

Would I enter Non-Imm ?

I've heard people talk about "B"s and "O"s too.

I went to Imm yesterday to find out for sure where to go so I wouldn't find myself waiting at 4 a.m. at the wrong place. Told the girl what I intended to do and she asked for my passport and told me to go to Promanada for extending for a year for temporary stay in the case of supporting.

Then spoke to an Imm officer and he said do it there at airport Imm. office.

I didn't want to ask him what I needed for paperwork as last time I was renewing I was told "same as last year" after I gave same as last year and was told I didn't have the correct stuff, as I didn't want to cause any more trouble by asking again this time.

Also interesting was the photo copy girl just made 1 copy of the passport pages and when I asked her and she said only one set is required for annual paperwork.

Few last things, anyone know correct wording for

1. "reason (s) for extension?

2. "period of _________ days "

Cheers, JC

I put "retirement" and 365 days. "Retirement" is always part of the vigorous stampmarks in my passport too !

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It is true that there is no "Retirement Visa" or "Marriage Visa" as such. But an initial visa is granted based on the reason for application. Thereafter an annual extension of stay isgranted if accepted based on the same reason for stay. Both the initial Visa and extensions contain the Retirement or Marriage wording to define them because the conditions of stay are not the same. Those on Marriage criteria can also have employment. Those on Retirement are officially deemed Wallflowers !biggrin.png

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OP here, well got my immigration paperwork sorted and it was sure a lot easier then putting up with the nonsense in this thread.

Got my under consideration stamp for my annual extension for temporary stay based on a dependent (that's what is was called yesterday inside the office).

I got to the airport branch of immigration at 4:10 a.m. and stood in the line that says "Thai Family" which had 7 ppl already, an hour later it was twice as long and by 6ish it had around 24 ppl.

The shop with hot coffee and food opened around 6:30 and I had a nice breakfast served with a smile by an immigration officer.

They started handing out tickets at 6:50 and did a quick check of your passport and paperwork, think mainly the form to see if your were in the the right line. Very courteous and efficient employees.

Doors opened before 8:30 and I got called by 10:00 done by 11:30

Needed two of all copies except where noted

2 original TM7 forms filled out w/pics

Passport cover page and all pages with Thai stamp and departure card.

Hand drawn map of home

Original bank letter and one copy

Bank book pages

Child's birth cert.

Pic of me and child

Legal guardian paperwork

Amphur reg. for child

House book for child

House book for me

Mother's ID card

Mother's House book

All copies had to be signed in blue AND name written in blue

1900 tbh

The atmosphere was never calm and the staff seem much more relaxed which made it more pleasant for all with lot's off space and a low level of noise helping.The thorough checking of one's paperwork by a staff member before one sits at a desk is great as it gives one time to run back and make a copy if necessary without holding up the whole process.

On a final note I've already pointed out that the information desk might actually not be well informed as yesterday I asked for a TM-7 form and they gave me a 90 day reporting one and then had no idea what a re-entry stamp was.

I also asked here about the copy staff only making me one set of copies of my passport pages, well as I explained two are required and they didn't even make copies of all the necessary pages (luckily I went to another copy shop afterwards and had extras of everything made just in case, which was the case)

So as I advise with life here one is responsible for themselves so make sure you do whatever is necessary by being responsible for oneself in all matters not matter whom tells you what.

I hope my experience can be of some help to any of you especially those who stay here legally by supporting a Thai child, a topic not discussed often.



As for this thread what a disaster! The amount of misinformation, bickering etc was appalling even after I explained that to some this was an important matter and pleaded for only serious on-topic posts some members kept cluttering the thread with anything but. It's really a shame that Thaivisa has be made a shambles by the actions of what most probably is a small percentage of people who visit the site.

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Correction, a copy of my house book was not required.

Also I'd like to note that though my post was titled

Renew Marriage or Retirement Visa lately?

I actually wasn't doing either but I thought my visa (yep I said it again post-4641-1156693976.gif ) was similar enough to a marriage to cover it but now realize that a marriage might be much more complicated.

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Shame some posters don't know how to read or can't understand a simple explanation and insist on being massive trolls.

Obviously you've never experienced the process of learning in which making a mistake can be a helpful part of never the less being able to admit it.

Many of the posts were of use to me and I appreciate the time, effort and sincerity of those members.

Also Bill97 who said

"It is a shame that topics are started about things that the OP does not need to know about."
I don't only do things that I need but also an happy to help others.
Reading some of these post really makes me wonder about some of the people I share with world with.
Edited by junglechef
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All copies had to be signed in blue AND name written in blue


Seriously?? Blue ink. Jeeeez. Clearly I need two checklists for retirement extensions. One for everywhere else and one for CM.

So far, it seems CM specific extra requirements are:

1) Photo - blue background

2) Photo - exactly 6cm x 4cm (accept it says that on the form but in Phuket and Hat Yai just regular size passport photos are fine - grey or blue background)

3) And now.....blue ink!!!!

Sent using Tapatalk

Edited by Pick of Penang
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Let's try again!

A few personal details to help clear up the confusion for those who are truly trying to be helpful, and I thank and appreciate their effort.

I am renewing for the third time what I believe is can correctly called an annual Extension of a Long Stay based on Supporting a Thai (but perhaps there is a different exact official terminology)

I am single, but am very happily living in sin ( rolleyes.gif ) with my Thai GF whom is also the mother of our son. My son, whom I am father of biologically and in the eyes of the law here, is the Thai citizen whom I support and thus use for legal purposes to stay in the Kingdom.

The stamp says "Application of Stay" in my passport and I think one can have this for being over 50 (retirement visa as it's known between my friends) or supporting a Thai wife or other Thai citizen, my child in my case but not sure about other situations (Marriage Visa as it's known between my friends).

As I am not an expert in these matter and hence asking on this forum but I have successfully legally been allowed to stay in Thailand for 11 yrs being a tourist, student, businessman, retiree and father, all on different forms of Immigration paperwork.

So my question, that hopefully will be clear now (to those who want to admit it understanding it) and especially to those who have done this recently is where did you go, what time, what documentation was required and other helpful tidbits of information of your experience could you share with me please.

Again thanks for the help and wishing everyone a Happy New Years!


As you are not married, how did you legitimize your son ? Because being the father to a child, but not married to the mother has no basis in Thai law.

Did you go to family court or the local amphur to legitimize your son ? (The amphur will normally do it only when the child is 7 years or older).

No probs. Just read the list of paperwork you supplied with your application - my question is answered. :-)

Edited by bigt3116
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