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Only themselves to blame


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Given the title of the thread and the info given in the OP, either;

1. You are outraged that the employer asked if your wife would swap a leave day at a busy time.

2. You are outraged at your wife and Co for "not realising they are being abused" and that they "only have themselves to blame"

3. You just like to be outraged at every non-troversy.

Whichever it is, Thailand probably isn't the best place for you if you are so outraged so easily.

Is there a reason why you keep replying with only a quote and nothing from you?

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Nobody's bitching or whining. It a simple and slightly stimulating thread about Thai culture.

We can all self grandise but who wants to hear it?

It has been made clear that good companies value their employees. That there are employment opportunities for those that want it. Some have good benefits others don't.

Unionisating works if it isn't abused. As Thailand develops it's workforce will benefit. Although abuse and exploitation is rampant. As is the cast system ingrained.

My wife loves her job and has good benefits and more assets than she knows what to do with.

Here's to a happy healthy 2016.

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DM........Tesco's........When the manager or head of department walks bye, why do till staff stop doing their thing and Wai...? Why is that...?

Why do they give you a Wai when they hand you the receipt?

They wai you? Always?

Can't recall a time when they haven't. Maybe it's because I thank them with a smile. biggrin.png I also get the occasional Yin Dee Ka in return.

Edited by Gsxrnz
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Mandatory overtime for over 8 hours a day.

Mandatory 30 days sick days a year

Mandatory 30 days pay per month

Mandatory 15 paid holidays per year

Mandatory 30 days notice to terminate

Mandatory severance pay

Minimum wage has doubled in the last few years

I work for a pretty typical company compensation wise, and everyone gets monthly bonuses and allowances, and an annual bonus of one to four months pay, this year it was 89 days pay.

Yes, working conditions here are hideous.

Worked for some very high profile Thai ( owned and run ) companies, they are the worst to work for in Asia by a mile. The best companies have a high level of western management which attracts really good Thai quality staff, that is, multi nationals.

You are right the benefits are supportive, but good quality staff don't think about those things they just move on.

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Sadly you lack local knowledge. Very difficult to recruit qualified staff. Once employed it is extremely difficult to sack workers.

The contradiction is that employees have the power yet fail to exert it. As mentioned here it's a part of Thai culture to be subservient and agreeable.

You need to talk about this with your Wife .

You seem unhappy with HER choice , a choice that she freely made .

It could be that you are sub consciously annoyed that she choose to go to work, instead of staying home with you

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Ummh. How joyful it is to be able to comprehend the written word.

My impetus to post was the cultural difference related to my wife's international workplace. It's an interesting sounding board, a forum. If you had read the thread, it's obvious.

You may have noticed an underlying class system here. New car, pretention, property bubble, flash bike, personal credit running at 90% of GDP. Yet who's doing all the work?

Women. The yes sir, subservient culture is what it's about. Not you, not my beautiful wife, not my flippant post.

Some have a penchant for squabbling. Some are agreeable regardless and some, from my cultural background ask what if.

Happy holidays.

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Ummh. How joyful it is to be able to comprehend the written word.

My impetus to post was the cultural difference related to my wife's international workplace. It's an interesting sounding board, a forum. If you had read the thread, it's obvious.

You may have noticed an underlying class system here. New car, pretention, property bubble, flash bike, personal credit running at 90% of GDP. Yet who's doing all the work?

Women. The yes sir, subservient culture is what it's about. Not you, not my beautiful wife, not my flippant post.

Some have a penchant for squabbling. Some are agreeable regardless and some, from my cultural background ask what if.

Happy holidays.

What if everyone at the hotel refused to work?

What if everyone at the airport refused to work?

What if everyone at the hospital refused to work?

What if the sewer workers refused to work and no one could flush their toilet for a few days?

Yes, when all else fails, claim moral superiority.

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Ummh. How joyful it is to be able to comprehend the written word.

My impetus to post was the cultural difference related to my wife's international workplace. It's an interesting sounding board, a forum. If you had read the thread, it's obvious.

You may have noticed an underlying class system here. New car, pretention, property bubble, flash bike, personal credit running at 90% of GDP. Yet who's doing all the work?

Women. The yes sir, subservient culture is what it's about. Not you, not my beautiful wife, not my flippant post.

Some have a penchant for squabbling. Some are agreeable regardless and some, from my cultural background ask what if.

Happy holidays.

You will assimilate Newbie.

It just takes time.

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Ummh. How joyful it is to be able to comprehend the written word.

My impetus to post was the cultural difference related to my wife's international workplace. It's an interesting sounding board, a forum. If you had read the thread, it's obvious.

You may have noticed an underlying class system here. New car, pretention, property bubble, flash bike, personal credit running at 90% of GDP. Yet who's doing all the work?

Women. The yes sir, subservient culture is what it's about. Not you, not my beautiful wife, not my flippant post.

Some have a penchant for squabbling. Some are agreeable regardless and some, from my cultural background ask what if.

Happy holidays.

You will assimilate Newbie.

It just takes time.

Or you will be assimilated...

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."

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Mandatory overtime for over 8 hours a day.

Mandatory 30 days sick days a year

Mandatory 30 days pay per month

Mandatory 15 paid holidays per year

Mandatory 30 days notice to terminate

Mandatory severance pay

Minimum wage has doubled in the last few years

I work for a pretty typical company compensation wise, and everyone gets monthly bonuses and allowances, and an annual bonus of one to four months pay, this year it was 89 days pay.

Yes, working conditions here are hideous.

Those would be your particular company work conditions, Not the Thai Labour Dept.

They are all all labor department mandates, except for the last paragraph where I referred to bonuses specific to the company I work for.

Try telling that to the rice field workers of Thailand or the sweat shop workers of Bkk, LOL. Also, vast numbers are self employed in small shops. Affluent company offices in Bkk are not typical of Thailand.

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March 4th 2004, I got off the boat here. There are many newbies, I am not one of them.

Have a goof night.

LOL. That's barely time to scratch the surface. It's almost impossible for any foreigner to know or understand much about Thais/ Thai culture regardless of how long he has spent in LOS.

I have spent decades longer in LOS than you and there is more I don't know than I do know, and I don't expect that to change.

Not for nothing are Orientals known as "inscrutable".

We are all "newbies" to some extent regardless of time spent in LOS.

PS, IMO farangs will get know/ understand as much about Thais as any man will ever know/ understand a woman ie sod all.

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Here in Phuket, It's a small island with a small island mentality. There's a transient population with a mixed bag. Nothing remarkable to figure out. Lots of Chinese social economic influence, rackets, drugs, soap dodgers, unskilled jobs, poverty and the rich and influential. Not a reflection of Thailand but certainly part of it.

Thainess, pfft, no different than any other place on earth that's 543 years in the future.

Have a great day.

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ryanhull, on 02 Jan 2016 - 17:54, said:snapback.png


So to say that Germans are generally taller than Thais is racist?

No, but he never said that.

Sorry, I thought you meant to imply that generalizing in and of itself was bad.

Depends what you are generalizing, but to generalize a whole nation of human beings in a negative manner is not good in my small opinion.

You call me a liar, then figure out you don't know what you're talking and change to the self employed and what your poor wife earns picking rice. Too funny.

You claim you've been here over 30 years, one would think you'd no a little more about the labor laws.

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Mandatory overtime for over 8 hours a day.

Mandatory 30 days sick days a year

Mandatory 30 days pay per month

Mandatory 15 paid holidays per year

Mandatory 30 days notice to terminate

Mandatory severance pay

Minimum wage has doubled in the last few years

I work for a pretty typical company compensation wise, and everyone gets monthly bonuses and allowances, and an annual bonus of one to four months pay, this year it was 89 days pay.

Yes, working conditions here are hideous.

If that is in LOS, it applies to a miniscule number of workers. Most get NO paid overtime, though they do extra work at standard rate, no sick leave, paid only for days worked.

everyone gets monthly bonuses and allowances, and an annual bonus of one to four months pay, this year it was 89 days pay.

555555555555555555555555555 What a laugh. Have you never gotten out of Bkk and talked to people in the villages and small towns where most Thais live?

15 days hols a year, my wife never seems to get that many days holiday- I'll ask her next time I phone her, 30 days notice ditto, severance pay ditto.

If you think the rice workers in Nakhon Nowhere get full minimum wage you need to get a out a bit more.

My wife is from a village in the far north east where they grow rice, so she should know. Now she works for a major Thai company.

OK, so I asked my wife.

She worked for a big Thai company or over 2 years and got about 200 baht severance pay. Yes, she had to give 30 days notice. She only got 7 days a year holiday.

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This is hardly limited to Thailand, the hospitality business world wide is renowned for demanding flexibility from its staff - and when do customers flock to hotels and restaurants? High days and holidays.

So my guess is the OP's wife understands that giving up her own leave during high days and holidays is part of the job.

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Mandatory overtime for over 8 hours a day.

Mandatory 30 days sick days a year

Mandatory 30 days pay per month

Mandatory 15 paid holidays per year

Mandatory 30 days notice to terminate

Mandatory severance pay

Minimum wage has doubled in the last few years

I work for a pretty typical company compensation wise, and everyone gets monthly bonuses and allowances, and an annual bonus of one to four months pay, this year it was 89 days pay.

Yes, working conditions here are hideous.

If that is in LOS, it applies to a miniscule number of workers. Most get NO paid overtime, though they do extra work at standard rate, no sick leave, paid only for days worked.

everyone gets monthly bonuses and allowances, and an annual bonus of one to four months pay, this year it was 89 days pay.

555555555555555555555555555 What a laugh. Have you never gotten out of Bkk and talked to people in the villages and small towns where most Thais live?

15 days hols a year, my wife never seems to get that many days holiday- I'll ask her next time I phone her, 30 days notice ditto, severance pay ditto.

If you think the rice workers in Nakhon Nowhere get full minimum wage you need to get a out a bit more.

My wife is from a village in the far north east where they grow rice, so she should know. Now she works for a major Thai company.

OK, so I asked my wife.

She worked for a big Thai company or over 2 years and got about 200 baht severance pay. Yes, she had to give 30 days notice. She only got 7 days a year holiday.

You don't get severance pay if you give notice, because that is the same thing as resigning. You get severance pay if your employer summarily terminates your employment (after a qualifying period).

The amount of severance you receive increases with time served. 2 years in gets you 90 days pay. 10 years in gets you 300 days pay.

Staff get 13 traditional holiday days per year (from the available 16 dates). After 1 years service they also get an additional 6 days leave.

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Here in Phuket, It's a small island with a small island mentality. There's a transient population with a mixed bag. Nothing remarkable to figure out. Lots of Chinese social economic influence, rackets, drugs, soap dodgers, unskilled jobs, poverty and the rich and influential. Not a reflection of Thailand but certainly part of it.

Thainess, pfft, no different than any other place on earth that's 543 years in the future.

Have a great day.

If your posts are anything to go by, no wonder your wife is working a lot of overtime...................................coffee1.gif

Even without being asked........................

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Why is your wife even working?

If she needs the job and has to work on her day off.. Then she should blame you..

Or it has nothing to do with money, and it's you she's avoiding?

Or you're bored and had nothing better to do??

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Why is your wife even working?

If she needs the job and has to work on her day off.. Then she should blame you..

Or it has nothing to do with money, and it's you she's avoiding?

Or you're bored and had nothing better to do??

It sounds more like he is bored and spends all his time getting his panties in a bunch over other people's business.

As far as we know his wife has no problem with working. You would think after being in Thailand for as long as he says he has been that he wouldn't let the little things upset him so much.

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Why is your wife even working?

If she needs the job and has to work on her day off.. Then she should blame you..

Or it has nothing to do with money, and it's you she's avoiding?

Or you're bored and had nothing better to do??

May be he hasn't a paid for wife, like most of the members here.

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The OP is an example of why western society is c**p now. Everyone in it for themselves and everyone with their hand out. It's why as a rule only older people that grew up with a sense of service volunteer to help others, despite being treated like unwanted scum by the country's bureaucrats.

BTW, my wife works for a large Thai company, and I agree that the working rules lag far behind the west eg only 1 day off per week, but that's the way it is in LOS. If any woman in LOS doesn't like the working conditions, they are always able to go to Bangla and mint it for lying around.


The OP can take 'his' western values and poke them.

Obviously still bruised by Maggie kicking his socialist ass.

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