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Hello everyone,

I know to some it may be an uncommon first post. But I will be visiting Bangkok for a couple of days (going for vacation) and have a few Lipomas on my arm that I would like removed.

Could anyone recommend a doctor?

What type of documents would I need? Would anyone know the average price for getting Lipomas removed?


I would suggest you request this be moved to the medical section as most medical care is done in Bangkok and those with the medical knowledge are found there.

You may want to advise if causing more than cosmetic issues and if positive diagnosis has been made (you may want to bring). Although cosmetic skin clinics are common here believe it is always best to use hospital facilities for any operating procedures as a safety measure. I have only had liposuction and that was not expensive - but followup growth required several steroid shots (can not feel at all now for last year). Surgery can be expensive when performed by plastic surgeon. For small cancer growths have paid 25-30,000 baht package price.


Unless any of these are located near the wrist area or hand, can be done by a general or plastic surgeon. If you have a report confirming they are just lipomas that is useful but it's likely pretty obvious.

As you are doing it for cosmetic reasons, you are likely eager to minimize scarring so a plastic surgeon, while more expensive, would be advisible.

I really like this doctor at Bumrungrad and find him very candid and open: https://www.bumrungrad.com/doctors/Teerasit-Sripanidkulchai

Be sure to ask if it can be done under local as an outpatient as it will save a great deal of money. Should be possible unless they are very deep.


Thank you Sheryl. By any chance do you know how long the process will take? As I'm going for vacation I would like to get it done as soon as possible so I can get back to enjoying the beautiful country. For a surgery like this do you know if I can't go out the day off or the day after, or do I have to stay in for a couple of days to heal?


Depends on the doctor's schedule and also on whether they are deep requiring a general or can just be done under local. Assuming the latter, it might be possible to have it done the same day you initially see the doctor or the day after. If you make an appointment for first thing in the morning it will improve the chances of doing it same day as they can then slot you in at any point where there is a gap between patients.

You can go about your normal activities immediately afterwards (well, as soon as the local anesthetic wears off - with multiple lipomas they might do a block that numbs the entire arm), just need to keep the incision sites covered with a sterile dressing. Swimming will be restricted until the incisions heal (10 days - 2 weeks usually) but pretty much all else should be OK. You'll have a follow up appointment in 7-10 days to remove the sutures.


Well other option would be to schedule the surgery just before you go home. No problem with flying. Could see the doctor on arrival and set it up. The go to the beach first!

Suture removal can be done back home


Thanks again for your quick responses Sheryl.

Just an update. I emailed the clinic. They want pictures and from there they will provide prices. In Canada they quoted me $350 per lipoma removal, which is very expensive (for me atleast)

Now I have a question, are they asking for pictures because they want to rip me off? Not sure why they don't have a listed price.

My friends are also concerned saying it's a bad idea to get them removed in Thailand. But to me a good doctor/surgen is a good doctor/surgen regardless of where they are


In CM, the private hospital that has a cosmetic dept (CM RAM) charges approx 3,000bht for up to 5 spots.

Walk in service, you point out the lumps you want removed, they take you into surgery and cut them out.

Done using a laser and scalpel.

The doctor had a little book in English, showing me exactly what each lump was (one lipoma, one Cherry angiomas).

Unbelievably painless and quick.

(You didn't specify the size, mine was very small, no stitches needed, might be more if bigger)

I had to wait 1 hour to see the doctor, then wait another 15 minutes while they prepped the room for surgery.

Injections all around the spots (one on my neck, one on my back), cut and burn the bigger one, burn the small one.

Finished in 15 minutes.

Had it done last year.

What documents did I need?

3x 1,000bht notes.


It is understandable that they want pictures as they need some idea of the size and location. This eill influence type of anesthetic, whether an office procedure or needs OR etc.

However I do find it often best to not come into these hospitals as an overseas tourist. It does tend to up costs. Hence suggestion that you just book an appointment and discuss with the doctor directly.


In CM, the private hospital that has a cosmetic dept (CM RAM) charges approx 3,000bht for up to 5 spots.

Walk in service, you point out the lumps you want removed, they take you into surgery and cut them out.

Done using a laser and scalpel.

The doctor had a little book in English, showing me exactly what each lump was (one lipoma, one Cherry angiomas).

Unbelievably painless and quick.

(You didn't specify the size, mine was very small, no stitches needed, might be more if bigger)

I had to wait 1 hour to see the doctor, then wait another 15 minutes while they prepped the room for surgery.

Injections all around the spots (one on my neck, one on my back), cut and burn the bigger one, burn the small one.

Finished in 15 minutes.

Had it done last year.

What documents did I need?

3x 1,000bht notes.

Thank you,

I have 2 "bigger" size ones and the rest are "small"

Were you able to go out right after? Do you have a website and or contact number for the place you went to and if you don't mind me asking when did you get yours removed?

I'm assuming CM is Chiang Mai?

Thanks again and thank you Sheryl

  • 1 year later...

One caveat - lipomas do not need to be removed unless thay are causing pain or other difficulty.


So they might not agree to do removal unless there is a clear reason why.

  • 5 weeks later...

Very late response. But I just wanted to update the thread. I had about 10 lipomas removed. Ended up being a lot cheaper than I thought. Came to around $400. In Canada they wanted to charge $300 to remove one lipoma. It would have costed over $3000. I got a trip and lipomas removed for cheaper.


This was done in Chaingmai


Sorry about the late reply.

It was at Chiangmai Ram Hospital, I don't recall the doctor's name. I had to go in and book an appointment. Spoke to the doctor, he told me what I needed to bring.


I think the whole procedure took about an hour. They couldn't remove with lazer as my lipomas were too big for that procedure. So I was told to go to the main floor and book and appointment 

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