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Topless foreign tourists educated, fined by Phuket police

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Happy New Year...was probably all they were trying to express. wai2.gif

Girls just want to have fun,

and since a lot of men walk into banks,

shopping centers, and restaurants without their shirts on,

it should be allowed for the women to do the same, no?

I'm hopeful we can agree it's a better view on the women side gigglem.gif

Well most of us can.

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They do this deliberately to gain publicity, get themselves a name on the media and show off to their mates. To them it`s just a laugh and the 500 baht fine means nothing, money well spent as far as they are concerned.

A prison sentence or a heavy fine would have been more appropriate otherwise this behavior is going to gain more popularity in the future.

So you object to lovely young females showing off their boobies????????


My, how can you mistake puritanical Phuket with the French Riviera? Lol At least the lass sitting in the picture was taking it all in stride. 500 THB fine, and the BIB get a free show. rolleyes.gif


At last the Thai's now know how to get educated....walk around topless and someone will pull you in for education !

I see topless Thai men around town and in the village all the time. And culturally, it was the norm until puritanical Christian missionaries hit the shores of Thailand and convinced the Thai Hi-So of the time to dress European, i.e. cover-up and be modest. Thais don't even know their own cultural history. Modest dress is adopted European culture, not authentic Thai culture. What a laugh. clap2.gif I've walked around without a shirt on and the only persons I've offended are puritanical farang, who I've basically told to mine their own business. The Phuket governor has made it a priority to mark all 'topless' farang, male and female, as targets for reeducation. No problem. Never been to Phuket for all the obvious reasons, no plan to ever go.


A good stoneing is what these girls need or if been in Saudi they might have had hand cut of or would it be something else cut off. Naughty to do this in Thailand show some respect girls you are not at home now.


They do this deliberately to gain publicity, get themselves a name on the media and show off to their mates. To them it`s just a laugh and the 500 baht fine means nothing, money well spent as far as they are concerned.

A prison sentence or a heavy fine would have been more appropriate otherwise this behavior is going to gain more popularity in the future.

Jee, Your a bit of a prude sour puss an't you ,,,You see a lot more than some titty on Western Beaches,,,Anyway if you don't want to see titty don't look and hide from the modern world giggle.gif


Thailand is the world's biggest brothel, an now this! Pure hypocrisy, covered by "Thai culture".

Garbage Korea and Taiwan have a far higher level of prostitution thatn Thailand


They do this deliberately to gain publicity, get themselves a name on the media and show off to their mates. To them it`s just a laugh and the 500 baht fine means nothing, money well spent as far as they are concerned.

A prison sentence or a heavy fine would have been more appropriate otherwise this behavior is going to gain more popularity in the future.

you joking?

And btw. A friend of mine who has been in Bangkok in 1935 as a sailor told me that at that time all the women were topless.

So far to "Thai culture"


It may be a tourist area but it is against the law to expose oneself in public- The same rule applies on the beach in Los Angeles, Ca; Acupulco, Mexico and many other spots around the World. these girls are stupid- one day they may need a job- and their prospective employer will be harpy to see their bodies via the internet and pass on their hiring. In the US, you could be arrested for indecent exposure and in same jurisdictions you end up having to register as a sex offender. you rarely see Thai women- even bar workers- expose themselves in public. Tourists need to respect the culture of the country they are in or find somewhere else to parade about in the nude.

"In the US, you could be arrested for indecent exposure and in some jurisdictions you end up having to register as a sex offender..." Florida comes to mind.

The says a lot about the stupidity of US laws and how overly obsessed the average citizen is about anything sexual, although it's perfectly OK to show two people engaged in what amounts to soft-porn on most US cable TV series, for example, check out The Wire. It seems you can't have a good plot line unless their is sex in the storyline. And American's eat it up. American's are truly a perverse and conflicted lot. Pee in public on the side of the highway and you can end up a sex offender. If that was the case in Germany or Thailand, they would have half the population in jail or wearing a tracking bracelet. It's absolutely insane. But I don't live there anymore so I don't care. I doubt that any Thai cop is going to bat an eyelash over peeing on the side of the road. But if they did, it would still be a 500 baht fine.


If it was in a temple, ok, but fining some tourists having fun after drinking is double standard at it's best again.

It's a tourist island. When a country decides to make their money from tourism they should be aware that this will mean giving up their old prudish life style.

It's not possible to be a beach island and only expect 'normal' tourists to visit. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Women who are showing their breasts without asking for money was probably too shocking, 555

si fueris Rōmae, Rōmānō vīvitō mōre; si fueris alibī, vīvitō sicut ibi ‎(“if you should be in Rome, live in the Roman manner; if you should be elsewhere, live as they do there”)

Thailand is a major tourist destination for people to see Thailand and the Thai people - as they are. Thailand encourage it and sure, benefit from it. What Thailand has to do (and actually doing it) is make sure there is enough accommodation to cater for tourists, there are enough food places, lots of activities and so on. It is not in their interest nor duty to change their beliefs or "giving up their old prudish life style" for this. I am sure that when you have guests staying at your home they also have to adhere to your house rules

My guests don't pay when they come to my house so yes, of course they abide to my rules. If they were paying guests on the other hand I would have to adjust and give them a saying too.

Most tourists come to TH for it's beaches and perhaps a Pad Thai and Curry, not for Thai people in general. They come here to holiday and feel free because that's what the holiday brochure promises people. If they wanted prudishness and boredom they would've went to Langkawi instead.

I respect your point and agree with it to a certain extend but to me it always seems that TH is making billions on tourism but at the same time looking down on them and that doesn't add up.

Thais must also remember that it was tourism that pulled them out of the agricultural society they were, with a lot of poverty, into a service society with SUV's and 4 bedroom houses.

Tourists deserve respect and big smiles because the customer is always king. smile.png


Those terrible nudity crimes need to be stopped! The officers are right this should be number ONE priority in Thailand, since there's nothing else going on in regards to crimes, countrywide... cowboy.gif


Disappointed. A very good clickable headline, followed by no pictures of the topless girls with the police pointing at them.

Very disappointed I am.

What is journalism coming to?


Thailand is the world's biggest brothel, an now this! Pure hypocrisy, covered by "Thai culture".

Yes sadly true. Thai police make yet another great leap forward in solving serious crime. The crime was funny but the way it was approached and handled well only a face saving measure. There is so much more serious and I mean serious crime out there going unaddressed while the BIB spends valuable time and manpower on crap like this. Incredible.Bring the Keystone Kops back and let them "educate" the BIB.


one post showing nudity hidden

Forum Rule - Thaivisa forum seeks to protect children and other at risk groups from exploitation on the internet. Images and videos which might appear to be inappropriate or exploitative will be removed and the member will receive a warning.


My guess is that if that happened in Australia the driver of the car would be charged under Hooning Laws. Probably a $2000 fine and the car impunded for 6 months. THe girls charged with having parts of their body out of a vehicle and seat belt offences say 1500 each. THe driver would also not have a licence for say a year.


Martin and Prymann have now been educated in Thai culture and fined B500 each for indecent exposure.

There is more than one Thai culture around here. This is presumably the official Prayut/Prem version rather than the actual thing as practiced by many Thais from the very top downwards.


As long as they stayed here I'm sure that wasn't a one off. It doesn't matter where they are from they should respect the culture. I meet girls like these all the time in bars and clubs dying to show their breasts to locals. But where is your head when you are in public and the possibility of children witnessing this disrespectful behavior?


Come on people, get real. Showing in a bar or pub in Thailand or anywhere else is one thing- but showing your junk in a public arena is not permitted and shows a complete disregard for other people's sensitivities. These girls are narcissistic and somehow believe that this is having fun. It maybe fun to some people- but the community which is Thailand says it is not and thus they were arrested and fined. They don't belong in jail but I would suggest some psychological counselling. Also, those who enjoy staring and applauding may want to look up the definition of voyeurism. Comparisons to men walking shirtless are spurious. However, a tourist visiting a country should not walk on the street uncovered whether male or female. Whatever happened to decency and being polite. Oh, I forgot, that is not part of the new generation lifestyle and that is why most of you are unemployed or underemployed.

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