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Chevrolet Main Dealer Repairs - “ What could go wrong ! “

If a Chevrolet Main Dealer diagnoses your car problem incorrectly and changes lots of parts, even changes the same parts twice in a period of six months apart and this still doesn’t fix your problem, then, you MUST Pay for what I believe was their mistaken and bad diagnosis ! I asked a Chevrolet main dealer for a refund for parts which I considered were changed erroneously, parts which didn’t solve my problem, but a refund was declined.

My car has had a problem for over 6 months, that is, engine was stuttering as if running on 3 cylinders, but only when the engine was first started and then clearing after 1 minute. Six months ago I took the car to a Chevrolet main dealer, they changed electrical ignition parts, but the problem was not resolved. Six months later the car was taken back for exactly the same problem, to the same dealer, the same electrical ignition parts were changed yet again and also were other engine sensors. The car was returned to me ‘as repaired’ several times and then immediately had to be taken back to Chevrolet as the problem was still not solved, there was no improvement. In this loop of ineffective repairs, each time new electrical parts were requested for changing and they were approved, I had presumed I was receiving expert advice from Chevrolet. Eventually the Chevrolet main dealer called me and told me the problem was a problem with the car engine's cylinder head. This final diagnosis was in my opinion the only original fault on my car and the previous ignition component replacements were but incorrect guesses. I understand that to find a car fault; it is often necessary to change parts to identify the cause, but I do not expect customers to be invoiced for parts which are not necessary to resolve their problem. Please note, I asked only for a refund for erroneous parts changed, and not the charges for labor.

Having been declined a refund, I contacted Chevrolet Head Office, Customer Services Division with a detailed description, and this was their response:

Because, I had authorized their Chevrolet main dealer to change all the parts that were replaced, thus the onus fell on me to pay for them. I then asked Customer Services, in the event of a bad diagnosis of faults is the customer still liable to pay for such a mistake or does any responsibility fall on the dealer ? I have asked this question at least 3 times and have not received an answer. I explained to Head Office Customer Services that I had expected a professional diagnosis and did not expect to be charged erroneously, my authorization for the purchase of parts was but a financial limit approval based only upon what I had presumed was an expert diagnosis. Never, was I ever told during authorization approval calls that the replacement of these parts was not a guarantee to resolve my problem, but simply a fault finding guess.

Summary from my conversations with Customer Services, Chevrolet Head Office.

Chevrolet Head Office Customer Services have not arbitrated, nor passed an engineering opinion, nor stated if a customer should be responsible to pay for parts erroneously changed. Chevrolet Head Office Customer Services have implied that a customer is responsible for erroneous parts changed. They refer me to talk to their main dealer who so far declined to refund and states that all parts changed were essential changes.

Chevrolet Head Office Customer Services were informed that I retained all the changed parts and that these parts could be either tested, or returned and replaced as they were originaly fitted and this would confirm their condition and their absolute need for replacement. Chevrolet Head Office Customer Services has not expressed any comment to this proposal.

Chevrolet Head Office Customer Services have contacted me by phone, but have declined my request to reply to me in writing with their response.

Chevrolet Head Office confirm that in this case they do not support a refund, even if the parts were changed in error.

Car was serviced at Chevrolet, Pattaya, Thailand.


Why did you authorise them to replace parts that had already been replaced?

The second/subsequent times you went back you should have told them specifically NOT to replace any parts that had already been replaced.

On you first visit you should have asked them for their diagnosis before any parts were replaced, and only if satisfied with the diagnosis should you have agreed to any replacements. The parts they replaced (sensors etc.) can be tested for faults, usually with an electrical load test or similar.

There is no doubt they have been negligent in their diagnosis, but I don't think you did as much as you could to protect yourself from their expectable lack of professionalism. However, I'd expect them to come to the party with some sort of agreed settlement.

So what was the actual problem? I can't think of any cylinder head issue that would give your symptoms, except maybe a valve or fuel injection problem, and they aren't the cylinder head per se.


Why did you authorise them to replace parts that had already been replaced?

The second/subsequent times you went back you should have told them specifically NOT to replace any parts that had already been replaced.

On you first visit you should have asked them for their diagnosis before any parts were replaced, and only if satisfied with the diagnosis should you have agreed to any replacements. The parts they replaced (sensors etc.) can be tested for faults, usually with an electrical load test or similar.

There is no doubt they have been negligent in their diagnosis, but I don't think you did as much as you could to protect yourself from their expectable lack of professionalism. However, I'd expect them to come to the party with some sort of agreed settlement.

So what was the actual problem? I can't think of any cylinder head issue that would give your symptoms, except maybe a valve or fuel injection problem, and they aren't the cylinder head per se.

All good in hindsight, but I believe most people would have little choice but to trust a main dealer to be doing the right thing.


Maybe you can follow-up with a complain to the Consumer Protection Agency. Sometime they seem to get result according to articles published in Thailand newspapers.


I had a Captiva and similar situations to yours occurred to me. IMO, Chevy has expanded too fast thus leaving their technicians untrained thus leading to incorrect analysis. It got so bad with the lack of communication, etc. that I now drive a CRV with great Honda service.

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