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Our condo pays the security guard 35k baht/pm

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If you go to PCS, ISS, Securitas etc for security guards in BKK the quoted prices are about 20 for a guard and 25 for a supervisor.

If you want one of there better guards with a smatering of English they go up to 35K or above. Obvuiously the guards do not get all of that, but the companies are businesses and need to make money. They need to pay their better guards well or they will go work in hotels.

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whistling.gif The residence I live in here uses security ( 24 hours a day, 2 shifts each day) who also work at a nearby shopping mall that work for a Thai security firm contracted by the shopping mall.

I don't know their salaries, but such "outside extra work" is a common practice in Thailand.

If you are Thai and have a family, often that is the only way you can earn enough to support your family.

I know policemen who have desk jobs at a police station, but drive taxis on the weekends to earn some extra money.

That is the reality of working life for many working Thais.

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My housing estate hires guards directly and we pay them directly. Based on the contribution each house makes, divided by the number of guards, it's works out that they are each getting just over 30K each per month.

I think they are worth it though. Always friendly and patrolling the place, getting rid of dangerous snakes and looking after the kids as they play in the streets. It takes a load of my mind.

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My housing estate hires guards directly and we pay them directly. Based on the contribution each house makes, divided by the number of guards, it's works out that they are each getting just over 30K each per month.

I suspect that if you investigate the estate accounts properly you will find that something somewhere is being creamed off, or maybe kick-backs are being paid to ensure continued employment.

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