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Dealing with dogs

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Instead of reading the posts of clueless fools, try being nice to the dogs. They're far easier to win over than the scum posting in this thread.

Try being nice to one with rabies and let us know how you get on, or ask them nicely not to bark all day and night, stop crapping all over the place and stop fighting and weeing up your tyres, I'm sure they will respond in the proper manner

You encounter rabid dogs often do you? Sometimes it's better to say nothing than something nonsensical

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If you have the risk to get beaten by a soi dog...will be better to go to a hospital and get a 2 shots preventive rabies vaccination. Avoid to walk over a dog pack. Dogs get more aggressive when in groups..It is a typical "wolf" behavior. If just one attack...will be followed by all

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I haven't noticed dogs during the daytime being aggressive. Night is a different matter because they tend to congregate in packs. A water pistol with reasonably strong ammonia will soon deter them.

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Patting them and giving them treats.... yep sounds good in theory, but so does invading a country to free its people... I'm not sure about the dogs in your area, but the ones I see are disgusting looking creatures. They are scabby diseased looking things, and I have seen several that appear to have been scalped... Maybe from being hit by a car while sleeping on the road, as they are so stupid, and have no idea of getting out of the way. While I don't advocate being cruel to animals, some of these animals should be put down, and the rest should be sterilised, so that the remaining ones will hopefully be looked after, this to me, means housed in a fenced in yard, feed and cleaned. I do find Soi dogs to be a huge negative of Thailand.

I find some of the expats far more of a negative than the Soi dogs

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Some good advice here but not so easy when plodding along on a motorbike and suddenly get ambushed by a pack of dogs, especially at night. There is no time to stop and take up arms and difficult to take the hands off the bike while fighting off the dogs and If the rider falls off the dogs would probably tear him to pieces. This has happened to me and in panic have gone full throttle nearly crashing. Scary.

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I love a good dog blog but this isn't one. Soi dogs that have no owner is just a small part of a developing country's journey towards first world status. 50 years ago UK allowed dogs to roam causing accidents, disease and pollution. Thailand will eventually get round to dealing with it in a hundred years' time when they've sorted out the crooked cops/politicians issues.

I don't know what part of the UK you come from but it certainly didn't happened where I lived, where my friends lived and in the main town. Dogs, if seen regularly, not without an owner were reported and police took them away. Any dog that attacked anyone would be 'put down' if caught and that even happened to dogs with owners if. Thai Soi dogs are a completely different issue, and culture is involved.

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I've never been afraid of dogs, by the way I have had a Mastiff I guess it helps...smile.png

but read thisOP http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/880119-expat-killed-by-dog-in-lamai/

Here in Samui we take care for one month of a little dog because the Thai owner, a woman, had a problem with his neighbour who disliking the little beast's barks, twice throw a knife to it sad.png

On our Moo there is no dogs at all but one German shepherd whose expat owner went home in Europe,without giving a damn for his dog.

Our new little dog is a female only 5 month old, 3 days ago the German shepherd bit it with no warning, my wife saw it from the terrace.

That's a bite to kill:


So yes a few dogs are more dangerous than other, this picture and the sad link to expat killed by dog in Lamai is a good proof

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almost mauled,by dogs with no owners on his mooban,havent you got any security?

i almost got bitten once by a bitch on 2legs.

we have 24 hour security, the guards feed the dogs! Mrs got mauled by one last year nasty and 5 hospital visits. They were still feeding the dog who it turned out had bitten 4 other people in the previous 2 weeks.

get rid of them J,the guards i mean,you help to pay their wages.our mooban has only 50houses but we never see any strays come past the security post.

since we got rid of the previous guards.

we are on our third lot of guards in 18 months, unfortunately they have all been Thai! We did get the amphur van round to collect 12 of them about a year ago but they tend to come in again, the dogs not the guards.

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Instead of reading the posts of clueless fools, try being nice to the dogs. They're far easier to win over than the scum posting in this thread.

Try being nice to one with rabies and let us know how you get on, or ask them nicely not to bark all day and night, stop crapping all over the place and stop fighting and weeing up your tyres, I'm sure they will respond in the proper manner

You encounter rabid dogs often do you? Sometimes it's better to say nothing than something nonsensical

One last year, Thais rightly smashed it's head in with metal poles

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Happy to report I deal with this all the time....just carry a size Large rock in my shorts....let the dog come up to try and bite me and knock it for a loop with a king size fast ball to the head....did one mutt in today along 3rd Road....was a thing of beauty....????

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Why do Thais keep dogs?

Most of the owners I know love their dogs and treat them really well - I do know of a few exceptions but they are rare… I would say any time people make a generalization about people they are going to raise the fur on my back...

Thais keep dogs for much if the same reasons that dogs are beloved the world over...

What you seem to be talking about are stray dogs - they can run in packs and can be a bit frightening to encounter on rare occasion. Stray dogs have nothing to do with Thai dog owners…

Just does not make any sense that you bash dog owners and then say that the dogs that bother you have no owner…

Where do you live?That is the most inaccurate rubbish post i have read on this forum in 9 years . You are either stupid or a liar. Thais might care for their dogs but never look after them ,ever. Probably 99.9% never wash their dogs , buy dog food for their dogs , stop them wandering on the roads .

I live in a village ,all the stray dogs are in the temple but the roads are full of dogs. I cannot walk 300 metres to the shop because of dogs who`s owners dont even look when their dogs attack me . 3 house with 12 dogs on the way to the shop . When 1 dog barks they all come running .When i hit them the thai moron owners get angry with me .I cannot walk . ride my bicycle anywhere in thailand except the city. I have been rscued by pickup twice when i first came here and thought it was ok to walk .Both times around 25 dogs around me once at night . terrifying. Turn left from my house and 2 houses with 14 dog on the road all the time . 7 accidents i have seen because of these dogs, 2 fatalities. I have been knocked of my motorbike by these dogs.

Last 2 accidents last week . A woman hit one of them and is in hospital with head injuries . The dog was lying on the road with a broken back and howling in pain . After a couple of houirs i went up there with a hammer and asked the moron woman could i put it out of its misery . She went crazy with me . Dog took about 30 hours to die and i had to listen to it howling. A couple of days ago dog ran on the road car braked pick up hit the car .

Every day i put my son on a bus and pick him up and usually there about 15 mins a time . I watch the cars and motorbikes drive around these dogs on the road everyday . Usually about 5 or 6 of them just playing on the road.

THAIS LOOK AFTER THEIR DOGS not a chance and everybody else in thailand knows this except you

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almost mauled,by dogs with no owners on his mooban,havent you got any security?

i almost got bitten once by a bitch on 2legs.

we have 24 hour security, the guards feed the dogs! Mrs got mauled by one last year nasty and 5 hospital visits. They were still feeding the dog who it turned out had bitten 4 other people in the previous 2 weeks.

get rid of them J,the guards i mean,you help to pay their wages.our mooban has only 50houses but we never see any strays come past the security post.

since we got rid of the previous guards.

Yep I'm the same. Small gated village and no stray dogs come in, but there are a few owners in the village that let their little yappy dogs roam around and into my yard, crapping everywhere and nicking the odd shoe.

Being an ex cricketer, they've all found out that my right arm hasn't failed with age. The best one was a little mutt that I caught having a crap on my driveway. I just happened to have a small can of deodorant in my hand to add to my golf bag.

Mutt looks at me with that " what you gonna do about it" look. A full can on the snout from 20 paces at 90MPH soon sorted him out.

Now all the roaming dogs always scoot past my gate on the far side of the road with a wary look on their face. The odd raised arm soon reminds them not to cross my path.

Edited by Gsxrnz
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Patting them and giving them treats.... yep sounds good in theory, but so does invading a country to free its people... I'm not sure about the dogs in your area, but the ones I see are disgusting looking creatures. They are scabby diseased looking things, and I have seen several that appear to have been scalped... Maybe from being hit by a car while sleeping on the road, as they are so stupid, and have no idea of getting out of the way. While I don't advocate being cruel to animals, some of these animals should be put down, and the rest should be sterilised, so that the remaining ones will hopefully be looked after, this to me, means housed in a fenced in yard, feed and cleaned. I do find Soi dogs to be a huge negative of Thailand.

I find some of the expats far more of a negative than the Soi dogs

I don't disagree, but I haven't often been set upon by an aggressive bunch of expats up a dark soi trying to bite me. Now ladyboys, that's a different story!!

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Instead of reading the posts of clueless fools, try being nice to the dogs. They're far easier to win over than the scum posting in this thread.

Try being nice to one with rabies and let us know how you get on, or ask them nicely not to bark all day and night, stop crapping all over the place and stop fighting and weeing up your tyres, I'm sure they will respond in the proper manner

You encounter rabid dogs often do you? Sometimes it's better to say nothing than something nonsensical

You can't tell if they're rabid or not.

l'd rather not take the risk.

l've had a small pack follow me on my morning walk & l was distinctly apprehensive l can tell you.

Like the idea of the ammonia bottle.

l've been carrying one of those shock guns as the noise frightens them off.

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I don't think Thais are any better or worst than we are with dogs. Perhaps some difference is they won't allow a dog into the house an thus outside to bark all night.

What I noticed a lot in Jomtien and the dogs running wild there is I never saw a City Dog Catcher. Anyone employed by the city to pick up stray dogs. Dogs are also not Registered here either.

To curb the over population of dogs in Gdansk Poland the city came out with new laws. They made it mandatory that all dogs must be Registered and then made the Registration Fee quite expensive. Next, all dogs caught on the street by the Dog Catcher were taken to the kennel for a week.

If your dog was Registered you were called and also given a Fine to pay, whether you showed up to claim your dog or not. If it was not Registered and you came to claim it, you were also Fined but also made to Register your dog as well. If you did not claim your dog his life expectancy was very limited. Over time this seemed to keep the dogs off the streets at night but more importantly less people owned dogs as it was more expensive and the ones that did not so many.

So 2 of the problems with dogs in Thailand is no Dog Catcher and No Registration. The third problem is that I notice Thais don't have there dogs neutered or spayed. None that I know of anyway. This does add to the population problem of unwanted dogs. Not sure what can be done about that expect perhaps offer free services and educate Thai People on the harm of not doing that.

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Instead of reading the posts of clueless fools, try being nice to the dogs. They're far easier to win over than the scum posting in this thread.

Try being nice to one with rabies and let us know how you get on, or ask them nicely not to bark all day and night, stop crapping all over the place and stop fighting and weeing up your tyres, I'm sure they will respond in the proper manner

Absolutely. How do you know if that lovely friendly dog running after you is not rabid?

Come on Thailand, catch up to the rest of the world and tackle this public health problem!

Edited by bheard
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Try this: next time you encounter them stay still and stand tall like you own the place and most importantly stay absolutely calm. Dogs feed off your energy, if you don't give them any emotion to feed off, like fear or anger they have no choice but to cool down. It might take a minute or two for them to do so, but eventually they'll relax and bugger off. I've done this successfully numerous times with soi dogs. If you don't feel like you can stay calm take a stick with you in the beginning, this will give you the confidence you need.

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Try this: next time you encounter them stay still and stand tall like you own the place and most importantly stay absolutely calm. Dogs feed off your energy, if you don't give them any emotion to feed off, like fear or anger they have no choice but to cool down. It might take a minute or two for them to do so, but eventually they'll relax and bugger off. I've done this successfully numerous times with soi dogs. If you don't feel like you can stay calm take a stick with you in the beginning, this will give you the confidence you need.

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In the main, a lot of ignorant comments here. In my experience, there's no such thing as a bad dog, but a bad owner's totally correct (but maybe it's not as there's bad people who've been treated OK in some special cases).
Thailand's biggest problem is the fact that you can't walk anywhere without the threat of being bitten. It's not in any way accurate to say that they like their dogs, and further, most stray dogs don't care what you're doing as they're in a massive area and don't see it all as theirs as they share it with everyone else and other dogs every day since they're born.
They don't see a dog that bites as a problem, and they do see a dog that pulls food out of their bin, they've ignorantly and selfishly not given them as a problem. This is not a dog problem, it's a sub-peasant problem, where logic and brains or the compassion which stems from this---it would seem---are totally alien to them.

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If you make like your are going to pick up a stick or object to throw at them...or better yet actually find a stick or branch or a good sized rock to throw at the mangy mutts, they will run scared....works every time.

That or a squirt gun with liquid household cleaner also works well.


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Why do Thais keep dogs?

Most of the owners I know love their dogs and treat them really well - I do know of a few exceptions but they are rare… I would say any time people make a generalization about people they are going to raise the fur on my back...

Thais keep dogs for much if the same reasons that dogs are beloved the world over...

What you seem to be talking about are stray dogs - they can run in packs and can be a bit frightening to encounter on rare occasion. Stray dogs have nothing to do with Thai dog owners…

Just does not make any sense that you bash dog owners and then say that the dogs that bother you have no owner…

Where do you live?That is the most inaccurate rubbish post i have read on this forum in 9 years . You are either stupid or a liar. Thais might care for their dogs but never look after them ,ever. Probably 99.9% never wash their dogs , buy dog food for their dogs , stop them wandering on the roads

You are obviously one of those that believe if you don't see it doesn't happen. We have 10 dogs and about 30 cats, they are all well looked after, well fed and taken to the vets when required. Every day about 5pm my sister in law gets on her bike and goes to feed the dogs out on the street.

You really should think twice before mouthing off.

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There are actually a few that do take care.

We take our Golden to Khon Kaen animal hospital and there is always

a few Thais in the queue with their dogs.

There are shorter queues at a UK ED than the vets around here.

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Why do Thais keep dogs?

Most of the owners I know love their dogs and treat them really well - I do know of a few exceptions but they are rare… I would say any time people make a generalization about people they are going to raise the fur on my back...

Thais keep dogs for much if the same reasons that dogs are beloved the world over...

What you seem to be talking about are stray dogs - they can run in packs and can be a bit frightening to encounter on rare occasion. Stray dogs have nothing to do with Thai dog owners…

Just does not make any sense that you bash dog owners and then say that the dogs that bother you have no owner…

Where do you live?That is the most inaccurate rubbish post i have read on this forum in 9 years . You are either stupid or a liar. Thais might care for their dogs but never look after them ,ever. Probably 99.9% never wash their dogs , buy dog food for their dogs , stop them wandering on the roads .

I live in a village ,all the stray dogs are in the temple but the roads are full of dogs. I cannot walk 300 metres to the shop because of dogs who`s owners dont even look when their dogs attack me . 3 house with 12 dogs on the way to the shop . When 1 dog barks they all come running .When i hit them the thai moron owners get angry with me .I cannot walk . ride my bicycle anywhere in thailand except the city. I have been rscued by pickup twice when i first came here and thought it was ok to walk .Both times around 25 dogs around me once at night . terrifying. Turn left from my house and 2 houses with 14 dog on the road all the time . 7 accidents i have seen because of these dogs, 2 fatalities. I have been knocked of my motorbike by these dogs.

Last 2 accidents last week . A woman hit one of them and is in hospital with head injuries . The dog was lying on the road with a broken back and howling in pain . After a couple of houirs i went up there with a hammer and asked the moron woman could i put it out of its misery . She went crazy with me . Dog took about 30 hours to die and i had to listen to it howling. A couple of days ago dog ran on the road car braked pick up hit the car .

Every day i put my son on a bus and pick him up and usually there about 15 mins a time . I watch the cars and motorbikes drive around these dogs on the road everyday . Usually about 5 or 6 of them just playing on the road.

THAIS LOOK AFTER THEIR DOGS not a chance and everybody else in thailand knows this except you

Dogs and their idiotic behaviour to them is the biggest problem in the country. There are very few of them who have any idea how to look after them, they don't like them at all, but they let them scare them into having to ride everywhere really fast on unsafe motorbikes---the biggest killer in the country; but if you use simple logic, it's their idiocy surrounding their dog problem which causes half of this. Thailand will always be "developing" and not even working out how to treat dogs properly like humans have done for millennia is a key part of this.

I know one who's looked after his, but his jealous neighbours kept threatening to and actually poisining them, so he had to get rid of them. If you haven't guessed, he had spent a lot of time out of the country.

It's a country literally run by dogs. It's amazing as they don't even like dogs. It's like them being "Buddhist" and their constant stealing, lying, gossiping and cheating each other all of the time, minding other peoples' business, jealousy, and all the rest of it. One of them was denying that Nepal was Bhuddist when the earth quake happened. Stupidity and self-defeating bad nature is quite incredible, as it never gets them anywhere EVER. They're totally incapable of learning.

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In the main, a lot of ignorant comments here. In my experience, there's no such thing as a bad dog, but a bad owner's totally correct (but maybe it's not as there's bad people who've been treated OK in some special cases).

Thailand's biggest problem is the fact that you can't walk anywhere without the threat of being bitten. It's not in any way accurate to say that they like their dogs, and further, most stray dogs don't care what you're doing as they're in a massive area and don't see it all as theirs as they share it with everyone else and other dogs every day since they're born.

They don't see a dog that bites as a problem, and they do see a dog that pulls food out of their bin, they've ignorantly and selfishly not given them as a problem. This is not a dog problem, it's a sub-peasant problem, where logic and brains or the compassion which stems from this---it would seem---are totally alien to them.

Thousands of people are killed by dogs worldwide every year, many do not have owners to blame. The often repeated mantra that is not bad dogs it's the owners is a nonsense, it's not the owners ripping off kids faces or sinking their teeth into folks necks is it. Stray dogs are a huge problem in Thailand that needs acting on. It will never be a developed country with hundreds of thousands of strays all over the place causing a nuisance.

Edited by jacky54
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