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You can apply for a brew-pub licence and the tax office will happily tax you from the meter connected to your vat, but you can't bottle the brew, cap it and sell it legally (yet).

Such is the red tape that some of the Thai craft brewers have found that it's easier to set up a brewery in Cambodia and export the bottle back to Thailand... hence you'll see some 'Thai' beers (like Phuket or Pattaya is the easy one to find, there are many more craft brews about) coming from brewery in Cambodia.

But for homebrew... go right ahead, there are many selling supplies too,


Home brewing is illegal in Thailand:


3) You will not post about activities or links to websites containing such material that are illegal in Thailand. This includes but is not limited to: gambling, betting, pornography, illegal drugs, fake goods/clothing, file sharing of pirated material, pyramid schemes, etc. Discussion of the above is permitted only as news items, but never as a "how to" topic.


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