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Subforum Name Change Proposal: Weight Control Health Forum

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This subforum attracts way too many mean spirited, foul mouthed, fat shaming, bullies. Too many people who think it's fun to hurl abusive language at people who are reading or posting in this HEALTH RELATED subforum for SINCERE health related purposes.

People dealing with weight control issues ALREADY know they have them. They can look in the mirror. They get feedback in society very often. This is something they are faced with EVERY DAY without being reminded of it by internet bullying.

I think the very name of this subforum

I'm Too Fat

while it IS catchy and I don't think it was started with bad intentions, has become part of the problem that ATTRACTS the bullies.

The TONE of it is just wrong for a serious HEALTH RELATED forum.

Imagine if the alcoholism topic health forum was named:

Drunks Forum w00t.gif

Because of that, here is my proposal for a new subforum name to REPLACE I'm Too Fat:

Weight Control Health Forum

or perhaps

Dealing with Weight Control Health Issues

or something similarly worded that avoids BAIT words for those who get sick sadistic pleasure from FAT SHAMING on the internet, such as FAT.

Anyone who supports this idea, to STOP inviting the fat shaming bullies here with the very name of this subforum, please suggest other alternative NEW NAMES.

If you've got an ABUSIVE name suggestion, please keep it to yourself.

Perhaps it is just not possible to change a subforum name like this due to the business purposes of this website (such as search engine history/placement, etc.). In that case, at least the issue has been elevated again of how this subforum keeps getting infected with such mean-spirited posts.


How about, "I eat too much"?

Since CALORIES INTAKE is the MAJOR factor in weight control issue, using the verb "eat", will refocus the posts on HONEST and USEFUL discussions.

This forum attracts, TOO MANY, SNAKE OIL recommendations, which MISGUIDE people about their REAL capabilities to manage their own BEHAVIOR, CHANGE that can have a LASTING and POSITIVE impact on their weight.

The TONE set in this forum by VERY FEW posters is also WRONG, as it perpetually cultivates and reenforces HELPLESSNESS, by not acknowledging that everyone has the responsability and capability to change.


Will respond to ignored members for this thread

Eat too much is better than I'm too fat but is flawed.

First eat too much what? It's really hard to eat too much broccoli. So that's really about calories.

Also that title commits to the position that talks only about food intake when there are other factors.

Thus I continue to think a more generic forum title would be preferable.

As far as the morality will power issue there is no good reason a title should take a black white position on that either way. Nobody has ever asserted will power isn't an important factor. The controversy is about if it is the only factor.


Will respond to ignored members for this thread

Eat too much is better than I'm too fat but is flawed.

First eat too much what? It's really hard to eat too much broccoli. So that's really about calories.

Also that title commits to the position that talks only about food intake when there are other factors.

Thus I continue to think a more generic forum title would be preferable.

As far as the morality will power issue there is no good reason a title should take a black white position on that either way. Nobody has ever asserted will power isn't an important factor. The controversy is about if it is the only factor.

For weight control ... What are the factors which people are actually in control and which can change drastically their situation?

  • Food Intake
  • Activity
  • Sleep

And which one of these factors has the most impact? ... Food Intake.

But I understand why you would not want to chose such title for the forum, I really do.

Please, add me back to your ignored list. It's painful to see how much you are still in denial.


I'll take the weak response to this thread as an indication that my idea lacks adequate SUPPORT, even if it was possible to do from the website's business POV.

Oh well!mfr_closed1.gif



I don't think a change of forum name would help - it is the thread titles that attract.

Please use the report function whenever you see posts of the type you mention.

I must confess I don't give this sub-forum as much attention/scrutiny as I do the main health forum...mainly because unlike in the latter I really have no expertise to offer (I could use to lose 5-10 kg myself!!). So rely a lot on the report system.



I don't think a change of forum name would help - it is the thread titles that attract.

Please use the report function whenever you see posts of the type you mention.

I must confess I don't give this sub-forum as much attention/scrutiny as I do the main health forum...mainly because unlike in the latter I really have no expertise to offer (I could use to lose 5-10 kg myself!!). So rely a lot on the report system.

The thing is JT and me and others have a fundamental difference in how we view things, That leads to JT throwing a fit as I see loosing weight as something we can control by taking action ourselves and something we have let happen. JT on the other hand always finds something external to blame (gut bacteria, genes, hormones ect). Now I concede and know that these things have influence but it does not mean we can't improve on ourselves by changing what we eat (and less) and exercise more (though exercise is poor for weight control). But the moment anyone on this forum suggest that we are partly to blame for our overweight JT sees this as fat shaming.



I don't think a change of forum name would help - it is the thread titles that attract.

Please use the report function whenever you see posts of the type you mention.

I must confess I don't give this sub-forum as much attention/scrutiny as I do the main health forum...mainly because unlike in the latter I really have no expertise to offer (I could use to lose 5-10 kg myself!!). So rely a lot on the report system.

The thing is JT and me and others have a fundamental difference in how we view things, That leads to JT throwing a fit as I see loosing weight as something we can control by taking action ourselves and something we have let happen. JT on the other hand always finds something external to blame (gut bacteria, genes, hormones ect). Now I concede and know that these things have influence but it does not mean we can't improve on ourselves by changing what we eat (and less) and exercise more (though exercise is poor for weight control). But the moment anyone on this forum suggest that we are partly to blame for our overweight JT sees this as fat shaming.

This thread is about nothing of the kind, regardless of your obvious personal obsession with personally attacking me for many years now.

I can't stop you ... post all the garbage lies you want about me. It seems to make you happy.

This thread is about ABUSIVE LANGUAGE and PERSONAL INSULTS towards people dealing with the HEALTH ISSUE of overweight and obesity.

Regarding Sheryl's request that REPORT be used. I really can't do that. If I used report every time some internet bully insulted people dealing with weight issues with insults and abusive language, I'd be in trouble myself. This forum DOES need moderation but as I'm not a mod, the best I can do is remind members who are not on my ignore list already that their VERBAL ABUSE of people dealing with a HEALTH ISSUE is not welcome on this forum.



I don't think a change of forum name would help - it is the thread titles that attract.

Please use the report function whenever you see posts of the type you mention.

I must confess I don't give this sub-forum as much attention/scrutiny as I do the main health forum...mainly because unlike in the latter I really have no expertise to offer (I could use to lose 5-10 kg myself!!). So rely a lot on the report system.

The thing is JT and me and others have a fundamental difference in how we view things, That leads to JT throwing a fit as I see loosing weight as something we can control by taking action ourselves and something we have let happen. JT on the other hand always finds something external to blame (gut bacteria, genes, hormones ect). Now I concede and know that these things have influence but it does not mean we can't improve on ourselves by changing what we eat (and less) and exercise more (though exercise is poor for weight control). But the moment anyone on this forum suggest that we are partly to blame for our overweight JT sees this as fat shaming.

This thread is about nothing of the kind, regardless of your obvious personal obsession with personally attacking me for many years now.

I can't stop you ... post all the garbage lies you want about me. It seems to make you happy.

This thread is about ABUSIVE LANGUAGE towards people dealing with the HEALTH ISSUE of overweight and obesity.

Hmm, I think this thread is more about someone who has completely lost it with political correctness.



I don't think a change of forum name would help - it is the thread titles that attract.

Please use the report function whenever you see posts of the type you mention.

I must confess I don't give this sub-forum as much attention/scrutiny as I do the main health forum...mainly because unlike in the latter I really have no expertise to offer (I could use to lose 5-10 kg myself!!). So rely a lot on the report system.

The thing is JT and me and others have a fundamental difference in how we view things, That leads to JT throwing a fit as I see loosing weight as something we can control by taking action ourselves and something we have let happen. JT on the other hand always finds something external to blame (gut bacteria, genes, hormones ect). Now I concede and know that these things have influence but it does not mean we can't improve on ourselves by changing what we eat (and less) and exercise more (though exercise is poor for weight control). But the moment anyone on this forum suggest that we are partly to blame for our overweight JT sees this as fat shaming.

This thread is about nothing of the kind, regardless of your obvious personal obsession with personally attacking me for many years now.

I can't stop you ... post all the garbage lies you want about me. It seems to make you happy.

This thread is about ABUSIVE LANGUAGE towards people dealing with the HEALTH ISSUE of overweight and obesity.

Hmm, I think this thread is more about someone who has completely lost it with political correctness.

This is a health forum.

If it was a forum about another HEALTH PROBLEM would it be OK to abuse and insult people dealing with that?


Sheryl has already indicated the name of the forum isn't going to change and that it wouldn't stop the forum bullies anyway.

I accept her decision.

I think it's best if this thread was closed now as that decision has been made.


JT, calm down. Nobody is after you.

Every member of this forum have the right to express their different opinions, sometime it's done softly, sometime it's done strongly.

If "we" bother to respond to you and your comments, could it be that in some way, we do care, and we are genuinely trying to help?

The form of "our" responses might make you or other people uncomfortable, but in no way we are trying to put you down.

I think I sent you a similar PM 2 years ago ...


To add, another thing wrong with the current subforum name (which isn't changing) is that it fails to acknowledge the fact that most people who have been effected with overweight or obesity are going to be dealing with this HEALTH issue for the rest of their lives, regardless of the current number on the scale.

Talking here about the massive issue of serial weight regain, yoyo, etc.

Weight loss is one thing. Maintenance of weight loss is another. The grim statistics of weight regain after losses are well known and documented. Arguably, it's the BIGGER health issue. Because almost everyone can lose weight. Most people can't KEEP IT OFF though.

Approach any mature person who looks obese to you and ask them if they have ever lost significant weight? I bet the majority will say YES, and probably MULTIPLE TIMES.

So they've proven they CAN lose it, but have failed at keeping it off. (Indeed, statistically, that's the story in the vast majority of cases.)

So, many people who have succeeded with weight loss will also be interested in topics here because their problem isn't over. Similar, not exactly so, but similar to issues with alcoholics. People need to EAT food most every day, so different than drinking that way, but ALWAYS the strong chance of a relapse (gaining back weight).

So the forum title here of I'm Too Fat very poorly reflects on this other issue, the LIFETIME struggle for most everyone who has EVER been effected by overweight or obesity.


Please keep it civil.

Anyone who sees a post they think is offensive --- or, in the context of the health forum, unhelpful/nonconstructive should report it. A Mod will review it and decide whether or not it is a problem.


To add, another thing wrong with the current subforum name (which isn't changing) is that it fails to acknowledge the fact that most people who have been effected with overweight or obesity are going to be dealing with this HEALTH issue for the rest of their lives, regardless of the current number on the scale. Talking here about the massive issue of serial weight regain, yoyo effect, etc.

Weight loss is one thing. Maintenance of weight loss is another. The grim statistics of weight regain after losses are well known and documented.

So many people who have succeeded with weight loss will also be interested in topics here because their problem isn't over. Similar, not exactly so, but similar to issues with alcoholics. People need to EAT food most every day, so different than drinking that way, but ALWAYS the strong chance of a relapse (gaining back weight).

So the forum title here of I'm Too Fat very poorly reflects on this other issue, the LIFETIME struggle for most everyone who has EVER been effected by overweight or obesity.

Loosing the weight is indeed one thing.. keeping it off an other.. both are hard.

People got overweight because of their diet and habits and if they don't change them permanently and think that the change in foods and eating is temporary they will all gain it back. That is why most people fail, because they don't make the lifestyle change. Making a lifestyle change is hard.


Keeping it off isn't an impossibility, as long as you acknowledge the necessity for a permanent change in lifestyle, not a quick fix diet then back to your old ways.


Keeping it off isn't an impossibility, as long as you acknowledge the necessity for a permanent change in lifestyle, not a quick fix diet then back to your old ways.

That is the whole point.. and the thing people forget. That is why its important to have a lifestyle change that is not to extreme (though you can go more extreme in the weight loss period and then change to sustainable once the weight is off)


Keeping it off isn't an impossibility, as long as you acknowledge the necessity for a permanent change in lifestyle, not a quick fix diet then back to your old ways.

That is the whole point.. and the thing people forget. That is why its important to have a lifestyle change that is not to extreme (though you can go more extreme in the weight loss period and then change to sustainable once the weight is off)

Nobody here has said it's impossible. I certainty never have. But very difficult to maintain weight loss long term yes indeed. We know that for a fact based on statistics that are widely available of overwhelmingly high failure rates. That's why for the most part if you've ever been obese and you do manage to lose significant weight you're not finished with fighting obesity. Similar but not the same to an alcoholic who hasn't had a drink for 5 years. To maintain weight loss long term you need to be ever vigilant and knowing the odds are against you can actually be helpful information. More incentive to keep paying attention to being vigilant.

"I'm too FAT, but I intend to do something about it" would be a nice name for the forum.

Personally I am here now because I an working on a lifetime process of maintaining a major weight loss and also I am academically interested in the scientific aspects of obesity.

Anyway we're stuck with the current title.


If a MOD does see this thread again, as the OP can I ask that it be CLOSED?mfr_closed1.gif

Because we've already got an opinion that the name won't be changed and that changing it wouldn't help stop the abusive posts anyway.

So the purpose of this thread has been fulfilled.

Issue raised. Discussed. Rejected.

Time to move on! mfr_closed1.gif

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