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Clueless Pattaya visitors


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Having read the comments here and given this topic some thought, I have now changed my mind and believe that it could be possible for Pattaya to become a 'family destination' without affecting the existing tourist market. My reasons for this change in view are...

1) The place is developing, and therefore changing all the time, and some areas are moving forward. As I stated (above), people that work here are only interested in earning money, but that driver is enough to force change, there has already been a lot of change in the last 10 years because of this. Such change takes place to increase revenue.

2) In the past 10 years Pattays has grown. There are areas now where you can take your family - Central shopping mail, the new plush hotels with their horizon swimming pools, and more. This growth is sure to continue. The expansion of Pattaya can lead to families visiting Pattaya, without having to destroy all of what currently exists - Some areas will remain as they always have been whilst some new places can cater for families. This development can occur not because "Thais want to live in their own culture" (JSixpack above) but simply as a result from the opportunity to generate greater incomes.

3) Authorities exist in most places. These are the people that are employed to affect the smooth running of an area through planning. Having given this some thought I now beleive that such authorities in Pattaya have actually been trying hard to improve things, for instance we have the Internatonal Fieworks Show, The Musice Festival and other such events in Pattaya. Again these events were not around 10 years ago - and it is fair to assume that there will be more in the future. Such events are good for the local economy and move Pattaya in a direction where families would want to visit. I therefore now have to agree with the point made by 'JSixpack' that such authorities have been trying to improve things, not just in the realm of organising and allowing events, but in other areas too.

It’s always a joy when one of our members is able to claw his way out of the darkness and into the light. It’s so rare. Have one on me!

I would however place much more emphasis on the authorities as mere gatekeepers and tax collectors. As Thai government officials, planning, organizing, and implementing projects is not among their strengths. (If you've ever dealt with a Thailand public institution then you know exactly what I mean.) That is mostly done by private entities, usually well-connected, motivated by profit. Private investment is responsible of course for the retail, service, recreational, private school developments etc. that appeal to both tourists and residents, families among them. Businesses help motivate The Authorities (one way or the other, lol) to throw money towards improving the infrastructure, such as they do. Central even paid for a part of the power grid. 'Nuff said--I don't want our ace asphalt/drainage/driving/parking/traffic/tunneling/concrete/urban planning experts (to mention but a few) jumping in here.

However, you did totally misunderstand the suggestion I was making about adopting more of a Thai attitude for yourself. It had nothing at all to do with the profound question of Whither Pattaya that inspires so much hot air. But mai pen rai! :)

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You know, we should be thankful that many are clueless, imagine if they wisend up and occupied our favority eating places, drinking places and walking places!

I think Pattaya is still very cheap and livable due to cluelessness of most visitors. Just imagine if Russian hords had discovered Hilton lunch buffet, or the 2nd floor balcony of Starbucks at Beach Rd/soi 13. Actually Turkish have discovered SB :(

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Having read the comments here and given this topic some thought, I have now changed my mind and believe that it could be possible for Pattaya to become a 'family destination' without affecting the existing tourist market. My reasons for this change in view are...

1) The place is developing, and therefore changing all the time, and some areas are moving forward. As I stated (above), people that work here are only interested in earning money, but that driver is enough to force change, there has already been a lot of change in the last 10 years because of this. Such change takes place to increase revenue.

2) In the past 10 years Pattays has grown. There are areas now where you can take your family - Central shopping mail, the new plush hotels with their horizon swimming pools, and more. This growth is sure to continue. The expansion of Pattaya can lead to families visiting Pattaya, without having to destroy all of what currently exists - Some areas will remain as they always have been whilst some new places can cater for families. This development can occur not because "Thais want to live in their own culture" (JSixpack above) but simply as a result from the opportunity to generate greater incomes.

3) Authorities exist in most places. These are the people that are employed to affect the smooth running of an area through planning. Having given this some thought I now beleive that such authorities in Pattaya have actually been trying hard to improve things, for instance we have the Internatonal Fieworks Show, The Musice Festival and other such events in Pattaya. Again these events were not around 10 years ago - and it is fair to assume that there will be more in the future. Such events are good for the local economy and move Pattaya in a direction where families would want to visit. I therefore now have to agree with the point made by 'JSixpack' that such authorities have been trying to improve things, not just in the realm of organising and allowing events, but in other areas too.

Again these events were not around 10 years ago

I can only assume that you have not lived in Pattaya long. 20 years ago music festivals were held not infrequently on Beach Rd about where Central is now. I attended some myself, and saw others that were advertised. Also, they used to close Beach Rd and have stalls set up on the road to sell stuff.

Probably depends on the mayor as to how many festivals are held, and there have been many mayors.

the new plush hotels with their horizon swimming pools, and more

Family friendly resorts have been located on Beach road/ Second road between Central ROAD and North Road for well over 25 years; also in Naklua. I don't know which hotels you refer too, as most big hotels/ resorts have been there for over 20 years- perhaps Hard Rock hotel for less, and a few started last century during the boom in the 90s, but not many.

Perhaps you are referring to the huge ones on Jomptien beach that were built for the Russians, but the Russians were bringing children donkey's years ago- saw many on Walking Street way back.

that such authorities have been trying to improve things,

So you must believe that it is an improvement in building a marina that is a disaster, building a lookout blocking excrescence near Bali Hi ( currently stopped as illegal ), destroyed the once beautiful walkway to the lighthouse by letting the speedboats take it over, built a useless carpark over the nice park that once was beside Bali Hi, let Bali Hi disintegrate, allowed the jet ski scammers to operate unchecked, built a collapsing walkway without shade or enough seating in place of a much more friendly walkway that was enjoyed by thousands, stopped the pedestrian traffic lights operating, making pedestrians run for their lives when crossing the road, allowing 50% too many baht buses on the roads, not repaired the pavements for over 20 years, blocked the drainage on Beach road causing flooding when it rains, built aluminium life guard chairs!!!!!!!! on the beach when there are no life guards, and allow building to exceed the water supply.

However, they allowed Central, so that's all right then, Pattaya is saved.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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The point is Pattaya is successful, but not as a family destination, and trying to change things to make it fit that description will be hard - I refer back to my post as to why.

And my point is that “The Authorities” haven’t been trying to change things to make it fit the description “Family Destination.” I refer back to my post about what their intention is and how it’s working pretty well. To talk about failing to do, or now how hard it is to do, what they haven’t been trying to do is merely nonsensical.

Even so, lots of families come here and also live here. You don’t know how any particular family is going to regard Pattaya. Some may need a bit of education, as do forum members. biggrin.png There are threads devoted to the subject.

First, a revelation: there are no “The Authorities” controlling all aspects of Pattaya’s economy as our TVF North Korean economists imagine. Recently I even saw a post implying that “The Authorities” put up CentralFestival PB. It really belongs to them, not the shareholders of Central Pattana PLC. smile.png “All your base are belong to us.”

And even if there were such an omniscient “The Authorities,” you haven’t in fact seen any Directive whatsoever from them decreeing, “Thenceforth, Pattaya Shall Be A Family Resort.” If so, please give the exact reference.

You’ve merely fallen for an oft-repeated TVF urban myth, one of the straw men that serve a number of useful purposes for various brigades. I needn’t take time and space to detail those here. In short, "Family Destination" has become a fine, reliable source of knee-jerking, condescension, and feelings of superiority to The Thai: another failure out of so many . . . oooh—I saw an INCONSISTENCY (“I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat”).

Even before the rise of the myth, infrastructure improvements--by local public standards--were ongoing in the city. And they've continued, with some concessions towards a more civilized appearance, so they think. For everyone, not targeted at families. Yet as WinnieTheKhwai pointed out almost three years ago, "I think it dawned on them [City Hall] pretty late that Pattaya was going to be a BIG city." Indeed, who would have thought? And how to keep up w/ all the expensive new infrastructure needed? Realistically, I mean, in this environment. You could tell how badly farang want to help by the reaction if Immigration announced a rise in visa fees to help pay for it all.

Best not to worry yourself much about “Whither Pattaya” questions, IMO. Our local Thais generally don’t—as only makes sense, they know best how to live happily in their own culture.

You could tell how badly farang want to help by the reaction if Immigration announced a rise in visa fees to help pay for it all.


Why should a farang living in Nakhon Nowhere pay increased immigration fees to be used to "improve" Pattaya? Pattaya is not the only place in Thailand that farangs live. I doubt that most farangs would even consider visiting it, let alone want to live there.

If you mean that farangs living in Pattaya pay to improve the infrastructure, you would indeed get outrage and a mass exodus to other Thai towns, given that MOST farangs living in Pattaya don't want it to be "improved". They like it as it is, or rather was. No doubt many would be regular visitors though.

Why should a farang living in Pattaya pay more? They already pay huge amounts in condo ownership, hotel and apartment rents, food etc etc etc. If they want to "improve" Pattaya, then impose a levy on all Thai weekend trippers that enjoy all that Pattaya has to offer while contributing BA. It is, after all, a Thai town, with some farangs living there, not visa versa.

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