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Thai govt to give refugee cash aid to Jordan & Lebanon


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Govt to give refugee cash aid to Jordan & Lebanon


BANGKOK, 11 January 2016 (NNT) – The government is preparing to give cash aid to Jordan and Lebanon for use in the refugee assistance program.

Director-General of the Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sek Wannamethee disclosed that the Thai government would be offering 200,000 dollars to the governments of Jordan and Lebanon to help relieve their burden. Jordan and Lebanon are providing shelter to more than three million Syrian war refugees.

Mr. Sek revealed that Thailand had been closely monitoring the situation in Syria since the crisis erupted in 2010 and was aware of the need to help with the relief mission.

He added that the country previously gave humanitarian aid to countries affected by unrest such as Yemen and Palestine. The assistance, carried out in the name of Thai people, is part of the government’s humanitarian policy for foreign nations.

-- NNT 2016-01-11 footer_n.gif

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I don't know why you guys are deriding this gesture. At least it is continuing the same rational which has been adopted before. Sure charity starts at home yet many other countries give humanitarian aid to other countries in times of crises regardless of the situation at home. Image the situation if no one helped and I mean no country gave either money or in kind?

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Mr. Sek revealed that Thailand had been closely monitoring the situation in Syria since the crisis erupted in 2010 and was aware of the need to help with the relief mission.

Thailand was monitoring so closely and so concerned about the situation it took them six years to get around to donating a small sum. Thailand's concern brings tears to my eyes.

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$200,000 is not a whole lot of money. But it's a reasonable amount when compared to GDP of Thailand, about 0,00005 % of the GDP. Similar sums (compared to GDP) have been given by multiple countries, for example Slovakia, Portugal, Lithuania and Hungary.


Edited by JG1
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7m baht will do nicely for the 3m refugees just over 2 baht each how much did they spend again on microphones and statues?

And how much did you give to any cause this year. Actions speak louder then words. Give some money to help, poor kids of Thailand. Cancer, HIV, etc. etc.

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7m baht will do nicely for the 3m refugees just over 2 baht each how much did they spend again on microphones and statues?

And how much did you give to any cause this year. Actions speak louder then words. Give some money to help, poor kids of Thailand. Cancer, HIV, etc. etc.

as a % of my income? far more than this dude but this thread is not about my giving is it?

As you ask : year before last funding a home for children (paying the rent for a whole year) and last year building a row of toilets for an orphanage up north. This year I'm still thinking through where I will assist.. answer your question?

Edited by LannaGuy
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How about a ship load of rice, since there is an abundance here.

It's not a silly idea at all.

Spend the money to buy surplus rice from government stores, and send the rice, rather than send money, some of which will "get lost in translation", and will be used to buy....RICE for the hungry!

Spend the money easing a problem at home, and still help out over there. It's win-win.

I don't know why this is off-topic.

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Another one that wants to go down in history as a hero for his generosity(with other peoples money).

I think you should be ashamed of such a remark, which you should take back. I congratulate the Thai government for doing this. It may be only a token, but much richer countries, including neighbours and brother countries (Israel, Saudi Arabia and others) do nothing of the sorts. May be this gesture of the Thai government will encourage other countries in this area, who should be emotionally closer to the refugees, like Malaysia and Indonesia, to follow suit in a bigger way!

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Another one that wants to go down in history as a hero for his generosity(with other peoples money).

I think you should be ashamed of such a remark, which you should take back. I congratulate the Thai government for doing this. It may be only a token, but much richer countries, including neighbours and brother countries (Israel, Saudi Arabia and others) do nothing of the sorts. May be this gesture of the Thai government will encourage other countries in this area, who should be emotionally closer to the refugees, like Malaysia and Indonesia, to follow suit in a bigger way!
No mention of the Burmese who have unsuccessfully sought refuge in Thailand? "Emotionally closer" ... I don't think so. Although, these days, it may be considered as out of the pot and into the fire.
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Another one that wants to go down in history as a hero for his generosity(with other peoples money).

I think you should be ashamed of such a remark, which you should take back. I congratulate the Thai government for doing this. It may be only a token, but much richer countries, including neighbours and brother countries (Israel, Saudi Arabia and others) do nothing of the sorts. May be this gesture of the Thai government will encourage other countries in this area, who should be emotionally closer to the refugees, like Malaysia and Indonesia, to follow suit in a bigger way!
No mention of the Burmese who have unsuccessfully sought refuge in Thailand? "Emotionally closer" ... I don't think so. Although, these days, it may be considered as out of the pot and into the fire.

This should sit well with the rubber farmers. I thought the government said they had no money. Did they pass the hat again at the higher echelon level again.

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