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Donald Trump praises Kim Jong-un for how he 'wipes out' political opponents


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Here is the real secret behind Trump's popularity...he is filling a void that shouldn't be there...

Why a misinformed pommy defending Trump? The Brit accent somehow makes the guy believable? What happened to the usual source, the Ministry of Republican Propaganda...Fox News?

The chances of an American dying in a terrorist attack are more than getting hit by lightning, 20,000,000 to 1.

It's the usual line the Republicans spout, elect me or you're going to die. clap2.gif


I knew I wouldn't be disappointed. I knew someone would attack the source instead of the content. :)

The undeniable fact is that Trump's popularity is all due to Obama. All due to Obama refusing to acknowledge problems (Islamic terrorism, open borders, etc) and making everyone feel like they are bigots for thinking there are such problems. If he had just made the people feel safe, like he was doing something about the problems instead of ignoring them. Obama left a big opening for someone like Trump to come along and tell the people the truth. People are tired of PC-ism and of the media that pushes it and lies to the people. Trump just gets stronger the more the media machine attacks him.

Only a denier would believe that anything but Obama's own failures in leadership have created the unstoppable Trumpenstein. Debate over. The science has been settled.

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I like Americans, but the whole process of elections particularly presidential elections, really makes me embarrassed for them.

Nevertheless anyone can run on a third party if s/he wishes. The problem as I see it is the 18th century-formed Electoral College, which counts delegates per state in the Presidential election and awards the contender all the delegates in that state if the majority win in that state. Better, of course, to have a direct election.

A direct election would just put all the attention and money into the largest cities and everyone else could be ignored. Look at this 2012 election map, the blue areas represent Obama votes. Outside the big cities he had little or no support...(image too big so I'm just putting the link: http://blogs.suntimes.com/politics/election-margins.jpeg). That's what you get when a party focuses policies only on cities, they may not represent the country, but they can win elections.

What I would like to see is a run-off election when a candidate doesn't get at least 50.1% of the popular vote. That would encourage more 3rd party candidates because it wouldn't "give the election away to the other major party" like Perot did with Clinton in '92 & '94 or Nader did with Bush in 2000. Presidents that have not reached the 50.1% popular vote mark include: Truman, Kennedy, Nixon in '68, Clinton in '92 (43%!) & '96 and Bush in 2000.

Having a run-off would mean that someone like Trump - if snubbed by the Republican party - could run as an Independent and it wouldn't be giving the election to whoever or whatever the Democrats put on the ticket. It would mean that the voters could vote for a candidate instead of against one. Imagine how many more votes the Libertarian Party or Green Party would get if their voters didn't think they would just be giving the election to the Democrat or Republican, respectively? Then we would have a more realistic picture of what the People want. It's like asking people what they want and they answer "world peace" because they think that is a great answer. No, what do you really want? Maybe the two major parties would get a better idea what policies the people really want to see. That's a big maybe

Back to Trump and North Korea...taken out of context or not, I wish he would stop commenting on foreign dictators. He has the ability to tap into real concerns of the people by spouting all his non-Pc stuff. But the American people don't really know too much about Kim Jong-un or Vladimir Putin and anything Trump says that may be twisted into some sort of support should be avoided. "Yeah, that Putin is a strong leader! I wish Obama were more like him!". NO, no you don't. As much as I dislike Obama's policies and lack of leadership, he is light years better than the likes of Putin (or that North Korean doughboy). We should strive for a strong leader who isn't a fascist or dictator. And, no, Trump is neither of those. People who say he is are being silly.

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Just did a bit of research on this. It's taken out of context, a bit. He is saying the guy is mad also. Someone to be careful with.

Love how the media throws out sound bites.....

Seems we have had this Mainstream Media discussion before.

"It is not what we don't know that's a problem, it is what we know for sure that ain't so." Mark Twain

the article is actually spot on. The title for this topic is not.


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Well that statement really proves Trump the Chump has completely lost the plot.

Beware Americans that if this character and his cronies assume positions of power you all might all end up being residents in a satellite or cloned state of North Korea.

yea and who is the alternative another puppet even worse than obama, trump has hardly lost the plot, you dont build an empire like trump if your a muppet.

and why shouldnt he respect putin, putin is one world leader who still has balls, who still clings to his orthodox christian beliefs, who still stands by his people and his friends.

ask yourselves...what has obama done in 8 years...simple isnt it ? look at the state off the world now, will be much worse if that c*** t hillary gets into power, just look at bengazi .

one can still have respect for his enemies,

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From another site:

"trump reminds me of the husband whose wife had their marriage annuled because all he did for SEVEN months was sit on the edge of the bed and tell her how great it was going to be."

I doubt many women would annul—meaning the marriage never happened, so any prenuptial or community property claims may be void; especially since Trump has the money to buy a good lawyer—her marriage to Trump. And, I do believe he has done pretty well already. Some may even say he is pretty great already; he can claim to have over $10B, and the naysayers can only smirk and say, “ . . . not over $4.5B.”

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