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Bank security guard threatens Australian man with gun in Pattaya

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Try going into a bank in Philippines.... not easy. Guard with shotgun in front of door, wanted to know why I wanted to go into bank. "This is a bank. Banks sell money, and I want to withdraw some". He told me to go to ATM (limit usually around $200)

The correct response to that is always blow me guard.


He has been charged with 'illegal possession of a firearm'.......so it wasn't supplied by his employer as part of his equipment. He obviously just decided he was going to become the local Sheriff and started packing a side arm.

What we will hear next is how sorry he is and some crap excuse like he was under severe stress because his wife just had triplets or somebody poisoned his favorite cat the night before.


He has been charged with 'illegal possession of a firearm'.......so it wasn't supplied by his employer as part of his equipment. He obviously just decided he was going to become the local Sheriff and started packing a side arm.

What we will hear next is how sorry he is and some crap excuse like he was under severe stress because his wife just had triplets or somebody poisoned his favorite cat the night before.

Yet another one who can't/won't read, and makes up his own "facts" (As demonstrated by the inverted commas) So where does it say he has been charged with "illegal possession of a firearm"?

"was relieved of his registered firearm which the bank issues to him on a daily basis"

“He was charged with threatening someone with a gun,” said Police.Lt.Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal from Pattaya Police Station.

By the way - not defending his actions in any way! Just like to see the true picture! cheesy.gif


i must say the Thais show the up most

care of where they park in this town

they are such good caring considerate citizens thumbsup.gif

What a load of BS

Look after your tourists they give you jobs, silly billies facepalm.gif


He has been charged with 'illegal possession of a firearm'.......so it wasn't supplied by his employer as part of his equipment. He obviously just decided he was going to become the local Sheriff and started packing a side arm.

What we will hear next is how sorry he is and some crap excuse like he was under severe stress because his wife just had triplets or somebody poisoned his favorite cat the night before.

Yet another one who can't/won't read, and makes up his own "facts" (As demonstrated by the inverted commas) So where does it say he has been charged with "illegal possession of a firearm"?

"was relieved of his registered firearm which the bank issues to him on a daily basis"

“He was charged with threatening someone with a gun,” said Police.Lt.Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal from Pattaya Police Station.

By the way - not defending his actions in any way! Just like to see the true picture! cheesy.gif

Read post number 77....


He has been charged with 'illegal possession of a firearm'.......so it wasn't supplied by his employer as part of his equipment. He obviously just decided he was going to become the local Sheriff and started packing a side arm.

What we will hear next is how sorry he is and some crap excuse like he was under severe stress because his wife just had triplets or somebody poisoned his favorite cat the night before.

Yet another one who can't/won't read, and makes up his own "facts" (As demonstrated by the inverted commas) So where does it say he has been charged with "illegal possession of a firearm"?

"was relieved of his registered firearm which the bank issues to him on a daily basis"

“He was charged with threatening someone with a gun,” said Police.Lt.Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal from Pattaya Police Station.

By the way - not defending his actions in any way! Just like to see the true picture! cheesy.gif

Read post number 77....

Yes, I have and while it does indeed state:-

"The guard, Natthapong Konchanthet, 40, has been charged with illegal possession of a firearm and threatening another individual.

“He is currently being detained at Pattaya Provincial Court,” Lt. Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal of Pattaya police said today. “His company has already contacted us to apologize to the Australian man.”

However " “He was charged with threatening someone with a gun,” said Police.Lt.Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal from Pattaya Police Station.

So, I am still looking for the "true picture"!


If the Aussie did indeed consistently park in a restricted and private area, and consistently ignored requests not to do so, something was bound to give. In true Thai style, the 'give' went over the top.

But I wonder what sort of protection the guard is expected to offer in the event of a threat to the safety of staff or customers, and what authority the bank has to hand out a gun to its security guard?

Why don't you look at post #76 instead of assuming the Aussie did something illegal, because when you ASSUME it make an ASS out of U.


He has been charged with 'illegal possession of a firearm'.......so it wasn't supplied by his employer as part of his equipment. He obviously just decided he was going to become the local Sheriff and started packing a side arm.

What we will hear next is how sorry he is and some crap excuse like he was under severe stress because his wife just had triplets or somebody poisoned his favorite cat the night before.

Yet another one who can't/won't read, and makes up his own "facts" (As demonstrated by the inverted commas) So where does it say he has been charged with "illegal possession of a firearm"?

"was relieved of his registered firearm which the bank issues to him on a daily basis"

“He was charged with threatening someone with a gun,” said Police.Lt.Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal from Pattaya Police Station.

By the way - not defending his actions in any way! Just like to see the true picture! cheesy.gif

Read post number 77....

Yes, I have and while it does indeed state:-

"The guard, Natthapong Konchanthet, 40, has been charged with illegal possession of a firearm and threatening another individual.

“He is currently being detained at Pattaya Provincial Court,” Lt. Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal of Pattaya police said today. “His company has already contacted us to apologize to the Australian man.”

However " “He was charged with threatening someone with a gun,” said Police.Lt.Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal from Pattaya Police Station.

So, I am still looking for the "true picture"!

but not hard enough

<quote>“He is currently being detained at Pattaya Provincial Court,” Lt. Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal of Pattaya police said today. “His company has already contacted us to apologize to the Australian man.”

Although the gun was properly licensed, it is owned by the bank, and Natthapong had no permit for it, Kewaleesiri said. Although the weapon’s license indicates it is owned by the bank, Kewaleesiri said police were reviewing a claim by G4S the gun was registered to the security contractor.</quote>


If the Aussie did indeed consistently park in a restricted and private area, and consistently ignored requests not to do so, something was bound to give. In true Thai style, the 'give' went over the top.

But I wonder what sort of protection the guard is expected to offer in the event of a threat to the safety of staff or customers, and what authority the bank has to hand out a gun to its security guard?

I see nothing official in the story which would show us where the man parked and if indeed it is a private or restricted area. In my experience in Pattaya, Thai's seem to believe that the pavement and road in front of their business belongs to them .

I recall a case in the very early days of the Pattaya mail ( when it could actually be called a newspaper) where people parking found their tyres slashed or other damage, even though they had not parked illegally. Anyone have a picture of the area in front of the bank and where the man parked, or is everyone just jumping to the usual conclusions ??.


Yes, I have and while it does indeed state:-

"The guard, Natthapong Konchanthet, 40, has been charged with illegal possession of a firearm and threatening another individual.
“He is currently being detained at Pattaya Provincial Court,” Lt. Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal of Pattaya police said today. “His company has already contacted us to apologize to the Australian man.”

However " “He was charged with threatening someone with a gun,” said Police.Lt.Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal from Pattaya Police Station.

So, I am still looking for the "true picture"!

but not hard enough

<quote>“He is currently being detained at Pattaya Provincial Court,” Lt. Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal of Pattaya police said today. “His company has already contacted us to apologize to the Australian man.”

Although the gun was properly licensed, it is owned by the bank, and Natthapong had no permit for it, Kewaleesiri said. Although the weapon’s license indicates it is owned by the bank, Kewaleesiri said police were reviewing a claim by G4S the gun was registered to the security contractor.</quote>

Your point is duly noted! I should have made it more clear that the point I was trying to make was to show the "doublespeak" that has become a trademark of the RTP recently, and which of the statements by Lt. Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal was the "true picture"!

Also, the "true picture" still seems a bit vague e.g. the gun was owned by the bank, but Natthapong had no permit for it, but it was possibly registered to the security contractor?


I see nothing official in the story which would show us where the man parked and if indeed it is a private or restricted area. In my experience in Pattaya, Thai's seem to believe that the pavement and road in front of their business belongs to them .

I recall a case in the very early days of the Pattaya mail ( when it could actually be called a newspaper) where people parking found their tyres slashed or other damage, even though they had not parked illegally. Anyone have a picture of the area in front of the bank and where the man parked, or is everyone just jumping to the usual conclusions ??.

Yes .

But this is a Bank, not a shop house renting out motor bikes or selling Somtam

or beer bar.

Be nice to hear from the bank , what they think of it all.

Threatening tourists is just stupid.

A total retarded thing to do. bah.gif


Seems no one really knows this banks parking situation after 5 pages. From google earth as you can see it is only parking for bank customers, the small tour shop is no longer there so the parking is a little bigger now. Next store to the right is a bar now. So this is not a case of parking on the street in front, like at other shops, which can legally be done but could cause confrontation with other business owners.

I have been using this bank for years an the security guard involved has always been professional and courteous to me. He usually hands out que tickets to customers entering the door. He must have snapped after reaching his breaking point with the guy in a moment of frustration. I am sure he is sacked now, will loose his gun permit and will have to find another line of work after some jail time and paying fines.



Its G4S, what do you expect. It is one of the worse international security companies around. The training they receive is based on a international curriculum. This guy received the same training that a guard received in the UK or in the USA unless the training department signed off with out training him properly. Which could happen sometimes, unfortunately. As for the Aussie parking his bike and not moving it after the guard asks you to relocate it. Shameful.


He has been parking at a non-parking zone on a daily basis....ha free parking.

Been doing much more than that. Everyday the Australian parked there he was thumbing his nose at the guard. Daily the Australian let the guard know that he was nothing in the eyes of the Australian. Everyday the Australian stole a little bit of the guards dignity. Why did the Australian act that way towards a Thai ? Racism comes to mind, because the Australian was much bigger and could do as he wanted? The mistke the guard made was in not pulling the trigger and serving his two months. Thailand and the expat community don't need Australians like that swaggering around Thailand giving us all a bad name by thinking that might makes right. No wonder they gang up on farang, they have to.

Well you certainly know how to spell Australian ... facepalm.gif ... You just practised it enough here...cheesy.gif ...... coffee1.gif

Correct spelling does take practice.




Not only in Thailand.

Security guards all around the world have barely the I.Q. of an oyster.

And a pretty small oyster at that.


Had it been me, every time the Aussie parked and was told to move the bike and did not, I would simply have pushed the bike over "accidentally" and made sure there was sufficient damage to the bike he would not park there repeatedly. My motto is don't confront, get even.


There are always two sides to a story. We don`t know how abusive the Australian got when he was asked to move his motorbike. In the past I have been asked to move my motorbike from certain areas by security guards and just done it without question. Why make a song and dance about it?


Ten years ago a security guard at a bank would have just smiled at you

maybe even a salute

Ten years on

Pulls a gun on you.

Wonderful to see how far has Pattaya come over the years blink.png


So what! Just another nutter with a gun in Pattaya, but is Bank of Ayudhya giving 2.10% on term deposits?

Also just another DUMB FARANG asking for trouble because he thinks that he is immune to local rules or he is just an arrigant axxhole.The next time may be the guard has a couple of the locals explain thinks to him.

If he had shot the Australian bully, so then we'd have one less arrogant bully of an Australian bike parker in town. Not all that great of a loss. The Australian was in the wrong, daily, and just thought the guard could do nothing, made sure the guard understood everyday that he could damn well park his bike where ever he wanted. I'm real surprised the guard didn't shot the Australian, maybe he should have. Would one dead Australian ruin your day? Not mine.

Australian bashing now are we? coffee1.gif


Had the guard any brains, a clamping company would have solved his Australian problem.

Or a small padlock of his own..........


If the Aussie did indeed consistently park in a restricted and private area, and consistently ignored requests not to do so, something was bound to give. In true Thai style, the 'give' went over the top.

But I wonder what sort of protection the guard is expected to offer in the event of a threat to the safety of staff or customers, and what authority the bank has to hand out a gun to its security guard?

Who knows, there is a tradition of laying claim to areas surrounding one's building here whether they own the land or not!

If you can afford an armed security guard I guess it works better than a plastic chair.


If the Aussie did indeed consistently park in a restricted and private area, and consistently ignored requests not to do so, something was bound to give. In true Thai style, the 'give' went over the top.

But I wonder what sort of protection the guard is expected to offer in the event of a threat to the safety of staff or customers, and what authority the bank has to hand out a gun to its security guard?

jumping the gun a bit jonmarleesco? (implying he consistently parked illegally ...)

if he had withdrawn funds and his money stolen because he parked down the soi, no doubt you would have questioned why he didn't park closer


Had it been me, every time the Aussie parked and was told to move the bike and did not, I would simply have pushed the bike over "accidentally" and made sure there was sufficient damage to the bike he would not park there repeatedly. My motto is don't confront, get even.

you looking for trouble 'trouble'? what an oxymoronic comment 'my motto is don't confront, get even' ... and you think 'pushing the bike over' would be the end of the matter?


There are always two sides to a story. We don`t know how abusive the Australian got when he was asked to move his motorbike. In the past I have been asked to move my motorbike from certain areas by security guards and just done it without question. Why make a song and dance about it?

we don't even know that he was abusive ...hows that for the precursor of 'two sides to a story'


Kind of sums up how far down the road.

Thais in Pattaya have gone, with regard to the the people

that are responsible for them to have a job in the first place.

the humble Tourist. blink.png

Hope he was fired for this bah.gif

Don't be silly,no one gets fired, they are just transferred to an inactive post. Isn't that the norm for men in uniform?coffee1.gif


So what! Just another nutter with a gun in Pattaya, but is Bank of Ayudhya giving 2.10% on term deposits?

Also just another DUMB FARANG asking for trouble because he thinks that he is immune to local rules or he is just an arrigant axxhole.The next time may be the guard has a couple of the locals explain thinks to him.

If he had shot the Australian bully, so then we'd have one less arrogant bully of an Australian bike parker in town. Not all that great of a loss. The Australian was in the wrong, daily, and just thought the guard could do nothing, made sure the guard understood everyday that he could damn well park his bike where ever he wanted. I'm real surprised the guard didn't shot the Australian, maybe he should have. Would one dead Australian ruin your day? Not mine.

Australian bashing now are we? coffee1.gif

Why not? Makes a change from the norm that we see on here. whistling.gif

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