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Warning(bangkok Airport)


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I recently arrived at BK Airport to catch a return flight with Thai Airways. I was in plenty of time to catch my flight and in fact the majority ahead of me seemed to be Japs checking in. So obviously I stood out as a westerner catching a west bound flight.

Within one minute of standing and waiting my turn to check in a Thai young man with a female approached me and asked which flight I was on. He ascertained I was going on a London UK flight and asked if I could check in some of his luggage under my name.With this, I through a whoopsee and told him to 'buzz off'

I assume, the fact is he didn't have the dosh to pay his own excess baggage limits.I have to say that given the current security risks since 911 et al I was extremely annoyed and wary to have been approached to even consider this, let alone the risk of being a blind mule!

I contacted the first available policeman at the airport, though this took a while,again a concern nowadays at a major airport given recent security threats worldwide.Of course the policeman didn't speak English (strange given BK is an International Airport)

As I headed to the departure lounge I saw the policeman casually talking to the individual who was with a few others.

Could anyone tell me if this is a normal occurance at BKK Airport and did I over react to be so concerned.What else should I or could I have done.If this had been an American Airline or a British one, would it have been taken more seriously.

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I recently arrived at BK Airport to catch a return flight with Thai Airways. I was in plenty of time to catch my flight and in fact the majority ahead of me seemed to be Japs checking in. So obviously I stood out as a westerner catching a west bound flight.

Within one minute of standing and waiting my turn to check in a Thai young man with a female approached me and asked which flight I was on. He ascertained I was going on a London UK flight and asked if I could check in some of his luggage under my name.With this, I through a whoopsee and told him to 'buzz off'

I assume, the fact is he didn't have the dosh to pay his own excess baggage limits.I have to say that given the current security risks since 911 et al I was extremely annoyed and wary to have been approached to even consider this, let alone the risk of being a blind mule!

I contacted the first available policeman at the airport, though this took a while,again a concern nowadays at a major airport given recent security threats worldwide.Of course the policeman didn't speak English (strange given BK is an International Airport)

As I headed to the departure lounge I saw the policeman casually talking to the individual who was with a few others.

Could anyone tell me if this is a normal occurance at BKK Airport and did I over react to be so concerned.What else should I or could I have done.If this had been an American Airline or a British one, would it have been taken more seriously.

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Recently I carried a package on behalf of an Ambassador of a well regarded western nation ( to his home country ). I am well acquainted with that Ambassador, but nevertheless he insisted on showing me each and every content of the package, and he personally packed it in my presence. NEVER carry anything for anyone whom you do not know, and ALWAYS check the contents irrespective of how well you know them. Your life and your liberty are at stake. Tell the airline supervisory checkin staff if anything like this happens again as they have instant access to the ' upmarket ' security people.

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Never ever take anything from a stranger.

As soon as you walk with it it is yours (responsability)

before or after 911 doesn't matter.

ever heard of drugs?

I don't think you over react

Good advise, you would be a fool to do anything like this, even if a mate asks you to handcarry something for him, always check physically what has been given to you, imagine life in prison where I am in Nigeria, makes the Bangkok Hilton look easy.

Use your loaf, don't take anything from a stranger, hang on wasn't this Mums advise when we were kids?......


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Guest chingy

you did the right thing, i would do the same, to bad the cop don't even understand english. rather be safe than sorry

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Never ever take anything from a stranger.

As soon as you walk with it it is yours (responsability)

before or after 911 doesn't matter.

ever heard of drugs?

I don't think you over react

Good advise, you would be a fool to do anything like this, even if a mate asks you to handcarry something for him, always check physically what has been given to you, imagine life in prison where I am in Nigeria, makes the Bangkok Hilton look easy.

Use your loaf, don't take anything from a stranger, hang on wasn't this Mums advise when we were kids?......


still waiting on some chicken supreme vestas by the way - i hope you do hand carry something back soon :o

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Last time I left BKK I was asked by some one on the same flight to book some lugage under my name as he had way 2 much. At least he was actually on the same flight. But his final destination was different from mine anyway.

So I allready knew that the airline would not have let me done that anyway. Flight was with KLM and I know that there excess baggage cost are very expensive. I think the guy ending up sending DHL or simialar.

I was also approached by some guy in a bar to carry some passports back to the UK, now that did not take me long to answer :o

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Just a quick note to all you guys which replied to say thanks for your feedback.

I wouldn't for one minute consider transporting anyones baggage, be it excess or a life saving kidney for a destitute old lady!!

However a point worth noting to all who may have read or be about to read my post........... be on your guard!!

Thankyou All


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Just a quick note to all you guys which replied to say thanks for your feedback.

I wouldn't for one minute consider transporting anyones baggage, be it excess or a life saving kidney for a destitute old lady!!

However a point worth noting to all who may have read or be about to read my post........... be on your guard!!

Thankyou All


Good upon you Yellow Budgy :o

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Last time I left BKK I was asked by some one on the same flight to book some lugage under my name as he had way 2 much. At least he was actually on the same flight. But his final destination was different from mine anyway.

So I allready knew that the airline would not have let me done that anyway. Flight was with KLM and I know that there excess baggage cost are very expensive. I think the guy ending up sending DHL or simialar.

I was also approached by some guy in a bar to carry some passports back to the UK, now that did not take me long to answer :D

lets analyse this

money involved






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Last time I left BKK I was asked by some one on the same flight to book some lugage under my name as he had way 2 much. At least he was actually on the same flight. But his final destination was different from mine anyway.

So I allready knew that the airline would not have let me done that anyway. Flight was with KLM and I know that there excess baggage cost are very expensive. I think the guy ending up sending DHL or simialar.

I was also approached by some guy in a bar to carry some passports back to the UK, now that did not take me long to answer :D

lets analyse this

money involved






Even full of VB Bronco, I am certain that you would't fall for that line :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even if the MiB had spoken Ingrish he probably wouldn't give a d amn.

My experience with the MiB is now history, I'd never bother them again over theft, or anything else.

BKK airport security is a bad joke, just watch the guys/girls on the xray machines for 10 minutes. :o

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